King Arthur and the Knights of Justice" (1992) is an animated TV series that aired in the early '90s. The show follows a football team from the future, led by quarterback Arthur King, who gets transported back in time to take on the roles of King Arthur and his legendary knights. They are tasked with defending Camelot and rescuing the real King Arthur and his knights from the evil sorceress Morgana. The show is a mix of action, adventure, and medieval mythology, appealing to fans of fantasy and animation. #90sCartoons, #RetroCartoons, #ClassicAnimation, #NostalgicCartoons, #KnightsOfTheRoundTable, #SaturdayMorningCartoons, #CartoonNostalgia, #AnimatedSeries, #FantasyCartoons, #90sKids, #CartoonHeroes, #CartoonHistory, #Cartoons, #RetroGaming, #Animation, #Fantasy, #Nostalgia, #90sTVShow, #ActionAdventure, #CartoonNetwork, #OldSchoolCartoons, #ChildhoodMemories, #ClassicTV, #Throwback, #RetroTVTrivia, #LegendaryHeroes, #EpicAdventures, #Medieval, #TimeTravel
00:00And then, from the field of the future, a new king will come to save the world of the past.
00:30The heroes in an evil town.
00:35Arthur and the knights of justice, putting evil down.
00:41Right through the storm with the knights of the devil round.
00:46Come on, come on!
00:58We got the ride!
01:18Give me my key, Viper!
01:33Come and take it, Sardaran!
01:46Take it, Sardaran!
02:13I fear this nightmare is only just beginning.
02:19The dream can only mean one thing, Arthur.
02:22Morgana and Viper have found one of the keys of truth.
02:25Sounds like Deron's key.
02:27You must get the key back.
02:29Unless you and each of your knights recover the twelve keys that belong to you,
02:33this kingdom will never know lasting peace and good.
02:36Not to mention that without the keys, we'll never be able to return to our own time.
02:46Big deal! So Merlin had a dream about my key.
02:49Doesn't mean Morgana's got it.
02:51Merlin's positive that's what it means, Deron.
02:54The more I think about it, this could work in our favor.
02:57Wait a minute, Morgana's having the key could work in our favor?
03:00At least we know where it is, Trunk.
03:02Now all we have to do is go to her castle and get it.
03:05Oh, is that all we've got to do?
03:07That is, if we ever want to get home.
03:09Because we're not going anywhere until we get those twelve keys.
03:13I say we start with this one.
03:15We know the other team's got it. All we've got to do is make them fumble.
03:18Yeah, but getting into Morgana's castle is going to be a lot harder than making some tailback give up the ball, Arthur.
03:24Right, Tone. And that's just where you come in.
03:27You're going to help us drop in on them.
03:36It's magnificent.
03:39Finally, the slime bit is complete.
03:42The ultimate torture device.
03:45Ah, but it is much more than a mere torture device, Viper.
03:49The slime will flow from the skeleton's mouth all the way down the wall.
03:55And when it reaches the victim held in the shackles,
03:59the slime will cover him and transform him into one of my warlords of stone.
04:04All that remains is to capture one of the Knights of Justice so we can try it out.
04:22When is it going to be done, Sir Tone?
04:24Pretty soon, Everett.
04:29I can't wait. I'm still trying to figure out what it is.
04:33Hey, a squire has to learn to be patient as well as brave.
04:43I think that's just about it.
04:51Okay, boys, let's get the rest of these parts outside.
05:04You make sure that crossbar's tight. We don't want anyone falling off.
05:09I still can't figure out what this thing is.
05:12Bring that cloth over here.
05:14I'll get it.
05:25Now each of you take one end. We've got to fasten it over the victim.
05:30Each of you take one end. We've got to fasten it over the frame.
05:34Now, watch how I do this.
05:45I still don't get it.
05:49Okay, Tyrone, since you're so eager to find out what this is, you get the first ride.
05:56Slip into the harness and stand up.
06:06Now, start running!
06:29Whatever could that be?
06:33Aye, Your Majesty!
06:43Me next! Me next!
06:49Well, the hang glider's ready to go, Arthur.
06:52It's disassembled and packed on Darren's crossbow cart.
06:55Good. Trunk, I'll need you, Darren, and Lance.
07:03King Arthur, Knights of Justice, speak the oath.
07:08I am King Arthur.
07:10And we are the Knights of Justice.
07:13We pledge fairness to all to protect the weak and vanquish the evil.
07:43Lance and I will draw fire from the warlord's siege line so you can slip past him.
08:10But how are you going to get past him?
08:12That's easy. Dragon of the Shield, spread your wings.
08:26Sorry I asked.
08:35I'm trying to crack another notch.
08:38We want maximum range in case the knights try to ride out.
08:46To arms! Arthur approaches!
08:48Lance, head out of the sky!
08:56Let's return the favor.
08:58Excalibur, be my strength!
09:21Hey, look, they've baked the warlords out. I just hope they're okay.
09:26They can handle themselves. Let's do our job and get to the crest clearing.
09:31We did it!
09:34Come back!
09:36I, Valkyrie Glam, will block this dragon from the sky.
09:40And then chew it up afterwards!
09:48Looks like you're going for a ride, Lugan.
09:56A very short ride.
09:59Darren should be past by now. Let's ride!
10:18Oh man, I'm glad Phil's not going with us. I don't know if this thing can hold him.
10:30You've done a good job.
10:33Return to the shield and rest until we get back to Camelot.
10:40Okay guys, it's time to fly.
10:44Whoa! We're flying! We're flying!
10:47Keep it down, Trunk. We don't want the warlords to hear us.
