• 2 months ago
مسلسل,مسلسل مجاني,مسلسل مكانك في القلب,مسلسل عودة قبول,مسلسل هندي,مسلسل هندي مدبلج,مسلسل سوري,#ابطال مسلسل النقطة العمياء,#مسلسل النقطة العمياء الحلقة 1,مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل النقطة العمياء,#مسلسل النقطة العمياء 1,#قصة مسلسل النقطة العمياء,ملخص مسلسل النقطة العمياء,حلقات مسلسل النقطة العمياء,ابطال مسلسل النقطة العمياء,#اعلان مسلسل النقطة العمياء,#اعلان مسلسل النقطة العمياء 2,مسلسل النقطة العمياء الحلقة 1,مسلسل النقطه العمياءمسلسلات تركية,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسل تركي,مسلسلات تركية جديدة,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,مسلسلات تركية مترجمة,مسلسل تركي مدبلج,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسلات تركية اكشن,مسلسلات تركي,مسلسلات تركية رومانسية,مسلسل تركي مترجم,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة مسلسل تركي مدبلج للعربية,نور الغندور,مسلسلات تركية طبية,افضل مسلسلات تركية,أفضل مسلسلات تركية,مسلسلات تركية قصيرة ,اسماء جلال,التفاح الحرام,حلقات مسلسل التفاح ,مدرسةالروابى,السعودية,احمد عز,ارطوغل,,هندى,سعودى ,المتوحش,المؤسس عثمان
,اسماء جلال,التفاح الحرام ,مدرسةالروابى,السعودية,احمد عز,ارطوغل,هندى,سعودى ,المتوحش,المؤسس عثمان ,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,المسلسل التركي,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسل الانتقام,مسلسلات تركية جديدة 2024,مسلسلات تركية اكشن,أفضل مسلسلات تركية,نور الغندور,مسلسلات تركية , مسلسل تركى,مسلسل هندى,مسلسل سعودى,مسلسل كروى,مسلسل اماراتى,مسلسل خليجى,بيت العنكبوت, الحلقه الاخيره,مسلسل , 2024,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة 2024,مسلسل الإنتقام,مسلسل تركي جديد 2024


00:00:09Let's have sort of muscle or his hobby so much I have to call on their board
00:00:19Anymore you can listen or do you know
00:00:30Kimseye arama baba hak ettik sonuna kadar ek ettik
00:00:39Ki elim yakanızda
00:00:43Siz ikiniz siz ikiniz benim kör noktamdınız
00:00:49Ama artık sizi bir karanlıkta bile görebiliyorum
00:00:59Cihan yaklaşma yaklaşma dedim Cihan
00:01:05Kimse karışmayacak
00:01:09Can bırak
00:01:17Kendini topla
00:01:21Ya da cezanı benden kesmeye başla
00:01:38Say in a can dilekcemizi takdim etmek isterim
00:01:47Davacı vekilin iddialarını reddediyoruz manevi tazminat talebi şirketimizin konusu değil taşır ettiğimiz şirketin konusudur
00:01:54Bu yüzden tüm deliller ışığında davanın reddine karar verilmesini talep ediyoruz
00:01:58Evet gereği düşünüldü
00:02:17Gayet iyi
00:02:20Kollarına bunun birkaç düş yaptık mı bu tamamdır
00:02:24Evet sıradakine iyi gece
00:02:27Suna Hanım ben bugün biraz erken çıkacaktım dün söylemiştim ya size
00:02:31Valla kaç müşteriye bugün randevu verdim mağaza kapanana kadar buradasın kusura bakma
00:02:36Abim gelecek diyorum laftan anlamıyor musunuz siz
00:02:39Benimle doğru düzgün konuş
00:02:43Ne yapıyorsun ne yapıyorsun dikkat etsene
00:02:47Elbisene de sana da
00:02:51Al kızım şunu yerden al düzgünce al
00:02:57Köle miyiz be biz
00:03:00Müşterisi gelecekmiş
00:03:03Senin müşterin benim abimden çok önemliydi sanki değil mi
00:03:10Ver bakayım sen de şunu
00:03:14Abla ne yapıyorsun hep müşteriye batar
00:03:17Bazen kendi adaletini kendin sağlarsın tatlım
00:03:21Al bakayım
00:03:25Tebrik ederim Aslım
00:03:27Teşekkür ederim Cihan Bey
00:03:29Geleceğinden haberimiz yoktu Cihan
00:03:31Şirketi temsilen davada bulunmam uygun olur diye düşündüm
00:03:34Müsterih ol sen insanın yanında Aslım gibi bir avukat olduktan sonra kazanamayacağı dava yoktur
00:03:40Sağolun Mete Bey ben izninizle bugün erken çıkmak istiyorum
00:03:44Güzel bir istirahat hak ettin yarın görüşürüz
00:03:47Ben seni bırakayım
00:03:49Siz zahmet etmeyin
00:03:51Aynı yöne gidiyoruz zaten gel hadi
00:03:55Görüşürüz abi
00:03:56Görüşürüz Cihan
00:04:12Ya ne yapıyorsun ya biri görecek
00:04:14Kim görürse görürsün
00:04:17Umrumda değil
00:04:19Hadi gidelim
00:04:21Hadi gidelim
00:04:23Bir insan her halde nasıl bu kadar güzel olabilir
00:04:30Tanırıyorsun beni
00:04:31Alış bunları Aslım ye
00:04:34Tamam bak hadi
00:04:37Yemek yer miyiz?
00:04:38Yok yemeyiz çünkü Emre gelecek onu karşılayacağız
00:04:41Peki ben bu plana dahil olabilir miyim?
00:04:44Yani pek senlik bir yere gitmeyiz herhalde
00:04:47Neresi pek benlik bir yer değilmiş acaba?
00:04:50Zorlama istersen Cihan Bey
00:04:52Peki bunu yolda konuşacağız Aslım Hanım buyurun
00:05:13Ne haber yakışıklı?
00:05:15Perihan'cım ne yapıyor?
00:05:16Hoş geldin gece
00:05:17Şükür iyiyiz sen nasılsın?
00:05:19İyiyim ben de ne yapayım?
00:05:21Tadım yok pek
00:05:22İşten taze istifa ettim de
00:05:24Yine mi ya?
00:05:26Alem yalan olmuş be Bahtiyar ben ne yapayım?
00:05:31İstemediği not burnunun dibinde bitermiş
00:05:34Halil amca kolay gelsin
00:05:38E iyiyim ben de Halil amcam çok şükür sağ ol sen nasılsın?
