• last year


00:00All men are voluntarily sent to the parachute squadron month after month.
00:12On the parachute schools they are trained in sports and in the military.
00:17Even the exercises on the parachute require restless body control and determined action.
00:30Only after hard training and thorough examination are the young paratroopers enrolled in the already well-tested front squadron.
00:42Almost every one of these soldiers is distinguished by outstanding bravery.
00:47These are the fighters whose deeds kept the world in breath.
00:50A selection of men.
00:52Workers and farmers.
00:54Students and craftsmen.
00:56Sons of older and younger genders.
01:04The coolest operations were the ones they completed in Norway, Rotterdam, Eben Emael, Corinth and Crete.
01:15Take-off order. Parachute fighter to the machines.
01:20The tested transporter, the Ju-52, carries them to the ordered targets.
01:27Parachute fighters are storm soldiers of the air.
01:30Flyers, jumpers and infantrymen at the same time.
01:33There is no distance for them.
01:35Stukas, fighter jets and destroyers support them.
01:38As heavy weapons they prepare the parachute fighter's deployment.
01:46Take-off order. Parachute fighters leave their machines in close pursuit.
02:16The individual groups land in the narrowest space.
02:27The jumper quickly disengages from the parachute.
02:33Then the weapon containers.
02:35Seconds are crucial.
02:37The containers are opened with practiced grip.
02:42Then the parachute fighters storm the enemy
02:45and destroy their positions from the inside.
02:47What they have practiced a hundred times is now being proven.
02:50The parachute fighter is trained for every phase of the battle.
03:16In close cooperation with Stukas and fighter jets he breaks the toughest resistance.
03:30In the middle of his soldiers, the general of the fighter students,
03:33the creator and commander of the German parachute troops.
03:36The parachute fighter also knows how to deal with the enemy's weapons.
03:44It follows the enemy on captured vehicles.
03:46If I find all the tools available to me,
03:50I quickly recognize the situation and attack.
03:53This is how our parachute fighters are.
03:56The parachute troops have shaped the soldier's skills of a new revolutionary fighter
04:00from the sweat and the willingness to fight.
04:04No power in the world can compete with this troop.
04:08Parachute fighters march.
04:10Month after month, new volunteers join this sharp weapon.
04:14Only whole men belong to their ranks.
04:40Parachute Fighters