10:50With no moon out, they won't see us.
10:52We'll swoop in low, land in the courtyard, and get the glider covered up as fast as we can.
11:00We're going to crash!
11:02We're going to crash!
11:04We're going to crash!
11:06We're going to crash!
11:08We're going to crash!
11:21Leave it to Darren to find a way out of something.
11:24Yeah, well we gotta land and get him.
11:27No Lance, we can't help him now. We'll have to take them by surprise.
11:32Well, well, well, look what we've got here.
11:37Won't Queen Morgana be pleased you've decided to pay a visit?
11:41To the throne room with him!
11:50They've gone inside. Let's land.
12:00Now, I want to know who else came with you,
12:03and more importantly, how you got into the castle.
12:06I came alone, and I just dropped in out of the sky.
12:12You're a tough guy when you've got two warlords to hold someone for you.
12:16Let loose of this knight, and I shall end his days.
12:20No! There has been a serious breach of security.
12:24We must find out how he got into my castle.
12:27The slime pit will turn him into a warlord.
12:30Then he will willingly talk.
12:33Don't worry, Sir Darren.
12:35You'll get accustomed to being made of stone.
12:38Bring him along.
12:41Well, now they've got Darren's key and Darren.
12:44No sweat, Trunk. We're going to get them both back.
12:55How are we going to find them? I mean, they could have taken them anywhere.
12:58Relax, Trunk. Come on, Excalibur. Help me out on this.
13:03You will find Sir Darren in the castle dungeon, but be careful, Arthur.
13:07It is filled with danger you cannot imagine.
13:11To the dungeon, guys.
13:14How nice it will be to have one of Arthur's knights helping us to battle him.
13:34I want him alive, Hammer!
13:41Oh, must I do everything myself?
14:22Well done, Warlord Blackwing.
14:24I am your loyal warlord, Queen Morgana.
14:28Now we shall turn him into a warlord and have the answers to my questions.
14:33Start the...
14:35Or a knight who knows you have his key.
14:37A key, you say?
14:39What do you know about a key?
14:41I know that you've got it.
14:43Now how could you know that?
14:45No one knew but Lord Viper and myself.
14:48Merlin! Yes, he knows all and sees all.
14:52Too bad he can't do all and help you escape.
14:56Very well. You have stalled me long enough.
15:00Start the slime!
15:04Warlord Darren.
15:06Has a nice sound to it, don't you think?
15:09Lord Viper, we've found something in the stems.
15:12Will these interruptions never end?
15:16It's some sort of flying device.
15:18It has four harnesses on it, one broken.
15:21So you did come with friends. Arthur, perhaps?
15:25Viper, you and Warlord Hammer will remain with me.
15:28Help the others search the castle.
15:30Find them! Bring them to me!
15:35The slime pit will have much work to do this night.
15:39So let it begin!
15:41Soon I shall have another warlord.
15:44You will be one of us.
15:46And you will tell us all the mysteries of Kabalot and the Knights of Justice.
15:52Arthur, I don't care what you say.
15:54I think we need to go down the left side. I can feel it.
16:04All right, let's go.
16:08I just hope you're right.
16:13Hey, that sounds like Darren. We better get him quick.
16:17Lance, wait! Come back here!
16:19Come on, Trunk. We've got to get to Lance before he does something stupid.
16:37There's nothing here.
16:39Nothing up there.
16:41You know, that was really dumb, taking off like that.
16:44Don't forget we're a team, and a team sticks together.
16:47You're right, Arthur.
16:49But when I heard that sound, I...
16:52Come on, let's keep moving.
16:58Something tells me we're in trouble.
17:02Trunk, take the left. Lance, circle around behind.
17:11All right, pals. Time for you to become sushi.
17:22I think we've found some visitors.
17:25Now let's go see if there's anything left of them.
17:37Okay, Rad. Time to do your thing.
17:43Good call, Trunk.
17:47Let's go.
18:17Well, that's one problem solved. But what about this?
18:22I got you covered, Lance. Do it, Rad!
18:29Nice job, bud.
18:35If it's okay with you, Lance, I'll take the lead.
18:43It's not much further to the dungeon. Once we get there, we'll...
18:50This place is just full of little surprises.
18:56I can't reach them!
18:59Okay, we'll have to jump over and pull them up from the other side.
19:03Well, we'd better do it fast.
19:07This is one time when the best offense is a good defense.
19:11Gotcha, buddy.
19:24Nice move. Now would you mind getting me out of here?
19:33Your first assignment will be to help us find and capture your friends,
19:38so they, too, can become warlords.
19:41I don't know about that last part, Morgana,
19:43but at least you won't have to make them look for us.
19:47Excalibur, be my strength!
20:12My magic will destroy you once and for all!
20:15We're not gonna take that from her, are we?
20:23I hate to interrupt you, but this chunk's getting awfully close!
20:27Lance! Shift left!
20:46The key!
20:51It's your key, Darren. Only you can touch it. Pick it up!
20:58I can feel its power!
21:02I think we'd better get this thing back to Camelot.
21:06They've found one of the keys!
21:19Sir Tron, would you be so kind as to lower the drawbridge?
21:23With pleasure, Your Majesty.
21:27You and the Knights of Justice are to be commended, Arthur.
21:31You have recovered one of the keys of truth,
21:34and taken your first giant step toward bringing lasting peace to our kingdom,
21:39and returning to your own.
21:41One down, and eleven to go.
21:47I'm sorry, Sir Tron.
21:49I'm afraid I can't help you.
21:52One down, and eleven to go.
22:52To be continued...