• last year


00:00Tonight, Mummy and Daddy Pig are going out for a Valentine's Day meal
00:06Mummy Pig has ordered a taxi
00:08It's almost here! Hooray!
00:16Your ride awaits, madam
00:21Mummy Pig has accidentally ordered a special taxi called a limousine
00:28A limo! How romantic!
00:32And tickly!
00:37Where are we off to, sirs and madams?
00:40Granny and Grandpa Pig's house, if you please, Miss Rabbit
00:46Peppa and George are going there for dinner
00:53OK, calm down, you two
00:58This music reminds me of Venice
01:03What a wonderful trip that was
01:09Now it's a disco limo!
01:17We didn't have this in Venice
01:24Care for a chocolate, Mummy Pig?
01:27Oh, don't mind if I do
01:29Can we have some, Daddy?
01:32Erm, OK, but not too many
01:35Peppa and George love chocolate
01:41Maybe a little too much
01:44I guess I'll have this one then
01:48Can we have the disco music again?
01:51Just until Granny and Grandpa's house, please
02:06Hi! Happy Disco Valentine's Day, everyone!
02:28Come on, we're having a Valentine's Day disco!
02:45It's just like that time in Paris, Grandpa Pig
02:48Everyone loves celebrating Valentine's Day
02:51But Mummy and Daddy Pig love their disco limo ride most of all
02:57Today, Peppa and Mummy Pig are riding the bumper cars at Potato City
03:03Can't catch me, Rebecca!
03:06Oh yes I can!
03:12Come on, Peppa, we've found a new ride
03:16It's a water ride!
03:18It's so splashy!
03:21I love splashy rides!
03:25Mummy Pig isn't sure she loves splashy rides
03:29Why don't we go on a ride without splashes?
03:32Like this bench!
03:36Ooh, what fun! Wee!
03:40We can go on that after
03:43Come on, Mummy!
03:46Everyone has arrived at the new water ride, Celery Stick Falls
03:52Uh-oh! Stop!
03:57Oh, it is very splashy
04:02Very, very splashy!
04:10Adults in the front, please
04:12That means you, Mummy Pig, right here
04:15Oh, right, um, OK
04:19Enjoy the ride!
04:26Oh, this is quite lovely
04:30The ride is going very high up
04:34Splish, splash, splash, we all love to splash
04:41Not everyone loves to splash
04:47Would you like a small splash, a big splash or a humongous splash?
04:52A humongous splash, please!
04:57Okey-dokey! Ready?
05:02Five against one, off you go!
05:05The Celery Stick Falls are very fast and very splashy
05:12There we are, nice and dry
05:15Oh, not again!
05:23That was amazing!
05:27And very, very splashy!
05:31Mummy, what are you doing?
05:35The splashes were amazing
05:39Amazing! Let's go again!
05:44Now Mummy Pig loves humongous splashes
05:48Everyone loves humongous splashes
05:52Hello! Hi!
05:54Peppa and her family have come to the balloon shop to collect a special balloon for a garden party
06:01Miss Rabbit, can we have our fancy planet-friendly recyclable balloon?
06:08Wow! Balloon!
06:11The balloon shop is full of balloons
06:14Miss Rabbit?
06:21Oh, you found me! I've been lost in the balloon since Tuesday morning
06:26Must be lunchtime by now
06:28It's Wednesday, Miss Rabbit
06:32Anyway, here are all your fancy planet-friendly recyclable balloons, ready for the party
06:38All? But we only ordered one
06:47It says here 1,000 balloons for Mummy Pig's party
06:52Oh, but we don't need this many, and we can't waste them
06:57What do we do?
06:59I know! We can share them!
07:02Peppa and her family are giving the extra balloons to everyone in town
07:08Oh thank you!
07:10And one for both of you, here you go
07:14Red balloon, green one for you
07:19Only 992 to go!
07:23This is going to take forever
07:27Uh-oh, and we have to go and set up the party
07:30I have a great idea! Grab some balloons and follow me everyone!
