• last year
00:00All the best.
00:02I wish you the same.
00:13I saw her as a threat to my baby.
00:15But I understand now that you don't want to push yourself between Klaas and the child.
00:20No, of course not.
00:22And I don't want to push myself between Klaas and you.
00:24I want us to become friends.
00:26We still have to order the train tickets, right?
00:30What's going on? There's no one here.
00:32That's the only thing you're thinking about, right?
00:35It's always about you.
00:37I didn't say no to the cinema, but to you, Mo.
00:39I don't want to spend the evening with you.
00:42And maybe it's better if I go to Berlin alone to Pascal.
01:01This is my life.
01:06This is the way to find my own.
01:10This is my life.
01:14This is the world where I belong.
01:20I'm rolling on, I'm rolling on.
01:30I'm rolling on, I'm rolling on.
01:34What did I do wrong?
01:36If you don't know that yourself...
01:38Are you angry because I'm too late?
01:44I understand.
01:45What do you understand?
01:47Is it because of Fabian and the offer from Florence?
01:51Do you know why I'm so sad that I can't see Fabian anymore?
01:57Because I wanted to tell her that I wouldn't accept the offer from Angelo Formani.
02:01I want to build a life here, Julius.
02:04With my boyfriend.
02:05With you.
02:10I've realized a lot through the story with Fabian.
02:17Let's go outside.
02:27So, what do you say?
02:30To be honest, it's going a little too fast for me.
02:35A friendship has to grow, you can't just decide that.
02:39But you can explain an intention.
02:42I think we should just wait and see what happens.
02:47I just wanted to speed up the process a bit.
02:50I mean, it's clear what this is all about.
02:53Is it?
02:54Well, you're friends with Franca, you can't be a bad person.
02:59I think we just had a really difficult start.
03:03And I'm really happy that we've gotten a little closer.
03:15Yeah, bye.
03:33I don't understand why you want to go to Berlin by yourself.
03:36For you.
03:37What kind of nonsense is that?
03:38Let's go.
03:43I mean it.
03:45Because of this story with you and Fabian.
03:47There's no story.
03:48Let me explain.
03:51I've seen how easy life could be for you.
03:55What's going on here?
03:56You've been living with a woman for 25 years.
03:58And now you're falling in love with a woman again.
04:00I'm not even talking about Fabian.
04:02But sometimes it's not about being easy.
04:04Then you'd have a lot less problems.
04:07I can't show you to the public.
04:09You don't have to tell your family.
04:10Exactly, I wouldn't go to hell either.
04:11You don't want to understand me, do you?
04:12You don't want to understand me.
04:14Why are you accusing me again?
04:16I'm not.
04:18I'll just show you a way out.
04:19Man, Julius.
04:21I just told you that I want to be with you.
04:24But that doesn't mean I have to tell the whole world.
04:27I thought you understood how hard it is for me.
04:32I don't see how this should go on.
04:35Then at least see what I've already accomplished.
04:38I know it's not enough for you.
04:40But for me, until recently, it was all unthinkable.
04:43I just don't want to wake up at some point and realize that we never had a chance.
04:47That we had no future.
04:49I just don't want to make any wrong hopes.
04:53What does that mean?
04:54I don't know.
04:55No, Julius.
04:57You can't just make a fuss and leave me alone with your emo stuff.
05:01I'll open up to you.
05:03And you call that emo stuff?
05:06I can't do that right now.
05:18Mr. Flickenscheid.
05:19When is your flight?
05:21I still have a little time.
05:23Besides, I'm waiting for Mr. Lüder.
05:25He still has to pack.
05:27Did I miss something?
05:29Mr. Lüder spontaneously agreed to accompany me to Costa Rica.
05:33He was just here with Charlotte Daimann.
05:36Yes, she's already on her way to the Hamburg airport to take her flight to London.
05:41The fashion school she's going to is really great.
05:44She will go her way.
05:47And I'm happy for her.
05:48You too, right?
05:49Yes, of course.
05:50It's just...
05:53Everyone around me is just starting an exciting adventure.
05:56And she's going to make a career.
