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00:00:44Host a gesamten region erreichen uns Augenzeugenberichte über einen Tornado der Feuer gefangen hat
00:00:51Dieser so genannte Feuernado hat eine Spur der Verwüstung hinterlassen
00:00:55Wir vom NBT News Team sind gerade unterwegs in das Katastrophengebiet und nähern uns gleich diesem Tornado
00:01:05Diese Hitze
00:01:25Und nun zum Wetter
00:01:55Starke Sturmböen erwartet
00:01:57Außerdem gibt es eine Tornadowarnung der Stufe EF 1 mit Windgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 160 Stunden
00:02:03Sehr geehrter Doktor Devlin, mit diesem Schreiben möchte ich meine Praktikumstelle bei Ihnen kündigen. Ich danke Ihnen für diese einmalige Gelegenheit
00:02:25Und nun zum Wetter
00:02:27Für Houston, Texas werden heute starke Sturmböen erwartet
00:02:29Außerdem gibt es eine Tornadowarnung der Stufe EF 1 mit Windgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 160 Stundenkilometer
00:02:55Mr. Moore?
00:03:19Ich habe hier ein Päckchen für Sie und brauche Ihre Unterschrift
00:03:21Wieso geben Sie es nicht im Sicherheitsdienst?
00:03:23Oh, ich muss Ihnen das Päckchen aber persönlich aushändigen und dafür brauche ich Ihre Unterschrift
00:03:27Mir aus
00:03:31Ja, das war's. Danke
00:03:41Wo steckt der?
00:03:47Es geht nicht, dass Sie jemanden bis zu meiner Haustür durchlassen. Sie hätten mich warnen sollen. Hier darf niemand einfach so reingehen. Ich bezahle Ihnen super viel Geld für Ihre Tätigkeit. Wenn Sie Ihren Job nicht machen, was tun Sie dann noch hier?
00:04:05Tut mir leid, Boss
00:04:07Schon gut, aber passen Sie besser auf. Bei der nächsten Lieferung sagen Sie Bescheid und ich komme zum Tor
00:04:12Alles klar
00:04:44Hey, ich nehme das schon
00:05:06Ganz schön spät, Anna
00:05:07Ich weiß. Entschuldigung, mein Wecker hat nicht richtig funktioniert
00:05:11Oh, schon klar. Ich darf die Zeit dann auf der Fahrt wieder rausholen. Wir müssen in einer Stunde am Lortenfield sein
00:05:18Ach so. Devlin, könnten wir vorher noch mal reden?
00:05:21Dafür ist jetzt keine Zeit mehr, Anna. Kann das bis morgen warten? Schließlich stehen wir kurz vor einem großen Durchbruch. Und morgen ist ein glorreicher Tag
00:05:32Keine Manieren
00:05:34Hey, Anna
00:05:42Hey, Helena
00:06:09Wow, isn't it too hot?
00:06:12Oh, yes, totally. It's burning, but...
00:06:17Awesome kick.
00:06:19Helena, throw him out of the window.
00:06:22Oh, Greg, nothing there.
00:06:24Isn't the planet already broken enough?
00:06:35You're quiet, all good?
00:06:37Yes, thank you.
00:06:39That must be the nerves.
00:06:43This will be the scientific breakthrough of the century.
00:06:49Do you have something on your mind, Greg?
00:06:51Uh, no. I'm just super excited.
00:06:55What about the drone?
00:06:57Hey, we already talked about that. That's not a drone.
00:07:00That's a tornado infiltration probe. Remember that?
00:07:04That's strange. It looks like the drone of my 12-year-old cousin.
00:07:08Nice, Anna. Good. It's mounted on a drone, okay?
00:07:11But how else can I get it in there? On a dragon?
00:07:14Like Ben Franklin with his lightning rod?
00:07:16Oh, quiet, Greg. That must be the coffee.
00:07:18Uh, no. I'm just doing my job here. Some of us take it seriously.
00:07:25Anna, are you excited? This is your first outdoor mission.
00:07:28Well, I don't help much.
00:07:31But we all make a contribution.
00:07:34Yeah, he just thought...
00:07:37I had more to do.
00:07:39Your time is coming.
00:07:41You will be involved in the next project from the beginning.
00:07:44You have a responsibility. The whole work had already begun.
00:07:50Finally. We're here.
00:07:52Assemble, people. Avanti, avanti.
00:08:02Come on. Come on, people. Greg, avanti, avanti.
00:08:11Here I am. With a probe.
00:08:14The experiment begins at 10 o'clock.
00:08:17Helena, give me the data.
00:08:19Rotation speed 112 kilometers per hour.
00:08:22Distance 500 meters.
00:08:24Distance 500 meters. With 96 kilometers per hour.
00:08:27In the northeast direction. In a slight arc of 10 degrees.
00:08:31And that means?
00:08:32He's coming to us.
00:08:34Are we sure?
00:08:35Oh, it's all perfect.
00:08:38When he's 200 meters away, we'll launch the device.
00:08:42Greg, ready? Is the drone ready?
00:08:45Tornado infiltration probe.
00:08:49Ready to go, Captain.
00:08:51Oh, Captain. I like to hear that.
00:08:55Okay, let's get ready.
00:08:58Helena, you follow the course. Observe the deviations.
00:09:01And Anna, write everything down.
00:09:05Recordings for the afterworld.
