• last year


00:02Do you sense something new happening in your life?
00:06Do you want something different?
00:08Even if you don't feel it now, it's always a good idea to keep your heart prepared for
00:12change because it's a guarantee.
00:15We've talked about start, stop, and stay.
00:19Sometimes the best decision you can make in finding God's direction is to go.
00:24Often we're called to stand our ground when the pressure mounts, but many times we need
00:28to take a risk.
00:30Do you feel restless where you are?
00:33God may have planted a divine desire in you to serve him in some surprising way.
00:38Maybe he's inspired you with a specific group of people, an idea, a problem, or a place.
00:45Maybe he's calling you to go.
00:47Follow that hunch and see where it takes you.
00:50Embrace the adventure.
00:52The best way to make a leap of faith is to get a good running start.
00:57There's a great story in the Old Testament about Abram and Sarai that illustrates, go,
01:03In Genesis 12, God spoke to Abram.
01:07At the time, Abram was living in a town called Haran, but he was from a city called Juar
01:11of the Chaldeans.
01:13Back in Abram's hometown of Juar, the people worshipped a false moon god named Nanner.
01:19What's significant is that the one true God chose to reveal himself to Abram.
01:25God gave Abram a very simple and direct command, walk away from everything you've ever known.
01:31Leave your country, your people, and your father's household and go to the land I will
01:35show you, Genesis 12 verse 1, emphasis mine.
01:40Leave and go.
01:42To step toward your destiny, you may have to step away from your security.
01:46To go somewhere else, you have to leave where you are.
01:50You have to leave what's known, what's comfortable, what's predictable, and what's easy.
01:56To step toward your destiny, you may have to step away from your security.
02:01Who knows where God will take your story if you just let him.
02:05One day, years from now, you'll look back on your life and see the whole story.
02:10What's it going to be?
02:12I felt like God was calling me, but I was afraid, so I did nothing.
02:17Or will you have a faith-filled adventure to tell?
02:20The difference is whether or not you go when God says, go.
02:24Ask, what is God calling me to leave?
02:28Where is he calling me to go?