05:59I had the impression you were satisfied with your life here.
06:03Yes, I am.
06:05But since my classmate Fabienne showed up...
06:09What about my goals?
06:12Mr. Flickenscheid, you're still here.
06:14Oh, Mr. Lüder.
06:15Have you packed?
06:16No, no.
06:17I just wanted to ask which flight we're taking.
06:19I still have to book a ticket.
06:21What do you offer the airline as an exchange for your ticket?
06:24Your leave and content?
06:28Mrs. Fehrmann, always such a little joke.
06:31Oh, that really doesn't have to be.
06:33So please send me the data on my cell phone.
06:37But you shouldn't have come here for that.
06:39You should have just called me.
06:40No, no, no.
06:41I'm already going crazy.
06:45Am I the only one who's always going around in circles and not making progress?
06:49What am I doing wrong?
06:51Well, to be honest, I don't understand your problem, Mrs. Fehrmann.
06:54I mean, you have a family, you have...
06:56Henni, Jurek, I know everything.
06:57A thousand reasons to be grateful.
06:59And I am, but...
07:02What about my dreams that I once had?
07:05Mrs. Fehrmann, you have more than some other people will ever have.
07:10And if that doesn't make you happy...
07:13Mrs. Fehrmann, you don't have to know happiness like that anymore.
07:25Did you bring Charlotte to the train?
07:35Are you sure?
07:41Marvin, by the way, I think it's good and right that you were able to clarify that again.
07:47I think that makes it much easier, doesn't it?
07:50Oh, yes.
07:54Oh, I'm really hungry.
07:58Oh, look, there's still some of Lotte's progress there.
08:01Although, for two people, that won't be enough...
08:03Can you eat?
08:11By the way, I'm really sorry for you.
08:14That thing with Charlotte, that...
08:16Simon, are you doing me a favour?
08:18Please stop constantly reminding me of her.
08:22Yes, we can do something together.
08:24The two of us, we could maybe go to the cinema...
08:26Did she tell you that you shouldn't worry about me?
08:29I'm an adult.
08:30I don't need compassion.
08:33Marvin, what's it all about?
08:35I have to get out of here.
08:49Is something wrong?
08:50Uh, yes, I was just at the ultrasound again.
08:53After the fall and stuff.
08:56You hurt your ankle.
08:58An MRI would have made more sense from the foot.
09:01But there aren't any nice memories there.
09:05The child is doing well.
09:08That's nice.
09:09I still have to go to the station.
09:11Maybe we can meet later?
09:13I'd like to discuss a few things.
09:15Where I'm at, when we have to take care of the kindergarten.
09:18Stuff like that.
09:19And I think it would be great if Jördis was there.
09:22I mean, after all, she cares about that too.
09:26I can ask her, but I can't say for sure.
09:29Just call me.
09:32I assume it will work out, yes.
09:34That would be nice.
09:35And important.
09:36Well, it's about the future of our child.
09:39Yes, that's true.
09:41I'll call you when I've talked to Jördis, okay?
09:43Do it.
09:48He's cute.
09:50Mrs. Bergmann, we're looking for a barkeeper and no date for you.
09:54The guy doesn't have an education and doesn't even bring experience.
09:59Do you know the bar at Stint?
10:01It's always packed.
10:02And only because the barkeeper has smooth toes.
10:05Mrs. Bergmann.
10:06No, really.
10:07It doesn't matter if the vodka can be distinguished by disinfectant.
10:12Okay, whatever.
10:13The way I see it, there's no suitable candidate here.
10:16That's out of the question.
10:19How many times do I have to tell you that?
10:23No, that's not up to you.
10:26I think we should start a call on our pictogram page.
10:30Can you do that?
10:31Sure, gladly.
10:33One milk coffee, please.
10:37With pleasure.
10:38I'll pass this on to my service staff.
10:41Because as you know, I'm in charge of this restaurant.
10:45Then you don't have your shop in good hands.
10:48I don't see any staff here.
10:50It's a shame, I somehow trusted you more.
10:56Have you ever thought of apologizing to me?
11:00I don't know what you're talking about.