00:09:07Yes, Captain.
00:09:08400 meters.
00:09:10Okay, girls and boys, we obviously have a rope tornado in front of us.
00:09:14Do you also know why he's called a rope tornado, Anna?
00:09:17No, say, Devlin.
00:09:19Well, because he has the shape of a rope.
00:09:22God himself could use that.
00:09:24Okay, 300 meters.
00:09:26Uh, Devlin, this thing is pretty fast.
00:09:28So let's move our arches, steer the thing into the tornado and disappear.
00:09:33All right.
00:09:35Then let it rise, Greg, my boy.
00:09:44Well then, come on.
00:09:47Fly for me, baby, fly.
00:09:49Nice and close and then activate.
00:09:54Oh, and, uh, Anna, I want a video of it.
00:09:58No, no, film is in cross-format, Anna.
00:10:01I want cinema feeling. Drama.
00:10:05Recording is running.
00:10:08Good day, everyone.
00:10:10It is now just before 10 o'clock in the morning.
00:10:13Welcome to our extreme weather experiment.
00:10:17One of our drones is about to fly into this tornado, which we have classified as level EF1.
00:10:24It uses electromagnetic impulses that disrupt chemical processes.
00:10:28The balance of air, heat and cold and can trigger such dangerous turbulences.
00:10:33And now a version in simple language, so that even normal people understand you, boss.
00:10:40That means we can slightly increase the energy in this tornado and we can influence it.
00:10:47In plain language, we can make it bigger.
00:10:50Oh, and there is another possibility.
00:10:53He's coming closer.
00:10:54Uh, hey, Doc, we have to get that thing in there quickly, man.
00:10:57I can hardly get it in position.
00:10:59We have to get into the eye of the tornado right now.
00:11:02He's leaning a little. You have to get more of the side.
00:11:05I think you'll get in better.
00:11:07Stupid bitch.
00:11:08Be quiet, please. Concentrate.
00:11:10Yeah, bad joke. Come with me.
00:11:16Stop, don't get any closer.
00:11:17Okay, yeah. We can't get any closer.
00:11:20Uh-uh, I was supposed to get closer. Now nothing can go wrong.
00:11:23Be careful, Greg. Just don't play the hero.
00:11:33I'll give you a little push.
00:11:35Come on, get in there, bitch.
00:11:43Perfect. And now activate.
00:11:50Oh, my God. It's working.
00:11:53Calibration of the formation and the gas composition.
00:11:56You can see the speed, the size, the air flow.
00:12:00I'm activating the chemical and electronic impulses now.
00:12:03The particles are expanding.
00:12:05The tornado is spinning faster and faster.
00:12:08And it's picking up gas.
00:12:09What does that mean?
00:12:12That the monster is pumping up.
00:12:16It's working. Yes, it's working.
00:12:19Have you ever doubted that?
00:12:21Oh, with you as a boss. Not a second.
00:12:25That's great. I'll turn it up a little more.
00:12:28No, Greg, don't.
00:12:31It's working. Tell him to turn it off.
00:12:33Oh, man, that's nice.
00:12:40Oh, my God.
00:12:42He's changing his form. He's suddenly much bigger.
00:12:45She's right. He's becoming cone-shaped.
00:12:47That's category three now.
00:12:53What? Okay, yeah.
00:12:55Hey, Greg, turn it off. That's enough.
00:12:57I can make it even bigger.
00:12:59There's more in there.
00:13:01We've been working on it for so long, man.
00:13:03There's more in there.
00:13:05Turn it off. It's too dangerous.
00:13:07I've got everything under control, Devlin.
00:13:10Yes, I can keep him from us
00:13:12by influencing the magnetic field.
00:13:15Come on.
00:13:16Don't go so close.
00:13:18Greg, stop.
00:13:19He's already reached level four.
00:13:21Greg, turn it off.
00:13:23All right, just a moment.
00:13:28She's not responding.
00:13:30Looks like he's out of control.
00:13:33He's going to get us
00:13:34if he extends his strength.
00:13:36In 30 seconds.
00:13:39Come on, you bastard.
00:13:41I'm here.
00:13:43Come on, do it.
00:13:49I can't do it. I can't do it.
00:13:51Come on, Greg. Come on.
00:13:53You have to run.
00:13:54Damn it. I just can't do it.
00:13:57No, no.
00:14:04Get in the car.
00:14:07Come on, faster.
00:14:14Anna, calm down.
00:14:16Take a deep breath.
00:14:17No, no, Helena.
00:14:19He got him.
00:14:20Greg is dead. He got him.
00:14:22Greg is dead.
00:14:27Oh, God.
00:14:29Where is he going?
00:14:30To the coast.
00:14:31In the east direction, Anna.
00:14:33I'm afraid he's going to turn around again.
00:14:36You think he's going back inland?
00:14:38I don't know.
00:14:39We need data.
00:14:40No, no, no.
00:14:41We have to stop him.
00:14:43Why didn't he listen to us?
00:14:45We wanted to stop him.
00:14:47We tried to warn him.
00:14:49We shouldn't have allowed ourselves to play God.
00:14:52We can't forget why we're doing this.
00:14:54And Greg wanted it, too.
00:14:56No, no. We can still get a hold of him.
00:14:59And make him innocent.
00:15:00Helena. Helena.
00:15:02Watch his pace and course.
00:15:05We have to catch him somehow.
