• el año pasado
Pr. David Gates: No need to Fear / No tendrás que Temer
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 21 Septiembre 2024
Red ADvenir Television


00:00:00["Star Wars Main Theme"]
00:00:30Good morning to you.
00:00:31It's a pleasure to be back with you once again.
00:00:41Whenever we travel, we're always gone
00:00:43for several weeks or more than several weeks,
00:00:46and it's always a privilege to be back home again.
00:01:00I know that there's many of us joining today here
00:01:04from other parts of the world,
00:01:05and to you, we also give our greetings.
00:01:19And as it's my habit to do,
00:01:22I like to present some special things at the beginning
00:01:25before we begin our sermon.
00:01:30In Colombia, we mentioned a couple weeks ago
00:01:40that there's going to be COP16,
00:01:43and we would like to print great controversies.
00:02:00We are already putting together a team of people,
00:02:05and we see here everybody working together.
00:02:09We can hand out thousands of great controversies
00:02:11during that opportunity.
00:02:24I also want to mention that our health institute
00:02:28in Ecuador, called Funday Ecuador,
00:02:30is about to begin classes.
00:02:42They are doing a very good job.
00:02:43They are influencing and helping a lot of people,
00:02:46and we want God to bless them richly,
00:02:48but if you're interested, please contact them.
00:02:58Our team from our health clinic here in Santa Cruz
00:03:12is getting ready to go on their trip up to the Beni.
00:03:16It's a long trip to get up to Rurrenavaque and Ixiamas,
00:03:30but they're getting ready to leave,
00:03:32and we have a very nice team.
00:03:34I mentioned that a couple weeks ago
00:03:49that we were up in Maine at the camp meeting
00:03:50when Dr. Cotton Rand Vine presented his sermon
00:03:54regarding the responsibility of the Church
00:03:56to its members and liberty of conscience.
00:04:04You would recall that it was a very controversial sermon,
00:04:26but that almost everybody who evaluated the sermon
00:04:29says that is the absolute truth.
00:04:34The Church, the denomination, the administration
00:04:49has a sacred responsibility
00:04:51to protect the religious liberty of its members.
00:05:05If you speak English or understand English,
00:05:07you probably have seen that already.
00:05:08It has gone viral.
00:05:18But there are millions who don't speak English.
00:05:24So today or earlier, using my editing software,
00:05:29I was able to produce five more languages with subtitles.
00:05:44You'll find it in English, Spanish, French,
00:05:47Romanian, Russian, and Hungarian.
00:06:00You can find the links there on your screen,
00:06:01and if you type that in, it'll go right to the video.
00:06:04It's on my personal YouTube channel.
00:06:14I wrote to Dr. Conrad today, I mean this week,
00:06:19and he wrote this last week, and he wrote back,
00:06:21and we told him we're praying for him.
00:06:23So I'm requesting prayers.
00:06:25He's a brave man.
00:06:26He needs your prayers.
00:06:29Another pastor friend of mine has a custom of saying,
00:06:45and it is absolute truth, whether you like it or not,
00:06:48the truth is the truth.
00:06:59And Dr. Vine has told the truth.
00:07:07Now we're going to see if the administration of the church
00:07:10has the same courage as he does to be able to follow through
00:07:16on the request that Dr. Vine has given them.
00:07:30Let's pray for them.
00:07:31Let's pray that God will give them that courage
00:07:33to protect the consciences of their members.
00:07:43They have not done it in the recent past,
00:07:45and if they don't correct it,
00:07:47and they continue to do it,
00:07:49then God will give them the courage to do it again.
00:07:59If they continue abusing the consciences in the future,
00:08:02we cannot go with them.
00:08:03We will have to take a different direction.
00:08:23Can two walk together, Jesus said, unless they be agreed.
00:08:30I respect you and your conscience,
00:08:32and you have to respect me and my conscience.