11:01You made sure that I was kicked out of the art school.
11:06Excuse me?
11:08I'm not responsible for your failure.
11:12I really have other problems right now.
11:16Existential ones.
11:19My problem back then was also existential.
11:22That's what you call equal justice.
11:27You have no idea how I feel, Amélie.
11:31I'm going to bed.
12:01What's wrong with you?
12:10What's wrong with you?
12:22We had a fight.
12:24About what?
12:25About what it's always about.
12:28I can't stand it.
12:30No, we wanted to go to Paris together.
12:32And he just wanted to act like we were friends.
12:37But you're just pretending.
12:39I'm pretending?
12:40Have you ever thought that you're expecting too much?
12:44Mo's whole life is on the line right now.
12:46For him, everything new that has to do with your love life is new.
12:48Yeah, not quite so new anymore.
12:50But that's scary.
12:53Give him the time, Julius.
12:54Didn't you want to go to Berlin?
12:58I invited him.
13:00You didn't?
13:03Man, I can't always just take things into consideration.
13:06I also have to think about myself sometimes.
13:09It doesn't leave me cold when we're constantly turning in circles.
13:21You're the only constant in Mo's life right now.
13:25What do you think will happen if you make him insecure too?
13:31Why does it always have to be so complicated?
13:37Because it would be so boring otherwise?
13:41I just want a happy relationship.
13:44And a partner who's there for me.
13:50Is that too much to ask?
14:21Mr. Lüder?
14:24Ah, hello.
14:27What's all this?
14:29Let's go to Costa Rica. It's supposed to be beautiful there.
14:36What can I do for you?
14:38I was hoping I could stay with you for a few days, but that's been cancelled now.
14:43If you're not there...
14:46Are you afraid to be alone here?
14:51Well, the leek does a good job when you get really hot from time to time.
14:59The key.
15:08What's wrong with me?
15:15Why do I always want women who don't want me?
15:17Why do I always want women who don't want me?
15:22Sometimes love alone isn't enough for a common future.
15:29You'll meet the right one.
15:31But I've already met her.
15:33Every farewell is an opportunity for something new.
15:38I'm not in the mood for wisdom right now.
15:41Just look for company. You don't have to go through this alone.
15:45That's what the man who's going to Costa Rica says.
15:50Seriously, Mr. Lüder, I don't have anyone to talk to right now.
15:53But why? Mr. Dahlmann is your friend, isn't he?
16:13Yes, I urgently need someone for the bar.
16:15And you were always so popular with the guests.
16:19It's a shame, you were my first choice, but...
16:22Well, then there's nothing I can do.
16:24Yes, thank you.
16:25See you next time. Bye.
16:30Mr. Dahlmann, what a coincidence. I was just thinking of you.
16:34We've always worked together so nicely.
16:37Yes, let's put it this way. Time heals all wounds.
16:41As you can hear, you're still taking a break. Isn't it getting boring?
16:46No, but what do you want?
16:48For you to work at the bar again.
16:51You have to get your life under control.
16:53I've got my life under control.
16:55I didn't mean it like that.
16:57You already know.
16:58It was positive.
17:02I meant it.
17:03I understand. You want to offer me a job.
17:06I knew we understood each other.
17:08You still remember that I told you some time ago that I'm done with gastronomy.
17:13But I feel honored. Thank you for the offer.
17:16Mr. Dahlmann, listen. I wouldn't talk to you if I really didn't have a problem.
17:21At the moment, I just can't find a barkeeper.
17:23Unfortunately, I can't change anything about that.
17:25You could. You just don't want to.
17:27Well, I'm sure you understand that I couldn't miss the chance to talk to the second best barkeeper there was.
17:34Second best?
17:35Well, David. You two were a great team.
17:39David always had a bit of a problem.
17:43That's interesting. Now you're trying to get me over my ego.
17:46Does it work?
17:48I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I know I'm better than David.
17:58How long?
17:59Just until I find someone.
18:01But it will cost you a lot. Everything has become more expensive. Inflation.
18:04Can you start tonight?
18:06If you let the boss hang out, I'll be gone.