07:40It is time for the party and everyone is beginning to arrive
07:45Hello Suzy, here's your balloon
07:49Thank you!
07:57Miss Rabbit has used the balloons to turn the garden party into a balloon party
08:03Miss Rabbit can make anything with a balloon
08:07Or any one, here you go
08:10It looks like me!
08:13And this one looks like me
08:18This is the balloon race
08:27Careful Daddy!
08:34And don't worry if you pop a balloon, because we have lots of extras
08:45Everyone would have loved Mummy Pig's garden party, but everyone loves the balloon party even more
08:54Today Peppa and her class are going on a school trip
08:59Hello everyone, who's ready for a school trip in my lovely new yellow bus?
09:07Oh, what happened to your old blue bus Miss Rabbit?
09:11It broke down at the weekend whilst I was taking a nice relaxing drive
09:17Oh dear, Miss Rabbit's bus is unable to race
09:22So it's in the garage for some small repairs
09:25That bus is going to need some big repairs
09:33Peppa and her friends have never been on a big yellow bus before
09:38Seatbelt check!
09:41Then off we go!
09:46Whoops, let's try again
09:49Miss Rabbit isn't used to driving the yellow bus
10:05The yellow bus is a bit fast for Madam Gazelle
10:09Miss Rabbit, can the yellow bus play music?
10:16The yellow bus can do lots of things
10:19It can do this, this, this, and of course this
10:36The yellow bus can play music very loudly
10:39Could we turn the music down a little bit?
10:42Of course Madam Gazelle
10:47Why don't we sing a song instead?
10:51The yellow bus wheels go round and round
10:54Round and round, round and round
10:57The yellow bus wheels go round and round
11:01All day long
11:04Let's play I spy!
11:07Good idea!
11:09I spy with my little eye
11:12Something beginning with R
11:24It's a really big lorry
11:28Hello Mr Ball
11:33Peppa's playgroup have arrived for their school trip
11:37So it's time to get off the bus
11:41I wish we could stay on the yellow bus all day
11:45Don't worry, I'll be back in the bus to take you all home later
11:50Everyone likes riding in the big yellow bus
11:53Everyone except Madam Gazelle
12:02Today Peppa and her family are visiting the arcade
12:13We did it!
12:16Well done, you got a high score
12:19That's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games
12:25Look at all these tokens Peppa
12:28If you collect lots of these you can trade them in for a huge prize
12:34Wow, a prize?
12:36Look at all these tokens
12:41Can we play that game next?
12:43Of course Peppa
12:45Mummy Pig is showing Peppa how to play carrot bop
12:49She is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up
12:57Would you both like to have a go?
12:59Yes please
13:07More tokens?
13:09Does this mean we can get a really big prize Daddy?
13:17Daddy Pig is playing the dancing game
13:21Daddy Pig loves dancing
13:26I'm a bit of an expert at dancing you know
13:32Your turn Peppa
13:46Phew, that was fun
13:49But is there a game we can play all together?
13:53I know just the game
13:55Peppa and her family are playing a balloon game
13:59Whoever fills their balloon with water first wins
14:08Did we get another high score?
14:10Yes, your score was so high that you have all won the jackpot
14:15Now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize
14:21Hooray! Let's go!
14:24Hello again Peppa
14:26Here are all our tokens, can we please have our prize?
14:31Of course, with this many tokens you can get a marvellous, extraordinary, one of a kind pencil
14:42Hooray! A pencil!
14:45Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade
14:49Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade
14:54And Peppa really loves her brand new pencil
14:58Four tickets please
15:03Four popcorns please
15:07Four drinks please
15:11Today Peppa and her family are at the cinema
15:15Peppa's favourite book has been made into a movie
15:26Silly George, we're not seeing that scary ghost movie
15:31Ours is really fun and not scary
15:36Ours is really fun and not scary
15:39Scary ghost movies are only for grown-ups
15:52The seats in the cinema all fold up when they're not being used
15:57But George's seat is folding up when he's sitting in it
16:01Excuse me, coming through, watch your toes
16:05Luckily Miss Rabbit has a special booster to hold the seat flat
16:11Thank you Miss Rabbit
16:13No problem, me again
16:16Who spilled popcorn?
