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Ngaji Al-Quran Online Dengan Wan Teh - Aisyah ms 262 Al-Hijr 1 - 15 سورة الحجر #ngaji #alquran #alhijr

Sediakan Al-Quran anda dan mari mengaji dengan cara yang betul Insha’Allah https://www.youtube.com/@ngajidenganwan?sub_confirmation=1

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5. Juga boleh membeli IRAB AL QURAN / I'RAB AL QURAN - إعراب القران di https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.cGtlxr

Alif, Laam, Raa'. Ini ialah ayat-ayat Kitab (yang lengkap sempurna) dan Al-Quran yang memberi penjelasan.
Ada masanya orang-orang yang kafir merasa ingin kalaulah mereka telah menjadi orang-orang Islam.
Biarkanlah mereka makan dan bersenang-lenang dengan kemewahan dunia dan dilalaikan oleh angan-angan (daripada bertaubat dan insaf); kemudian mereka akan mengetahui kelak (bencana perbuatan mereka).
Dan tiadalah Kami binasakan (penduduk) sesebuah negeri melainkan ada baginya tempoh yang tertentu dan termaklum.
Sesuatu umat itu tidak dapat mendahului tempohnya yang telah ditentukan, dan mereka juga tidak dapat mengundurkannya.
Dan mereka yang ingkar berkata (kepada Nabi Muhammad): "Wahai orang yang kepadanya diturunkan Al-Quran, sesungguhnya engkau adalah orang gila".
"Sepatutnya engkau membawakan malaikat kepada kami (untuk menjadi saksi tentang kerasulanmu), jika betul engkau dari orang-orang yang benar!"
Tiadalah Kami menurunkan Malaikat melainkan dengan cara yang sungguh layak dan berhikmat, dan pada ketika itu mereka (yang ingkar) tidak akan diberi tempoh lagi.
Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan Al-Quran, dan Kamilah yang memelihara dan menjaganya.
Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah utuskan Rasul-rasul sebelummu (wahai Muhammad), dalam kalangan kaum-kaum yang telah lalu.
Dan tiadalah seseorang Rasul pun yang datang kepada mereka, melainkan mereka mempersenda dan mengejek-ejeknya.


00:00In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:12These are the verses of the Book and the clear Qur'an.
00:18Those who disbelieve, if they are Muslims,
00:26they will eat and drink and hope, and they will know.
00:38And We did not destroy a town except that it had a known Book.
00:47No nation precedes it in its term, and they do not delay.
00:55Repeat it.
00:57Repeat it.
00:59Repeat it.
01:02No nation precedes it in its term, and they do not delay.
01:10And say, O you who have been sent down a reminder,
01:17indeed you are crazy.
01:20Why do you not bring us the angels, if you are of the truthful?
01:29We send down the angels not except with the truth,
01:35and they are never late.
01:40Indeed, We have sent down the Reminder, and we are its keepers.
01:49And We sent before you in the Shia'a of the ancients,
01:57and no Messenger came to them except that they mocked him.
02:06Thus do We cause him to enter into the hearts of the criminals.
02:13They do not believe in him, and the Sunnah of the ancients has passed.
02:21And even if We opened for them a gate from the sky,
02:28they would still enter through it.
02:32And they say, Our eyes are blinded,
02:40but we are a people who are dazzled.
02:45Allah has taken away the sight of those who are dazzled.
02:55And they say, Our eyes are blinded,
03:05but we are a people who are dazzled.
03:18Allah has taken away the sight of those who are dazzled.
03:25Allah has taken away the sight of those who are dazzled.
03:31In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
03:35O Allah, we place you among the enemies of our enemies,
03:40and we seek refuge in You from their evil.
03:43O Allah, remove their cover,
03:46and separate their gatherings,
03:49and strengthen their word,
03:51and shake their feet,
03:53and cast over them a dog of Your dogs.
03:57O Powerful, O Powerful,
04:01O Avenger, O Allah,
04:04O Allah, O Allah,
04:08O Allah, O Renderer of the Book,
04:12and O Companion of the Companions,
04:15and O Defender of the parties.
04:18Defeat them, defeat them, defeat them, and support us against them.
04:25And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad.
04:30And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
04:48And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad.
