ספין פרק 7 לצפייה ישירה

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ספין פרק 7 לצפייה ישירה


00:30You're my first friend here, and we're here to kill you.
00:33You gave up the keys to the bus?
00:35What did you do to him other than continue your normal life?
00:38You have a record to play, you have a right to pay, and that's what you deserve.
00:41To go on a date with someone you barely know.
00:43And the last thing I told you was that I love you.
00:45You mean like a friend or a brother or something?
00:52That's what's left after I paid everyone.
00:54Good luck with the record.
00:56But, Shira.
00:58Wait, Shira.
01:08What's up?
01:10What's wrong with you?
01:12I want to cancel the deal Shira made with you.
01:15It's too late.
01:17I'll help you with all the money.
01:19I'll drop by the camp tomorrow, and I'll go jogging.
01:21It's too late, I'm telling you. I have a lot of waiting to do.
01:24What, we're done?
01:25I think so.
01:26I gave her 1,000 shekels, at least 5-6 more trips if not more.
01:29That's dangerous, my dad will find out.
01:31The thing is, you have to think about it a lot before she cancels the deal, you know?
01:34Now, get in the car. Get in!
01:36Get in, get in, get in.
02:14When does Amigos' team have to arrive?
02:16In half an hour. Steven will be here early, especially to open the door.
02:19Thanks, Amen.
02:21With great pleasure.
02:22Amigos' campaign is a great revelation for us.
02:26Okay, go train until they come. I know when you'll be here.
02:30Leave it to me.
02:37Thanks, Betty.
02:39It's always nice to see you.
02:41You too.
02:52Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
03:00Okay, I'll be on my way at 4 o'clock. I'll cut everything.
03:06Bye, Ami.
03:17Are we okay?
03:24I talked to Manu yesterday.
03:26So? Did you convince him to get out of it?
03:28Not at all.
03:30He said he had at least five more attempts.
03:34I really hope my dad doesn't mind.
03:36I hope so too.
03:38Okay, I just... I got an email in the morning, so I'll talk to you later.
03:42Wait a second.
03:46Listen, I don't want to be weird between us.
03:49It's too late, Benji.
03:51I told you how I feel about you, and you broke it like nothing happened.
03:54I didn't break it. I was in pain.
03:57I'm still in pain. You're not my sister.
03:59But I'm not your sister, okay?
04:01And I don't want to hear about your relationship with Lia.
04:03I didn't know it bothered you that you dated Lia.
04:05So now you know.
04:10Do you feel anything for me at all?
04:12Of course. I love you.
04:16Like, not like that.
04:19Or like... I don't know.
04:21I need time to know how I feel.
04:23I don't know.
04:24Okay, fine. Take a day.
04:26Take two days, but give me an answer.
04:35We didn't kiss.
04:37Not yet.
04:38What do you mean, not yet?
04:40What's going to happen?
04:42I think so.
04:44There's something about this Benji.
04:46There's something about him?
04:48Lia, is that you?
04:50I've never heard you talk like that about anyone.
04:54I had to meet an athlete.
04:56I get it.
04:57But this doesn't seem like the best time to do it,
04:59since everyone is pointing at you at the camp.
05:02And then you trained hard to get where you are.
05:05Everything is fine. Everything is under control.
05:07He's an athlete too, and he's got something to lose.
05:12No, damn it.
05:15I lost the bus.
05:16The next one will be here in three hours.
05:19Okay, Carla.
05:20I have to call my dad to ask if he can come with me to campus.
05:28I'm done with the salad. What's left?
05:30A chair, but let me do it.
05:32No, I'm actually going to do the laundry now.
05:34Oh, really? Okay.
05:35Let's go.
05:41How did it go?
05:44He says he still needs to understand how he feels.
05:48What's there to understand?
05:50You just told your best friend from the camp that you love him.
05:55It looks like he's about to get out of shock.
06:05What if he doesn't?
06:08He'll get out of shock.
06:10Because that's what always happens to me.
06:12I'm always the friend.
06:14The sister.
06:15The one who only listens to the dates with all the perfect girls.
06:23You're pretty.
06:24You're funny.
06:25You're smart.
06:26And I'm sure Benji knows all that.
06:29Like your mom says, the best things happen to us.
06:33She says that about the soup, right?
06:42Listen, you need to change your shoes.
06:45I see that these shoes don't fit you at all.
06:47No, these shoes came from abroad, Mom.
