• 2 months ago
Justice Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Beginning of the 90s, a discharged police officer is given a chance to reclaim his old life in exchange for capturing a group responsible for a bank robbery. The detective must act quickly, as media attention could complicate matters for the new government.
00:00How does the proposal sound?
00:15You will be able to return to the service.
00:17We forgot about the negative verification and sins from the times of communism.
00:21One man would not be able to do it all.
00:27He's the kind of guy who won't let go of anything.
00:32Mr. Kacper is on duty.
00:38You have a week.
00:40After that, I'll think about it.
00:48I can recognize the desperation of someone who has made a mistake and is not able to undo it.
00:58A talker is a son of a bitch.
01:02But he's my son of a bitch.
01:08Do you know that the police were after me?
01:10They were looking for thugs from the attack.
01:12What kind of person do you have to be to do something like that?
01:15He hates himself.
01:16He needs to have power over people.
01:17He likes control.
01:20You didn't tell us the whole truth.
01:22Maybe they'll make an exception for you and you'll be the last Pole they hang.
01:36These recordings in court will not be enough.
01:38We put a blockade on all exits.
01:40He has no right to escape.
01:44We are a family!
01:47What's next?
01:49I know you can do it.
01:54I'll finally find something you've lost.