00:08:40The entire world, the Bible says,
00:08:42will join together in violating the consciences
00:08:46of human beings, and we do not want to be part of that.
00:09:00Let's stand up and defend and take the heat
00:09:03if we have to, take the consequences,
00:09:05but let us defend our weaker brethren,
00:09:07and let us defend the consciences of every single person.
00:09:11What we have left is to encourage freedom of conscience,
00:09:16the power to defend or speak for the one
00:09:18who has the weakest voice,
00:09:20and for their conscience to be respected.
00:09:40of their family and children. We need to pray for each other. This is the only thing we have, to pray
00:10:04for each other. I thank you for your prayers. I know many of you are praying for me and
00:10:16are in the ministry, and I thank you. I am aware that God is blessing because people
00:10:21are praying. I want to say a big thank you to all of those that pray, that love the truth,
00:10:41and support those that preach the truth. There are those around the world that regularly support
00:10:56GMI, mission projects around the world, this Red Advenir television network, orphanages,
00:11:03schools, evangelism projects. If it weren't so, we wouldn't be here today.
00:11:34God is faithful. God has provided opportunities for this network to expand across the country of
00:11:41Peru and Brazil. There's nothing that moves my heart more than to know that millions of people
00:11:58are receiving the news of Jesus' love and a second coming, and how to prepare in their homes,
00:12:04directly in their homes. Currently in Lima, Peru, we are needing to buy a bigger transmitter
00:12:23so that this megacity of more than 10 million people can properly receive the signal into every
00:12:33home. We almost have enough for 50% down payment, but we're still, I'd like for you to pray for
00:12:48that, please. Then, of course, we will be praying, and we will trust that God will provide the other
00:13:0650%. God is good. In the Caribbean, we say all the time. Let us ask his presence now as we begin.
00:13:24Let us kneel for prayer. Our loving Heavenly Father, we are in your presence on this holy day.
00:13:41We have come here to worship and to be blessed by your presence. All of those that accompany us
00:13:55here physically and those remotely, we pray that your Holy Spirit will bless them richly.
00:14:11We know that many are suffering health issues, financial issues, family stresses, and we ask you,
00:14:20please, to stay close to them and hold them close to your heart.
00:14:42We may not have human answers, but you do. We know that heaven always has answers,
00:14:54and today we're going to talk about the confidence that we can have so we may not be afraid.
00:15:05We pray for courageous speakers like Dr. Vine, that you will support him,
00:15:14that he may stand for the truth. May we also always stand for the truth as you reveal it
00:15:30to us in the Bible. Your word reveals it to us. Touch our bodies. Heal us. Give us strength to
00:15:44carry out the mission you've given for us. Give us the human resources and the financial resources
00:15:57to do that with you, the opportunities, to seize the opportunities you have given us.
00:16:01Jesus is coming soon, and we want to take advantage of every opportunity.
00:16:17Fill our minds with peace, with joy, and with clarity,
00:16:28to understand the mission before us and to be ready and pure to be carried out.
00:16:37Thank you, Lord. Keep us pure from all evil and free from the evil one.
00:16:49And may we always be obedient to your leading. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
00:17:07And Becky and I were downtown a few days ago, and we were leaving the grocery store and two
00:17:25people stopped us. By the way they were dressed, it was clear that they were not church members.
00:17:38But they said, do you really work with the Red Advenir television network?
00:17:45I said, yes. Oh, and your wife is the one that plays the piano.
00:17:55Yes. And I said, we just wanted to say thank you because we watch it all the time,
00:18:06and the peace of God fills our hearts. And the music is exceptionally spiritual.
00:18:22We must remember that unlike social media, open television goes into more homes.
00:18:32We have television, satellite, cable, which goes into all the homes anyway,
00:18:47and so people go through surfing and they find it.
00:19:03As the angels release the winds and as the storm approaches, thinking people want to know what's
00:19:11going on. They want to know, how can I get ready? How can I escape the certain destruction that is
00:19:30coming? How can I prepare? What is my responsibility? There are events in the world
00:19:46that close doors of opportunity. Pandemics closed a lot of doors.