00:05:43Girme kızım bahçeye aman bir şeylere basarsın
00:05:45Bir şeylere basarsın
00:05:47El alemin bahçesi için kalbimi kırmana değer mi be Halil amca ya?
00:05:56Çabuk söyle üç bin iki yüz elli çarpı bin dört yüz
00:05:59Dört milyon beş yüz elli bin
00:06:00Selanandan uydurma
00:06:01Abla ne yaptın bozuk bu çalışmayacak biliyorsun
00:06:03E alır kızım sana ablam bir bilgisayar
00:06:06Nerede o geldi mi?
00:06:11Yani diyorsun ki Cihan'dan utanıyorum
00:06:13Arkadaşlarım içine sokmak istemiyorum öyle mi?
00:06:15Cihan saçmalama
00:06:18Belki Emre'den çekiniyorsundur
00:06:20Ya Emre benim çocukluk arkadaşım
00:06:22Olur mu öyle şey?
00:06:24Bizde seninle çocukluk arkadaşıyız
00:06:26Ya sen kıskançlık mı yapıyorsun?
00:06:29Ben artık babanla konuşmamı istiyorum
00:06:33Daha değil Cihan
00:06:36Babam sana hala Cihan Bey diyor
00:06:38Kızacak bana bunları öğrenince
00:06:40Tavır alacak
00:06:42Konuştuk bunları aşkım
00:06:44Bak ben sana zamanı gelince söyleyeceğim
00:06:46Beraber söyleyeceğiz tamam mı?
00:06:48Sen bana güvenmiyor musun?
00:06:50Seni bırakıp gideceğimi falan mı zannediyorsun yani?
00:06:52Senden pişman mı olacağımı sanıyorsun?
00:06:54Hayır ne alakası var?
00:06:56O zaman yarım yamalak cevaplar verme lütfen
00:06:58Artık koskoca insanlar olduk
00:07:00Birbirimizden başka kimseye hesap vermek zorunda değiliz
00:07:06Ben seni gizli saklı sevmekten yoruldum
00:07:12Bu yüzden
00:07:14Bu işi benim bildiğim yoldan halledeceğiz
00:07:18Nasıl halledeceğiz?
00:07:30Cihan ne yapıyorsun ya?
00:07:32Cihan da gelmiş
00:08:12Teşekkür ederim
00:08:14Her zaman
00:08:24Cihan Alptekin siyah bayrağını aştı herhalde
00:08:26Aslım bir dursana
00:08:30Ali abi nasılsın?
00:08:36Sağol Cihan Bey
00:08:42Görüşürüz o zaman
00:08:54Afiyet olsun
00:08:56Hoş geldin nasılsın?
00:08:58İyiyim iyiyim
00:09:00Naber baba?
00:09:02Selam Asude
00:09:06Saadet Sultan keyifler nasıl?
00:09:08Çok şükür iyiyiz
00:09:10Yok ben üstümü değiştirip çıkacağım
00:09:12Daha yeni geldin ama
00:09:14Doğum gününü kutlamaya geldim ama
00:09:16Akşam yok musun?
00:09:18Bu akşam arkadaşlarımla eğlen
00:09:20Hafta sonu kutlamaya devam ederiz
00:09:22Ben üstümü değiştirip geliyorum hemen
00:09:26Veta'ya söyle de Aslım'a bir araç ayarlasın
00:09:28İlişki düşlerinde mağdur olmasın kızcağız
00:09:30Yarın konuşurum
00:09:40Sen ne kadar gıcık birisin ya
00:09:42Niye utandırıyorsun kadını?
00:09:44Ne utandırması İpek?
00:09:46İyi niyetimden söyledim ben
00:09:48Tabi ben çok iyi biliyorum
00:09:50Senin o iyi niyetini
00:09:52Asude İpek'in üzerine bu kadar gitme
00:09:54Niye Yavuz?
00:09:56Psikolojisi bozulur
00:09:58Batak annelerden mi toplarız yine kendisini?
00:10:00Ne diyorsun sen ya?
00:10:02Gerçeği söylüyorum İpek
00:10:04Uslu kız edalarında babana unutturduğun gerçeği
00:10:06Ama ben unutmadım
00:10:08Babana çektirdiklerini daha unutamadım
00:10:12Asude yeter
00:10:14Konuyu nerelere getiriyorsun?
00:10:16Gerçekten mi Yavuz?
00:10:18Gerçekten mi?
00:10:20Aşk olsun
00:10:26Ben ne dedim şimdi?
00:10:28Baba ben ne dedim?
00:10:30Kadını aşağılama dedim
00:10:32Ya bilmiyor muyuz sanki Aslım'la abimin beraber olduğunu hepimiz
00:10:34Ne yapacağız?
00:10:36Fakir kız zengin olanın havalarına mı gireceğiz bu devirde?
00:10:40Allah Allah
00:10:42Keşke abim duysaydı
00:10:44Görürdü o zaman gününü
00:10:50Cihan abi
00:10:52Nasılsın abi nasıl gidiyor?
00:10:54İyiyim sen nasılsın?
00:10:56Nasıl olalım abi heyecanlıyız
00:10:58İpek bir yıl sonra evlenmeye çıkıyor
00:11:00Güveniyorum sana Uğur
00:11:02İçin rahat olsun abi
00:11:04Hadi bakalım
00:11:12Kanka bak bu adam seni gerçekten seviyor benden söylemesi
00:11:16Gece ne olursun sus artık
00:11:18Babam canımızı okuyacak şimdi
00:11:28Ne işin var senin Cihan Bey'in arabasında?
00:11:34Adliyede öyle karşılaşınca yani aynı anda
00:11:36Zaten aynı yöne gidiyoruz dedi
00:11:38Bindim ben de
00:11:40Cihan Bey şoför mü senin kızım yani?
00:11:42Utanmasan kapanı da açtıracaksın
00:11:46Aslanım yerin dibine soktu bugün beni kızım
00:11:50Milletin ağzına niye laf veriyorsun?
00:11:52Hiç düşünmüyor musun anamın babamın başı öne eğilir diye
00:11:54Ben kötü bir şey yapmadım baba
00:11:58Ya Halil Amca sizde bu kadar geri kafalı olmayın ama ya
00:12:00Ne var yani Cihan Aslıma eve bıraktığı bir şey yok ki bunda
00:12:04Gece tamam uzatmayalım
00:12:06Ay bir dakika dur ya
00:12:08Hem belki hoşlanıyordur Cihan kızınızdan
00:12:10Olamaz mı yani Halil Amca
00:12:12Ayrıca böyle fırsat herkesin ayağına gelmez değil mi Aslı?