16:23George doesn't like it when the cinema gets dark
16:28Yay, it's starting
16:41George doesn't like the loud sounds either
16:45It's the baddie
16:52Oh dear, George thinks the baddie in the movie is a bit scary
16:57Maybe we should take George outside
17:00But you can't miss the movie
17:04Peppa has thought of a way to make the baddie less scary for George
17:09Hello George, it's me
17:12I'm just pretending to be a baddie for the movie
17:17I'm not really scary
17:20Not scary?
17:22No, and this magic wand will keep you extra safe
17:36Plus, at the end of the story, everyone lives happily ever after
17:44Ooh, happy!
17:54Everyone loves going to the cinema and George really loves movies with happy endings
18:02Peppa and her friends are going to play on the seesaw
18:16Is there a problem Mr Bull?
18:19I'm just finishing fixing the seesaw Daddy Pig
18:26There, now it's safe as houses and ready to go
18:32Peppa loves playing on the seesaw
18:34Will you play with me Mr Bull? It's fun
18:38Me? Why not? It is fixed and ready after all
18:46Well that was fun, how are you going to get down?
18:50You need to go up so Peppa can come down
18:55Oh like this?
18:58Mr Bull is stuck at the bottom of the seesaw
19:02Mr Bull is a grown-up and Peppa is small so the seesaw won't balance
19:09You need something heavy on Peppa's side
19:12Blimey, how do you know that?
19:14I am a clever clump
19:18Right Othin
19:20Peppa's backpack will make her heavier
19:24Up, up, up, up
19:35We are as high as the clouds
19:39Mr Bull is still stuck at the bottom of the seesaw
19:43I suppose it's good fun at the bottom too
19:46What a cracking view of the grass
19:53We need another grown-up to play with Mr Bull
19:59I wonder where we can find another grown-up
20:04You're a grown-up Daddy
20:07Oh yes, so I am. I'll play with you Mr Bull
20:15Daddy Pig and Mr Bull are both grown-ups
20:19So the seesaw is balanced and goes up and down
20:26Are you not having fun Mr Bull?
20:29I'm having a brilliant time, I just wanted to see the view
20:35Okey dokey, let's go!
20:38Whee! Up into the sky!
20:42Hello Sun!
20:45Hello Cross!
20:47Hello Clouds!
20:50Hello Peppa!
20:57Seesaw! Seesaw! Seesaw!
21:00Today Peppa and her friends are going to the sweet shop
21:04Hello Miss Rabbit, I'd like to buy everything in the sweet shop please
21:10Here is my coin
21:12Peppa and her friends each have one coin to buy a sweet with
21:16Here is my coin too!
21:19And mine!
21:20And mine!
21:21Wow! What a lot of money!
21:24But I'm afraid it's not enough to buy everything in the shop
21:28Oh yes!
21:30One coin is perfect for trying my new sweet making machines though
21:37Just choose a machine, pop your coin in the slot and push the big red button
21:43Mmm, strawberry laces!
21:47But strawberries are fruit, not sweets
21:52My sweets are made with delicious real fruit
21:56Much tastier and much healthier
22:00Yummy strawberries!
22:03They look like hair
22:05You're right! I've got a strawberry ponytail
22:10My turn, my turn!
22:13Emily Elephant has found a rainbow lollipop machine
22:17For this machine you have to push the buttons to choose your favourite fruity flavours
22:24Yellow banana!
22:27Ooh, you love red apples
22:30And pink raspberries
22:33And blue blueberries
22:35And green apples
22:39You like all the flavours
22:48So fruity!
