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9-1-1 S08 Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Tim Minear reimagine the procedural drama with “9-1-1.” The series explores the high-pressure experiences of first responders — including police officers, firefighters and dispatchers — who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations. These emergency responders must try to balance saving those who are at their most vulnerable with solving the problems in their own lives. The show draws from real-life, high-pressure experiences of first responders who regularly face heart-stopping situations that are often unpredictable, intense and uplifting at the same time.

911 Season 8


00:009-1-1, what's your emergency?
00:04Oh my god, bees. They're all over our car.
00:07You said bees?
00:14The truck was hauling 22 million killer bees.
00:17Enough bees to kill...
00:1844,000 people.
00:24Maybe they'll just fly away?
00:25Not likely.
00:27He's breathing, but barely.
00:29Stay where you are. Help is on the way.
00:35SoCal Tower, it's some kind of insect.
00:38It's bees! Bees!
00:40Traffic alert.
00:42Traffic. Traffic.
00:44That plane's coming right at us.
00:46Oh no!
00:56Is that a...
00:58It's a bee-nado.