00:15:07Come on, you damn old rat.
00:15:13Come on in.
00:15:17Let's go.
00:15:22Come on.
00:15:26You wanted to see us, boss?
00:15:28Yes, Thomas.
00:15:30Today's weather is rather...
00:15:35Yes, it's a bit windy.
00:15:39A bit windy.
00:15:47What's that?
00:15:49The weather forecast.
00:15:51And this right in the middle,
00:15:53which stretches over the west of the country,
00:15:55is a Tornado of strength four.
00:15:57Strength four? Is that four?
00:16:03God, on a scale of one to five?
00:16:06And it's even getting stronger.
00:16:08It's already the strongest Tornado
00:16:10that has ever hit this coast.
00:16:12Fortunately, it has spared all the larger cities so far.
00:16:15I don't understand what that has to do with us.
00:16:19In this area here,
00:16:21there is a country house.
00:16:24Rented by a certain Pierce Moore.
00:16:28Never heard of him.
00:16:30What do you mean? He's a bookkeeper,
00:16:32but works for Tony Markwell.
00:16:36I know that name.
00:16:38Oh, yes?
00:16:40Moore has a pretty simple job.
00:16:42He says, pile up the money,
00:16:44hoard it,
00:16:46and then turns it into business activities.
00:16:51A lot of money is waiting for you.
00:16:53And only the bookkeeper and the security team
00:16:56protect it.
00:16:58Doesn't he get robbed all the time?
00:17:00Would you dare to steal Markwell?
00:17:03Um, no, but...
00:17:05But now we have a time window.
00:17:07The Tornado will pass this house in two hours.
00:17:10Got it?
00:17:12We'll be there in about 90 minutes.
00:17:14If it makes sense,
00:17:16then he and his security team
00:17:18have moved to the next city,
00:17:20or barricaded themselves in their cellar.
00:17:23And you want to pick him up?
00:17:25I think a quarter to three quarters of a million
00:17:28could be hidden there.
00:17:30And that's not the only hiding place.
00:17:33How many guards do they have?
00:17:35At least two, maybe more.
00:17:37But the security system...
00:17:39Now comes the best part.
00:17:41We can shut down the whole power supply,
00:17:43but they'll push it on the Tornado.
00:17:45We go in and out again.
00:17:48And no one can prove anything to us.
00:17:50Nothing at all.
00:17:54Are you coming?
00:17:56I'm in.
00:17:58I don't know, boss.
00:18:00That was a rhetorical question, Tommy.
00:18:03You're coming with us.
00:18:05So, get moving.
00:18:08We're going on a treasure hunt.
00:18:13What's wrong with you?
00:18:27I think I have an idea.
00:18:29Really? What idea?
00:18:30Take the next road to the left.
00:18:32Then we'd have to get up to...
00:18:34500 meters to the Tornado.
00:18:36Are we sure?
00:18:38Yes, don't worry.
00:18:40We can get up to 400 meters.
00:18:42If it gets any stronger, of course not.
00:18:46And then what?
00:18:48I've made some adjustments.
00:18:50I hope I can get into the control system of the probe.
00:18:53You can get her out of there?
00:18:55Of course. Very good, Helena.
00:18:57No, we're not getting her out.
00:18:59She'll be useful to us.
00:19:01As a kind of steering wheel.
00:19:02You want to steer the Tornado?
00:19:04That's right.
00:19:05We can steer it carefully,
00:19:07so it doesn't pull inwards and out to sea.
00:19:09Good, good. Then let's do it.
00:19:11There's one more problem.
00:19:12The way you're pulling the Tornado now,
00:19:14it's pulling towards a series of houses.
00:19:16But they're already there and they're probably evacuated.
00:19:19Not necessarily.
00:19:21If this thing blows over a house,
00:19:23there's nothing left of it.
00:19:25And with such a strong Tornado,
00:19:27no cellar will protect it anymore.
00:19:28Then we have to warn the people as soon as possible.
00:19:32Let's go.
00:19:33Oh, shit!
00:19:39Next time, please warn in advance.
00:19:41Yes, sorry.
00:19:42All right.
00:19:43All right, we're back on track now.
00:19:46So far, all right.
00:19:47Then let's go.
00:19:58There he is.
00:20:04500 meters.
00:20:05Do you have a signal?
00:20:08No signal.
00:20:09He's getting closer.
00:20:10470 meters.
00:20:11Still nothing.
00:20:13But almost.
00:20:14How far is the safety distance?
00:20:17Not closer than 300 meters.
00:20:19Yes, that's the direction.
00:20:21Are you sure?
00:20:22Now let's see.
00:20:24I've got it!
00:20:26Oh, the wind.
00:20:27It's shaking.
00:20:28It's not my fault.
00:20:30It's not my fault.
00:20:32Send me the new coordinates.
00:20:37We're being pulled in.
00:20:39Oh, no.
00:20:42He's too far away.
00:20:43Be careful.
00:20:44We mustn't lose the signal.
00:20:46Isn't it still stronger?
00:20:48It's shaking too much.
00:20:50Why is it stuck at 99?
00:20:52100 percent, okay?
00:20:53Go, go, go, go!
00:20:54I'm doing it,
00:20:55otherwise we'll be in real trouble.
00:21:16Did it work?
00:21:19Yes, it did.
00:21:20New course.
00:21:23Then we're human now.