00:19:56Wartime closes doors. There are many events that can suddenly happen that everything changes
00:20:08from one day to the other. What I can do today, I may not be able to do tomorrow.
00:20:17One of those crises that is looming on the horizon is economic disaster.
00:20:26What I had in a bank suddenly drops to a value of almost nothing.
00:20:37What I thought I could buy yesterday or what I could buy today,
00:20:47I can't buy anything. Wartime drives many people from their homes and they leave everything behind.
00:20:58Natural disasters, political upheaval, law and order breaks down, chaos takes over.
00:21:15When people go hungry, they're willing to break in and steal anything they can find.
00:21:26Now for a Christian, we have a different point of view than the normal world.
00:21:40We have a Heavenly Father that watches over us and guards us on every side.
00:21:52But there's people that believe that they have to take care of themselves or nobody else will.
00:22:03They're called survivalists. Sometimes they stock up a lot of emergency food,
00:22:18even up to two years. Knowing that a nuclear warfare might happen,
00:22:30they also build underground bunkers. Here's an example of a simple little bunker
00:22:44where they can hide underground, but it wouldn't be so nice to live there for months on end.
00:22:48Especially if all your food, and you need your toilet, and you need to be able to drain,
00:23:04and water, all has to be provided for. Some people believe that the answer is in
00:23:18weapons, and they train their children. There's organizations that train up to
00:23:26nine-year-olds how to handle attack weapons. These are all methods that the world uses to,
00:23:41I have to protect myself. Well, do you or do you have somebody to protect you?
00:23:55We have to be physically prepared and spiritually prepared. The spiritual is
00:24:08more important because it guides all of your physical preparations. It's amazing how many
00:24:20Christians believe or act like there's nothing going to happen. The world knows something's
00:24:34going to happen, and God's own people do not know. They're interested in accumulating comforts
00:24:45and wealth. Like today's generation, let's buy ourselves a comfortable apartment,
00:24:57and let's live nicely. That's a very worldly way of looking at it. They forget to have a
00:25:16responsibility before God, not only to get ready themselves, but to prepare others.
00:25:27They don't want to get their hands dirty. They do not want to spend the time to prepare
00:25:39spiritually. So how can you prepare somebody else if they themselves are not prepared?
00:25:48In the medical field, there's two types of people. You're either a patient or you're a
00:26:02caregiver. One of the two. So what kind are you? Are you the kind that will need help to
00:26:14survive when the crisis comes, or are you prepared spiritually and physically so that
00:26:19you can help others? We all need help. We need to help each other. But some know how to weld,
00:26:41some know how to do agriculture, and some know how to do healthcare. Everybody has to put their
00:26:55skills together so you make a family team. That way you can help each other and help others as
00:27:00well. That's why in the Spirit of Prophecy, Sister White says, get ready, get ready, get ready.
00:27:14Even before the First World War, even before the Second World War, and now we're almost
00:27:25looking at a Third World War. There are some that are awake, studying, and obedient to God.
00:27:42They realize that even if you do your best, we cannot save ourselves. Only God can save us.
00:27:55The storm that is coming is too great for anyone to save themselves. The answer is in God's Word,
00:28:17filled with promises. We have to feed our minds on God's Word. They need to resound those promises
00:28:32in our minds. We need to put them on the walls. We need to keep them in our Bibles. We have to
00:28:47know that we don't stand alone. God stands by our side. Let's look at Deuteronomy 31, verse 6.
00:28:58Be strong and of good courage. Fear not, neither be afraid of them. For the Lord thy God,
00:29:07he it is that doth go with thee, and he will not fail thee nor forsake thee.
00:29:11And we know Joshua 1.9. Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage. Be not
00:29:28afraid, neither be thou dismayed. For the Lord thy God will be with thee, whether soever thou goest.
