The Young and the Restless 9-20-24 (Y&R 20th September 2024) 9-20-2024

  • 4 days ago
00:00So did Connor say anything more to you this morning?
00:05When I left him, he was playing video games.
00:09So he just...
00:11He just dropped his bomb about the three of us getting back together as a family and that was it?
00:17He must have been thinking about it and wanted to get it off his chest.
00:22But why? I mean, where is that even coming from?
00:25I have no idea.
00:26He must have thought he sensed something between us or maybe because Millie and Sally haven't been around lately.
00:33I don't think we've been acting any differently.
00:40I mean, yes, we know what happened, but I don't think we gave any of that away to Connor.
00:45Well, it doesn't really matter.
00:47We just have to make sure that we don't give any more false hope to our son that his parents are getting back together.
00:54Of course we can't.
00:56I mean, it wouldn't be fair to him.
00:58You know, and we have the OCD to think about.
01:01He can't have any setbacks right now, Adam. He's been doing so well.
01:04Chelsea, I'm hearing you, okay?
01:06I'm on your side with this.
01:09I know.
01:11This one just hit me hard.
01:13Because I really...
01:15I really thought Connor had accepted the fact that the two of us were never going to be a couple again.
01:21I know.
01:51I know.
02:10You haven't said anything about my proposal.
02:13Well, my darling, what proposal are we talking about?
02:17About Billy.
02:19About Billy, boy, have it.
02:22A gift that keeps on giving.
02:24Dad, I know that you're not keen on my idea about buying Billy out of Chancellor, but I was hoping that you might reconsider.
02:31Not going to happen.
02:32Why not?
02:33If it's about the financial outlay, I would be more than happy to dip into my own accounts.
02:37Not about the money.
02:39I seriously don't understand this.
02:41Sweetheart, it's about business.
02:43It's a business decision, that's all.
02:44No, I'm supposed to believe that this is all just about good business.
02:48Yeah, it is.
02:50Never mind that the man that you want to humiliate and destroy is the father of my children, your grandchildren.
02:55I am fully aware of that.
02:58Mom, would you please help me out here?
03:01Darling, I'm with your father on this.
03:04I mean, even if Billy were to agree to a buyout, he can't be trusted to follow through with the deal.
03:11I understand that you are concerned about the kids and that you still have warm feelings for Billy.
03:17But you can't always bail him out.
03:21Here's something.
03:24Nicholas, is everything alright?
03:29No, it isn't.
03:37Oh, Mariah?
03:40What do you need?
03:42I'm here.
03:44In Madison.
03:46In Madison?
03:50I wanted to join you for the Cassidy First meeting.
03:54I'm actually outside your door right now.
03:58I'm knocking.
03:59Where are you?
04:06Everything alright?
04:08I, uh...
04:11Hang on, I was just...
04:14I told you your family was going to check your story.
04:17How are you going to get yourself out of this?
04:24Um, well...
04:26Hey, good to see you too.
04:30Um, is Connor here?
04:34No, Connor's back at the apartment.
04:37How is he doing?
04:39He's a lot better.
04:41Thank you for asking.
04:43Hi, Billy.
04:48Um, well he's in a hurry.
04:51Um, excuse me.
04:59That was awkward.
05:01Billy's angry.
05:03Can you blame him?
05:07I just thought he would put on a better act than that.
05:16Pretty frosty there between you and Chelsea.
05:18Chelsea said hi.
05:19I said hi, what's the problem?
05:22No problem.
05:27Please, please tell me she...
05:31She didn't dump you for...
05:36Nicholas, please.
05:38Talk to us.
05:41It's Sharon.
05:43She's really struggling.
05:46Well, you told us there was no reason to be concerned.
05:48What has changed?
05:50She's lashing out at Dan and Lucy.
05:54What do you mean by lashing out?
05:57We were all at society, and um...
06:01Daniel, Heather, and Lucy showed up.
06:03Lucy asked to speak to Faith, I'm assuming to apologize for the accident yet again.
06:09But Sharon got really upset, yelled at Daniel, and then rushed Faith out of there.
06:16I can understand her still being upset, Nick.
06:19Yeah, but it's beyond upset at this point, and it's not an isolated incident.
06:25What do you think is going on?
06:27I don't know.
06:28I don't know what to think, but I think this goes back to what happened with Cassie.
06:34Faith's accident, it really triggered some of those terrible memories for Sharon.
06:40I can understand how hard it must be for Sharon to lose a child and then to think that it could happen again.