18:17Well, a cup of tea before I go?
18:20And a little chat?
18:22Nice of you.
18:24But if you're playing Julius, I don't have much in mind right now.
18:29I don't believe you.
18:35Come on. A short break.
18:45So you let him stand in the park during the argument?
18:48No. On the contrary. He let me stand.
18:52And not only that. He doesn't want to take me to Berlin either.
18:57I don't know why he doesn't take my feelings seriously.
19:02I told him that I love him.
19:05You're not going to have inhibitions to talk to me about it, are you?
19:08It still feels strange.
19:10Yeah, but if not with me, then with whom?
19:16Julius is having fun, and I can't get over it.
19:19I can understand him.
19:21It's not nice to have a relationship that you have to keep secret.
19:25I just can't change it.
19:27You could change it. But you're not ready yet, and that's okay, and I can understand that too.
19:33The two sides don't match.
19:36What about Fabienne?
19:39Well, at least she managed to sow doubts in Julius.
19:42Yeah, totally unnecessary.
19:44I don't know. Can you rule out falling in love with a woman again?
19:50I love Julius.
19:52I believe you, but that's not an answer to my question.
19:56I don't know. Until recently, I couldn't imagine falling in love with a man.
20:00There's no guarantee.
20:02But at the moment, I know how I feel about Julius.
20:05Just that he's mixing up my feelings with his behavior, that doesn't help me at all.
20:10Absolutely not.
20:26Ah, Mr. Flickenschild. Are you packing?
20:29And you want to go for a ride?
20:31Yes, I finally solved my barkeeper problem and thought I'd treat myself to a little break.
20:37Mrs. Fehrmann, I only realized today that I know the parents of your acquaintance.
20:43My acquaintance?
20:44Fabienne Chevalier.
20:46Well, it took a while because she took the name of your husband.
20:50Yes, right. Her maiden name is Dompierre.
20:52Surprising that she doesn't have a double name.
20:54I have to deal with Constance Dompierre from time to time.
20:58Well, she supports our research project in Costa Rica.
21:02In the name of the corporation, I assume.
21:05It's also a good project to do greenwashing.
21:08Tax-wise, everything is fine and it brings money. That helps.
21:12Yes, and the money the Dompiers have.
21:14They have everything you want anyway.
21:18Well, in my last conversation with Madame Dompierre, it sounded a little different.
21:22Oh yeah?
21:23Well, she's worried about her daughter.
21:26She's unhappy, unhappy in her marriage.
21:29But if you don't know anything about it, I wouldn't have said anything.
21:32Well, Fabienne and I haven't seen each other for a long time.
21:36But if there's anything I can do...
21:40Just because you've known each other since childhood, you haven't been friends for a long time.
21:44Yes, we had our problems, but a common childhood connects.
21:48And she's all alone in Lüneburg.
21:50Of course I could talk to her.
21:52Well, it looks like your husband is a notorious stranger.
21:56What bad luck!
21:58Well, there's a little sparkle in everyone's glasses, isn't there?
22:01Mrs. Fairman, a little more empathy?
22:03Oh, come on, Mr. Flickenschild.
22:05Fabienne Chevalier is not the first person to be threatened.
22:08We've all been through that, and we've all survived it.
22:11I just got a page from you that I thought I'd never see again.
22:17Yes, Fabienne.
22:19A lot is coming back to me.
22:22Yes, of course it's strange, but...
22:25...it would be stupid for you to talk about it alone, right?
22:29Yes, who knows, maybe that's the right way.
22:32I'm definitely in.
22:34Yes, me too.
22:39What was that?
22:42Valerie wants to meet me and Klaas.
22:48To discuss how it will go when the child is there.
22:51Who will take on which task, and...
22:54...searching for a clinic, and what else is going on.
22:59And that's okay for you?
23:02That sounded different on the phone just now.
23:05What should I do? She's getting a child from Klaas, and...
23:09...we have to find a way to deal with it.
23:12I just reconciled with her, but...
23:16You have to explain to Valerie and Klaas what you want, Jördis.
23:20If I knew that myself.