00:29:33One of my favorites is right here in Psalms 32.8. I have it in German in my Bible. I will
00:30:02instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with mine eye.
00:30:07Another favorite is in Isaiah 30. Verse 21 says, And thine ear shall hear a word
00:30:31behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand,
00:30:36and when ye turn to the left. I didn't put it up here, but right across the page from verse
00:30:5321 is verse 29. In that moment of crisis, when everything seems lost, and you're out of control,
00:31:13and it looks like you will lose your life, it says, Ye shall have a song, as in the night
00:31:25when the holy solemnity is kept, and gladness of heart, as when one goeth out with a pipe
00:31:30to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the mighty one of Israel.
00:31:49So, music in our heart at the very moment when it seems all lost.
00:31:54Isn't that a wonderful promise? And we haven't even mentioned Psalms 46 and Psalms 91.
00:32:10We need to have them on a card, really, and just go through them all the time to
00:32:14keep our minds filled with them.
00:32:24Because fear fills the whole world. We're always faced with fear,
00:32:32but we need to remember that fear does not come from God.
00:32:41Never in the Bible do you see Jesus saying, Be fearful.
00:32:44On the contrary, he said, Fear not, it is I.
00:32:57Isaiah 41 now.
00:33:01Verse 10. Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God.
00:33:07I will strengthen thee. Yea, I will help thee. Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of
00:33:17my righteousness. As I drive down a road, I see so many sad people.
00:33:30You know something is going on in their lives.
00:33:42Maybe they lost their spouse, or their children left home,
00:33:50or somebody stole all their belongings.
00:33:52They carry a lot of heavy loads, and God speaks to each of them. He feels that need.
00:34:10In Matthew 11, 28.
00:34:14Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Jesus said.
00:34:22Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye will find rest
00:34:30unto your souls. For my burden is easy, and my yoke is light. What beautiful promises,
00:34:47and this is only scratching the surface. As we fill our mind with those promises,
00:35:01they act like a shield to keep the enemy away from us.
00:35:04I remember in Trinidad and Tobago, when I taught at the university there,
00:35:24there was a sister that came to church in my Sabbath school every Sabbath.
00:35:34She would always say, please pray for me. I can't live on the budget I make. I make too little. I
00:35:39can't live on it. One day she came with a different story. She said, I have decided
00:35:59that I need twice as much as what I normally earn.
00:36:09So I'm going to pay twice the tithing I normally do in advance,
00:36:13thanking God for his faithfulness.
00:36:15You know what? She did that for about a month. We thought, poor lady.
00:36:37She needs money so badly, but she's now giving twice as much.
00:36:40But about a month later, she came back and she said, I got a new job. I make twice as much as
00:36:49I used to. So you see, God recognizes our hearts, and he knows when we trust him.
00:37:02There's a beautiful story of God's care. Not a story, but promises of God's care and the desire
00:37:18of ages. Page 330 in English and 297 in Spanish.
00:37:32There are many whose hearts are aching under a load of care because they seek to reach the
00:37:37world's standard. They have chosen its service and accepted its perplexities.
00:37:51Jesus sees the end from the beginning. In every difficulty, he has a way prepared to bring relief.
00:38:09Our Heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing.
00:38:22Those who accept the one principle of making a service in honor of God Supreme will find
00:38:26perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet.
00:38:42Every time I read that, it reminds me of Sister Irma from Mexico City.
00:38:51She came to the city as a little girl, knowing nobody.
00:39:06God found her a job and got her a husband.
00:39:13But after providing for her needs, he died.
00:39:22And she gives Bible studies. She walks up and down every city block of the city of Mexico
00:39:28with a little speaker, and she broadcasts a sermon, and the people open the windows
00:39:33and listen to the sermon.
00:39:51And at the end, she gives away literature, and people come out of the houses and take
00:39:56her literature. I went with her, and I watched her do it, and she does a different block
00:40:12every day. But she doesn't make very much.