06:46How does somebody get over that?
06:48You don't.
06:49You know, you just try and come to terms with it.
06:52I thought that Sharon had.
06:54But every time she's around Daniel and Lucy, it just really sets her off.
06:59Have you spoken to her?
07:01We've tried.
07:05And Sharon just, you know, she shrugs it off.
07:08She claims she's just agitated from her new meds.
07:13Do you believe her?
07:15I don't know, Vic. I don't know what to believe.
07:17Mariah, Faith, and I, we're doing everything we can to try and figure it out.
07:21We're doing everything we can to try and figure it out.
07:23Son, this is not Faith's job.
07:25I know, Dad, but she is very concerned about her mother.
07:28You know, we're doing everything we can to try and connect with Sharon, but that just makes her push us away even more.
07:33I mean, she's at the point now where she's actively avoiding us so we don't have to deal with it.
07:39And yet you still keep trying to help her.
07:42Look, I know that none of you are particularly big fans of Sharon, but instead of criticizing the way I'm trying to handle this,
07:49I was really hoping for some much-needed family advice.
08:00Mom, are you still there?
08:05What happened?
08:07I was just taking a sip of water.
08:11Okay. Well, I'm still outside your door. Can you let me in?
08:19I can't.
08:21Why can't you?
08:24I'm not there. I was feeling a little bit lightheaded, so I went out to take a walk and get some air before the meeting.
08:35Okay, well, I don't like the sound of that.
08:38I'm fine, honey. I was just a little bit dizzy. I'll be okay.
08:43Well, where are you? Maybe I could, I could meet up with you.
08:47No, that won't be necessary.
08:50Mom, if you're not feeling well, you should come back to the hotel and rest. I can handle the meeting.
08:58There is no meeting anymore.
09:03Yeah, while I was out walking, the CEO we've been speaking to, he called me to let me know that his flight had been canceled and we need to reschedule.
09:13So you came all the way to Madison for nothing?
09:17Well, it looks like we both did. Sorry, honey. I will see you at home. Love you. Bye.
09:44So is this how it's gonna be now?
09:47Every time that we see Billy or Sally, we get to feel guilty all over again.
09:54We hurt them both. Badly. We're gonna have to live with the consequences of that.
10:01Chelsea, I got it. You're right. I just, I don't like the way Billy blew you off like that.
10:10It's not like he's never been guilty of the same thing.
10:13I cheated on him twice. Both times with you. I don't think he will ever forgive me.
10:19Well, never is a long time.
10:24We're just gonna have to live with it. For now. And if we bump into them and it's uncomfortable, I guess we're gonna have to live with that too.
10:37You think they're talking about us?
10:43Well, now this makes sense.
10:46I'm not gonna ask you what you mean.
10:48I mean, the look of hatred that you gave Chelsea when we walked in, when you saw her with Adam.
10:55Lewis, can you please stop? Okay? She did not leave me for Adam.
11:00Alright, my mistake.
11:02We are not back together. I guarantee you that. Now can we stop talking about it, please?
11:07Well, unless my perceptions are wrong, something has happened between the two of them.
11:11I just said I don't want to talk about it.
11:13Nothing romantic, but they've gotten closer.
11:15Phyllis, stop.
11:17Just an offer. I'm observing.
11:19No, you're not just observing. You're digging for gossip or whatever it is your tricky mind is conjuring up, okay?
11:26And this is after I told you that my personal life is off limits, just like yours is off for me.
11:30Do not make me regret hiring you. Please.
11:33Are you threatening me now?
11:35No, this is a request to just mind your own business.
11:36Okay, Billy. I'll do that. That's what I'll do. It's fine as far as it goes.
11:44What is that supposed to mean?
11:46Well, what it means is we're working together now.
11:49There's a certain amount of your personal life that I need to know about.
11:54Yes, I do. Because if there's bad blood between you and Chelsea or you and Adam, I need to know about that.
12:00Because that will inevitably affect you, which will affect me, and it will affect our working relationship.
12:09Right? It will have an impact on our company. Definitely.
12:14And I'm not looking for gossip, by the way.
12:19Maybe it will help you to talk to a friend.
12:24Phyllis, I'm fine.
12:25I'm fine.
12:28Well, you don't look fine. You're about to explode.
12:36You know, that's not exactly fair, Nicholas. Saying that we all have issues with Sharon.
12:42I mean, she practically saved my life not that long ago.
