• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia. For those
00:08watching, I thank you for watching. I forgot to turn on the backup video. Hello, everyone,
00:18this is Alyssa. In this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:25For those watching, I thank you for watching. I'm not going to make this video too long
00:30because I had a very awful day recording the data, and I'll show you my hollow eyes that
00:42is proof to show you how awful I feel. Okay, so in this photograph, you can definitely
00:53see the family member, and she has taken over my body more than I want to believe. It's
01:06very sick, and I know that you're a victim, Shia, and I'm trying not to react extremely,
01:16and plus with the possession, I cannot. However, I was interrupted. However, in regards to the
01:22situation with the duplicate synthetic replicate, this is body mutilation, and I'm actually very,
01:36very lucky that I'm alive because of the brain injury that I've had. If my brain was being
01:45blasted with AI to try to morph my body and my brain into the family member, I'm actually very
01:51lucky that I'm alive because I've noticed the past 48 hours, my brain is in less pain because I know,
02:00Shia, that you're doing things to stop it, and so am I. So I recorded some security camera videos.
02:08I'm not going to play them today. There's a lot of footage that I've captured, not a lot of times
02:18that I actually was able to physically write down because they're kind of trying to possess me to
02:23not write down the time so that I don't have the energy to sit through all the videos. I was stopped,
02:29though, from doing the prayer recitation in the middle of what I was doing. I have one other sheet
02:38where they're all circled, and I did record myself reciting a Quran with the I Am Presence type of
02:51the way you say it. So you know how, like, with the I Am Presence chants, it's a very fast-paced way of
03:02saying it. Well, I did that with the Quran today, and Shia, I know you have your guard up and you
03:10know what you're seeing. It's not completely me, and you can get it more than I can. You don't have
03:21a brain injury like me, and it's not happening to you. You're observing it, so it's much easier for
03:26you to be able to... Okay, so I have to get to the... Okay, I'm trying to get to... Huh? Okay,
03:41this isn't working. I have to restart the phone. It's expanding on the page, and it's not allowing
03:51me to un-expand it. The attacks are chronic, 24-7, Shia, so there's just so much that a person
04:00can handle. This is purposeful. The chronic 24-7 attacks against my electronics is purposeful. It's
04:08intentional, and I've gotten my adrenochrome stolen for hours today, and I should have known
04:14it was going to happen, especially by trying to document my data. I was able to record on the
04:24Canon phone, not on the computer, all of the promotion, social, and primary emails. I think
04:37I got... Yeah, I got from 2021 the primary emails back until 2021. I feel like there's a lot of
04:46emails missing. I don't really... I thought there would be a lot more emails. However, every time I
04:52get an email, it's very overwhelming, or any time I send myself an email, it's like this extreme,
04:57like, overwhelming feeling that feels like it's like hundreds of emails, just because only...
05:03even though it's just one email. I think that's some kind of AI program. So I'm going to show you
05:10the recording of what I sound like, and they started choking me and making a sensation in my
05:14throat where I physically could not say the Quran, part of the Quran like this. I had to just say it
05:26like in a voice like this. So Shaya, I am going to continue to read the notes. So this is what it
05:40sounds like, Shaya. I put it on private because I don't... I don't want to, like, put these types of
05:47things on the internet. But this is what it sounds like, and then they choked me to a point
05:56where I could only do it a hundred and ninety times, and I had to stop.
06:17I'm saying, say he is all the one and only. Okay, I'll show you what I'm saying. Say he is all the
06:32one and only, all the eternal, absolute, he begetteth not, nor is he begotten, there is none
06:36like unto him. So I'm going to listen to this. So I recorded that, and also I've been listening to the
07:04mountain lion sounds, and there's... it's like both of us. It's kind of like a symbol of both of us doing
07:15lion screaming, and there's one part, one section that reminds me of you, and kind of, it's relaxing. It
07:24makes me very relaxed, and this is what you've been kind of doing for me all these years. I'll show it to you.
07:37Nice. I should have, I should have found it before I made this video.
08:07Hold on. This is it. This is what, this is the sound, we both make all the sounds, but this is, this reminds me of how you make me feel, like relax, make me very relaxed.