00:40:21One day, she went to church, and she didn't have enough money to get home.
00:40:28So, she came out of church, and she said, Lord, you know that I live a long ways away.
00:40:33I don't have enough money to be able to get home.
00:40:42And just then, as she opened her eyes, in the wind came a couple of pesos, bills, money,
00:40:54just blew up to her feet, and it was enough to get her home.
00:40:56And she told me another time, she went to the bank, and she got her monthly stipend.
00:41:27And she had the bills in her hand, and she got on a little bus, and she was going home.
00:41:38And suddenly, some gang members came onto the bus with a gun, and they ordered everybody
00:41:45hand over their wallet and their money.
00:42:05She said, Lord, this is all I have for the whole month, but I guess you have another plan for me.
00:42:10So, she reached up to the young man and said, here, this is the money that I have.
00:42:16And the man said, no, not you, everybody else.
00:42:37She was the only one that took money home that day.
00:42:40God has a thousand ways to provide for our needs,
00:42:49of which we know nothing. God has it all solved if we will just trust Him.
00:42:59But there are conditions. In Exodus 23, 22,
00:43:04God said, if you will obey His voice, Moses said, if you will obey His voice, God's voice,
00:43:13then I will be an enemy to thine enemies, God said.
00:43:27Deuteronomy 28 is filled with blessings and curses.
00:43:35Great blessings to those that obey diligently the voice of the Lord.
00:43:44Terrible curses to those that go after other gods and serve them.
00:43:53Not because God is going to punish them, but when He removes His
00:43:58protection and the enemy comes in.
00:44:10Now, God does punish, and He said, those who I love, I discipline.
00:44:19Revelation 3.
00:44:21But most of the curses come from withdrawing God's protection, the enemy does it.
00:44:40Curse will be your home, curse will be your land, curse will be your city,
00:44:43curse will do everything that you do.
00:44:50Have you noticed how dry things are around here lately?
00:45:02Most of the grass is dying in my front yard.
00:45:09It used to be all green.
00:45:12And if we don't put water on the trees, they will die too.
00:45:21There are terrible things happening all over the world,
00:45:28and they're going to get worse.
00:45:33If we didn't have God to guarantee us care, it would be a frightening thing.
00:45:37Among the last plagues that will strike the earth, the fountains of water will turn into blood,
00:45:52and everything that has water will be blood.
00:46:07Only God's people that are protected by Him will have water to drink.
00:46:19So, if you think that you don't want to suffer with the saints of God,
00:46:26then you're going to suffer without the protection of God either way.
00:46:37I do not want to be without the protection of God.
00:46:45If God allows suffering to take place in my life, at least He will carry me through,
00:46:50and it's for a purpose.
00:46:59But if I withdraw from God and live in disobedience and sin,
00:47:04then it's only my fault if God has to withdraw and I'm in the hands of the enemy.
00:47:23But we have a choice to make.
00:47:28Are we going to choose to be obedient to God and to prepare for the crisis,
00:47:32or to relax and do our own thing and live like the world and put ourselves in the hands of Satan?
00:47:56Those are the only two choices.
00:47:59Suffer with God's children or suffer without God's protection.
00:48:02I would rather have God be my filter and my protection.
00:48:13Remember, you can say, but I'm okay.
00:48:16I'm an elder in the church.
00:48:17I'm a deaconess.
00:48:18I'm a pastor.
00:48:19I'm an administrator.
00:48:29I'm doing fine.
00:48:30The church says I'm doing fine.
00:48:35I always obey the pastors.
00:48:38I do what they tell me.
00:48:41And they're telling me not to worry.
00:48:43Everything is okay.
00:48:43Just relax.
00:48:50You can watch the world's movies.
00:48:54You can listen to the world's music.
00:48:58It's okay.
00:48:59We're going to sin until the day that Jesus comes.
00:49:07And you will be without God's protection.
00:49:12The only ones that God can protect are not those that obey humans or those that obey God.
