• last year
Are you interested in me making more ‘how to’ type videos? For me, my videos are about simplicity. And making sure my viewers and clients benefit from my ideas and thoughts.

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/not-following-the-apple-how-to-herd
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#apple #mac #consulting #coaching #training #business #tech #technology #minimalism #simplicity


00:00I've been asked many times as to why I don't create how-to videos how to do this how to do that demos and stuff
00:08And there's several reasons for that one is that the clients that I work with all the projects that I work with with my clients
00:17They're not
00:19You you can't translate them to videos often. I
00:24Can probably make how-to videos
00:27but I think that's boring and there's a billion and one people doing how-to videos out there and
00:33I don't want to be lumped into that
00:39The other the main thing really is about simplicity. I make daily videos. I need to make videos quickly
00:47but also
00:49The simplicity of me just talking to you
00:53Makes it
00:55For me makes it a bit more of a bond than showing you bells and whistles
01:00I think you can get that from anywhere and I don't want to be that anywhere
01:06simply, I just don't I
01:09Have thought about doing more how-to videos. I did do them in the past and show demos and stuff
01:14But I think I'm gonna reserve that for later
01:18Maybe put it behind a paywall and
01:22Only purely because it takes us so much time to do that for me
01:27That I'd rather get paid for it. Why not? I mean, it's my work, right?
01:32We all need to pay the bills
01:35These videos are more to do with being
01:40instructional kind of giving you information of
01:44ways of doing things and more
01:49Inspirational in a way. Oh, man, that sounds like a I
01:54Hate those inspirational guys, but I think you understand what I mean. So again, it's all about simplicity. It's all about
02:01why we use Apple as a product for our
02:04day-to-day lives and our business because it's simple and
02:09What I want to do is convey that simplicity and help people with their products Apple products and their technology
02:17through simplicity rather than showing
02:21You know, you have to push this button to do that. I mean get a manual or find someone else that can do that. I
02:29Just want to bring that out
02:30It was something that stuck in my head for the past week or so and I'm getting more and more emails about this
02:36It's like well, there are a billion other people making how-to videos. You don't need me to make another one
02:44Anyway with that have a great day
02:47Wolf is chilling back there. You can just see him. I'll see you in the next video. Ciao