23:22I think, first of all, it's about the well-being of the child.
23:26And what my role is in the whole thing. I have no idea.
23:30Well, Valerie is pretty jumpy.
23:34...maybe she's got something in her.
23:37Yes, maybe.
23:39Pregnancy hormones are not to be underestimated.
23:44Maybe she's really looking for the best solution...
23:47...that will give her child the best possible future.
23:50Let's hope that's the case.
24:15Do you have a receipt?
24:17Can we talk for a second?
24:24I'm sorry I hurt you.
24:28I already said that.
24:30That's why you know how hard it is to act against your own feelings.
24:37...just can't handle this insecurity.
24:40Julius, I didn't want to make you feel insecure.
24:43I didn't want to make you feel insecure.
24:47Julius, but the problem is, I can't take this from you.
24:51I can't promise you something that I might not be able to keep.
24:54You know, I'm not the one who's insecure.
24:57A year ago, you told me that I'd fall in love with a man.
25:01I probably would have hit you.
25:03Is that why you're boxing with me?
25:07Man, you were my rock.
25:09I could hold on to you and forget about my insecurity.
25:13But now...
25:18Now I need you to hold on to me.
25:22That's exactly what I can't give you yet.
25:28Yet, hopefully.
25:34I don't want to lose you, Julius.
25:39I already have.
25:46How was the parents' day at the nursery?
25:49Yeah, it was pretty good.
25:51Did you know that Hennie is pretty far for her age?
25:54Are you surprised?
25:56After all, I'm a good role model.
25:58Then you taught her how to play chess, didn't you?
26:01Hennie plays chess?
26:03And apparently pretty good.
26:06The only problem she has...
26:08She can't find a real opponent.
26:10The other kids her age...
26:12They use the toy figures to poke their noses in.
26:16Oh, Garry Kasparov's nightmare.
26:21Well, anyway, I'm thinking about buying her a children's chess game.
26:26Yes, but please with as big of a figure as possible.
26:31Well, when I think about it, I think...
26:35It can't be a coincidence.
26:37Since you've been here, Hennie has made quite a leap forward.
26:41Yes, it can be a coincidence.
26:44I don't think so. You're doing well.
26:47Well, if I have such a big influence on her, I should stay away from her in the next few days.
26:53What? Why is that?
26:55At the moment I only have my bad sides to offer.
26:59What's going on?
27:01It's going to happen again.
27:03As soon as Fabian is gone.
27:06Amelie, don't get so worked up.
27:09At the moment everything is getting me worked up.
27:12I'm even jealous of little Darman.
27:14And while I'm suffocating in insignificance, she's coming out big.
27:22Amelie Fairman.
27:25You can be a real bad guy.
27:29You can be manipulative, really dangerous for others.
27:35But you don't have to be all of that anymore.
27:38Because one thing you're definitely not.
28:10Okay, before we really get started.
28:13I think it would be great if we went to the duo.
28:16After all, we're like a family now.
28:19Yes, then it makes sense.
28:22Okay, nice.
28:24I don't want to keep you any longer.
28:26I just want to say what I thought.
28:28Yes, sure.
28:30First of all, I think it would be great if you took a vacation around your birthday.
28:37Valerie, that's not a fixed date.
28:40I know.
28:41I think you should plan two weeks.
28:46Two weeks, yes.
28:49That should work, yes.
28:51I really don't want to leave you alone in this situation.
28:54Do you still have that much vacation?
28:57We wanted to go to Africa before the birth.
28:59Yes, I know, that works.
29:01Maybe five days less.
29:06Well, I've put together a list of birth homes and clinics.
29:10You know each other, maybe you can recommend something.
29:14Yes, I wouldn't recommend Uelzen now.
29:16We have better facilities here in Lüneburg.
29:19You don't have to go that far.
29:24We, sure.
29:33Hello, Mr. Köpke.
29:39I thought you were already sitting in the plane.
29:41We don't fly without asking permission from you.
29:44And especially not without eating a burger.
29:46What can it be?
29:47A Tex Cheese Supreme for Mr. Lüder, please.
29:50Oh, wonderful.