00:12:16Sen ne edepsiz ne terbiyesiz bir insansın
00:12:18Sen bizi kendi ailen gibi mi bildin he?
00:12:22Ne olur anne
00:12:24Gece hadi baba yeter
00:12:26Yok ya bir dakika dur söyle devam etsin
00:12:28Devam etsene Halil Amca
00:12:30Aslında babaannemin evini verelim
00:12:32İlla orada ortasın diye tutturmasaydı
00:12:34Şimdi kim bilir hangi sokak köşesindeydim
00:12:36Hangi sokak köşesindeydim Halil Amca söylesene
00:12:38Bırak ya bırak devam etsin
00:12:40Kızım senin gibi sahipsiz değil
00:12:42Kimse onu kullanıp da bir kenara atamaz
00:12:44Cesedimi çiğnemeleri lazım
00:12:46Nasıl bir edepsizlik ya
00:12:48Bu kız bir daha bu kapıdan içeri girmeyecek
00:12:50Duydun mu beni?
00:12:52Ne yapıyorsun Allah aşkına ya
00:12:54Adam kalp krizi geçirecek ne saçmalıyorsun içeride
00:12:56Oh çok iyi oldu bir kendine gelsin kızım ya
00:12:58Siz sededikçe Hitler kesilmiş başınıza iyice
00:13:00Kızım sen beni niye savunuyorsun?
00:13:02Çünkü sen kendini savunmuyorsun
00:13:20Sen var ya bir tanesin
00:13:22Bir tanem
00:13:26Geçen sefer arabasını pert etmedi mi ya?
00:13:30Bir de kral gibi üstü açık araba almış
00:13:32Zengin olunca herhalde otomatik yükleniyor bu özellik
00:13:42Teşekkür ederim
00:13:44Güle güle kulum
00:13:46Bu gece kendine dikkat edeceksin değil mi?
00:13:48Aklım sende kalmasın
00:13:50Ben bir daha size aynı şeyleri yaşatmayacağım
00:13:52Aferin kardeşim
00:13:56Baba ben kaçtım diyeceğim bir şey var mı?
00:13:58Çok yorma kendini
00:14:04Görüşürüz olur
00:14:06Abi görüşürüz
00:14:20Cihan Bey
00:14:22Bir dakika alacağım
00:14:24Aslımı eve bıraktınız
00:14:26Sağ olun
00:14:28Ama ben
00:14:30Kızımı lazım geldiği şekilde ikaz ettim
00:14:32Siz de bir daha kendinizi yorup da bizi mahcup etmeyin
00:14:34Halil Abi ben yorulmam
00:14:36Sen orasını merak etme
00:14:38Hem Aslım neyi ne zaman yapacağını çok iyi biliyor
00:14:40İkaz edilecek bir durum yok yani
00:14:50Gel gel gel
00:15:00Halil amca memonun kramponu hakkında ne kadar düz düşünüyorsa
00:15:02Aşk hakkında da o kadar düz düşünüyor resmen
00:15:04Baban istiyor diye ayrılacak değilsin değil mi Cihan'dan
00:15:08Yani neyi ne zaman söyleyeceğimi ben biliyorum ama
00:15:10Gece Cihan değil
00:15:12Ayrıca çok zor durumda bıraktı beni
00:15:14Kızıma artık adama ne kadar geldilerse ne olacaksa olsun
00:15:16Dedi kaç sene oldu Aslım
00:15:18Hele kolay 10 sene yani
00:15:20Bu ne Cihan hayranlığı ya sen benim arkadaşımsın kızım benim
00:15:22Ne hayranlığı Aslım ya
00:15:24Ben elindeki fırsatı kaçırma diyorum sana
00:15:26Fırsat Cihan benim için fırsat mı gece
00:15:30Bu adamın 5 kuruş parası olmasın ben yine onu çok severim
00:15:32Kızım benim ağzımdan para lafı çıktı mı şu an
00:15:34Ben para dedim mi
00:15:36Aşk diyorum Aslım aşk diyorum
00:15:40Aman tamam be hepsi bir arada işte
00:15:42Düşünsene bir aşk para şan şöhret
00:15:50Valla lak bulak oldum artık ya yeter
00:15:52Yani düşünüyorum düşünüyorum diyorum ki
00:15:54Cihan dümdüz Cihan olsaydı
00:15:56Cihan Alptekin olmasaydı
00:15:58Karar verebilir miydi benim adıma
00:16:00Ben orasını morasını bilmem
00:16:02Ama bu gidişle Cihan çeker gider
00:16:04Sende babanın münasip gördüğü bir damat adayıyla
00:16:06Evlenir oturursun
00:16:08Tek seçeneğim evlenmek benim zaten
00:16:10Bende çeker giderim
00:16:12Nereye gidiyorsun yavaş git
00:16:14Canım nereye isterse oraya
00:16:16Londra'ya giderim
00:16:18Hocam orada
00:16:20Sağlamda hukuk bürosunda
00:16:22İstediğin zaman gel yani başvur
00:16:24Canın ne zaman isterse o zaman dedi
00:16:26Daha ne olsun
00:16:34Ne oldu
00:16:36Çok şanslısın kızım sen
00:16:38Hep gidecek bir yerin var
00:16:40Hep çalacak bir kapın var
00:16:46Ailemin en güzel kızları
00:16:48Yakışıklıma bak sen ya
00:16:50Bana bak bu çok can yakacak
00:16:52Hemen öpücük alayım gece ablaya buradan
00:16:54Aminim oradan Allah'ım
00:16:58Avukat hanım şu kardeşine bir krampon alamıyor musun
00:17:00Şu hale bak yırtık pırtık
00:17:02Hayır babam alacak neden biliyor musun
00:17:04Çünkü babam kramponları aldığı gün
00:17:06Futbol olayını da kabul etmiş olacak
00:17:08Çaktın mı köfteyi
00:17:10Allah Allah
00:17:12Süper zeka diyorsunuz da bu memada fena değil
00:17:20Ne zaman konuşacağız şu mesaj işini
00:17:24Yarın konuşsak
00:17:26Olur ama ekmezsen
00:17:30Ne oluyor
00:17:58Emre abim geldi
00:18:00Aslanım benim
00:18:02Beni karşılamaya gelmiş ya
00:18:04Abim benim ya
00:18:06Koçum benim ya
00:18:08Hoş geldin Emre'm
00:18:10Hoş bulduk
00:18:12Askerlik bitiyor bitmedi