22:51Look, it's a big spinning ball
22:56That's a candy floss machine
22:59Why don't you pop your coin in and give it a go?
23:10It tastes like coconuts
23:14It looks just like you Susie
23:18Now it looks even more like you
23:23What is that?
23:25Only one way to find out
23:33But I thought this was a sweetie machine, not a money machine
23:39Can I use this to buy some real sweeties?
23:44You don't need to, that coin is a sweetie Peppa
23:48It's a chocolate coin
23:51Chocolate! Hooray!
23:54Peppa loves a sweet treat from the sweet shop
23:57Everyone loves a sweet treat from the sweet shop
24:01The treasure train is on its way
24:05Choo choo! Yay!
24:08Peppa Pig and Danny Dog are driving a train full of gold, silver and broccoli
24:19Is broccoli treasure?
24:22Yes, it's special broccoli made of sparkly diamonds
24:28Peppa and Danny aren't really driving a train
24:32They're using their imagination to pretend
24:35Hooray! Stop!
24:38In the name of, um, robbers!
24:43Oh no! Pedro Pony and Susie Sheep are pretending to be train robbers
24:49Can we have all your treasure, please?
24:56Oh, OK
25:00You're supposed to steal the treasure Susie
25:06Ha ha! We have stolen all the treasure!
25:16Um, what do we do now?
25:18You escape
25:20Oh yes!
25:24Whoa! Come back you naughty robbers
25:28Now Peppa and Danny are pretending to be police officers
25:32They're going to catch the robbers
25:38You caught us!
25:40No we didn't, because, um...
25:44Ha! Your boat can fly!
25:47Um, Madam Gazelle, can ships fly?
25:51Real ships cannot fly
25:55But pretend ships certainly can
26:02Now Pedro and Susie are in a flying boat
26:06Oh, um...
26:08Our train can fly too!
26:18Police officers Peppa and Danny have almost caught the robbers
26:24I'm dying!
26:28Is it a giant?
26:30No, it's a daddy pig
26:33And he's coming to take you home
26:42What are you doing, Peppa?
26:44We're pretending to fly our boats and trains, Daddy
26:49Oh my, what an imaginative bunch you all are
26:54Aha! Peppa loves imagining things
26:57Everyone loves imagining things
27:01Peppa, have you decided what you're giving away to the charity shop?
27:06Yes, all of this
27:12Today, Peppa is giving some of her toys and clothes to a charity shop
27:18This is called donating
27:21Away we go!
27:25Charity shops sell donated items and use the money to help people
27:31Great! Do you want to help me sell them?
27:34Yes, please!
27:36I'll help by shopping
27:39Peppa is excited for people to buy her old things
27:48But no one is buying them
27:51No one is buying any of the things I donated, Miss Rabbit
27:57Not to worry, we just need to let people know they're available to buy
28:02Like this
28:04Do you like Toy Rabbits, Police Officer Panda?
28:09Did you want to buy this one?
28:12I do, thank you
28:15Why don't you try, Peppa?
28:22I'm a bit cold, Mummy
28:25Would you like to buy this jumper, Susie?
28:29It's very warm and woolly and cosy
28:33Yes, please! I love wool!
28:37Bonjour, Miss Rabbit
28:40I'm looking for a gift for somebody who loves sports
28:45I know
28:53This is perfect! Thank you
28:59Peppa wants to sell her toy bus next, but there's no one left to sell to
29:06There's no one left in the shop, Miss Rabbit, except Mummy
29:11Let's put it in the window display so everyone outside can see it
29:19Hello there! Look at this toy bus! Would you like to buy it?
29:25No one can hear Peppa from outside the shop
29:30The big real bus looks just like Peppa's little toy bus
29:36We have the same bus!
29:41Maybe it'll sell tomorrow, Peppa
29:48Excuse me, is that toy bus for sale?
29:53Why, yes it is! Would you like to buy it?
29:58I would love to buy it! I love all buses, big and small