29:52I haven't tried it yet.
29:53That's great.
29:54And, how's your food truck going?
29:57Pretty good.
29:58Aha, and otherwise?
29:59You know, you can use the barn at any time.
30:02As long as you want.
30:03Of course, you can also use the guest room at the estate, if you want.
30:07You don't care about the burgers.
30:09I'm hungry.
30:12We were wondering if we could leave you alone.
30:17Because of Charlotte?
30:21All right, I'll manage.
30:23A few days of loneliness in the barn and then I'll start all over again.
30:29Lotte, please call me when your plane has landed, okay?
30:33No, don't call him.
30:34It makes everything so much worse.
30:36Mr. Lüder.
30:38Do you know what time it is?
30:39Oh, we have to go.
30:41What about the burger?
30:42We'll take it with us.
30:44Oh, yes.
30:48That's right.
30:52It's nice that you came by again.
30:54I'll miss you two very much.
30:56Nice of you to say that.
30:58We don't believe a word you say.
31:03We're on a road to nowhere.
31:09I'll really miss you two.
31:12Thank you for coming.
31:16Are you mad?
31:20To be honest, I don't know who I am.
31:26You're the woman I love.
31:28One woman for the child, one for the bed.
31:33Oh, yes.
31:34I didn't mean it that way.
31:37Was the meeting really that difficult for you?
31:39I only came because of you.
31:43I don't need all this.
31:44I don't want to be Valerie's girlfriend.
31:46And first of all, I don't want a future with three people.
31:50With four people.
31:54I know that this is important to you.
31:56And I'm trying to make everything possible.
31:58But I don't get it either, that Valerie suddenly ran to you.
32:02Yeah, that's a little weird.
32:04I just don't trust the woman.
32:06I don't trust her either.
32:08I can only hope that she tries to find a viable way for all of us.
32:12And I just hope that you're right.
32:17We'll just do it this way.
32:19If something goes too far for you, or if something doesn't feel right, just say veto.
32:29I need this time with you.
32:32And we'll make it.
32:34I promise.
32:46I'm not available right now.
32:50Too bad.
32:52I thought we could talk again.
32:55On the phone. That happened to me too often.
33:00Do you already have a ticket to Berlin?
33:04And are you staying?
33:07With what?
33:09That you want to go alone.
33:18Maybe it would be good if we...
33:21...go together after all.
33:23Yes, definitely.
33:29I don't know what the future holds.
33:32And I don't know how we want to solve our problems, but...
33:38But I...
33:40I want to try, because I love you.
33:45Berlin is a good idea.
33:48Very good.
33:59I love you too.
34:25Back at art school...
34:29I was really nasty to you.
34:33I'm sorry.
34:36It wasn't fair that you left school because of me.
34:43I hated you because I knew you were much better than I could ever be.
34:55I'm ashamed. Especially...
34:58Especially because I know I'll never be able to do what I did to you again.
35:14Now I can even be happy that you have a man by your side who makes you happy.
35:21I even have a child.
35:23Even if it's not my own.
35:27Anything else I envy you about?
35:30Money and career are not everything in life.
35:32And it took me a long time to understand that.
35:39I'm sorry.
35:41It's just...
35:43Your husband?
35:45I have my reasons for that.
35:49I can't even count how many times he cheated on me.
35:54Do you want to talk?
36:02Melanie, where are you? I have to go to the car wash. I'm way too late.
36:06I don't care. Just hurry up, okay?
36:09My God.
36:12How long will it take?
36:14Sorry, I noticed. Your cancellation is too late, isn't it?
36:17It's okay.
36:19Do you think Mrs. Fehrman sees it the same way when you're late?
36:23Come on, I'll do it for you.
36:26I won't be able to cook burgers as well as you, but I can keep the customers happy with free drinks.
36:31I'll just close the booth until Melanie is here.
36:34Marvin, what's your problem?
36:36You're my problem, Simon.
36:37Because my sister left you.
36:39Can't you understand that?
36:41Yes, but I thought you talked about it before she flew to London.
36:46As far as I know...
36:47Simon, I just have to see you and think of Charlotte. I can't stand that.
