• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:04For those watching, I thank you for watching.
00:06This information may or may not be true. This cannot be used against me.
00:11And if you do, you will be sued or sent to jail for trying to illegally frame me.
00:16In this video, Shia, I'm going to save some of the notes to talk to you about tomorrow.
00:23But I have to show you this email and the images that I sent the detective.
00:32This was placed, there was clothing placed between, right next to the stairway case, between near 840, 841 and 839.
00:50And I'll show you what was placed and then I'll show you the email I sent to the detective.
00:56And I'm going to try to, I just, this was placed on the ground in a specific way.
01:03It's a pair of shorts and a pair of socks.
01:06I put a gray colored towel underneath my car in case the oil would spill.
01:17I, so, here it is.
01:26This is 840, this is the 840 on the other side of this wall, on the other side of the hall.
01:45And this is 839, this is here, and this door right here is mine.
02:03So, now I'm going to show you the email I sent to the detective I was telepathically guided to.
02:11I'm just getting too tired.
02:15I was about to, I was taking out the trash.
02:19I knew I had to take out the trash today.
02:23I bring the camera, I bring the pepper spray, I bring the self-defense weapon, and...
02:53So, that is the email.
03:18And now I'm going to talk about the notes, Shia.
03:26So, I showed you the email.
03:38I showed you...
03:40So, Shia, I checked the pendulum and it said that you love me and you're being responsible.
03:52I know you love me, Shia.
04:03I wanted to show you my meal plan.
04:07I made a meal plan today, I think, after showing you all the emails.
04:14I was able to make a meal plan and...
04:20I think I'm going to show you tomorrow because I'm too tired.
04:24So, I'm going to skip through some of these notes.
04:32So, that was a covert message threat.
04:37So, I sent the email to the detective today at 2.14 p.m.
04:47I apologize if you got tricked and fooled into thinking that email to that investor was...
04:57Like, the way it sounded, like, I drove all the way to New York to meet him.
05:04And the telepathic supporter was kind of like...
05:07You were probably thinking, wow.
05:14My twin flame did not purposely fuck with me.
05:19No, I did not mean to do that.
05:21And I'm telling you, I'm not communicating properly, Shia.
05:26And they can use AI to make it worse.
05:40There's just too many notes to talk about tonight and it's getting late.
05:44And I'm just too tired. I know you're too tired, Shia.
05:53But I've been told, delete my data, delete my data.
05:58Telepathic supporter, delete all of Alyssa's data.
06:03This criminal's...
06:18Any entity moving forward in after this lifetime...
06:27I'm not going to explain actually, I just realized.
06:32But you're feeling personal power, Shia, by seeing my emails and I feel a lot better.
06:38And I feel relieved because I want you to know everything, Shia.
06:51I already see improvement with the deactivation of the criminal that's taking over my body.
06:58So whatever you're doing, Shia, please continue to do it because it's working.
07:06And I'm also working on it too.
07:10And also I noticed in that public news photo with the...
07:15Uh, facial hair on your family member with the thing and then the...
07:20And it said, it meant, see, see the hacker.
07:24This criminal that stole your body is just like the hacker.
07:32So something's going to happen.
07:43I'm hoping, no, I have not received any communication in regards to the inspection.
07:49Something will eventually happen but I haven't received any communication after I gave the inspector the list.
08:02So I'm going to read these notes tomorrow because I'm too tired, Shia, to talk.
08:11I know you are too tired. You've been, us, doing a lot of reading.
08:17I want to show you the playlist. I made a new playlist.
08:23The playlist, I made a new playlist.
08:26Uh, it's the songs by Ratatat and Coonsight.
08:35So I made a playlist of 14 songs and I'll show you the songs that I put on here.
08:42And I'll probably be possibly deleting some...
08:58Deleting, um, deleting, this is just recommended videos.
09:09I'll be deleting, um, and adding to this playlist.
09:15But it's, I called it the Coonsight, no, Ratatat, Coonsight, Lumerian Portal.
09:21It might not be Lumerian Portal, it might be Light ET Portal.
09:27I'll probably change it to Light ET because I'm not sure if it's Lumerian.
09:35Well, anyways, I think that you're going to like the songs that I put on that playlist.
09:42Those are, uh, songs that you're going to like, Shia.
09:49And I noticed that they put animal sounds in their songs, which I really like.
09:56But I just want you to know I wasn't, like, that's not how I got the idea for nature sounds with techno.
10:03But I noticed it when I was listening to those songs when I heard, um, the bird sounds.
10:10And then obviously I didn't completely realize it with the wildcat sounds.
10:17But I was talking about, like, earth element sounds, rain, ocean, different kind of earth element sounds.
10:27And that's what I kind of want to do with you, Shia, when we make techno, techno, uh, electro.
10:36Electro and ambient. Not all ambient, but.
10:47And I'm very, very ill and trying very hard to not get too sick about what I found out about my body and what the family members are doing to us.
11:04I'm not going to, I mean, I'm not going to, um.
11:13I can't really, because the possession is really hard for me to completely be myself.
11:18And also with the stroke, something happened a little bit to my personality.
11:23Obviously with the possession, it's made it a lot worse.
11:27But I believe spells are breaking now that I showed you my emails.
11:36Now that we know what's going on with my body.
11:41And try not to think too much about what would be happening to you.
11:47I'm really hoping that you're okay, Shia.
11:50And I really have to, uh, I'm just really overwhelmed, Shia.
12:06I really need to spend some time trying to do some, uh, nevermind.
12:13So, I'm going to talk to you about these notes tomorrow.
12:16But you're acknowledging, you're changing your false beliefs about some probably lies that are being said to you.
12:25You're acknowledging that things will be changing soon.
12:30You're acknowledging that things will be changing soon.
12:35And I'm not going to, uh, believe that it's going to take forever to have my body not be mutilated.
12:49And I'm extremely happy that I'm going to be getting myself back.
12:56I spent so long feeling, uh, I felt so, I have felt very, very ugly and not myself for a very long time.
13:06So, I'm really getting happy that I'm going to be myself again.
13:16So, in regards to, I'm going to talk about this another time.
13:27So, I'm going to stop this video now, uh, and I will talk to you tomorrow, Shia.
13:36I don't think that I'm going to be making videos all day.
13:39I think I'm just too tired, and so are you, Shia.
13:43So, I'm going to try to make a video tomorrow at 8pm.
13:47And if I do make a video during the day, you don't have to, I will write in the YouTube description what time I'll be making it.
13:58I love you, Shia.
14:01Just, uh, don't worry, Shia, and try to relax.
14:06I've been, uh, I've been hugging you, Shia, thinking about you, until Pet Support has been talking about you.
14:16I love you, Shia.
14:18Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