00:18:14Neyse çok şükür geldik al bakayım şunu
00:18:20Hoş geldin
00:18:22Hoş bulduk
00:18:24Hoş bulduk kardeşim
00:18:26Hoş bulduk
00:18:40Hoş bulduk
00:18:56Eğlenmeye gitmiyor muyuz millet ya
00:18:58Hayırdır nereye ya
00:19:00Ben anlatırım oğlum size nereye hadi yürüyün bakayım
00:19:02Hadi bakayım Aslım
00:19:04Hadi yürüyün
00:19:06Aslım hadi ya
00:19:08Cihan arıyor kızım açsana telefonu
00:19:10Sana ne Gece her şeyi burnuna sokup durma
00:19:20Özür dilerim
00:19:24Hadi kızım çocuklar bekliyor ya
00:19:26Hadi gelin ya ne didişiyorsunuz
00:19:28Hadi binin bakayım arabaya ya
00:19:30Kardeşim gelmiş benim ya
00:20:38Selamun aleyküm
00:20:40Hayırlı işler kolay gelsin
00:20:42Sabri abi
00:20:44Senin mesai bitmedi mi hala
00:20:46Şunu bitireyim çıkacağım
00:20:48E bana ver
00:20:50Yok ben hallettim az kaldı
00:20:52Ya ver
00:20:54Böyle sıkı bir çalışmaya ihtiyacım var benim
00:20:56Yoksa benim sinirim stresim geçmiyor
00:20:58Doğru söyledin sen onu bak
00:21:06Doğru söyledin sen onu bak
00:21:08Sıkıntıya strese en iyi gelen şey
00:21:10Şöyle sıkı bir ter atmak
00:21:14Bizde o yüzden hiç sıkıntı stres yok
00:21:16Değil mi lan
00:21:30Yavaş Cihan bey
00:21:34Aynı noktaya
00:21:36Tak tak tak
00:21:38Ne istediğini bilerek
00:21:40Hırsla değil sabırla
00:21:42Sonuçta kuvvet değil demir büken
00:22:06Çok güzel olmuşsun
00:22:08Gerçekten mi
00:22:10Tabiki de ya gel şöyle
00:22:16Baylar bayanlar
00:22:18İpek Alptekin bugün yeni yaşına geliyor
00:22:2021 yıldır bu dünyaya eşlik saçıyor
00:22:24Çok yaşa mutlu yaşa
00:22:30Yükledin mi
00:22:32Yükledin mi
00:22:34Yükledim tabi nasıl izleyecekler var ya
00:22:44İster misin
00:22:46Yok istemiyorum
00:22:48Daha çok erken
00:22:50Sende ağır git biraz abime söz verdik
00:22:52Kızım bir yıldır eve tıkıldın kaldım bak
00:22:54Bu gece eğleneceksin ayrı kelimesini asla kabul etmiyorum ona göre
00:22:56Şu güzelliğine hakkını vermiyorum
00:22:58Atla bakalım
00:23:14İpek abla çok güzel olmuş ya
00:23:22Memo yok mu daha ortalıkta
00:23:24Memo yok mu daha ortalıkta
00:23:26Antrenman uzamış
00:23:28Gelir birazdan
00:23:30Geceli ablanın yanında değil yani
00:23:34Ara bakayım şunu
00:23:36Ya Halil Allah aşkına bir rahat bırak şu çocuğu ya
00:23:38Aslında o terbiyesizde görüşür mü görüşmez mi
00:23:40Kendi bileceği iş
00:23:42Ama ne sen ne Memo
00:23:44Ne de sen Saadet
00:23:46Onun adını anmayacaksınız bana
00:23:48Ara kardeşini hadi
00:23:50Baba ya
00:23:52Hadi kızım hadi yavrum
00:23:56Nasıl iyi bakmış mıyım emanetine
00:24:00İdare eder
00:24:02Muhanesini yaptırdın mı buna
00:24:04E yaptırdım gidiyor işte
00:24:10Efendim Ayşegül
00:24:12Açtı mı
00:24:18Alo Memo
00:24:20Ablana söyle
00:24:22Kendi gelmiyorsa keyfi bilir ama seni hemen eve getirsin
00:24:24Ama baba daha antrenman
00:24:32Ayşegül bir saat idare edecektin ya
00:24:34Tamam tamam
00:24:36Emre sen dön şuradan
00:24:38Eve geri dönelim ya ne yapalım
00:24:40Tamam oğlum sen de sıkma canını be
00:24:42Daha yeni geldik
00:24:44Takılırız beraber
00:24:48Hadi neşelen biraz be Memo
00:24:50Hadi oğlum biz geldik ya
00:24:56Kaydal çabuk
00:25:00Servis yoluna girsene orası boş dışı basarız
00:25:02Ters yolun orası ya
00:25:04Bir şey olmaz iki araba falan geçer oradan
00:25:14Sevgilim sen bundan sonra böyle sıkıcı bir insan olmaya mı karar verdin
00:25:18Tamam Memo
00:25:24Bas hadi bas
00:25:30Daha hızlı
00:25:32Daha hızlı
00:26:14Emre abiniz de geldiğine göre bu anı ölümsüzleştirelim mi
00:26:18Gelin gelin
00:26:24Sal haberi Memo
00:26:28Güzel çıktı
00:26:30Aramadı mı bir daha cihan
00:26:32Gece yeter ama artık
00:26:34Taktın cihanı sal aramadı
00:26:36Ne kastın kızım ya
00:26:38Ara gelsin işte o da bizimle eğlenmeye gidiyoruz ne güzel
00:26:40Hayır gece
00:26:42Siz ailecek soyluğunuzu değiştirin
00:26:44Nasıl inat ya
00:26:46Kızım kafam allak bullak diyorum kafam karışık
00:26:48Karışığım diyorum
00:26:50Anlamıyorsun bak hala uzatıyorsun
00:26:54İyi madem ne istediğini bilmiyorsun o zaman bana ver cihanı
00:26:58Lan ne yapıyorsun
00:27:58It's the bomb!
00:28:02Go hide!
00:28:04Emru, are you asleep?
00:28:08Mimou, open the door!
00:28:10Open the door!
00:28:14Mimou! Mimou!
00:28:16Mimou! Mimou!
00:28:20Open the door!
00:28:22What have you done?
00:28:24Mimou! Mimou!
00:28:26Mimou, help me! Mimou!
00:28:38Mimou! Mimou!
00:29:00Mimou! Mimou!
00:29:02Open the door!
00:29:04Open the door!
00:29:06Open the door!
00:29:08Open the door!
00:29:16Mimou! Mimou!
00:29:18Mimou, run!
00:29:20Don't go!
