• last year
Islamic video 786
00:00There was a time when no one stole shoes of Hazrat Shahid Shahid.
00:07And those were expensive shoes.
00:10And I think this is the same for you.
00:13Most of the people living in the city, we village people,
00:17we used to get shoes made with sacks.
00:20I used to get shoes made with sacks.
00:23I used to get shoes made with sacks.
00:26I used to get shoes made with sacks.
00:29I used to get shoes made with sacks.
00:32It looked very nice.
00:33And the shoes were stolen.
00:35So people said to him,
00:36Huzoor, someone stole your shoes.
00:38So Hazrat said,
00:39the word immediately,
00:40that Shukarwali.
00:41This could also have happened.
00:43Look, how many people have become thieves,
00:45how many have become oppressors.
00:46They don't even care.
00:47They don't even care for the elders.
00:49No one has any shame.
00:50This and that has happened.
00:51All these things could have happened.
00:53But what is the difference between Shikwa and Shukar?
00:58He said to Hazrat Saadi,
00:59Huzoor, shoes have been stolen.
01:01So he said,
01:04Shukar is there.
01:05The shoes have been stolen.
01:06The feet have not been stolen.
01:09If the feet are safe,
01:10then the shoes will come again.
01:12The shoes have gone,
01:13but the feet have not gone.
01:15So Shukarwali life is ours.
01:17It is out of Shikwa.
01:18We don't have Shikwa.
01:19We don't have Shikwa.
01:20If Hazrat Islam was passing by,
01:22then a person is lying on the ground.
01:24Both his hands are cut off,
01:26both his feet are cut off,
01:27and both his eyes are not seen.
01:29I have said this,
01:31you have heard it.
01:32But if a finger is cut,
01:34then the whole life goes by crying.
01:36Look, I have become disabled.
01:38Both hands are not seen,
01:40both feet are not seen,
01:41both eyes are not seen.
01:42Look here, young men.
01:43No hands, no feet,
01:46no eyes.
01:47No hands, no feet,
01:48no eyes.
01:49But if you want to sleep in my sorrow,
01:52then put the sorrow aside.
01:56And the dervish said,
01:58accept the sorrow,
01:59and forgive Muhammad.
02:01O my dear, be content.
02:03O my dear, be content.
02:05No hands, no feet,
02:06no eyes, no eyes.
02:08A person is lying on the ground and says,
02:10O Allah, I am grateful to You.
02:13O Allah, I am grateful to You.
02:15O Allah, I am grateful to You.
02:17Hazrat Isa was passing by.
02:19People gathered there.
02:20His condition.
02:21Look, I said,
02:22again, again,
02:23think about what I am saying.
02:24That is,
02:25if both hands are cut,
02:26think for a minute,
02:27if both feet are cut,
02:29if both eyes are not seen,
02:31if there is no sight of the world,
02:33and a person says,
02:34O Allah, I am grateful to You.
02:35O Allah, I am grateful to You.
02:36When Hazrat Isa saw people,
02:39he was surprised to see him,
02:41then Hazrat Ruhullah
02:44went near that person
02:46and turned his hand and said,
02:48there is a question for you in people's hearts.
02:52No hands, no feet,
02:54no eyes, no eyes.
02:56So what are you thankful for?
02:58Do you know what that person said?
03:00He said,
03:01Huzoor, no eyes,
03:03no feet,
03:04no hands,
03:05but I am thankful to Allah,
03:07He has given me faith.
03:10Here, some people are dishonest with their eyes,
03:14some people are insolent with their existence,
03:18some people are worthless with their blessings.
03:21My existence is not complete,
03:23but I am thankful to Allah.
03:25In this heart,
03:26I have placed both the Lord and the Messenger of Allah.
03:30This is thankfulness,
03:31that the faith in the heart,
03:33the heart is like a believer.
03:35Tell me the truth,
03:37by placing your hand on the heart.
03:39Distribute sweets when you get a son.
03:41Distribute sweets on the new house.
03:44Distribute gifts when you get a new job.
03:47Tell me the truth.
03:49Have you ever prayed twice,
03:51O Allah, we are thankful to you,
03:53that you have made us slaves to the Messenger of Allah.
03:55You have never understood this blessing in your life,
03:58that how great you are.
