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00:00This is where homosexuality started.
00:04Homosexuality is not a crime, it's a crime.
00:08Anti-LGBTQ plus demonstration.
00:10Do you personally dislike homosexuals?
00:13Of course, they are disgusting.
00:15What they do is terrible.
00:17Homosexual activity which harms society
00:20frequently considers it a crime.
00:22A crime to be punished.
00:25In 2021, we all witnessed a huge trend
00:29of homosexuality.
00:30It was promoted in schools, work, and all over.
00:34The question is, where did this all start and why?
00:42A location called Sodom,
00:45which is a city situated between
00:47the borders of Jordan and Palestine.
00:50And it is the most punished land in history.
00:59We are about to enter the airport.
01:21One hour, it's two hours.
01:31Kingdom of Jordan.
01:39A man drinking the matrix.
01:41See if you drink this drink here.
01:43Start thinking differently.
01:44Start seeing the holes in the system.
01:46Free from the matrix.
01:48Currently heading towards Sodom,
01:50which is actually beside the Dead Sea
01:52and was the base of Qawm Lod,
01:54Lod's nation.
02:00It's good.
02:01It's a bit sour.
02:09Did you open the window?
02:22Alhamdulillah, we've arrived.
02:25The Prophet Lod was sent to a nation called Sodom
02:28to preach Tawheed, La ilaha illallah,
02:31and to abandon the immoral acts,
02:33which is having intercourse with males.
02:36It all started when Satan came to them
02:38in the form of the most beautiful boy,
02:39the most stunning boy they had ever seen.
02:41His charm was so powerful
02:43that they couldn't resist his invitation.
02:45The sin they invented was unknown on earth
02:47before their time.
02:48Sexual intercourse with males instead of females.
02:52And they were the first people Shaitaan
02:54influenced to this dirty action.
02:59Now underground.
03:02Too much salt.
03:28Bro, the mountain is here.
03:32Allahu Akbar.
03:43This is salt.
03:45This is not sand.
03:46Subhanallah, look.
03:47Let's take you home, bro.
03:48Let's go to curry.
03:51Look, subhanallah.
03:52Oh, what is this?
03:54Look, subhanallah.
03:55Oh, what is this?
03:59That's actually earth.
04:02If you fall on that,
04:03and I was running like a...
04:05We know, we know.
04:06Literally, it's so hot here.
04:08Boiling, subhanallah.
04:09And that makes sense
04:10because we are at the lowest points on earth.
04:13Oh, my days.
04:14It doesn't break, bro.
04:15It doesn't break.
04:16I just dashed a rock at it.
04:17Guys, look at this sweat, man.
04:19Alright, guys.
04:20We need to talk.
04:21So firstly,
04:22I hope you've enjoyed watching the video.
04:23If you did,
04:24please like, comment, subscribe.
04:27we have decided to demonetize our YouTube channel.
04:29The reason being
04:30is because we spoke to people of knowledge
04:31and they told us that
04:32having music and females in the ads of our videos
04:35is completely impermissible.
04:37However, we are not stressed by this.
04:38We understand that if you put Allah first,
04:40Allah will look after us.
04:41Now, guys, what we've done
04:42is we've put a Launch Grid link
04:43in the description below.
04:44Any donations that come from that
04:46will help us with making videos
04:47with flights, with hotels,
04:48with camera, with mic equipment,
04:50anything that's needed to make these videos.
04:52Our end goal
04:53is to spread the message of Islam,
04:54to spread the message of the Prophets.
04:55So please, guys, support us
04:57and bismillah,
04:58we're going to come with bigger and better content
04:59which you guys will definitely love watching.
05:02Deep how all of this over here
05:04is literally salt.
05:05This is all salt.
05:08Oh, that hurt.
05:10Wallah, that hurt.
05:11Bro, I checked the salt.
05:12It didn't...
05:13Nothing worked.
05:14It broke my top.
05:15Bro, it's snow.
05:16It's crazy.
05:17Bro, it's snow.
05:18It's snowing.