00:21:25But we have to keep the high speed.
00:21:27Then do it, please.
00:21:30It's our responsibility.
00:21:33And the coordinates of the first house?
00:21:37Breitengrad 89.
00:21:38No, just the postal code, Erna.
00:21:46We have to be faster than him.
00:21:48We have to catch up with the tornado.
00:21:50He's swaying a lot.
00:21:52He's not only moving forward at 89 kilometers per hour.
00:22:22Are you okay?
00:23:01Hey, you!
00:23:03We have to warn you!
00:23:05What the hell are you doing here?
00:23:08Didn't you hear?
00:23:09There's a storm warning.
00:23:10Yes, that's why we're here.
00:23:12I messed everything up.
00:23:14My daughter and I will join our house in a minute.
00:23:18No, no, that won't be enough for the storm.
00:23:20Who says that?
00:23:23I'm a meteorologist.
00:23:24We have four minutes left.
00:23:27There's going to be a tornado of strength 4 here.
00:23:30Oh, I already had stronger forces than this.
00:23:33We'll be fine.
00:23:34What's going on here?
00:23:36Hey, your father has to listen to us.
00:23:37He just doesn't see the danger.
00:23:38We're safe here.
00:23:40The house has been here for centuries.
00:23:42Your house is about to be torn apart by a 270-kilometer-per-hour tornado.
00:23:46Do you understand?
00:23:47He's going to hit your house in a few minutes.
00:23:49You're going to turn this into a rubble field.
00:23:52You have to go west to Jefferson.
00:23:54The tornado will move east.
00:23:56Dad, listen to her.
00:23:57We have to get out of here.
00:23:59I can drive too,
00:24:00no matter if I have a driver's license or not.
00:24:02That's nonsense.
00:24:08We have to get out of here right now.
00:24:09Come on.
00:24:11Hey, does that look like nonsense to you?
00:24:19Keely, get in the car right now.
00:24:23Come on.
00:24:24Get out of here.
00:24:45Oh man, where are they?
00:24:46Anna, we've got them.
00:24:49We have to get out of here.
00:24:54Calm down.
00:25:22Come on.
00:25:49Are you okay?
00:25:50No, I'm not.
00:25:51Thank you for the warning.
00:25:53Yeah, it's just horrible, your house was...
00:25:57Come on now.
00:26:20Come on.
00:26:42Oh, damn it.
00:26:43What is it?
00:26:45I'm still thinking about how we can do this backwards.
00:26:48But is that possible?
00:26:49If so, it's just a mystery to me.
00:26:52Greg's device had a security function.
00:26:55The system recognized it as a hoax,
00:26:57but didn't react.
00:26:59It wasn't activated?
00:27:01That's really great.
00:27:03I had everything under control.
00:27:05All the studies, the experiments.
00:27:07How could this happen?
00:27:09We're also to blame, Gavilan.
00:27:10Einstein would turn around in his grave
00:27:12if he could see my work.
00:27:13Doc, the...
00:27:16Tornado is coming from the first to the second house, right?
00:27:20Yes, exactly.
00:27:21Through the woods?
00:27:25I don't want to know, but why are you asking?
00:27:27Well, there's a gas station right behind this forest,
00:27:30and the tornado is coming right at it.
00:27:33Could that be dangerous?
00:27:35If it hits the gas station,
00:27:37then it's likely.
00:27:39And then?
00:27:41You don't want to know.
00:27:43Do we have time to warn people?
00:27:46We're almost there.
00:27:47Just a few more kilometers.
00:27:49Thank God.
00:28:01The gas station is right up ahead.
00:28:03I don't see the tornado.
00:28:05Has it gotten slower?
00:28:07It should be here by now.
00:28:19Doc, stay here.
00:28:21We'll take a look around.
00:28:23Yeah, okay.
00:28:25Is anyone in there?
00:28:32Hey, hey, hey!
00:28:33I'm sorry, but you have to get out of here.
00:28:35There's a tornado coming right at us.
00:28:38A tornado is coming at us.
00:28:40You're in great danger.
00:28:41Is there anyone back there?
00:28:42I don't know.
00:28:43Get out!
00:28:45I said get out!
00:28:46Get out of here!
00:28:48Hey, you have to get out of here.
00:28:55Is everyone out?
00:28:58Okay, where's Devlin?
00:29:13What's going to happen here, Doc?
00:29:17We'll see.
00:29:18Oh, no.
00:29:19Not yet.
00:29:20The gas molecules from the probe...
00:29:22As long as nothing ignites, there's no...
00:29:31Maybe there is.
00:29:34Oh, no.
00:29:37I'll check the readings real quick.
00:29:41We'd better get out of here.
00:29:52It accelerated after the explosion.
00:29:54No way.
00:29:55It's even stronger now.
00:29:57Oh, God.
00:29:58A tornado only takes minutes.
00:30:00Generally, yes.
00:30:01But in Australia, one took 40 minutes.
00:30:05Oh, God.
00:30:06And it's already at level 5.
00:30:09How far is the second house away?
00:30:11About 10 minutes.
00:30:12And where's the tornado?
00:30:14Right next to us.
00:30:16It's 90 kilometers per hour.
00:30:18But the house is on our side, so we'd rather be there.
00:30:27When do we arrive?
00:30:29In four minutes.
00:30:30And when's the tornado?
00:30:31In six minutes.