08:22That growl, I think it's a lion growl. That is what makes me think of you, Cheyenne, and how you made me feel. It's a very relaxing sound to me, and so I kind of, sometimes I will imagine that that's you, Cheyenne.
08:52That's very relaxing and calming to me. So, I wanted to show you that, and you also get, so now I want to talk to you about the note, Cheyenne.
09:12So, you're, in regards to Cougar, Jaguar, those two words were taken from me, and I wasn't allowed to associate Cougar, Jaguar, and Mountain Lion, so now I'm going to call them Mountain Lions, because Mountain Lion, they can't attack me with Mountain Lion, because I've never put Mountain Lion, I never known that that was a name for them,
09:36but Cougar and Jaguar, they put automated AI attacks on those names to pervert them and attack me with them and make me think they're ugly and hate them, and they're not the type of lion that I like.
09:51So, you're helping me deactivate the duplicate of that criminal family member that has done this to me, and it has done it to you as well, and you're no longer trusting what you're seeing, I'm no longer trusting what I'm seeing, it's making me very sick, so I have to be careful.
10:12Whoa, it's really hot.
10:15I have to be careful with how I'm reacting to it, I have to be careful, and I didn't really look at myself much over the course of my life, in regards to recording myself moving around and doing things, however, based on what I remember, what I have seen myself recorded as, I'm no longer myself.
10:42And in regards to what this family member has done to me, you know that she has committed one of the worst things that you could possibly do to you, Shia.
10:56Shia, this family member has committed something, one of the worst things that she could possibly do to Shia, it's one of the worst possible things that can be done to you, Shia, especially all that you've gone through, and I've repeatedly thought this.
11:15It's one of the worst things, I want to cry, I can't, I'm not able to cry, I don't have the physical ability to cry, it's, something is definitely wrong with me, and I think I did too much yesterday, because I'm not feeling well today, and on top of all this, all this recording I had to do, I'm like, I was like suffocated the whole time.
11:45And I'm like, not feeling well at all.
11:52Um, so, I thought it would go away very quickly, from like, the Lumerian technology I did every three days, but looking at the security camera, it has not gone away.
12:07So it's going to take time, and I'm not feeling patient about it, especially how long it's been going on.
12:14I started getting face body manipulation around 25, 26, around 25 it started, 26, the body face manipulation started.
12:25I do not believe turning, me turning into that family member started 25, 26, very possible it started 27, 28.
12:32But no matter what, it started in 2018, because that's when the voice to skull started, and that's when I was constantly told, no, you're no longer you, you're your family member's name, you're your family member's name.
12:48They say you're your family member's name.
12:53And I was, they never told me, they never told me, um, what that meant.
12:58They just, they're just like, uh, well, they didn't tell me.
13:03And, so I'm going to continue talking about the notes, but you're helping deactivate it, Shaya.
13:10And you know that, uh, it's gotta, it, this person has ruined their life.
13:17Because of what, uh, this, this person has done to my body, changing my body into her.
13:24Um, so, you, you know, telepathic supporters, you're telling me over and over and over, you know, you, you know, you know, you know, now, you can see the difference between me and this criminal that has, is taking over my body.
13:49And you are guarded, and you, you know that you hate that, what you're seeing, you hate, you hate her, you hate what's taking over my body.
14:00It's kind of like a parasite that's just growing, like it, take, kind of like taking over, like, like a mutation.
14:09You hate her, and you hate what she's doing to my body, and you know that she's ugly.
14:14And, uh, you know, it's making us both sick, so we have to make sure that we don't get too sick, to the point of, um,
14:25we can't get too sick and near death, Shaya, over it.
14:29So, we have to be, uh, we have to know that it's going to take a little bit of time.
14:35It, it's not going to be rapid pace overnight, however.
14:40Um, I was thinking, I'm 39 years old, and I'm going to need, we're going to need to make a, make a child, Shaya, immediately.
14:49So, we don't have time.
14:52So, she's ruined my life, and she's basically made me have no chance in life, doing this to me.
14:58So, you also get mania from electro music, and electronic music, and I'm not surprised at all,
15:05but it really made me happy, knowing that, that I was told by that, by the telepathic supporter.
15:11And you really want to know everything about me, Shaya, in regards to me, uh, posting all of the recordings of my data.
15:19It makes me feel a lot better.
