Sister Janet Meade - "Gloria" (1974)
00:00Gloria, gloria, glory to God in the highest.
00:24Lord God, heavenly King,
00:28Almighty God and Father.
00:32Gloria, gloria, glory to God in the highest.
00:38We worship you, we give you thanks,
00:42we praise you for your glory.
00:46God, Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
00:49Lord God, Lamb of God.
00:53Gloria, gloria, glory to God in the highest.
01:00You take away the sin of the world,
01:03have mercy on us.
01:07You take away the sin of the world,
01:10receive our prayer.
01:16Gloria, gloria, glory to God in the highest.
01:23You alone are the Holy One,
01:26you alone are the Lord.
01:30You alone are the Most High,
01:34Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.
01:43Gloria, gloria, glory to God in the highest.
01:49In the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father.