00:30:32Oh, shit.
00:30:33Time never runs out.
00:30:35Oh, I see a field about 50 meters ahead.
00:30:37I'll turn right.
00:30:39That way we can shorten the way.
00:30:41But that's not an off-road vehicle.
00:30:43Does it really look like it?
00:30:44Well, I don't.
00:30:45Hopefully the car does.
00:30:47Oh, God.
00:30:48Why don't I have a jeep?
00:30:53Maybe that wasn't a good idea.
00:30:55Yes, yes.
00:30:56That way we could save some time.
00:31:07Let's go.
00:31:14The wind is getting stronger.
00:31:16Is everything closed?
00:31:17I'll just check again.
00:31:18And I'm going into the basement.
00:31:19All right.
00:31:28Oh, God.
00:31:29What's going on?
00:31:30You have to get out of here.
00:31:32But there's a tornado approaching.
00:31:33We were just about to hide in the basement.
00:31:35No, no.
00:31:36You don't understand.
00:31:37It's coming right at you.
00:31:38What's going on?
00:31:39They say we should get out of here.
00:31:40The tornado is pulling over our house.
00:31:42But we have to be careful.
00:31:45That's a tornado of strength five.
00:31:46The house will not survive that.
00:31:48Strength five?
00:31:49What nonsense.
00:31:50And not just that.
00:31:51It's still burning.
00:31:52I'm serious.
00:31:53Get out of here.
00:31:54And quickly.
00:31:56You asked for it.
00:31:57We have to get out of here.
00:31:58No, no, no.
00:31:59I'll go first.
00:32:00You go, too.
00:32:01All right.
00:32:02We'll go, too.
00:32:03Come on, Dad.
00:32:04We have to go.
00:32:05We have to go, too.
00:32:08We have to go.
00:32:12We have to go.
00:32:13We have to go.
00:32:2110 minutes.
00:32:22Should I help you?
00:32:23No, we don't have time.
00:32:24There's another house.
00:32:25He's right.
00:32:26We have to go.
00:32:27Hurry up.
00:32:28We'll be right there.
00:32:30Jack, where are you?
00:32:31She's coming.
00:32:32She's coming.
00:33:29Listen back here
00:33:56Hey hey, I was good
00:33:59First meet each other. This is dying. We have to be sorry
00:34:04Sucks. Oh, what's next?
00:34:10The next mention written here for strong
00:34:31Let's go, yeah, okay. I'll listen. I'll listen block here. Oh, I've been here so was fun. Just spent
00:34:41The best in folly do it
00:34:43That's why I need to ride this. Yes, I'll Thomas
00:34:46Hey, not the nothing. I had to turn out of fire if I'm
00:34:50One come tough. Let's do I'm for your turn. I don't guys
00:34:57Have to get up tight on the street to see
00:34:59There are two young men begin right on the scale don't go to the month. I suppose this thing in rust
00:35:05Sepsis meteorologist haven't kind of honor
00:35:08And when I know it's not the insurance. I'm seeing well
00:35:12become tonic cool in the barren
00:35:15Come to me on slow skates
00:35:52We love to not so much to feel also it was meant I'm coffee with Stein. Yeah, good idea. Thank you
00:37:48Said yes, yes
00:37:54Hey mister you mind
00:38:01Was it in laws
00:38:16Handle also fought back from the custom are slow
00:38:24Was some toy filled high student
00:39:32All good?
00:39:33Yeah, I'm sure it's all good.
00:39:36Hey, watch it!
00:40:03What do you want?
00:40:10You can guess three times.
00:40:14The tornado leaves a burning trail, but no dead have been reported yet.
00:40:23Okay, we're almost there.
00:40:38I'll ask you one more time.
00:40:40Where is the money hidden?
00:40:42I'll tell you one more time.
00:40:44I really don't know what you're talking about.
00:40:46There's no money here.
00:40:48We know you're the accountant here.
00:40:50And who do you work for?
00:40:54I have an office in Dronston.
00:40:56Just a small office.
00:40:58I'm telling you, you've got the wrong man.
00:41:01Come on, talk already.
00:41:03Or I'll kill you.
00:41:05I'll do it, yeah.
00:41:10That wouldn't have been necessary.
00:41:18But you seem to earn quite well as a small businessman.
00:41:23How much is the house worth?
00:41:25A million?
00:41:26Or 1.2?
00:41:28I have rich parents.
00:41:36What are you looking at?
00:41:42Wake up, you moron!
00:41:45We're running out of time.
00:41:46Shut up, you whore.
00:41:48And finally, go!
00:41:53Tear down this house right now!
00:41:55And you!
00:41:56Bring the cars here and search upstairs!
00:41:58We'll meet down here.
00:42:05Yes, boss.
00:42:20So, if I think about it,
00:42:23we should have used a weaker magnetic field for the probe.
00:42:28And less hydrogen content.
00:42:30Next time, we'll definitely have everything under control.
00:42:33In a smaller scale, you see.
00:42:36Next time?
00:42:38This technology is too great to fail.
00:42:40Not if it gets into the wrong hands.
00:42:42Please, let it, Devlin.
00:42:44Just let it be.
00:42:46We're here.
00:42:47This has to be it.
00:42:53Is anyone still here?
00:42:55Maybe they've already been evacuated.
00:42:58But there are still three cars.
00:43:01Wait here.
00:43:02Check this one.