00:49:17The pastor that obeys God is in a good position to counsel his members to obey God.
00:49:41But if the pastor respects his president more than God,
00:49:45then that pastor himself will be lost along with his members.
00:50:00God said, thou shalt have no other gods before me.
00:50:06The church cannot be a god.
00:50:11My spouse cannot be my god.
00:50:16The goods that I own, the houses that I own, the properties cannot be my god.
00:50:25My life cannot be my god.
00:50:28Jesus said, be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.
00:50:38Even if it costs you your job, your life, and your family, we are to be obedient to God.
00:50:45Laodicea is characterized, the last church in history is characterized, as being comfortable
00:50:58and having wealth.
00:51:09And says, I have need of nothing.
00:51:13So it's a comfortable church.
00:51:16It's a church that has money, has business.
00:51:20Good tithing comes into the church and they have big churches.
00:51:28When I was up in the U.S., I just drove by a new Seventh-day Adventist church.
00:51:37Only five million dollars.
00:51:45Well, they have their church.
00:51:49Is that where you're going to find God?
00:51:52In the big, wealthy churches?
00:51:59When Jesus was on earth, where did you find him?
00:52:05With the poor people.
00:52:07With the needy.
00:52:09With the sinners.
00:52:11That's why he was criticized.
00:52:12But he said, the sick have need of a physician, not the healthy.
00:52:22I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.
00:52:31Remember, when you're feeling comfortable, 1 Corinthians 10-12,
00:52:37Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed, lest he fall.
00:52:49That's our advice for us today.
00:52:56So if you have problems, if you're suffering, if you're agonizing before God, not knowing what to
00:53:04do, if you're on a point of losing your job or your family is falling apart,
00:53:19first we pray for each other.
00:53:23And remember, you are exactly the person that Jesus came to help.
00:53:28The person that God cannot help are those that think they're okay, they don't need help.
00:53:42We need to get on our knees, place our lives, our needs in God's hands,
00:53:47pray for each other, strengthen each other, and God will carry us through.
00:58:18Thank you for that beautiful music that elevates our heart to heaven.
00:58:47We appreciate it so much.
00:58:54That's one of the special things about this network is people thank us for the heavenly music.
00:59:06The children share, the adults share, everybody, and visitors come in and share.
00:59:17One day my grandmother was all by herself in the house, and her parents left, and she got very,
00:59:22very fearful. My dad's mother, and she told me when I was a little boy, she said,
00:59:40I was so scared, then I remembered to pray, and I asked God to please take the fear away from me.
00:59:48Suddenly, I heard a choir singing up in the roof.
01:00:03It must have been angels. I've never seen or never heard such a choir.
01:00:10So, I laid down on the couch just to listen to the music, and all the fear disappeared.
01:00:26All that beautiful music coming from the roof. I didn't know where it was coming from.
01:00:33Pretty soon, I fell asleep, and then my parents arrived.
01:00:43I've never heard the heavenly music that heavenly before, but very soon we will.
01:00:51Let us make sure that we're there. We can't afford to miss it
01:00:58with our loved ones and our children.
01:01:06Let us pray for that, and let God take away all our fears.
01:01:14Would you like that? Amen. Let us pray.
01:01:18Heavenly Father, we love your promises that you gave us.
01:01:32Such beautiful promises of peace and joy
01:01:39that you will never leave us alone. Even if we're called to give our lives,
01:01:44you will hold on to us through the whole time.
01:01:56We can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.
01:02:03So, carry us now, Lord. May we reject the fear and receive the peace.
01:02:14John 14, 27. My peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives it, do I give unto you.
01:02:27Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
01:02:33Thank you, Lord, for that promise. It's not just a promise, it's an order.
01:02:39Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
01:02:47We received that promise, and we want to obey.
01:02:53May that be true for every viewer and listener today.
01:02:59In every moment of our day, we thank you in the precious name of Jesus.
