• tahun lalu
Kabar mengejutkan datang dari Tubagus Joddy yang dikabarkan telah bebas dari hukuman penjara. Joddy merupakan sopir kendaraan pribadi yang ditumpangi Vanessa Angel dan Bibi Ardiansyah.

Seperti diketahui, Vanessa Angel dan Bibi Ardiansyah tewas dalam kecelakaan di Tol Jakarta-Surabaya, ruas Jombang KM 672+400A pada November 2021 silam.

Tubagus Joddy sempat mendekam di penjara selama hampir tiga tahun. Bebas, kini ia terlihat memposting kegiatannya mengunjungi makam aktris cantik Vanessa Angel dan suaminya, Bibi Andriansyah, di akun sosial media Instagram miliknya @tubagusjoddy pada Jumat (20/9/2024).


00:00Free, Tugbagus Jody visited the funeral of Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah.
00:06Surprising news came from Tugbagus Jody who was reported to be free from prison sentence.
00:12Jody is a private vehicle driver who was accompanied by Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah.
00:19As reported, Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah died in an accident
00:24at Tol Jakarta, Surabaya, Jombang Area, KM 672 plus 400A in November 2021.
00:33Tugbagus Jody was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
00:37Free, now she seems to be posting her activities visiting the funeral of beautiful actress Vanessa Angel and her husband Bibi Ardiansyah
00:44on her Instagram social media accounts, at Tugbagus Jody on Friday, September 20, 2024.
00:52Her appearance surprised her family,
00:55as she was in prison for almost three years after being suspected of an accident
01:02that killed Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah.
01:06Tugbagus Jody, who is the driver of the fatal accident,
01:10was sentenced to 5 years in prison and fined Rp 10 million,
01:15a two-month subsidy by the Jombang State Court on November 4, 2021.
01:23In her latest post, Jody posted that she was visiting the funeral of Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah
01:29in black clothes in the first photo,
01:32and she was with the late Bibi Ardiansyah and the late Vanessa Angel when she was still alive in the second photo.
01:40Tugbagus Jody also wrote her regrets and apologies,
01:44to Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah in the caption of her post.
01:50The post is now widely seen and hated by netizens.
01:54Some were surprised by the speed of the arrest of Vanessa Angel's ex-driver
02:00and wondered what made Tugbagus Jody end the arrest faster.
02:06Well, it's free, right?
02:08Asked the netizen.
02:10Isn't the sentence 5 years in prison?
02:12It's only been 3 years, why is it free?
02:15What's the reason?
02:16Added another netizen.
02:19In addition, there are also netizens who sympathize with Tugbagus Jody and defend her.
02:24Some directly expressed their support through the comments column.
02:28She didn't mean to and was already sentenced.
02:31Mr. Haji Faisal's family must also be proud.
02:33Live in peace.
02:35Written by netizen.
02:37Jod's spirit, hopefully in the future it can be better.
02:41Supported by other netizens.
02:43Previously, it was found that Tugbagus Jody got a remission in the 78th R.I.
02:50where she got a remission of 1 month from her sentence for 5 years.
02:56However, it is not explained further about how long Jody's detention remains
03:01after receiving the remission.
03:04What do you guys think?
03:06Don't forget to write a statement in the comments column.
03:09See you!