06:49There aren't any in Israel yet.
06:50They'll only arrive in a week at the store.
06:51So we'll film in a week.
06:53You need time to get used to them.
06:54There's no time.
06:55We're doing this preview now, through the videos on DigiTel.
06:58I don't want to invite them at first either.
07:01Are you sure?
07:02I'm sure.
07:03Don't worry, it'll be fine.
07:05It'll be fine.
07:08I'm dying to know who will be in my house.
07:10She's so hot.
07:12Do you think she'll win?
07:13I don't think she'll win, Mom.
07:14She'll be amazing.
07:16Isn't that right, Benji?
07:19Oh, yes, yes.
07:21What are you doing?
07:22Why are you hiding?
07:23I thought I saw Liya.
07:26Calm down, it's not her.
07:27Why? Didn't she treat you well?
07:29No, on the contrary.
07:30It was really good.
07:31I just had an argument with Shiro, but I'm fine now.
07:33What argument with Shiro?
07:35She said she likes him.
07:37In a romantic way.
07:39That's not true.
07:40Did Shiro say that?
07:41No, now I'm shocked by it.
07:44It's not romantic, like...
07:46I really don't know.
07:47Shiro is a really good friend of mine.
07:49Her name is Gimel.
07:52Liya is Liya.
07:56So, what are you going to do now?
07:59I have no idea.
08:01On the one hand, I really had fun with Liya.
08:05On the other hand, I think Shiro has the opportunity
08:07to know that we're doing something here.
08:09So, tell that to Shiro.
08:11Because she's really under pressure.
08:13But don't tell her I told you.
08:16And, I also think that you...
08:19that you need to tell Liya that it's not going to work out.
08:21She probably told her something about tomorrow.
08:23Not at all.
08:24I won't tell her before the battles.
08:25Do you know what that will do to her?
08:26So, what are you going to do?
08:27Get rid of her?
08:29In the meantime, I'll get rid of her.
08:31At least at the end of the battles.
08:33Then I'll have a conversation.
08:34Okay, hide me in the meantime so she won't see me.
08:36I can't hide you, you...
08:49Meet the Amigos team.
08:52This is Ori, the dancer.
08:53And this is Yali, the photographer.
08:55This is Adam.
08:56Okay, no need to introduce him.
08:57And this is Steven, I understand you've already met.
08:59He's the B-Boys' trainer.
09:01Nice to meet you.
09:03Hey, we can start.
09:04We want to try the activity with no one.
09:05With fun, of course.
09:06We want you to really show off your ankle.
09:08So we can capture it in every frame.
09:10The idea is to show how the ankle improves the joints.
09:13Do you want to be an athlete like Adam Sarig?
09:16Put on the Amigos.
09:18I know.
09:19About the ankle, is there a tip?
09:20It's crazy.
09:22Do you have music?
09:36What did I tell you?
09:37A star is a star.
10:05Adam, you're an amazing dancer.
10:08Amigos will love it.
10:09Thank you for everything.
10:14See you.
10:16Nice, nice.
10:21What's going to happen?
10:22Everything's fine.
10:23Everything's calm.
10:25What if they cut your leg?
10:26You can't participate in a battle like this.
10:30Where's the first aid?
10:31In the little white car.
10:33In front of the kitchen.
10:35All right.
10:40Is Ben 4 leading this one?
10:41Isn't he a second without his mum?
10:43Listen, I have to talk to you.
10:44I have to go to the race with my dad.
10:45Why, what's the problem?
10:48Betty, Betty.
10:49Not now.
10:51Does he have a key to Steven's car?
10:52She's not answering.
10:53I keep hearing them.
10:54I heard them yesterday and showed him his children's driving license.
10:57OK, leave it.
10:59We have a house to take care of, what?
11:01We always need someone else.
11:02Come on, let's go.
11:04It's already half past.
11:05I saw.
11:10If he's not here, Steven babysits.
11:12Do you hear that?
11:13Here we are.
11:15They bought it, he has amigos.
11:16Did you see that?
11:17What, isn't it about 3,000 shekels?
11:19No, more than I thought.
11:20It's a limited edition.
11:21There's no such thing in Israel, you know?
11:23If there was, you'd buy it for 3,000 shekels.
11:25Why does it matter to them?
11:26It doesn't matter. You don't see that there's a human-to-human relationship here.
11:28They're not even trying to hide it.
11:30What are these legos for, man?
11:32For what, man? For what?