00:29:22Mimou, run!
00:29:24Mimou, it's okay!
00:29:26Mimou, it's okay!
00:29:28Mimou, it's okay!
00:29:32There's no one here!
00:29:42Help me!
00:29:46No! Mimou!
00:29:54Calm down, Ipek!
00:29:56Can you be quiet?
00:29:58I don't understand anything you're saying!
00:30:00What's going on?
00:30:04No, don't call anyone. Don't call your brother either.
00:30:08Yavuz, what's going on? Answer me.
00:30:10İpek and Uğur had a fight. They're on their way. I'm going to pick them up.
00:30:15I've never seen such irresponsibility.
00:30:18You do everything your daughter wants. Everything.
00:30:22But no, she's going to do whatever she wants, right? Unbelievable.
00:30:26Dad, you're there.
00:30:27Wait a minute, dear.
00:30:29Look, if you say anything bad about my children again, you'll find yourself out of the door. Do you understand?
00:30:37I'm your wife, Yavuz.
00:30:39Yes, but you're not the mother of my children.
00:30:49İpek, İpek, you're coming to the big warehouse in the western region.
00:30:55Do you understand? I'm coming right away. Don't be late.
00:31:04Hello, Mete.
00:31:18Mr. Can, Mr. Can.
00:31:20What happened?
00:31:21There was an accident on the highway.
00:31:22Are they from our neighborhood?
00:31:23You know, Mr. Can, his son and daughter had an accident on the highway.
00:31:27The situation is bad.
00:31:28Where is Can?
00:31:29On the highway.
00:31:34I hope it's good.
00:31:37Tell me, Sabri.
00:31:44What are you saying, Sabri?
00:31:48Where are they taking him?
00:31:50I'm coming right away.
00:31:53Ali, what's going on?
00:31:55Ali, what's going on?
00:31:56Ali, where are you going?
00:32:11Ali, where are you going?
00:32:14I'm here.
00:32:19My son.
00:32:20My son.
00:32:21My son.
00:32:22My son.
00:32:23My son.
00:32:25My son.
00:32:26My son.
00:32:27My son.
00:32:28My son.
00:32:32Brother, it's over.
00:32:33Shall we take your statement?
00:32:35Yes, sir.
00:32:36We need to take the statement.
00:32:38First, let's get the patient out of there.
00:32:40Yes, sir.
00:32:43My son.
00:32:46My son.
00:32:48My son.
00:32:50My son.
00:32:52My son.
00:32:53Are you okay?
00:32:54My son.
00:32:55My son.
00:32:56My son.
00:32:58My son.
00:32:59My son.
00:33:01My son.
00:33:03Help me.
00:33:05My ear is bleeding.
00:33:06Help me.
00:33:09It's bleeding.
00:33:10Blood is coming from your ear.
00:33:11It's bleeding.
00:33:17Help me.
00:33:18Help me.
00:33:20My son.
00:33:21Help me.
00:33:26My son.
00:33:27Help me.
00:33:28Help me.
00:33:41We were going to the party.
00:33:44But we took the service road so that there would be a cut, so that it would be shorter.
00:33:50A car came from the opposite direction, it was very fast.
00:33:55It came towards us, and then it was hit.
00:34:02İpek, you smell like alcohol.
00:34:05Also, if you look at the damaged side of the car, are you the one going in the opposite direction?
00:34:12Now, tell us the truth so that I can help you.
00:34:22My dear, my dear, please, please tell the truth.
00:34:30Dad, what am I going to do? Uğur is gone.
00:34:34He's gone.
00:34:35İpek, stop, calm down.
00:34:36Calm down.
00:34:41What did you use except for the drink?
00:34:46Dad, I didn't drink anything, even a little bit.
00:34:49Uğur, did you drink a little?
00:34:51Look at me.
00:34:59Mete, we need to take him abroad.
00:35:02It's not possible legally.
00:35:04He's under control.
00:35:07We'll find another way.
00:35:09He'll take one of our ships.
00:35:14Look, we have a ship to Egypt tomorrow morning.
00:35:17I'll go with him.
00:35:18Yavuz, what is İpek going to do alone right now?
00:35:22Is she going to live alone in Egypt?
00:35:24I'll go with him, too.
00:35:25When things calm down a little, we'll go to America.
00:35:29We'll start a new life from scratch.
00:35:31Let's say we sent İpek, that is, we kidnapped her.
00:35:34Then what are we going to do?
00:35:36What will happen if we get caught?
00:35:38What should I know, Mete?
00:35:39My brain stopped, what should I know?
00:35:41Do you want me to go to jail?
00:35:52Brother, they operated on Memo.
00:35:55What are you saying?
00:36:00What operation, Sabri?
00:36:02Aslan, where is my daughter?
00:36:04Where is my daughter?
00:36:07I guess she's in intensive care.
00:36:08God damn you.
00:36:10God damn you.
00:36:13God damn the day I met you.
00:36:15Halil didn't do it.
00:36:16You burned my daughter's head.
00:36:18I didn't do anything.
00:36:20God damn you.
00:36:25Halil, okay.
00:36:26God damn you.
00:36:28God damn you, too.
00:36:33Did I see you or the car?
00:36:35I don't know.
00:36:36I don't know.
00:36:37Because it happened all of a sudden.
00:36:39It happened all of a sudden.
00:36:40It's like my blood pressure dropped.
00:36:42It's like I lost my sight.
00:36:45Now we have to look at everything carefully.
00:36:50It was raining.
00:36:51You don't have a brake.
00:36:53The police ran away before they came.
00:36:55They must have seen a car moving away in the dark.
00:36:59Are you going to jail?
00:37:01Dad, I don't want to go to jail.
00:37:04No, no, no.
00:37:05Calm down, calm down.
00:37:06Calm down, girl.
00:37:07İpek, listen to me carefully.
00:37:09Look into my eyes.
00:37:11You were never there.
00:37:14You argued with Uğur.
00:37:16You fought.
00:37:17He was angry.
00:37:18Now you go home right away.
00:37:20You don't know what happened to Uğur.
00:37:23Do you understand me?
00:37:28What will happen to the other side?
00:37:30I'll take care of it.
00:37:32I don't know for now.
00:37:34We have to protect İpek first.
00:37:36Whatever happens, we'll solve this, girl.
00:37:40Don't worry.
00:37:42Everyone will do what they want.
00:37:45Even the Alptekin family will not be remembered in this event.
00:37:49It's over.
00:38:00In the car I crashed.
00:38:04Memoy and Aslım were there.
00:39:12İnce in ..
00:39:15She say she will not human.
