Rambo (TFoF) - Ep. 23 - Pirate Peril (480p - DVDRip)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Anywhere and everywhere, the savage forces of General Warhawk threaten the peace-loving
00:27people of the world. There's only one man to call. Get me Rambo.
00:38From the canyons of skyscrapers to the canyons of remote mountain peaks, Liberty's champion
00:43is unstoppable. Rambo, helped by the mechanical genius known as Turbo, and the master of disguises
00:53named Cat, the honor-bound protector of the innocent. Rambo, the force of freedom.
01:00It is a good catch, my wife. Ah, yes, my husband, but we are risking our lives fishing in pirate
01:25waters. Harsh, woman. We have a right to fish anywhere we please, and...
01:35Catch him! Catch him!
01:47Can't you make this old pup go any faster, Captain Scar? Full speed ahead, you scum!
01:55Aye, aye, Captain, sir!
02:05Attack! Seek the surface!
02:22Over the side, men!
02:34You ever fish in these waters again, and you'll end up shark-bait! Shark-bait, you
03:04hear? All of you!
03:10It's all over, Admiral Monac. Now that we've driven everybody away from these waters, we
03:16can proceed with our plans undisturbed.
03:21Congratulations, General. I salute you.
03:24Excuse me, General. A message came in from our sources in Hong Kong.
03:30Rambo's here. See to it that this is his last visit, Havoc.
03:35My pleasure, sir.
04:00Way to go, Cat!
04:15Hang in there!
04:19Go for the clincher!
04:29Go for the clincher!
04:47Congratulations, champ!
04:52You were terrific. A little lucky, maybe, but...
04:56Lucky, huh? Why, you...
04:58Get changed. Chow's on me.
05:01They hurry before he changes his mind.
05:07Actually, we'll be joining my old friend Chang and his wife for dinner.
05:11He has something he wants to talk to us about.
05:21Pirates? Why would pirates attack poor, harmless fishermen?
05:25Not just fishermen, Banjo. Anyone entering those waters.
05:30Ah, here comes the menu boat. I will order you something special.
05:46This pirate problem smells of warthog. I'm gonna check it out.
05:51Count me in.
05:52Count me in.
05:53Yeah, me too. On guard, you old scoundrel!
05:57Well, well, if it isn't Captain Kidder.
06:01Wouldn't it be great to cross swords with a real live pirate?
06:06You'll know soon enough.
06:08What do you mean?
06:09We're about to be boarded.
06:12And me without my saber.
06:25He needed a bath anyway.
06:41Need some help?
06:42Are you kidding?
06:47Just getting my sea legs.
07:12Havoc, I'm over here.
07:17Not for long, mister.
07:29Your numbers are bravo.
07:32Didn't know you could count, Havoc.
07:34Here, chow meat for one.
07:44With two, you get egg rolled.
07:54Joke time is over, Rambo. Say goodbye.
07:59Joke time is over, Rambo. Say goodbye.
08:04Save your goodbyes, Havoc.
08:09You're gonna need them.
08:14I'll be back, Rambo.
08:18I'll be waiting.
08:22Victory is ours, milady.
08:24Well done, Captain.
08:26What you two swashbucklers are through celebrating, we'll go ashore,
08:30rustle up a junk and hunt these bilge rats down.
08:33Took the words right out of me mouth, Captain Bly, sir.
08:44A week and we haven't seen any sign of Warhawk or his pirate pals.
08:49Don't worry, we will.
08:51It's the matter of finding the right waters.
08:53But we'd better find them soon, because we're running low on supplies.
08:57There's land off the port bow. We'll put ashore there.
09:02About time. My stomach feels like it just crossed the Atlantic with Columbus.
09:17Looks like we found our pirates.
09:19It's like we stepped back into the days of Blackbeard.
09:23Speak of the devil.
09:25Let me do the talking.
09:30I'm Captain Scar. What are you three doing on my island?
09:35We're on the run from the Hong Kong police.
09:37We stopped here to take on water and supplies.
09:43What did the coppers want you for?
09:46Parking tickets.
09:48You got guts, I'll say that for you.
09:52Come with me, I'll introduce you to the others and see about making you members of the Brotherhood.
09:58Follow me, mate.
10:01You should have seen all the jewels.
10:18I thank you, ma'am.
10:25Here, sit yourself next to me.
10:29How about some grub, pretty lady?
10:34Uh, thanks.
10:40These three here are to join our Brotherhood.
10:43Do we let them in, or do we cut their hearts out and feed them to the fishies?
10:51That's easy.
10:53Cut their hearts out.
10:55Hiya, gripper.
10:57You know this man?
10:59Sure. He's out for nail, General Warhawk. They all are.
11:05Boy, you know good.
11:13Rambo, catch!
11:14Thanks, Turbo.
11:24You think that'll stop me?
11:29No, but this will.
11:44That's a no-no, gripper.
11:49Eat lead, Rambo!
11:56Here, you're a tricky one.
12:25Finish him, Rambo!
12:38You okay, Ace?
12:40Did the ref throw a flag on that clip?
12:43Let's go get him.
13:08We'll lose them if they reach that fog bank.
13:10You guys launch the hydrofoil while I take care of the pirate navy.
13:14You got it, buddy.
13:30Radio the Coast Guard. Have them come and round up the pirates.
13:34It'll be my pleasure.
13:58Rambo, cut your engine, or we'll blast you out of the water!
14:21Watch the monitor, Rambo. You are in for a big surprise.
14:26You are seeing what the crew in the mini-sub are seeing.
14:30Where'd you steal a mini-sub?
14:32Show him!
14:34Look familiar, soldier?
14:36So that's where the Oceanography Institute's new baby went.
14:40I have a better use for it, as you can see.
14:47Holy! A Liberté.
14:51Congratulations. You know your French submarines.
14:55I know that submarine. The whole French fleet's out looking for it.
15:00They could have it, if they outbid everyone else.
15:03So that's your game. One top-secret sub, highest bidder wins.
15:09Very perceptive, Rambo. Too bad you won't be around for the payoff.
15:14Lock him in a hold, Admiral, till we've raised the Liberté.
15:19You're gonna walk the plank, mate. End up as dinner for the sharks!
15:34You are right, General. The Liberté sank from internal explosions.
15:39When can we start raising her?
15:42Soon as the airbags are in position.
15:45Get your men started, Admiral. Work them around the clock.
15:50I want that sub raised on the double.
15:53Consider it done, General.
15:56I want that sub raised on the double.
15:59Consider it done, General.
16:26Sorry, guys.
16:29We'll have to find lunch somewhere else.
16:55We'll have to find lunch somewhere else.
17:26Hey, it's Rambo!
17:41Get after him, Admiral! Blast him out of the water!
17:46Launch the armored jet ski!
17:55Launch the armored jet ski!
18:25Blast him! Blow that hydrofoil sky high!
18:55Blast him!
19:09Torpedo away!
19:25Here, lean on me, General.
19:28Help me! Help me get to the chopper!
19:44Enjoy your trip, General.
19:47I'll be back.
20:06This wasn't your fight, Rambo. Why did you interfere?
20:11Because you and Warhawk are bullies.
20:14And bullies must be stopped, no matter who they are or what the cost.
20:19Looks like some good came out of this after all.
20:28The British, French and Americans are all working together.
20:32All comes down to teamwork, no matter what you're doing.
20:36Well, how about a little teamwork with this?
20:39A one and a two and a three.
20:41Teamwork's fine, but a little practice doesn't hurt either.
21:11Subtitling by SUBS Hamburg