11:33And a friend of hers is training with shoes that go up like my whole house.
11:36If you keep an eye on him from all directions,
11:38everyone here will fix everything. What did we do here?
11:39Good morning, everyone. You can go to the screen.
11:43I hope you did your warm-up.
11:45Come here, good energy.
11:47We're starting.
11:49Pay attention.
11:52Here you can see your progress in the camp.
11:55Progress? There were no battles yet.
11:57Skill, agility, general performance, everything is in order.
12:00Of course, everything can still change when the battles start.
12:03Well, first of all, I'm a military man,
12:05so I'm in sixth place, and Benji is in fifth.
12:07Say thank you. He's in seventh place.
12:09In addition, you'll be able to see who you're up against in the battles.
12:13I don't want to hear a word.
12:15Is that a rule?
12:17So there are no lines, no changes, no questions.
12:19Thank you, have a good day, and good luck.
12:22Great. They put me against Adam.
12:24I'm telling you, I'm trying to get used to your behavior.
12:26They put me against your friend.
12:30Tell me, where is your mother?
12:33You're going to talk to her, right?
12:35Because she's under a lot of pressure.
12:36Okay, okay.
12:38Okay, come on, let's do it.
12:40Oh, that's exactly how it went down.
12:42I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say.
12:43You should think about it, man, because I'm on my way to here.
12:46Be brave.
12:53I missed the bus. What happened?
12:55Nothing, they published the results.
12:57You're the first in the Biggers.
12:59Come here.
13:01You're going to meet Emily, and you're coming today.
13:08Is everything okay?
13:10What's going on?
13:15The truth is, I wanted to tell you that...
13:24I'm on my way to here.
13:27Okay, I'll see you at the dining room?
13:29Yes, or no, I'm not that hungry, you can come in.
13:35Okay, talk to you later.
13:41Did you see that?
13:42Wow, that's crazy.
13:44No, it's not.
13:45How does he use all of his space?
13:47It's like he likes to keep a distance from the prey.
13:49So if I want to get close to him,
13:50I need to stick to his face, and I can't do that.
13:53So if I want to get close to him,
13:54I need to stick to his face like a rubber band,
13:57to get him out of focus, you know?
14:00What's up with Liya?
14:01Do you have any updates?
14:03Her score.
14:05And everything related to footwork.
14:06She's worse at it, look.
14:10Look, here she's really bad at it.
14:14And all of your footwork is worse.
14:16You're really bad at it, I'm much better at it.
14:18Come on, look at this, you won't understand where this is coming from.
14:23Why are you so distant?
14:25Maybe it's something I said.
14:27How long have you been so worried about a boy?
14:29Since I lived in a foreign country, I didn't have any friends.
14:33I really liked him, Carla.
14:35We had a deep conversation.
14:37I understand.
14:39But Liya, you need to stay focused.
14:42Because you know that the slightest mistake can compromise everything.
14:45You're right, yes.
14:48Do you think I have another one?
14:50No, Liya, bye, bye.
14:53I'm sorry.
14:58How was it? Do you think I was close?
15:01But I like you.
15:03What's wrong with you? I don't understand how you do your work.
15:05Okay, Liya, you can do it.
15:07Liya, I need to do a lot of footwork.
15:09Okay, five, six...
15:24Keep going, Yami, keep going, you'll get it.
15:26Yami, why don't I need this, really?
15:28You'll get it.
15:31No, no, I'm not hungry.
15:35Do you want me to bring you something to eat?
15:37To give you some energy.
15:38Yes, bring me a fruit, maybe.
15:40Energy drink?
15:41Yes, on me.
15:45Keep going, keep going.
15:53Hi, Benji.
15:56I thought you were Liya.
15:57What, did I eat like Liya?
15:59You were already at the end.
16:02I just had to hug my girlfriend.
16:04You must be realizing that something's not right, right?
16:07Hey, what's going on here?
16:10I just finished. I need to go back to training.
16:13Or you didn't eat anything.
16:15Yes, but I got tired of...
16:18of being in front of the camera all the time.
16:20So I got tired of looking around.
16:23Okay, see you at my place?
16:25Do you want to see me?
16:26I saw on the board that you're at 3.30.
16:28I'm at 1 o'clock.
16:30That means you'll make it.
16:32I'm sure I'll be at the gym.
16:36Everyone here has friends who've been friends with them,
16:38and I still don't really know anyone.
