• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi, Shia. For those
00:05watching, I thank you for watching. So, I am going to stop recording the emails. I have
00:16a lot of emails that I have to export. However, I've been too possessed to. It's 1024. I've
00:27been too possessed to recording. I don't know, since 1pm probably. I'm very tired. I'm very
00:40triggered. I'm very sick. I know, Shia, you're probably very overwhelmed with all of these
00:46emails. I didn't really want to stop on a bad note. However, I can't continue making
00:57any of these emails because I'm too tired. So, I am going to talk to you tomorrow. I'm
01:08going to take a break from showing all of these emails. I'm very happy that you're able
01:17to see these emails. I feel very defeated and I feel very sick. In regards to the rest
01:30of the emails and going through all of the emails, it's really, I'm very, very tired
01:43and I'm very, very sick with the amount of attacks that I've received. Every time the
01:52page has been refreshed, all of this interference has made me extremely sick. I'll be able to
02:09make a video tomorrow. I think that I just did too much. I just did too much today. And
02:25this is a symbol, Shia. All of this recording, re-recording, having to redo, all of these
02:34uploading all of the videos has really been extreme painful, extreme torture. And it's proof
02:47of how I have to put in so much labor in such a minimum amount of time. I haven't really been
02:56able to like walk around. I have been barely able to go to the bathroom and have some food.
03:03So, it's not, it's not good. So, I made a meal plan, Shia. And I'm sticking to the meal
03:24plan of all the beverages I have, the snacks, and my breakfast. However, I'm having the,
03:40this is my lunch and dinner plan. So, I obviously was helped. I got some help from the Marines
03:49doing this because I don't have a lot of groceries left for this month. I don't have any money
03:55left. This has been happening for a long time now. And I don't know why I can't, why I'm being
04:04so food insecure. With the amount of money I have, I should be able to afford it. However, not
04:11having a fridge and freezer is not helping. And now I have to worry about getting all of my,
04:17buying all of this flash drives and external drives to save my data. I'm going to have to worry
04:23about going to the car shop because of the oil problem. I have, I'm just, my life is pure hell.
04:32And I am very, very tired. I'm very, very, I'm not feeling well. I'm going to be fine and feel
04:45relieved that you were able to see all of these emails, Shia. And I'm going to now go to sleep.
04:58I've been woken up repeatedly getting tortured all night last night, so I've had a very lack of sleep.
05:04This has been a pretty awful day. It's been an extremely awful day. However, I am happy that I was
05:13able to talk to you, Shia, and that you're listening, and that you're caring about what I'm saying
05:21and what I've gone through and the things that I've gone through that you've seen in the emails.
05:29But I do want to tell you that I've been in pure hell and pure torture pretty much my entire life,
05:40but it happened in levels of extreme torture at age 24, and then extreme level at 32 it got worse.
05:49No, 30 it got worse, and then at 36 it got even worse. So I'm not trying to be negative.
06:04I'm going to feel fine now that I'm no longer having to save these emails, and I'm going to talk to you
06:13tomorrow, Shia. And I hope you're okay, Shia. I'm very, very upset about all of this, what's been happening
06:27to my body, the body mutilation. It's feeling pretty impossible now. I've thought the whole time,
06:34the whole reason why we're not together is because of your situation and the whole programming that has
06:43happened to me that I can't go into detail about, but basically it wasn't because there was a whole program
06:52involved. But now, knowing about what's happened to this, what's happened to my body, it's going to be
07:05extremely sick if we were to meet and I am part of, I look or act, I don't really know, I look and move
07:17and whatever, like my family member, this is really disgusting and this could really kill us, Shia.
07:24So please don't be upset. Know that it's going to change. There's improvements. The stroke injury is not,
07:33I'm not doing well these past couple of days with how I'm acting with the stroke. I put in too much time
07:39with these, recording these emails for one, but I'm going to, I really hope that you're okay and that you're
07:48not stressed out and I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia. Thank you everybody for watching.
08:00Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