36:51Yes, she is my sister, but you know what? Okay.
36:56No, it's not okay, Simon.
36:58You just don't get it.
37:00Just go.
37:11You don't want to have anything to do with me because I'm the brother of my sister.
37:15For my sake.
37:16But we're still friends.
37:18And friends help each other.
37:23I'll tell Melanie that you're giving her the booth.
37:25And I'll try to convince her until you say something else.
37:31Hurry up.
37:42I feel so empty.
37:49I stopped counting.
37:53But this time...
37:56This time he started something with my assistant.
38:01Have you ever thought about leaving him?
38:04I can't do that.
38:09My family...
38:13My husband is now in the board of our bank.
38:17That doesn't make a separation easy.
38:19But not impossible.
38:24Somehow impossible.
38:25No, I don't think so.
38:30And what comes next?
38:33Unfortunately, I didn't deserve such luck.
38:36Well, that's nonsense, Fabienne.
38:39If I hadn't been there...
38:42Who knows what I would have done to you.
38:46You apologized.
38:48I forgave you.
38:52Even if I still thought it was impossible yesterday.
38:58I envy you.
39:01But I guess I'll never have what you have.
39:06You really did everything right.
39:12Are you driving home?
39:16My husband is waiting.
39:22I wish you a lot of strength.
39:25And thank you.
39:27For what?
39:28Your honest words.
39:30For envying me.
39:33It showed me that my life is perfect as it is.
40:01I've made up my mind.
40:06I want to go to Helene's house.
40:10Super nice, competent staff.
40:12It's in a really nice environment.
40:14Only green outside.
40:18Do you want something to drink?
40:20No, thank you.
40:21And the best thing is, it's very close to the city clinic.
40:25Look, I was there for a first date and I felt really comfortable.
40:29Nice, isn't it?
40:30Okay, yes.
40:31I was a little afraid that they might have prejudices because we're not married.
40:34But they were really cool.
40:36It's no longer an issue these days.
40:38Yes, there are still a lot of prejudices.
40:41So yes, our Gün works closely with the Helene house.
40:45And yes, they also have a good reputation.
40:47But at the end of the day, it's your decision where you want to go.
40:50I'm really grateful to you, Dion and Jördis.
40:53I think you're doing a great job.
40:55And you give me total security.
40:59At the moment, it's just about you and the child.
41:03You probably imagined your relationship differently, didn't you?
41:06But we'll make it.
41:07For the child.
41:09I'm so happy.
41:11Yes, you have a reason to be happy.
41:13We have a reason to be happy.
41:16I think I'd like to have a drink now.
41:20Oh, yes.
41:27Ah, very nice, ladies.
41:28So, popsicle juice is only two bottles left.
41:31Cherry juice is not here anymore.
41:35We are well-equipped with spirituosity,
41:37but you should also get wine from the basement.
41:40I'm afraid I need to go back.
41:43I can't take over the job.
41:45Wait a minute.
41:46We had a deal.
41:47Yes, and it annoys me the most when I can't keep a date, but it really doesn't work.
41:51Why not?
41:52It doesn't matter.
41:53Oh, it does! If you have a better offer, I'd like to have the chance to react.
41:59You know, just like me, that there's no better offer.
42:03I'd like to have an explanation from you.
42:09It's about Marvin.
42:11My sister broke up with him, and now he needs distance from me.
42:16And you're telling me off because Marvin Köpke is in love?
42:20That's kindergarten level!
42:23No, I don't think so.
42:25Marvin is my boyfriend, and I'll do everything to make it easier for him to break up.
42:29Mr. Köpke, we have a problem.
42:33What kind of problem?
42:34We don't have a barkeeper in the carlisle today, and actually I was counting on Mr. Dahlmann,
42:39but he can't, because you don't want to see him.
42:42That wasn't a quote.
42:45I'm sorry if you're going through a difficult phase right now,
42:48but you'll understand that I can't take any responsibility for it.
42:52Mrs. Fehrman, it's your decision, yes?
42:55But I'm not taking over this job. Over.