05:19How is this snow, bro?
05:20I mean, how is this salt?
05:21It's snowing in Jordan.
05:22Bro, all from this water.
05:34Palestine is right there,
05:3570 kilometers.
05:36And it's one hour drive
05:38from here to the West Bank.
05:41Lord, peace be upon him,
05:43started giving dawah
05:44to leave these haram acts.
05:46But, unfortunately,
05:48even the closest one
05:50was against him.
05:51His wife,
05:52who did not follow the command of Allah.
05:54She herself was not a homosexual.
05:57But, she was supporting it.
05:59Some of the Christians actually say
06:00that these statues were here
06:01because in fact,
06:02the Prophet's wife.
06:03Obviously, we don't believe that.
06:04We don't know.
06:05But, I thought I should mention it
06:06for the video
06:07and show you guys how it looks.
06:10After the situation gradually became worse,
06:12Allah sent down three angels
06:14in forms of men
06:15to alert Prophet's Lord
06:16and the guided believers
06:17that they should leave the city
06:18that same night.
06:20During the meeting
06:21between Lord, peace be upon him,
06:22and the three angels,
06:26and Israfil,
06:27the wife of Lord, peace be upon him,
06:28started to alert the community
06:30that there is a beautiful man
06:32in her house.
06:33As soon as the nation heard this,
06:35they got excited by the arrival
06:36of these new young men
06:38and immediately made ways
06:39to Lord, peace be upon him, house.
06:41The appearance of the angels
06:42saddened Lord,
06:43and he felt grief in his soul
06:45because of them.
06:46He was afraid
06:47that if he did not host them
06:48as his guests,
06:49some of his people
06:50would host them
06:51and harm them.
06:53the gay men arrived to the house
06:54and there was an interesting conversation
06:56between Lord, peace be upon him,
06:57and the gay tribe.
06:58They responded by saying,
06:59Surely you know
07:00that we do not need your women,
07:02nor do we want them,
07:03nor do we desire them.
07:05We only want males
07:06and you know that.
07:07So what need
07:08is this continuous conversation?
07:12Prophet Lord's perspective
07:13was completely different.
07:14His words were,
07:15This is a distressful day.
07:17Ibn Abbas narrated
07:19that it was a severe test
07:20for Lord, peace be upon him,
07:22that day from Allah.
07:24People actually swimming there.
07:25I don't know how they swim there.
07:27I'll be honest.
07:30I just touched the water
07:31for two seconds.
07:32It's hurting.
07:38May Allah reward you well.
07:42That's our lunch.
07:44I like bro.
07:45I like.
07:47The watermelon here
07:48and Palestine over there.
07:50As we mentioned before,
07:52the wife of Lord, peace be upon him,
07:54is a valid case
07:55of someone who wasn't homosexual
07:57yet she supported
07:59and she herself
08:00was wiped away.
08:02This teaches us Muslims
08:03that we can't be okay
08:04with acts that are haram
08:05even if we are not
08:06the ones committing them
08:07because the punishment for that
08:08is truly frightening.
08:09Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
08:10sent down Jibreel
08:11with the most catastrophic event
08:13that happened in history
08:14as it was said in the Quran.
08:21So think about this, yeah.
08:22When Lord, peace be upon him,
08:23was constantly giving da'wah
08:25to the nation
08:26and trying to remind them
08:27to fear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
08:29and comes toward the Haqq,
08:31the true path.
08:32He was painted as the enemy,
08:34the killjoy as they call it,
08:36or the boring man of the nation.
08:38The same thing in today's society.
08:40The one who follow the Quran and Sunnah
08:42and he is strict with his morals,
08:44he is also unfortunately,
08:48painted in the same manner,
08:50the boring man.
08:51But always remember,
08:52the more you get closer to Allah,
08:54the more you disconnect
08:55with their bad habits.
08:56They might seem cool at the beginning,
08:58but in reality,
09:00they hold no weight.
09:01The Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
09:03Islam has become strange,
09:05and it will become strange again.
09:07So be kind to the strangers.