12:45We're not best friends or anything, but I certainly don't wish her any harm.
12:48And I have made it very clear several times that the past is in the past and we've all moved on. Now, how can we help?
12:59I don't know. Sorry, I'm on edge. I just needed somebody to talk to about this.
13:07Well, now, son, what do you think is wrong with her?
13:10That's the thing, Dad. I don't know. We're not sure.
13:12But she has a doctor, right?
13:14Yeah, she's got a doctor, but we don't know if she's keeping up with her appointments or being even honest with him.
13:23You keep saying that she's having trouble adjusting to her new medication, but that's been going on for a while, right?
13:31Yeah, a few weeks, maybe a month.
13:34Do you know if she's even taking it?
13:37I mean, we think she is, Mom.
13:39We? We who?
13:41Me, Mariah, and Faith.
13:42So you've all discussed this and you're all that worried?
13:46Son, you can't be watching her 24-7.
13:49Yeah, I know, Dad, but we've done everything we can to press Sharon to get the help she needs and it's not working.
13:56I mean, I'm to the point now where I think I should just bypass Sharon and go directly to her doctor myself.
14:01You never should have cut her off.
14:04Now, Mariah is never going to let this go.
14:07I didn't know what else to say to her.
14:10Well, you better think of something quick.
14:14You need to answer that.
14:16If you don't, she's just going to keep calling back, or worse, they're going to stake out your hotel room and find out you never made it to Madison in the first place.
14:23Sharon, answer the phone!
14:31Hi, Mom. You hung up before I got a chance to finish.
14:37Did I? I'm sorry. Are you mad at me or something?
14:42No, no, sweetie. I just, I must not have heard you. That's all.
14:47Okay. Fine. No biggie.
14:50Well, I'm glad you called back because I'll see you at home later.
14:55Wait, Mom.
14:57What is it?
14:59Uh, I mean, it's a gorgeous day here in Madison and now that we're both here, maybe we could hang out, you know?
15:08Go for a walk or get something to eat. That's probably why you got lightheaded and skipped lunch.
15:15I already ate something, so that won't be necessary. Let's just meet up when we get home.
15:23Almost sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.
15:26I just don't know what to do.
15:29That won't be necessary. Let's just meet up when we get home.
15:34Almost sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.
15:37I just needed some time to myself. That's not news to anyone.
15:45I know. That's, that's true, but you don't really sound like yourself right now.
15:51I'm perfectly fine.
15:54Mom, I would really like to see you before we head back.
15:57And I just explained to you that I can't.
16:02No, you didn't really explain anything, actually. And I'm really starting to-
16:08Mariah, stop it. Stop pretending like this is some kind of social call to spend more time with your mother.
16:15You came to Madison to check up on me, didn't you?
16:19No, that's, that's not why-
16:22Of course you did. This was never about attending this meeting.
16:27You came here to make sure I wasn't off somewhere, spitting out.
16:32Mom, that is not true.
16:35It's all starting to come together for me now.
16:38What are you talking about?
16:40This constant demand for my attention lately.
16:46It makes me wonder if Faith really did urgently need to speak to me and Nick.
16:51Because when I talked to her, she was fine.
16:55And then all of a sudden, there was this crisis.
16:58Is this just some kind of excuse or ploy on Nick's part to get me to come home?
17:03Mom, I would really like to talk face to face, please.
17:08Tell me the truth, Mariah.
17:10Were you and Faith waiting for me at home?
17:13Waiting to interrogate and question me about my mental health some more?
17:17Well, Mom, if you're accusing us of worrying about you, then yes, we are.
17:22And I keep telling you all to stop worrying and give me some room to breathe.
17:28The way you're treating me, it makes me feel worse.
17:31We don't want to do that.
17:33Well, you are, Mariah, and it has got to stop.
17:37My God, do you all really think that I'm that far gone?
17:42You're not going to let this go, are you?
17:44Oh, well, how long have you known me?
17:47Too long, it feels like, sometimes.
17:54Look, when Chelsea and Adam were in Baltimore with Connor, they slept together.
18:03Oh, I'm sorry.
18:06So am I.
18:11Did it happen just once?
18:14Does it make a difference?
18:16Well, sometimes it does.
18:20That's what Chelsea said.
18:22I guess I believe her, I mean, I do believe her.
18:31You know, given everything that's been going on with their son, it, I mean, it makes sense that maybe they got closer in just some fashion.
18:44Thank you for that. That's the visual that I need right now. I appreciate that.
