00:00Hi kids! Today we will learn about safety rules. So let's start. It is always our
00:10first duty to protect ourselves. That is, we should take care of ourselves from
00:17being hurt anyways. And for that we will learn some safety rules. First, let's
00:26learn safety rules to be followed when riding in a car. Kids, you must always
00:34fasten your seatbelt when you are in a car. Always sit quietly. Do not disturb
00:42the one who is driving the car. And also, always sit in the back seat. One more
00:52thing. Always get out from the curbside of the car, that is, toward the pavement
00:58of the road.
01:02Now let's learn safety rules to be followed when we are cycling to school.
01:09Always wear a helmet when you are cycling to school. It will protect your
01:16head in case you lose the balance of cycle or you fall off, as our head is the
01:23most important part of our body and we must protect it the most. Always use a
01:33backpack to carry books so that your hands are free and you don't have to
01:39take care of your belongings when cycling. Always follow all the signals.
01:47Green says go, yellow says wait, and red signal stop and wait. Now let's learn
02:01some safety rules when we are walking on the road. Always use the zebra crossing.
02:09Zebra crossing is also called pedestrian crossing. It is painted in black and
02:16white like a zebra and that's why it is called zebra crossing. And always walk on
02:25footpath and not on the road. Do not run or play in the street where vehicles may
02:36Always avoid crossing between the parked cars.
02:43Always look in all directions before you cross the street.
02:51If you are walking back home from school, go right away to your home. Do not go to
02:59any other place, like any friend's place or so, and never talk to any strangers on
03:06the road. Always hold the hand of your mom or dad while crossing the road. The
03:14better rule is look right and look left, look right and look left, and then cross
03:22when you find a safe place on the road to cross. So kids, we learned a lot about
03:29safety rules on the roads. Now let's learn some safety rules to be followed
03:35at home. Never go near the hot objects like hot pans or hot irons. Do not touch
03:47electric wires, switches, and plugs, especially if your hands or feet are wet
03:55as it can give you electric shocks. Do not play with sharp objects like knives
04:05or scissors. Always take help of your elders. If you want to cut something or
04:15need to use some sharp object, do not jump from high things like chairs or
04:22tables. You may hurt yourself, and if you are hurt, tell your parents at once. Now
04:32let's learn some safety measures to be followed at the pool. Do not swim alone.
04:38Always swim with a buddy, also where lifeguards are present. Do not go into
04:49deep water. Do not dive or jump in the water. Use swimming tube to learn swimming.
05:00We must follow safety instructions. It prevents any mishappenings. Now you may
05:08go ahead and take a quiz to learn more. Bye-bye!