04:00You do not know that
04:01just because of your relationship with Huzoor,
04:03your face will shine like the night of the 14th day of Qiyamah.
04:07You say,
04:08if I don't have money,
04:09I will start crying.
04:10If I don't have a house,
04:11I will start crying.
04:12Do you know,
04:13what blessing do you have?
04:15The great Imam-e-Razi says,
04:17the Prophet should keep on praying.
04:19The Prophet, the Messenger.
04:21The Prophet of Allah.
04:23O Allah,
04:24make us part of the Ummah of your Beloved.
04:27You have received this blessing without asking for it.
04:29You have never thought,
04:31that I will accept it,
04:33that I will spend it in worship,
04:35that Allah has made me a slave to the Messenger of Allah.
04:38You have made your life thankful.
04:40You have made your character thankful.
04:43In your nature,
04:44one of my friends called me one day.
04:47We were studying together in college.
04:49He said,
04:50let's go for a walk.
04:52I said,
04:53I go to the city every day.
04:55I go to the city every day.
04:58Sometimes I go to a city,
05:00sometimes to another city.
05:02At two o'clock at night,
05:04I used to reach home between one and two o'clock.
05:07From Okara,
05:09Rinala Khurd, etc.
05:13And then,
05:14as much as Allah wanted,
05:16I went to bed.
05:17Fajr, by the will of Allah, I got up and read.
05:19And after Fajr,
05:20I came to Kamookah and gave Dars.
05:22And this series is still going on.
05:24The Prophet's desire is in the personality of Adam.
05:28And see,
05:29where the Prophet's experience takes us.
05:32This series is still going on.
05:33I said,
05:34I don't want to go for a walk.
05:36He said,
05:37I am tired of my work.
05:39I live in a cold area for two or four days.
05:41I said,
05:42you must be tired.
05:43My work is very enjoyable.
05:45I will talk about the people of Madinah in the morning and evening.
05:48Talk about the redness of my heart.
05:51Talk about the glory of the face of the sun.
05:54I said,
05:55if we feel that we are Muslims,
05:59we are believers,
06:01we are those who can't be bought with millions.
06:04But we don't have the temperament of Shukr.
06:06We don't have the nature.
06:13You see,
06:14the Prophet has also said this.
06:16He said,
06:17all the Prophets were tormented,
06:18and I was the most tormented.
06:20Sadness is always there.
06:22It is not that there is no pain.
06:24He did not say,
06:26I will just start talking.
06:27It is not that there is no pain.
06:30Look at the 13 years of Mecca,
06:32how the disbelievers were tormented.
06:34When the Prophet came to Madinah,
06:36sometimes there were swords in Badr,
06:38sometimes in Uhud,
06:39sometimes in Khandaq,
06:40sometimes somewhere,
06:41sometimes somewhere.
06:42And sometimes the attacks of the disbelievers,
06:44sometimes the conspiracies of the hypocrites.
06:46The Prophet faced all of this.
06:51But Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa said,
06:54if it was night time,
06:55he would have been a true Muslim.
06:57So the Prophet would have tied the intention of prayer.
07:01And he would have prayed so much,
07:03prayed so much,
07:04prayed so much,
07:05that he would have become paralyzed in his holy feet.
07:08Everyone would have become tired of earning bread.
07:11Many people would have become tired of accumulating wealth.
07:14But tell me,
07:15would they have become tired of worshipping?
07:18She said,
07:19that he would have become paralyzed in his holy feet.
07:23One day I said,
07:25O Prophet, you are the beloved of Allah.
07:28Allah has made you the Imam of the Prophets.
07:32Why do you work so hard?
07:35Why do you worship so hard?
07:37So the Prophet taught the Ummah.
07:39He said,
07:41you have narrated that Allah has given me great powers.
07:47He said,
07:48then should I not become a grateful servant of my Lord?
07:52This whole night's worship is for gratitude.
07:55This whole night's prayer is for gratitude.
07:58This whole night is for gratitude.
08:00In your life,
08:01you should be grateful for the blessings.
08:03Allah says,
08:07You should be grateful,
08:08and I will add to the blessings.
08:10But if the complaint is removed from the tongue,
08:12there will be peace.
08:22For more information, visit www.fema.org