15:21These past 48 hours, my brain has had less physical pain than typical.
15:27Kind of these past 72 hours, I've been able to feel a little bit of pain,
15:33and I've been able to feel a little bit of relief,
15:38and I've been able to feel a little bit of relief,
15:43and I've been able to feel a little bit of relief,
15:47and I've been able to feel a little bit of relief,
15:51I believe all of this uh, duplicate of turning me into this,
15:58I'm not going to keep saying, um, member,
16:01I'm going to say, uh, the criminal taking over my body.
16:05Because I don't really even want to say that every, every, I don't want to say that every single time.
16:12Uh, cause it's making me sick.
16:14me sick. So the criminal taking over my body, I'm not supposed to, I don't think I'm supposed
16:24to keep saying member every time. This, it has to be brain controlled because it takes
16:31the brain to operate the body. So on top of having a brain injury that's happening to
16:36me and having my brain blasted 24-7 on top of my entire body, I can see the skin's changed,
16:47my skin energy, I can see like, this is like very, very deep. This has to have taken many
16:56years to do. So, I'm not, I'm thinking it can be permanently removed though, 100%, I'm positive.
17:07In regards to the CN child in those public photos, I've been repeatedly told that that's
17:16actually a CN of the CN child and I kind of believe that because I, I think that CN child
17:25in the public photos looked way too normal and probably healthier than it should look.
17:35It's gonna be slow to deactivate this, but it can't be too slow because we're running
17:40out of time, Shia, and the more and more she gets removed out of my body, the more chance
17:47I have of staying alive, because this was actually one of the largest contributions
17:53of my dying. I'm 100% positive and sure of it. This was M-U-R-D-E-R against me, and being
18:0539 and very sick from it, and I have to, we have to make a child very soon, Shia, as soon
18:12as we meet. There's absolutely no time, so this is really giving me no chance. It would
18:20have to be, um, so I showed you the video of how I sounded in the mantra. I have also
18:47lots of, the hacker had repeatedly, uh, put, posted things about the word P-E-A-K, P-E-A-K,
18:57take a peek, peek, I'm gonna take a peek, hacking into my computer, I'm gonna take a
19:02peek and look around. Um, like, anything I Google searched, I had to think twice if I
19:14was, had the ability to before I actually Google searched it, because a lot of times
19:19I didn't want, uh, this hacker to know what I was Googling. So, I've been extremely, um,
19:29I've had an extreme lack of education because of this, but the constant take a peek, take
19:34a peek, and then he, uh, the hacker, uh, the she-he, I would say she, she used automated
19:44I, I'm not gonna start saying she-he, he used automated I with the word peek to make it
19:53really feel humiliating and, uh, perverted and really embarrassing. So I showed you the
20:02junk mail, I showed you the primary and the promotions, and I got attacked the whole time.
20:11I have recorded on the camera, I do not have the energy and time to go through what, how
20:15I was attacked, and I don't have the time, I mean, I don't have the energy, I'm too sick.
20:21This is kind of, uh, random, but, uh, in regards to my leg, when that, uh, coach, O-N-E-I-L,
20:33uh, watched me limp around on a crippled leg and run in pain, uh, he gave me no advice
20:47and I complained at one point that I was in a lot of pain with my leg and did not mention
20:55anything about going to the doctor and said, look at you, look how skinny you are, you're
21:01made to run. And that's all he said, and he didn't say anything, he basically, it was
21:07like I was on the team, but like I never even saw him, like didn't talk to me once, like
21:14was definitely involved, part of it. So this, this is proof that that was said to me, uh,
21:21I was skinny and malnourished and injured, and my parent, mother, purposely brought me
21:31to a chiropractor that was bad and lied, and we didn't get bone scans until it was kind
21:38of too late, and then the injury ended up being infected and I was not allowed, those
21:44doctors didn't tell me it was infected, so they lied too to me, because I went back and
21:49repeatedly said I'm still in pain, I'm still in pain. And then it had to be redone and
21:56nothing went away, so the infection probably grew. So I've had infection on and off chronically
22:02my entire life. And then they would continue to keep sending witchcraft infections to
22:08renew the infection if it got, if it healed. And they constantly played with the scar tissue,
22:14and they still do, and tighten it, and make it very painful. So, I have been crippled
22:21my whole life. I've been crippled my whole life. I was, I've been, I should have been
22:26in a wheelchair. So in regards to, a part of, part of, I believe part of turning that,
22:49the member turning my, turning you into the child, I believe that's kind of a power thing.