00:43:03But hurry up.
00:43:04We have five minutes.
00:43:07Park over there.
00:43:37Search over there.
00:43:45Hurry up!
00:43:59Where is it?
00:44:04There's nothing here either.
00:44:45Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:48Hey, wake up.
00:44:50Look at me.
00:44:57Who are you?
00:44:59That doesn't matter.
00:45:01There are two men down there.
00:45:02There are three in total.
00:45:03What do they want?
00:45:05My money.
00:45:10There's a pair of scissors at the back of the table.
00:45:13Cut open the barrels.
00:45:22Oh, shit!
00:45:33What the hell?
00:45:47Hurry up.
00:46:11What's going on?
00:46:12More is...
00:46:13He was just freed.
00:46:14And he's armed.
00:46:15But you guys are too.
00:46:16Get the Escalante!
00:46:18There's something else.
00:46:19The tornado out there.
00:46:21It's coming closer.
00:46:23We're burning.
00:46:24Then we're burning.
00:46:36Oh, fuck.
00:46:46Oh, fuck.
00:47:07Come stay.
00:47:10Oh, fuck.
00:47:14What was that?
00:47:17Where is she?
00:47:29I'll kill him.
00:47:30I'll kill the fucker!
00:47:40I'll kill the fucker!
00:47:51I got you now, you fucker!
00:48:06Damn it!
00:48:09Hey, buddy.
00:48:11Where's my fucking money?
00:48:13I told you, there's no money here.
00:48:15Where is my goddam-
00:48:17Who are you?
00:48:18I just happened to be here.
00:48:20Give me the fucking money or I'll blow your head off!
00:48:27Get up!
00:48:35What should I do?
00:48:38Oh, my god!
00:48:39Fire! Fire!
00:48:43Come on, keep going!
00:48:52Go! Come on!
00:49:08Come on!
00:49:18I'm hit!
00:49:19Where is he?
00:49:44Get in!
00:49:57Shit, what's going on here?
00:50:02Where were you?
00:50:04I don't give a shit.
00:50:08Get in the car!
00:50:16Hey, I'm Sam.
00:50:18We're going to a safe place by the sea.
00:50:20In the northeast direction.
00:50:22I'll send you the coordinates.
00:50:24Please make sure you don't get followed.
00:50:27Yeah, all right.
00:50:29To the northeast, understood.
00:50:35Wait a minute.
00:50:38Oh, god!
00:50:39Who the hell is that?
00:50:42Make room, man!
00:50:43Drive to the side, asshole!
00:50:45What the fuck?
00:50:51Oh, my god, they're shooting!
00:50:53Oh, god!
00:50:55I never thought I'd say that, but...
00:50:59I think it's time for the hyperdrive.
00:51:04Since when do they have them?
00:51:06Now there's no turning back.
00:51:11Oh, he's flying!
00:51:18Are we following them?
00:51:19No, we want the money.
00:51:21We're following Moore.
00:51:26Who are these guys and why are they shooting at us?
00:51:29Get better cover.
00:51:32Where exactly are we going?
00:51:34I have a house by the sea.
00:51:36I think we're safe there.
00:51:38Oh, god.
00:51:39What's going on here?
00:52:23What happened?
00:52:30Oh, baby, what have I done?
00:52:33The hyperdrive was too much for her.
00:52:37But we shook her off.
00:52:40I think we're safe for now.
00:52:43Thank god, but...
00:52:45What are we going to do about Anna?
00:52:48We'll just walk on.
00:52:51Are you kidding me?
00:52:55I'll take the controller and you take the tablet.
00:53:10Please tell me this isn't true.
00:53:12I can explain.
00:53:14But that speaks for itself, Devlin.
00:53:16Are we damn soldiers now and have developed a dangerous weapon?
00:53:20No, it's not like that.
00:53:21And why are you so sure?
00:53:23You don't know what...
00:53:25Skylab will do with it.
00:53:27We saw what it can do.
00:53:29I thought...
00:53:30I thought...
00:53:31We trusted you, Devlin.
00:53:34What were you going to do, just run off with the money?
00:53:37But no, I would have split it fairly.
00:53:40But I wouldn't have taken it.
00:53:42I know.
00:53:45I didn't sign it.
00:53:51I'm sorry.
00:53:53I would have almost become weak.
00:53:55You made me an offer.
00:53:57But I would never have accepted it.
00:54:02How can I ever trust you again, Devlin?
00:54:09But it doesn't matter.
00:54:11We have more important plans.
00:54:19Oh my God.
00:54:21They're going to get us.
00:54:33Oh my God.
00:54:36Take this.
00:54:37Try your luck.
00:54:38What do you mean, try your luck?
00:54:40Have you ever seen a shooting in a movie?
00:54:43Aim for the tires.
00:54:44But I can't shoot.
00:54:45Come on.
00:54:46Take the gun.
00:55:09Oh, fuck.
00:55:12How could this happen?
00:55:13It's all your fault, you idiot.
00:55:15I'll fix it.
00:55:17I want to tell you that, or I'll take the money myself.
00:55:19I said, I'll fix it.
00:55:24Then do it.
00:55:26Oh, shit.
00:55:27Damn it.
00:55:39Are they really gone?
00:55:42Man, that was close, wasn't it?
00:55:45Oh, fuck.
00:55:51Helena, wait.
00:55:53There's a much bigger problem.