42:57We're fully booked out today. We'll be in chaos.
43:02Please think again about what responsibilities we should take responsibility for.
43:06It's up to you how things are going here today.
43:16We're in.
43:30Last night?
43:31Yeah, I wanted to change my mind.
43:34You could've gone with Betty too, of course.
43:36I'm afraid Klaas doesn't have any dog food, then Betty wouldn't have been happy.
43:41Did your husband get to Geneva?
43:43Yes, it's a big change for him, too.
43:49– Can I ask you something? – Yes, of course.
43:52How is it for you to live in a pet-work family?
43:55Was it difficult to build such a good relationship with your step-sons?
43:59Well, at first I thought it wouldn't work.
44:03When Hendrik moved in with the boys, the kids fought so much.
44:08But now it feels like the boys are mine.
44:13I don't know if your mother likes to hear that.
44:16It was hard work, but Hendrik loves Lilly, and I love the two boys.
44:22It's really nice.
44:25Sorry, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic.
44:28No, it's all good.
44:31– Have a nice evening. – Yes, thank you. I wish you the same.
44:34– Thank you. – Say hello to Klaas, okay?
44:36I will.
44:46– Hi. – Hey.
44:49Did you tell Tammo that Charlotte broke up with him?
44:52No, I don't think I even have his number.
44:58But, Franka, why is she hitting on you?
45:03Well, because she likes you, and because she's probably worried about you.
45:09Just like me.
45:11Marvin, the reason I'm here is because I told Mrs. Fehrmann I wouldn't work here.
45:17Good. Thank you.
45:24Simon, wait.
45:27This is nonsense. You don't have to reject a job because of me.
45:32Is it really okay for you if I work here for a few days?
45:35Only because Mrs. Fehrmann asked me to.
45:38For me, because she's just as attractive as she asked me to be.
45:42Okay, then I'll get changed and get started.
45:48Have fun.
45:56– Hey. – Hey.
46:08You're getting up way too early.
46:12There's nothing to do. I lost.
46:14Oh, five moves and the opponent would be chess.
46:18Yes, exactly.
46:25Hey, I was just about to tell you how much I love you.
46:29You and Henny.
46:35I know, I rarely tell you this.
46:39But you two are the most important people in my life.
46:43And I'm very, very happy to have you.
46:48Well, if this career frustration doesn't work...
46:52Tell me, I'm making a love declaration here.
46:55Come here.
47:11I had a stuffed animal as a child, a dog.
47:14And I wrapped a leash around it and went on a walk with it.
47:18Wasn't it bad?
47:20Ask my mother. When we left, it was white.
47:22And when we came back, it was completely black.
47:24Okay, it's noted. Our child only gets black stuffed animals.
47:29One moment.
47:35Nice to have you here. Come in.
47:37We have a visitor.
47:39I didn't want to stay that long.
47:41Has it been an hour already?
47:44Do you like to drink something?
47:47I've decided on a birthday party where I want to unbind.
47:49And Klaas is also totally excited.
47:51Excited? So we have a good reputation.
47:53I just think it's so nice to talk to you about the child.
47:57I just think this ultrasound picture is so crazy.
47:59I have to watch it again and again.
48:01I'm so happy that it's going so well with us.
48:03And that you're just as excited about the child as I am.
48:07That's enough, Valerie.
48:14If you think sport is so important, why don't you join the donation run for the dialysis station?
48:19You know your mother doesn't like to run.
48:21Oh, please, Mom. We can do something together.
48:24Julia didn't cancel after all.
48:26And what are we going to do now?
48:28Just throw a coin.
48:29She pretends to be helpless.
48:31And you don't realize how calculating she is.
48:34Valerie just wants attention.
48:36And yes, the means she uses for that are not really good.
48:39I'm not a famous artist.
48:41I don't have a hotel either.
48:43But I'm loved by you and your wonderful daughter.
48:46And that makes me so much richer.
48:48You know, I think you just want Jördis to get what he deserves.
48:51So she can get away.
48:52And you, as the poor victim of baseless jealousy of Klaas, can insinuate.
48:56You always think the worst of me.