22:58Like, oh no, I'm the most powerful, I'm going to win, kind of thing. I saw the matching
23:08Shia, and it makes me really happy. I showed you the sounds, the Lion Mount sounds.
23:39But my looks rapidly started changing, and I was like, I'm not myself, I'm really ugly.
23:46And at around 25, 26, and I didn't feel good, I didn't feel good looking, I didn't feel myself.
24:00And this was killing my spirit.
24:08And Shia, in regards to the music, you want to make electro music with me?
24:13And, there was good AI to remind me of some things, to try to make me not say it, but
24:21when we make like electro music, we can get like a synthesizer possibly, and I'd like
24:29to mix techno ambient sounds with nature sounds. That's what I would really like to do.
24:39There's not a lot, I found one song with techno mixed with nature sounds, it's not very common,
24:47but I would like to do that. And it's a generic idea, I'm sure it's been done.
24:53I can't really find anything on the internet. I didn't really do enough research, I'm not really
24:58allowed with a possession to research music. But I know that you're going to love that,
25:04mixing nature sounds with techno.
25:07And, it was 77 degrees this morning, it ended up reaching up to 79, so I had to take the sweatshirt
25:16off and put a shirt on, however, luckily I can wear leggings now, because I only have
25:22four pairs of legging shorts, and I really need to start wearing these leggings because of laundry.
25:30I don't really like hand washing that much.
25:34And they called you a bird every time I was...
25:43Every time I was, I don't know...
25:49Well yeah, I was calling you, probably I was calling you a cat, but then they goes,
25:54no, no, he's a bird, he's a bird. He didn't tell me why and the reason why they were calling you a bird.
26:01It was really hurting me.
26:06I think...
26:15I can't read my handwriting.
26:18But my brain's been hurting a lot. I think this synthetic brain has been really, really bothering my
26:24brain injury on top of it, because my brain's already very sensitive from the injury.
26:32I really think that this has significantly increased these past three or four years,
26:38the family member in my body taking over.
26:45And unfortunately, I figured out in the drawing that you created with your member,
26:55that eight newspapers and then good news only one time with the assault that happened in middle school.
27:03And they keep flashing another place where it could have happened.
27:16They're saying it was possession and he was doing it to be with my mom.
27:28Honestly, I'm not really, I told you I maxed out with torture and I'm not, I'm ignoring this.
27:37I can't, I can't think about this.
27:43Obviously, it's just making me really sick. I really can't think about it.
27:48But obviously, I need to know.
27:53And you are obviously beyond murderously angry over it.
28:00So, I am ignoring it. And you should too, Shy, because you can't get too sick.
28:18So, I was up at 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. getting tortured and then luckily I was able to go back to sleep for a few hours.
28:34But yeah, the cat was constantly, not the wild cat, I was constantly called a domestic cat.
28:41But that's, nobody wants to be a domestic cat.
28:45But I made a mood board one time with my fashion project and had like a face of a girl with like what appeared to be a wild cat.
29:00I didn't know the name of it. I thought it was just like a lioness, but it was a wild cat.
29:05It like kind of connected with the face.
29:08And then I was constantly told with automated AI, no, no, you wish, you wish you were a wild, you wish you were that type of animal.
29:16You wish you were that type of animal.
29:18So, I didn't know that it's called wild cat.
29:23I didn't, I mean, I didn't know wild cat was like an actual name of the animal.
29:28That's because you probably like, how does she not know a wild cat is called a wild cat?
29:32I can't really completely explain it right now.
29:35I'm getting confused, but...
29:38Basically, it was constantly like you wish, you wish, you wish.
29:42No, no, you're not.
29:45So it was stolen from me and that can kill spirit, having your identity stolen and part of what I am.
29:52And they also used cats against me.
29:54Cats always hated me, like my mother's house cats.
29:58And I have allergic to cat and dog hair, which did not help.
30:01It was actually a little bit of torture.
30:04Even though I really love animals and it's kind of worth it to have dogs and cats when I was growing up.