00:55:56The clouds to the northeast, right?
00:55:59The tornado is going there, too.
00:56:02That's impossible.
00:56:04That's much northerly than expected.
00:56:06He's changing his course.
00:56:08And he's heading straight for them.
00:56:10Oh, God.
00:56:15You don't look good.
00:56:17You have to stay awake.
00:56:19Man, I'm trying.
00:56:21I'm not feeling well.
00:56:23By the way, I'm Pierce.
00:56:25I'm Anna.
00:56:26Nice to meet you.
00:56:29Pretty crazy first date.
00:56:33Yeah, a shootout, an escape from a tornado.
00:56:36That could have been more romantic, couldn't it?
00:56:40Why are they after you anyway?
00:56:43That's complicated.
00:56:46I thought so.
00:56:48Did they want something specific?
00:56:50My money.
00:56:51Do you have a safe in your house or something?
00:56:55You're going to laugh.
00:56:57It's going in that direction.
00:56:59I want to be honest with you, Anna.
00:57:01I had to deal with the wrong people for a while.
00:57:05So, um...
00:57:07I'm the bookkeeper of a very well-chosen clientele, if you know what I mean.
00:57:12And, um...
00:57:13I keep their...
00:57:17That doesn't sound really legal, to be honest.
00:57:21It's not at all.
00:57:23And now that I've done a few jobs for them,
00:57:26they've got me in their hands.
00:57:28And I can't get out of it now.
00:57:31I really don't know what to do.
00:57:33But let's not talk about me anymore.
00:57:35So, what about you?
00:57:37I'm a nobody.
00:57:41Come on, that's not true.
00:57:43You saved me.
00:57:45That was amazing.
00:57:46Yeah, well, um...
00:57:48My colleagues and I, we...
00:57:51we followed the tornado.
00:57:54Does that mean you're a meteorologist?
00:57:57Or adventurous?
00:57:59I'm studying meteorology, and...
00:58:02I'm doing an internship with Dr. Devlin.
00:58:05He's pretty well-known in his field.
00:58:09But also crazy.
00:58:12In what way?
00:58:13He's a total nutjob with wild ideas.
00:58:17At least, that's what some people say.
00:58:20And what do you say?
00:58:21I say he's a nutjob with pretty wild ideas.
00:58:26But yeah, I like him.
00:58:29How did you get in there?
00:58:31Is it fun?
00:58:33Well, actually, I wanted to quit today.
00:58:36What? Why?
00:58:39Oh, Devlin has his quirks.
00:58:42I respect him a lot,
00:58:44and he's always been very nice to me, but...
00:58:48He's so focused on his work
00:58:50that I can't learn anything from him.
00:58:53Well, at least I can get him coffee.
00:58:56Luckily, you didn't quit today, but...
00:59:00maybe that's not the worst idea.
00:59:02Yeah, to be honest, I already have a job in sight
00:59:06with his rival.
00:59:08That's good.
00:59:09Are you hiring him or not?
00:59:13don't know yet.
00:59:16I really don't feel well.
00:59:21Hey, are you okay?
00:59:42Get in!
00:59:43We have to get away from this fucking tornado!
00:59:46And what about Nate?
00:59:49Don't talk to me like that, Tommy!
00:59:51What do we do with Nate?
00:59:53Man, he'll be fine!
01:00:21Oh, fuck!
01:01:03Is that okay?
01:01:05Yeah, I think so.
01:01:07Better thanks to you.
01:01:13And this house,
01:01:15did you have it because of your job, or...?
01:01:18That's mine.
01:01:20I had it quite normal.
01:01:22I don't like to talk about it.
01:01:24I just went through
01:01:26way too many bad things in this house.
01:01:31not the best memories of it.
01:01:34Yeah, I know that.
01:01:37My parents are also dead.
01:01:40They weren't the kindest people, but...
01:01:43I still feel guilty.
01:01:50Because their death was so close to me.
01:01:55I even have a bad feeling about Devlin.
01:01:58You don't have to.
01:02:00But it feels really bad.
01:02:02I mean, he's not exactly a father figure to me.
01:02:06He's more like a crazy uncle or something.
01:02:10Like a family member.
01:02:13I can understand that.
01:02:15It's kind of weird.
01:02:17I feel a strong connection between us.
01:02:22It must be the adrenaline.
01:02:25Could be.
01:02:27It's a reflex.
01:02:30Like a rush, right?
01:02:48Are we safe now?
01:02:52I hope so.
01:02:54They will never find this place.
01:02:57Try to relax
01:03:00until your colleagues get there.
01:03:03Oh, God.
01:03:06She's here!
01:03:07Is that really her?
01:03:08Oh, God.
01:03:21She's here!
01:03:22Is that really her?
01:03:23Oh, God.
01:03:24Thank you, Anna.
01:03:25They shot at us.
01:03:26What kind of people were those?
01:03:27What did they want?
01:03:28That's a long story.
01:03:30Uh, excuse me.
01:03:31And you are?
01:03:32I'm Pierce.
01:03:33I'm really sorry, Loretta.
01:03:34It's better if we skip the polite part.
01:03:35We have to get out of here.
01:03:36The Thorndike is on his way.
01:03:37I can't.
01:03:38The Thorndike is on his way.
01:03:39I can't.
01:03:40The Thorndike is on his way.
01:03:41The Thorndike is on his way.