00:39:18No human on earth.
00:39:20But that woman did not .
00:39:23What happened to you?
00:39:27My sister!
00:39:29Can't you hear me, Memo?
00:39:31Memo, open your eyes, please.
00:39:33My sister!
00:39:35My sister, you are so cold.
00:39:37My sister, why are you so cold?
00:39:41My sister!
00:39:54Actually, he had a stroke during the accident.
00:39:57It caused intracranial bleeding.
00:39:59This sometimes shows its effect instantaneously.
00:40:01Sometimes a few hours later.
00:40:03Sometimes a few days later.
00:40:05We'll put him to sleep for a while.
00:40:07Why do we put him to sleep? How long will we put him to sleep?
00:40:09Until he wakes up in a healthy way.
00:40:12Whatever you need.
00:40:14There's one more thing.
00:40:17Should I tell his family? I don't know.
00:40:20You can tell me, brother.
00:40:25He's pregnant.
00:40:31Did you know?
00:40:34He lost his baby during the accident.
00:40:53I love you.
00:41:01I've loved you since the first moment I saw you.
00:41:22I love you.
00:41:56Thank God.
00:42:01Don't tire yourself.
00:42:03I'll call the doctors.
00:42:28Where am I?
00:42:30You're at the hospital, Ms. Aslım.
00:42:32You had an accident. You're injured.
00:42:34We're putting you to sleep for a month.
00:42:37We're waiting for you to wake up in a while.
00:42:42Can you look at the light?
00:42:46Very good.
00:42:53Take a deep breath.
00:42:57Do you remember what happened to you?
00:43:01I don't remember.
00:43:03You'll get better soon. Don't worry.
00:43:05But first we need to do a test.
00:43:08Can you tell me your name?
00:43:10Aslım Yencer.
00:43:12How old are you?
00:43:16My family?
00:43:18Where's my family?
00:43:20They were here.
00:43:22Where are they?
00:43:24Don't tire yourself too much.
00:43:26I'll give you the information you need.
00:43:28They'll come to see you as soon as possible.
00:43:43Thank God.
00:43:45Thank you for forgiving me.
00:43:54Yes, I'm telling the truth.
00:43:56My sister woke up.
00:43:58Thank God.
00:44:00Thank God he forgave us.
00:44:02Come on.
00:44:04Don't waste time.
00:44:06Come on, baby.
00:44:08Brother Selim.
00:44:10Everything is going as we wanted.
00:44:12God bless you.
00:44:14Now we're waiting for a rehabilitation process.
00:44:16You've given a positive response to all the treatments we've done so far.
00:44:18His condition is very good,
00:44:20according to the first techniques I did.
00:44:22He has a dizziness in his mind.
00:44:24But in a short time,
00:44:26his memory will come back.
00:44:28Don't worry.
00:44:30I hope so.
00:44:32Brother Selim.
00:44:34Don't you remember the accident?
00:44:42What is this?
00:44:46But we have to say at some point.
00:44:50we'll be under control.
00:44:54What if it gets worse again?
00:44:56God forbid.
00:44:58He was walking after the accident.
00:45:00He got worse after that.
00:45:02What if it happens again?
00:45:04Ms. Saadet, I can't say anything for sure.
00:45:06But according to my experience,
00:45:08it's unlikely.
00:45:10Because after the accident,
00:45:12your daughter had a bleeding.
00:45:14It spread in a very short time.
00:45:16That's why she lost consciousness.
00:45:20But during the treatment,
00:45:22we managed to prevent the bleeding completely.
00:45:24So today,
00:45:26thank God.
00:45:28I hope in the shortest time,
00:45:30we can treat him in a healthy way.
00:45:32God willing.
00:45:34When will we see him, doctor?
00:45:36Let's do the last tests.
00:45:38Let's check the condition of our patient.
00:45:40Then you can visit him
00:45:42as soon as possible.
00:45:44Get well soon.
00:45:46God bless you.
00:45:48Let's go.
00:46:04Sister Yece.
00:46:08My sister is awake.
00:46:18How is he?
00:46:20My mom said he's fine.
00:46:22I'm going to the hospital.
00:46:24Let's go together.
00:46:26I have a lot of work to do.
00:46:28Let me know when you go, okay?
00:46:30Don't you want to come because of my dad?
00:46:36Look, they treated you very badly.
00:46:38But it's not your fault.
00:46:42Okay, okay.
00:46:44Okay, go and hug me.
00:46:48He'll worry about you.
00:46:50Why don't you come?
00:46:52I can't, Ayşegül.
00:46:54I can't come.
00:46:56Maybe when the ambulance arrives.
00:47:00Go to your sister.
00:47:02Come on, don't make her wait.
00:47:32If you need anything, you can call us.
00:47:40How are you?
00:47:44I don't remember anything.
00:47:48I'm so confused.
00:47:58There's no rush.
00:48:00You'll remember in time.
00:48:10Where's Memo?
00:48:16Didn't he want to see me?
00:48:18Didn't he worry about his sister?
00:48:20I talked to the doctor.
00:48:22Everything was going very well.
00:48:24We'll get out of here when the physical therapy is over.
00:48:28Why didn't Memo come to me?
00:48:34Call Memo.
00:48:40I missed him.
00:48:42Why doesn't he come to me?
00:48:46Where's Memo?
00:48:52Did Memo have an accident?
00:48:58Did he?
00:49:02You lost Memo.
00:49:14I'm telling a lie.
00:49:22You're lying.
00:49:28Aslı, come here.
00:49:48You need to eat something.
00:49:52Asu is right.
00:49:54Dad, can you leave it?
00:49:56Dad, leave it.
00:50:06What happened?
00:50:08I'm so glad.
00:50:10How is he?
00:50:12He's fine.
00:50:14The doctor said he'd be discharged in a few days.
00:50:16Did they tell you?
00:50:20The accident.
00:50:22I didn't think of it.
00:50:24It doesn't matter.
00:50:26The rest is easy.
00:50:28Can you make me a coffee?
00:50:30I'll bring it right away.
00:50:36Didn't you like your new earrings?
00:50:38Aslı woke up.
00:50:42İpek's boyfriend is dead.
00:50:44Should I go and play?
00:50:46Is that what I want to say, Yavuz?
00:50:48You've been waiting for Aslı for a month.
00:50:50At least you can be happy for my son.
00:50:52What's wrong with you?
00:50:54Is there a stone on your head?
00:51:00You're weird.
00:51:02You're up to something.
00:51:06We'll figure it out soon.
00:51:24Can't my father make a sound?
00:51:26What if he does?