30:10Because I was very lonely and cats and animals cheer you up.
30:17But the cats, every time I pick up a cat, they used AI to attack the cat to make it kind of scramble and just jump out and be like all angry and upset.
30:25And they literally would time it.
30:27Specifically, I remember in Maplehurst when I was told, don't pick up that cat.
30:34Someone's throwing entities in the cat and every time you pet the cat, the entities go in your body.
30:40So I didn't know this was happening.
30:42This was in Maplehurst and I had a psychic tell me.
30:46And every time, they were literally timing, obsessing my body.
30:51Like just every now and then I'd have the urge to pick up the cat.
30:54And the cat would get all angry and squeeze out of my arms really fast and jump out.
31:03And that's actually really mean.
31:07Because of who I am, it's like a mountain.
31:11I have a connection with the mountain lions, mountain lion energy.
31:15It's really mean.
31:16So they used cats against me my whole life.
31:20So I stopped liking cats around Maplehurst when I found out that they were one of my parents.
31:28Because of putting entities in the cat and using the cat.
31:33Calling the cat a super soldier.
31:38I should call the cat a super soldier.
31:43But I have a brain injury.
31:45I have a brain injury. Imagine how.
31:57I don't know what I wrote.
32:04And in regards to another magazine, the criminal on it.
32:10They even clone. That's not her, that's a clone.
32:13They even clone.
32:15My hair looks scary and powerful.
32:21So I really don't have the psychic powers to know what I'm looking at.
32:27Whether it's a clone or not. Still.
32:38But all these things happening to us, Chaya.
32:41They're trying to twist this around, what this criminal did, turning me into her.
32:49They're trying to turn around and say, oh, it was meant to happen, this is why.
32:54No, none of this was supposed to happen.
32:59This was Satan's plan, not God's plan.
33:02And Satan's plan didn't work.
33:05They lost.
33:07Satan's plan didn't work.
33:20And also, what's also making me not so upset over it.
33:24I am so happy that I was able to figure out what's going on with my body and my looks.
33:31Because many years, like three or four years ago, I was like, I'm losing my looks, I'm losing my looks.
33:36And then they just kept saying it's aging, it's aging.
33:39No, they were like mutating, mutilating my face and body.
33:47I'm actually really happy that I'm going to be myself again.
33:51That I'm going to be really close with you, Chaya.
33:53And you're going to be so happy that you finally get to be with me.
33:59And we can just call it torture and possession at this point.
34:06And whatever you're seeing is ugly and not me and is theft.
34:14So, I'm going to stop this video now, Chaya.
34:17Because I kind of want to review it.
34:29Why didn't I highlight, I didn't circle everything on this page.
34:33So, I'm going to stop this video now, Chaya.
34:36I didn't get a lot of Lumerian technology done. I only got an hour.
34:41However, I am so exhausted.
34:44I did a little too much with my arms.
34:48And when you move your arms, it's like you're moving the back of your neck.
34:57And my back neck is very sensitive.
35:00So, because of the stroke and the injury that I have.
35:07Where like the spine, in between the spine is thinning and making my spine shorter.
35:17And it's kind of curving like this way.
35:21So, I definitely have neck problems.
35:23But I don't think, I think my body is going to be healing.
35:30Not rapidly, but as soon as this stops.
35:35And I feel like we're both a victim to it, Chaya.
35:39Because, you know, I've sometimes looked at myself and be like,
35:45Oh, it's an attack against myself too.
35:52I really was tricked, Chaya.
35:54I know that, how can she believe this?
35:58But anytime I thought, why do I keep looking like her?
36:02They just kept saying, oh well, you just never noticed.
36:06She's family, you just never noticed.
36:09When it got like really like, there's no way that they can like keep covering up.
36:14They just kept making excuses for it.
36:16Because if it stays a secret, I keep dying.
36:20And you keep dying from it too, Chaya.
36:23So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
36:26I'm going to use the pendulum to see how you feel.
36:31I just used the pendulum before this video to try to see how you feel.
36:36But it was, it didn't make any sense.
36:38So I didn't write it down.
36:40I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
36:44And I will talk to you tomorrow at 8pm.
36:50I love you, Chaya.
36:52Thank you everybody for watching.
36:54Thank you so much, Chaya, for watching.