16:41It's important to see the faces.
16:44What time did you say it was again?
16:48No problem, I'll be there.
16:52Okay, I have to go. See you at 1?
16:54Wait, wait a second, Benji.
17:07Did something happen?
17:08I feel like you're hiding from me.
17:10No, I'm always like this before a battle.
17:12I just need to stay focused, that's why.
17:17Yes, me too.
17:19No, don't worry, I'll be fine.
17:22You'll be great.
17:40You're the first today, huh?
17:44Enough with the tears, man.
17:45I don't know if I can do it anymore.
17:47I'm not leaving yet, I'm the first in Israel to get it.
17:49Nice, nice.
17:50Betty, remember me?
17:52Yonatan Alvosh, Benji's friend.
17:53Benji Adesanya, I'm sure you remember.
17:55What about his music video? He hasn't sent it to me yet.
17:56It's still in the deadline.
17:58That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
18:04Next battle.
18:06Bigger Top.
18:09Against Bigger Speed.
18:12Good luck, girls.
18:15To the places.
18:17To the places.
18:23To the places.
18:31To the places.
18:35To the places.
19:01Benji, it's Sania.
19:03I came to hear from you.
19:05What did you want to talk about?
19:08Yonet told me you have to talk to me.
19:10Is that what she told you?
19:12Am I wrong?
19:13No, Liupo just said you want to meet me,
19:16talk to me.
19:17Okay, it doesn't matter.
19:18The main thing is that we talk.
19:20What's up with your music video?
19:22I need it for the line-up.
19:23I'm sorry we got stuck.
19:25It's on its way to you.
19:27Just some final fixes.
19:28I have to get the music video to the end.
19:30To the end.
19:31If I don't get it to the end, it'll be too late.
19:33Here's to the end. Check it out.
19:36Oh, and we need to book you a meeting with Nero,
19:38who works for me.
19:39I'll give you some dates.
19:41Tell me when you can get there.
20:14And the winner is...
20:16Bigger Top!
20:17Of course.
20:24Okay, so we have to go.
20:25I'll see you later.
20:42Okay, so we have a date and time,
20:44and Nero will talk to you about the rest of the details.
20:48I'll be waiting for the music video.
20:50Thanks, Betty.
20:51See you soon.
20:52See you later.
21:02Ulia, come on.
21:09What happened?
21:10Are you okay?
21:13If you were in my shoes, you'd know.
21:16Sorry, I'm just confused.
21:17They just followed me to a conversation.
21:19It doesn't matter.
21:20How was it?
21:22Did you lose?
21:27Yeah, it's really surprising.
21:28I'm not supposed to lose to someone on the spot.
21:30I'm not supposed to lose at all, Benji.
21:32Especially not because I was waiting for someone
21:34who said he'd come see me.
21:35Sorry, I'm just confused.
21:37Everything just got mixed up with the training camps and...
21:39And the song, the...
21:41The song?
21:44The truth is, she's a really good friend of mine.
21:46Always has been.
21:47We were just thinking about yesterday,
21:49and she suddenly tells me she doesn't love me.
21:54Is it my fault?
21:57I don't...
21:58I don't know.
21:59I have no idea.
22:01How do you know?
22:03When you want someone, you know.
22:08Which is pretty hard to miss.
22:12But anyway,
22:13because she's a really good friend of mine,
22:15I think she's getting to the point,
22:17and I don't want to hurt her.
22:20So I think that maybe it's time for us to...
22:25Maybe to stay...
22:31I accept.
22:33You're not...
22:34You're not embarrassed?
22:35Not at all.
22:39I'm happy.
22:42You're famous.
22:44Is it...
23:12Are you ready?
23:23Here we go!
23:41Are you ready?
23:50Are you ready?
24:12Are you ready?
24:13Are you ready?
24:14Are you ready?
24:15Are you ready?
24:16Are you ready?
24:17Are you ready?
24:18Are you ready?
24:19Are you ready?
24:20Are you ready?
24:21Are you ready?
24:22Are you ready?
24:23Are you ready?
24:24Are you ready?
24:25Are you ready?
24:26Are you ready?
24:27Are you ready?
24:28Are you ready?
24:29Are you ready?
24:30Are you ready?
24:31Are you ready?
24:32Are you ready?
24:33Are you ready?
24:34Are you ready?
24:35Are you ready?
24:36Are you ready?
24:37Are you ready?
24:38Are you ready?
24:39Are you ready?