18:49No, I mean, it's just that they've been spending a lot of time together, and, you know, it's just one thing leads to another.
18:57Well, what I do know is that Adam is a sociopath, and I'm sure that he used Chelsea's vulnerability to get her into bed.
19:04I bet my life on that.
19:07Do you think it really happened like that?
19:10I mean, he's devoid of morals, values, integrity, all of it. I mean, he's proven that over and over again.
19:17I'm not gonna argue about Adam's character, that's for sure not. But, I mean, the truth is we don't really know what happened.
19:29What I know is that Chelsea was devastated by what happened, and she agonized over it for days before telling me.
19:37And Adam, on the other hand, he stonewalled Sally. Even after Chelsea admitted the truth, he denied it and denied it.
19:46So that should say something about Adam. In fact, that says everything about him.
19:49You know what it also says? It says that you don't really blame Chelsea for this. That's what I'm hearing.
19:56Maybe you can forgive her.
20:04What are they even doing together?
20:08Phyllis and Billy?
20:10Yeah. I saw her at Billy's office the other day, too.
20:14I don't know. And I don't care. Frankly, I think those two were made for each other.
20:21I'm sorry that was insensitive.
20:24Yes. Considering how I feel about Billy, that was very insensitive.
20:28I know. I promise I'll keep my mouth shut about him.
20:34He did do something very kind for Connor by taking the rap for the breakup. Although Connor didn't believe it.
20:42How do you know Connor didn't believe it?
20:43How do you know Connor didn't believe it?
20:45Well, because he's not a dumb kid. And we're his parents, after all.
20:50Lucky him.
20:54And he wouldn't be talking about us getting back together if he really thought the reason for the split was Billy's work.
21:01Chelsea, he senses something. And us wishing that he wasn't isn't going to make it go away.
21:14Sharon's doctor won't talk to you.
21:17What if you convince the doctor that Sharon's life is in danger?
21:22Do you really think she would harm her, sir?
21:26I don't think so. Not intentionally, anyway.
21:29Well, then her doctor won't help you.
21:31Well, there is, you know. Don't speak to him correctly.
21:35Do you mean by bullying him? Or threatening him? Is that what you mean?
21:39The bigger bottle? Okay, this isn't helping.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:44Go on, son.
21:47Look, I don't for one second think Sharon's doctor is just going to open up her chart to me.
21:52I was thinking more along the lines of, I just go to him and tell him exactly what I know, what I've seen.
21:57So at least he'd have, you know, a complete picture of what's going on.
22:01Well, she might see that as a betrayal and completely shut you out.
22:06Well, I've thought about that, Vic, but I think it's a risk I have to take.
22:08I have a suggestion.
22:11Why don't you take Faith out of the whole scenario?
22:15What do you mean? What?
22:17She has been around Sharon enough to see her spin out once or twice before.
22:24Have her live with you for a while.
22:27She's not going to do that.
22:29Son, you're her father. Talk her into it.
22:32Let her stay with you for a while. That girl has been through enormous trauma.
22:36She doesn't need to see her mother spin out again.
22:39That girl is a 21-year-old woman who cares very deeply about her mother.
22:44She's very concerned about her and wants to do everything she can to help her.
22:47Shutting her out is not the answer.
22:49Well then, son, what is?
22:52Look, if Faith is that upset, then she needs reassurance. Soon.
22:58I'm starting to warm up to the idea of giving the doctor all of the facts.
23:02So am I.
23:03If Sharon is as evasive as it sounds, what other choice do you have?
23:14No one is trying to trick you into doing something that you're not comfortable with.
23:20Well, it seems that way to me.
23:23The only thing any of us care about is that you're okay.
23:27But can we please, please just continue this conversation face to face?
23:31Conversation face to face.
23:36I'm in the truth.
23:42Mom, please don't hang up on me again.
23:45I am not going to hang up.
23:54Where are you?
23:58I'm not in Madison.
24:01I never went there at all.
24:05I am so confused. Why?
24:09For all of the reasons that I mentioned before.
24:13I knew what was coming when I got home last night.
24:17All of the questions, the insinuations, the constant scrutiny.
24:22I couldn't take it anymore, so I left.
24:25So there was never a meeting?
24:27I called the CEO and I postponed.
24:31That much is true.
24:34The rest of it was just me buying time to be alone and think.
24:41Think about what?
24:43About my life and where it's been and where it's going.
24:49Mom, you're really scaring me.