01:03:42The Thorndike is on his way.
01:03:43I can't.
01:03:44I can't.
01:03:45I can't.
01:03:46I can't.
01:03:47We have to get out of here. The tornado is coming right at us.
01:03:53It's coming here?
01:03:55Oh my God.
01:03:56But do you think you can drive?
01:03:58I think so.
01:04:00If we are safe and the tornado has moved,
01:04:03we can launch the probe and...
01:04:05Oh God, Devlin, stop it now, please!
01:04:08Anna, we have to go.
01:04:10No, no, Helena, wait!
01:04:12Are you okay?
01:04:15Yes, thank you.
01:04:20Now listen to me first.
01:04:23We have to get her back.
01:04:25Wouldn't it be better if this probe sank to the bottom of the sea?
01:04:28It can't sink, don't forget that.
01:04:30What do you want with that thing?
01:04:32You can certainly perfect it.
01:04:35If we can increase the volume and speed of a tornado,
01:04:38we will certainly be able to dampen it.
01:04:40That would prevent a lot of destruction.
01:04:44It's not about me here, Helena.
01:04:46We have the choice.
01:04:48We can capture her again, destroy the prototype
01:04:51and delete all our data so that no one can rebuild it.
01:04:54Or we can improve and perfect it.
01:05:00And what are you going to do?
01:05:04I don't know yet.
01:05:08You know what I think.
01:05:24Who are you?
01:05:26That doesn't look good, boy.
01:05:58You split up.
01:06:00Now you're in a trap.
01:06:04If I don't kill you, the tornado will do it for me.
01:06:11Now you're both dead.
01:06:17No one will be able to save you anymore, understand?
01:06:35Devlin, come on up. I'll help you.
01:06:38Come on. Okay. Okay.
01:06:41Oh, God.
01:07:11Oh, God.
01:07:41Oh, God.
01:08:17Ladies and gentlemen, dear viewers, we're playing a game today.
01:08:21You see two doors here.
01:08:23Behind one is the big prize.
01:08:29And now the wheel turns.
01:08:36But where it stops... one knows.
01:08:54Behind door number one is nothing.
01:08:58And at door number two...
01:09:01...what do we find here?
01:09:09Where are you?
01:09:16There's another door here.
01:09:19This is going to be fun.
01:09:28The time is up.
01:09:47Get up, damn it.
01:09:52I told you.
01:09:54I don't know where the money is.
01:10:11Do you have a diaper?
01:10:13In your hand. In your hand.
01:10:18Oh, no.
01:10:20Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
01:10:26Where's Anna?
01:10:27Shh. She's in security, okay?
01:10:34Oh, God.
01:10:35It's good. Everything is good.
01:10:40Stay awake.
01:10:42Listen to me, Devlin.
01:10:44Forget what I said earlier.
01:10:48I didn't mean it like that.
01:10:50I'm so sorry.
01:10:52Everything will be fine.
01:10:56I'll really leave you in the lurch.
01:10:58I know you never will, Devlin.
01:11:04Don't cry. Don't cry, Helena.
01:11:08Don't cry.
01:11:09We have to go.
01:11:11I know. We have to go.
01:11:14We have to go.
01:11:29Well, little one.
01:11:31I know you're his girlfriend.
01:11:34So you have to know where my money is.
01:11:38Tell me where it is.
01:11:41And I'll leave you alone.
01:12:05Do I shout?
01:12:23Blöde scheiße.
01:12:54Anna, where are you?
01:12:55Everything okay?
01:12:56The tornado is coming.
01:12:57We have to get out of here.
01:12:58Come on, quick!
01:13:04Come on.
01:13:35Hey, the air is clean. We can...
01:13:40It's okay. It's okay.
01:13:42Come on. Help me support him.
01:13:49Come on.
01:13:50Come on. We have to get out of here.
01:13:52We have to get out of here, quick!
01:14:04Keep going! Keep going!
01:14:16Is he getting better?
01:14:19I don't know.
01:14:22I hope so.
01:14:24And how are you?
01:14:26I'm getting better.
01:14:29I'll go to the ambulance.
01:14:32Otherwise they'll never find us here.
01:14:40Where is Anna?
01:14:42Here. I'm here, Doc.
01:14:44Here. I'm here, Doc.
01:14:47You did well.
01:14:49Doc, you shouldn't talk now.
01:14:52Hang in there, okay?
01:14:54You wanted to talk to me about something.
01:14:57This morning.
01:15:02That's not so important.
01:15:05It's okay, Anna.
01:15:07I know.
01:15:10My old friend, Malcolm...
01:15:13He told me about your application.
01:15:17But you were a competitor.
01:15:19But also a friend.
01:15:22Don't worry.
01:15:24I praised you.
01:15:27I'm sorry, Doc.
01:15:31I'm sorry.
01:15:33I wasn't very attentive.
01:15:37But believe me, Anna.
01:15:39I'm very, very proud of you.
01:15:41You're all I can think of.
01:15:44Everything you want.
01:15:46I'll destroy everything.
01:15:48Everything that has to do with that damn tornado.
01:15:56Help me, okay?
01:16:00I want to watch.
01:16:12That's it.
01:16:28Help me.
01:16:30Help me.
01:16:39It's beautiful.
01:17:00It's beautiful.
01:17:30It's beautiful.
01:18:00It's beautiful.
01:18:30It's beautiful.