00:51:28Mr. Can wouldn't leave.
00:51:30We all saw it.
00:51:32He wouldn't leave you.
00:51:44Where's Gece?
00:51:46Ayşegül said she'd come tonight.
00:51:48Where's Gece?
00:51:50Let the devil see your face.
00:51:52Dad, please.
00:51:54I want my friend to be with me.
00:51:56I called him in the morning, but he didn't answer.
00:52:02I have a little business in Tersan.
00:52:04I'll be right back.
00:52:06Let me know if you need anything.
00:52:08Thank you, Mr. Cihan.
00:52:10But let's be together tonight.
00:52:12I'll call you if I need anything.
00:52:32Are you comfortable, beautiful girl?
00:52:34I'm fine, mom.
00:52:36Thank God.
00:52:40Dad, are you going the wrong way?
00:52:42No, we're on the right track.
00:52:44The house is left behind.
00:52:46We just got out of the house.
00:52:48Ferihan will stay in Müştemilat.
00:52:50She won't stay there every day.
00:52:52She'll stay with him in the garden.
00:52:54Did you go back to the neighborhood?
00:52:56Yes, I did.
00:52:58I'm going back to the neighborhood.
00:53:00Did you go back to the neighborhood?
00:53:02After the accident,
00:53:04Mr. Yavuz said,
00:53:06let's retire you early.
00:53:08He gave us the deed.
00:53:10Did he buy the house?
00:53:12I always say that.
00:53:14Mr. Yavuz is a great man.
00:53:16He even gave me a car
00:53:18to go to the hospital.
00:53:22You're welcome.
00:53:30Come on, girl.
00:53:32Take it.
00:53:34Take it, mom.
00:53:44Everything is new.
00:53:46You've put up with it.
00:53:48It's like a spring
00:53:50and a year have passed.
00:53:52My dear,
00:53:54did we have a choice?
00:53:56Everything was ready.
00:53:58We took the keys and came.
00:54:00Where are our old things?
00:54:02We left them in Müştemilat.
00:54:12Did you leave everything?
00:54:14Everything is ready here.
00:54:16We didn't take the old ones.
00:54:20How are you?
00:54:22I'm like a carcass.
00:54:24They put the date of the trial
00:54:26at the end of the month.
00:54:28Mehmet is doing his best.
00:54:30I'm on it, too.
00:54:32Don't worry.
00:54:34It's going to be fine.
00:54:36I'll be fine.
00:54:38I'll be fine.
00:54:40I'll be fine.
00:54:42I'll be fine.
00:54:44I'll be fine.
00:54:46I'll be fine.
00:54:48I'm on it. Don't worry.
00:54:50A very good lawyer arranged it.
00:54:52You're going to be in the first case.
00:54:54You're not even 100% perfect.
00:54:56Hang in there.
00:54:58I can't think of this.
00:55:02I can't think of the accident.
00:55:08Aslan is awake.
00:55:10Thank God.
00:55:12Thank God.
00:55:18Did you see him?
00:55:22Not yet.
00:55:24What are you going to do?
00:55:26Aslan won't be convinced in life.
00:55:28He'll be convinced at some point.
00:55:30He'll see that there's no point in
00:55:32hiding in the courtroom, Emre.
00:55:34There's no witness, no evidence, no proof.
00:55:36I'm not comfortable at night.
00:55:40Look, there's always the other side of the world.
00:55:44How are we going to account for the memo?
00:55:46Do you remember the day
00:55:48my mother left?
00:55:52I remember every day.
00:55:54Me too.
00:55:56We locked our mother's door
00:55:58and left.
00:56:00We were hungry for two days.
00:56:02We hugged each other
00:56:04so we wouldn't freeze.
00:56:06How old were we?
00:56:08Seven or eight.
00:56:12We weren't old enough to turn on the light.
00:56:16Look, understand this.
00:56:18We deserve to live more.
00:56:22And we don't let them get away with it.
00:56:24We don't, do we?
00:56:26What am I doing here then?
00:56:28Look, that's not the case.
00:56:30Their fate is between
00:56:32our two lips.
00:56:34They'll get out of the accident,
00:56:36but they won't get out of us.
00:56:38We'll be on their heels
00:56:40on the day of judgment.
00:56:42They'll do whatever we want.
00:56:44They'll be ready to face us.
00:56:46And they'll suffer
00:56:48for what they did to the memo
00:56:50until the end of their lives.
00:57:10Can I come in?
00:57:20Are you studying?
00:57:24I'm just looking around.
00:57:30Is it a new computer?
00:57:32Sister İpek bought it.
00:57:36I see.
00:57:40Did he call last night?
00:57:42I mean, did he ever ask me what I was doing?
00:57:44No, he never called.
00:57:48Why don't you call him?
00:57:50Besides, my father is sleeping,
00:57:52so I can talk to him.
00:58:40I'm hungry.
00:58:46You study.
00:58:48I'll sleep.
00:58:52Good night.
00:58:54Good night.
00:59:06Good night.
00:59:56Okay. I'm with you, mom.
00:59:58Okay, don't worry.
01:00:00It's okay.
01:00:02It's okay.
01:00:08It's late.
01:00:09It's late, honey.
01:00:14Come on.
01:00:22It's late, honey.
01:00:24Come here, Kuzum.
01:00:35I'm not aware of it. I'll do it.
01:00:37Let it be, mom.
01:00:39Leave it.
01:01:07Did you see the nightmare?
01:01:11I have a bad feeling. I mean, I don't understand.
01:01:15It's weird.
01:01:18He's not calling me at night. He's running away from me.
01:01:20He wouldn't do that normally.
01:01:25Can you give me Aşkül's phone number?
01:01:30I need to talk to him.
01:01:35My dear.
01:01:36How can I find him?
01:01:38Emre caused Memo's death.
01:01:41How can I find him?
01:01:45He'll remind me of everything.
01:01:46He'll tell me.
01:01:49What will you remind me of, Kuzum?
01:01:51What will you remind me of?
01:01:56Will you bring him back?
01:02:05It's weird, dad. I don't understand.
01:02:07Everything is half-baked.
01:02:09The things you told me are missing.
01:02:11I don't understand.
01:02:20Halil, I'm telling you to shut up. But...
01:02:24Get up. It's been so long.
01:02:26Why are you so stubborn?
01:02:29Yes, Aslı?
01:02:30Can you come and pick me up?
01:02:32I need to see him at night.
01:02:35Enjoy yourself.
01:02:43In light of the presented evidence and comparison analyses...
01:02:47...we demand that the auction be cancelled.
01:02:51In light of the presented evidence and conclusion...