24:51Well, I'm not going to do anything to myself if that's what you're worried about.
24:57But I can't live like this anymore, Mariah.
25:03Under the microscope with you and Nick and Faith,
25:07examining every move I make, everything that I say, it's suffocating.
25:11So I did the only thing I could do. I ran.
25:16Honestly, I'm surprised Connor would even want us back together again.
25:19Why? I mean, isn't that every kid's fantasy?
25:24Well, yeah, but I don't know if it's his.
25:27Considering everything that happened last time we all lived together and everything that happened afterwards.
25:38Have you thought about it?
25:43What happened in Baltimore?
25:45About us getting back together again.
25:48I can't believe you'd even ask me that.
25:53It's just a question, Chelsea.
25:55Well, the answer is no.
25:58No, I've been too mortified and wracked with guilt to think about anything having to do with you or me or the future or any of that.
26:11Why? Have you thought about it?
26:19It's the same for me.
26:27I've tried to forgive Chelsea.
26:29I mean, I've seriously tried.
26:32And if it was anyone else but Adam,
26:36Yeah, I figure.
26:40He always finds a way to ruin my life.
26:43Chelsea, for whatever reason, believes he's a decent person because of what Connor's going through.
26:50Yeah, it's tricky.
26:52No, it's impossible.
26:55It's actually completely impossible.
26:57Yeah? How do you figure?
26:59Well, I don't know.
27:00It's impossible.
27:02It's actually completely impossible.
27:04Yeah? How do you figure?
27:06Well, because, you know, walking in here as a woman, looking at her face, I get it.
27:14I really do. She feels guilt, for sure, but mainly regret.
27:19I'm not seeing any of that.
27:21Well, you're not seeing it because you're in your thing and all of your hatred for Adam, but it's definitely happening. Definitely.
27:30You know, Billy, what if he didn't manipulate her?
27:33What if it was just two parents worried about their son?
27:42And what happened happened out of this bond and passion.
27:51It's been known to happen, you know?
27:53Yeah. That was Chelsea's take.
27:57Was it?
28:00All right.
28:02Well, then you should believe her.
28:06We've all made the mistake.
28:10Over and over.
28:12Yeah, yeah.
28:14Haven't we?
28:17I think you should believe her.
28:21You know, let her make it up to you.
28:31Look, I appreciate all the feedback, but I just gotta do what I gotta do, even if that means upsetting Sharon.
28:38We are all with you, whatever you decide to do.
28:42Yeah, and we're with Sharon, too, for whatever that's worth.
28:46It's worth a lot. I won't make the mistake again of assuming you guys don't have Sharon's best interests at heart.
28:54So what comes next, son?
28:56Well, I'm gonna go talk to Faith and Mariah, let them know I'm gonna go to Sharon's doctor, and then hopefully he can come up with a workable strategy on what we should do next.
29:07I think that's a good call.
29:09Thanks. I did, too.
29:14You know, I sometimes forget how lucky I am.
29:20Because it doesn't matter what's going on or how many times we disagree, I can always talk to you about anything.
29:28I know, son.
29:32That's what family is for.
29:38Mom, I'm so sorry if you feel like we've put that kind of pressure on you.
29:46It's just, we love you so much.
29:50I know you do, sweetie, and I love you, too, but it's just reached a point where I can't take it anymore.
30:00Yeah, I understand.
30:02Do you, really?
30:04Yes. Yes, at least I'm trying to.
30:09I just still think that there's a way for us all to work this out, together, as a family.
30:15Well, there isn't. At least not now.
30:21Okay, what are you gonna do?
30:25I am going to go off the grid for a little while.
30:30What does that mean?
30:31I never got to visit Sedona, for one thing.
30:36So maybe now is time to go?
30:39To take the opportunity that I never took before and spend some time by myself.
30:47Yeah. Yeah, I completely understand that, if that's what you want to do.
30:53And don't try to track me down, either.
30:56And don't try to track me down, either.
31:02I mean it, Mariah. You need to give me this space. It's the only way that I'm ever going to heal, and you all just need to accept that.
31:11Okay, well, how are we gonna get in touch with you?
31:15I will reach out when I'm ready.
31:27That needed to be done.
31:35I think we need to be honest with Connor.
31:41We should talk to him. Maybe even tonight.
31:45I want to make sure that we don't get his hopes up.
31:49Yep. Got it.
31:57What's wrong?
32:03Seems like something's on your mind.
32:06Chelsea, it doesn't matter, okay? Just drop it.
32:10Chelsea, stop.
32:11Adam, come on. We can't keep separate from each other. Not now. Please.
32:15What? What is it?
32:18Okay. Well, you asked for it.
32:22I lied.
32:25Lied about what?
32:27You, me, us, as a couple. It did enter my mind. Fleetingly at first, but it's in there. I can't deny it.
32:42You seriously thought—
32:44Yeah, and not just as a family unit for Connor. As a couple, like we used to be. Better than we used to be.
32:54You don't really believe—
32:57It can't be all that surprising if you were to allow yourself to dig down and feel it.
33:05There's more than just desperation and fear going on that night in Baltimore.
33:10And I don't know what that more is exactly, but I haven't been able to shake it.
33:17All right, I gotta go.
33:20Tell us what Sharon's doctor says.
33:22I will. Thanks, Mom.
33:25Vic, Dad.
33:26I love you.
33:27Love you, too.
33:29Hey, boy.
33:31Gettin' a little work out.
33:33Thanks, Dad.
33:35Hey, Mariah, what's up? Did you talk to Sharon?
33:37Yes, but I only spoke to her on the phone.
33:40On the—what?
33:42She never went to Madison.
33:44She's not here.
33:46She's not here?
33:47No, she's not.
33:48No, she's not.
33:49No, she's not.
33:50No, she's not.
33:52No, she's not.
33:54No, she's not.
33:56No, she's not.
33:58No, she's not.
34:00No, she's not.
34:02No, she's not.
34:04She went to Madison, Nick.
34:07She lied to us all.
34:09And I don't know where she is, but she's planning on disappearing.
34:14And I'm scared.
34:16I am really, really scared.
34:22I shouldn't have done that.
34:24I shouldn't have pushed Mariah away like that.
34:27Don't worry, you'll get over it.
34:29Well, of course you would say that.
34:31You have no heart and no soul and no feelings for anyone other than yourself.
34:36I'm also not real, Sharon.
34:38I'm just a manifestation of your private thoughts, most of which you should never share with anyone.
34:48I don't know.
34:50Just calm down.
34:51Calm down, all right?
34:53You made a smart move.
34:55You don't need Nick and the girls breathing down your neck right now.
34:59Right now, you need to think and you need to plan.
35:03And if that upsets them, well, you'll make it up to them later.
35:08They really do love you, Sharon.
35:10And they will forgive anything.
35:14But now is a pivotal moment.
35:17Now, you need to focus.
35:21Right now, we need to get to work.
35:28Get to work.
35:36Our boy certainly has his work cut out for himself.
35:40Well, I wasn't going to say this when Nicholas was here, but Sharon has caused him more worry than anyone else in his life.
35:47She certainly has.
35:49Well, he wouldn't have it any other way.
35:51What do you mean?
35:53I admire his dedication to Sharon.
35:56It speaks to the kind of man that he is.
35:58They have children together.
36:00Sharon's his family.
36:01Yeah, I understand that.
36:03And he feels the need to protect Sharon, but at what cost?
36:07There is no cost as far as Nicholas is concerned.
36:09He's just protecting his family.
36:12And I'm going to do the same.
36:14If you'll excuse me.
36:25Where do you think she's going?
36:28She won't believe what I would.
36:31Chelsea, listen to me.
36:32No, no.
36:34I am not having this conversation with you.
36:36Okay, well, we're going to have to talk about it at some point because it's there.
36:40You know that there's still something between us.
36:42Maybe for you, Adam.
36:43Not for me.
36:45I don't believe you.
36:46Would you just stop?
36:47Look, I'm trying to be honest with you.
36:49I don't want you to do anything for me.
36:51And you know, for you to choose to have this conversation now, with Billy sitting right there.
36:55Okay, I understand.
36:56It's probably lousy timing, but it's something that I have to say.
36:59I have to go.
37:00Chelsea, will you please just stay?
37:06Oh, Billy, bad idea.
37:07Bad idea.
37:09So what'd you do now, you son of a bitch?
37:20Eek, on The Young and the Restless.
37:23Did she say anything about being to go away, like to clear her head or go on a trip or something?
37:29Why, do you guys not know where Sharon is?
37:31Daniel was hurt.
37:34He was bleeding in my nightmare.
37:38And only you can make your dreams come true.
37:42How did this happen?
37:45How am I ever going to get out of this?
37:52The Young and the Restless
38:22The Young and the Restless
38:45Join us again for The Young and the Restless.