01:02:55...we've decided to gather more data and documents.
01:03:04I have to go, Mete. See you.
01:03:07See you there.
01:03:09Here you go.
01:03:12Wow! I came here for my father last time.
01:03:16But of course, the color of the business was different because the incident there was a heavy penalty.
01:03:21What do you want tonight?
01:03:23You know, when my phones weren't turned on, I said let's raid.
01:03:27I had a lot of important cases behind me.
01:03:29There is nothing more important than our case, Mete. Are you aware?
01:03:32I'm aware.
01:03:34It didn't feel like that to me.
01:03:36You said a month. That guy could only get the date of the case at the end of the month.
01:03:40I call him the lawyer you found, Mete.
01:03:42I guess he's not good enough.
01:03:44The lawyer you call that guy is doing his best.
01:03:47I'm following him, too. You don't have to worry.
01:03:50Frankly, I was disappointed for me.
01:03:53Why are you wandering around the courtroom?
01:03:56This is the first time I'm going this way in justice, Mete. Let me enjoy it a little more.
01:04:05What are you doing tonight?
01:04:08One. I need the money.
01:04:11Except for the checks you cut, the cash.
01:04:14Two. My father will be transferred to Emre.
01:04:18He's alone and it's very dangerous to be alone.
01:04:20It dries his head.
01:04:22Come with me like this.
01:04:26That lawyer is neglecting to talk to him.
01:04:29He won't miss the meetings, Mete.
01:04:34We're leaving right now. Right now.
01:04:44Would you stop talking to me like you're my boss?
01:04:47But the boss is me, Mete.
01:04:49If you want to accept it.
01:04:51No, if you don't think you can, we're already in court.
01:04:54I can meet with the authorities right away.
01:05:28Get ready.
01:05:47You leave it. I'll take care of it later.
01:05:50I'm fine. Okay, I can handle it.
01:05:55Come, honey.
01:05:57Look, you don't have to handle anything.
01:06:16This was my grandmother's house.
01:06:19After she died,
01:06:21She started to stay here at night.
01:06:31You know the stick over there?
01:06:35He always takes it with him when he sleeps at night.
01:06:38Someone enters the house.
01:06:40Something happens to him.
01:07:34I'm sorry.
01:08:24Do you know how scared I was to lose you?
01:08:28But you're here.
01:08:30You're in front of me.
01:08:34But you didn't come.
01:08:36You didn't see me.
01:08:39Uncle Halil didn't want it.
01:08:42How long have you been listening to my father at night?
01:08:46Aslı, I don't want to fight with Uncle Halil in a situation like this.
01:08:56If you want, we can stay here at night. I'm fine anyway.
01:09:00I'm waiting in the car.
01:09:11Whatever you do, whatever you say, you're right.
01:09:17I don't want him to insist on coming.
01:09:22I know it's all my fault.
01:09:29Can you help me remember?
01:09:32To suffer more, Aslı.
01:09:37I wish I could forget.
01:09:46Tell me a little bit about the before and after the accident.
01:09:49Tell me, tell me. At least I can remember.
01:09:55My daughter, do you know how much I missed you?
01:09:57I waited for your good news every day, Aslı.
01:09:59For God's sake, let's take a deep breath. You must be hungry. I'll cook something.
01:10:05What happened? Sit down.
01:10:08Sit down and tell me.
01:10:17What is the last thing you remember?
01:10:20The last thing I remember.
01:10:26My brother.
01:10:28He was alive.
01:10:30The last thing I remember.
01:10:33Emre, you, me.
01:10:35We got in the car.
01:10:43We met Emre.
01:10:46Then your father called to bring Memo home.
01:10:49We went to the service road for a cut.
01:10:52Then Uğur came to us.
01:10:54But he was very drunk. He was wheezing.
01:11:00Emre hit him.
01:11:03Then he couldn't pull himself together.
01:11:05Then we rolled down the ramp.
01:11:17There was someone.
01:11:21Where was someone?
01:11:24Someone was looking at us from up there.
01:11:27Yes, there were people. Then they gathered to help us.
01:11:36It was İpek.
01:11:39What İpek? İpek wasn't there.
01:11:41İpek was there.
01:11:43Aslı, İpek was really not there.
01:11:46They had a fight with her lover.
01:11:48Then she dropped her child on the forest road in the middle of the night.
01:11:51Then she came to us.
01:11:52Then she came to us.
01:11:54Emre couldn't pull himself together.
01:11:56What are we talking about right now?
01:11:59They were coming to us from the opposite direction.
01:12:04İpek was there.
01:12:06What are you doing?
01:12:09I asked her for help.
01:12:12İpek! İpek, help me!
01:12:16She turned around and left.
01:12:19Aslı, you are talking nonsense.
01:12:23Mom, they painted Emre's eyes with paint.
01:12:26How did they fool you?
01:12:29Do you think I burn Emre with money?
01:12:32My brother is inside right now, are you aware?
01:12:34Emre will stay inside for a few months with the story you told.
01:12:37Then he'll come out.
01:12:39But İpek will stay inside for years.
01:12:42Aslı, İpek wasn't there.
01:12:44She was there.
01:12:46They paid a hefty price.
01:12:48But it wasn't enough for you.
01:12:50You must have asked for more.
01:12:52It's obvious, if you made her eyes so dark.
01:12:57I don't understand, Emre...
01:12:59How did Emre convince her?
01:13:01Memo loved Emre so much.
01:13:03How did Emre convince her?
01:13:06Aslı, you remember it wrong.
01:13:08You really remember it wrong.
01:13:10Come on, let me take you to Emre.
01:13:12He wants to tell you.
01:13:13Emre will tell me the same things word by word.
01:13:15I'm sure of my name.
01:13:17But he's not as good a liar as you are.
01:13:19I'm not lying.
01:13:21You're lying.
01:13:23I know you very well, Bence.
01:13:25You lie and do the same thing.
01:13:29You give unnecessary details.
01:13:31People forget what they're asking.
01:13:35Aslı, it's like I told you.
01:13:38Where's the key?
01:13:40What key?
01:13:42What key?
01:13:44Do you know how much I begged my father for you to stay in this house?
01:13:48Do you know how much I begged him to give you a place to sleep at night?
01:13:50Do you know how much I begged him not to deal with the rent?
01:13:54Do you know how much I begged him?
01:13:56I didn't ask you for anything.
01:13:58You asked me to be with you so that you can breathe in that boring life, okay?
01:14:02Don't, don't act like you're bribing me.
01:14:07Leave the key.
01:14:11Leave the key.
01:14:20Get out!
