• last year
En medio de la polémica generada por el anuncio de cortes programados de luz, el secretario de Energía, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirilo, aclaró que estos no afectarán a los usuarios residenciales. Contradiciendo al jefe de gabinete, Guillermo Franco, Chirilo explicó que los cortes serán consensuados con las industrias y forman parte de un plan de contingencia para mejorar la disponibilidad energética. Hablamos con el defensor del Pueblo ADJ. PBA, Walter Martello.

Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24


00:00There was a controversy because the national government, through the head of the cabinet,
00:04Guillermo Franco, spoke of planned cuts of electricity for the summer.
00:10Then the government itself took a step back and in the middle people don't understand anything at all.
00:16Will they be for homes? Will they be for industries? What is there, Pablo, about this?
00:21Well, Guillermo Franco had spoken of planned cuts.
00:24Today Eduardo Rodríguez Chirino, who is the Secretary of Energy, spoke.
00:27He said, watch out, these planned cuts are not going to be for residential users,
00:32but they are going to be for industries, and they are going to be, in addition, consensual with the industries themselves.
00:38That is, the Secretary of Energy himself, Chirino, denied it to the head of the cabinet. Let's look at it, let's see.
00:44Where do you get the energy from? We are doing a program as part of the program.
00:49Summer emergency?
00:51Yes, it is called. We are in an energy emergency, don't forget.
00:57We are making a contingency plan to recover a lot of plants that may receive a remuneration
01:09and increase their availability. Local plants, plants that are in the country,
01:15but as they receive a bad remuneration, when you call them to start generating, they tell you no.
01:25At that price, I don't sell you.
01:27Yes, it is like having all the cars below that are available, but just that you are going to call the car and say,
01:34no, my wheel is punctured. So, well, look, I'll give it to you so you can ask, so you can change the tire and be available.
01:41So, there will be a remuneration in summer, in winter and next summer so that those plants adhere
01:51and recover the amount that is being drained by our hands because of the issue of Atucha,
01:58because Atucha has been standing still for 30 months.
02:02Well, here is what Chirino, the Secretary of Energy, somehow contradicts Guillermo Franco,
02:10who was the one who introduced the issue on the agenda, right?
02:12Yes, what he is proposing is, we are putting together, it seems to me that there was a short-circuit between them.
02:18Franco spoke of the reduction of service and of course, what do we all think?
02:23We imagine a scheme like the 80s.
02:25Yes, well, those who live in Villacrespo reduce from 8 to 10, they have cuts.
02:31We imagine that. What was the government putting together?
02:34It was putting together a voluntary device for companies, where the companies that consume the most,
02:42basically the industrial ones, can voluntarily, we insist, agree with the government,
02:48and the government compensates them economically so that they produce a little less.
02:51This is what the government is proposing, we have to see if they are like that.
02:54Who is right? Franco or Chirino?
02:58Well, it is clear. Let me greet Walter Martelo, who is a defender of the people of the province of Buenos Aires,
03:03who is waiting for us at the end of the year. Defender Facundo Pastor greets you. How are you?
03:12Let's see if I can hear him. Well, then give me what the head of the cabinet Guillermo Franco said, let's see.
03:21If a very hot summer comes, there may be a very high demand for electricity,
03:28and unfortunately, as you know, there have been no investments in recent times,
03:35with which there will be a lack of generation, and there will have to be a cut,
03:41especially to make some agreements with the productive sectors, the industrial sectors.
03:47It is a situation that has been going on for years, and that must be faced, let's say seriously,
03:53and we have to face eventualities, one cannot be subject to improvisation,
04:01and I believe that the energy secretary is working on this issue.
04:04Well, there the contradiction is exposed, between one and the other.
04:08Yes, Walter Martelo, what he raises is, I don't know if we have it now, we will have it in communication, but he answered him, well, he is ...
04:18Martelo Facundo Pastor, in A24, how are you?
04:21How are you, Facundo?
04:23What information do you handle from the province? What is going to happen?
04:27No, well, we handle the official information, a warning from CAMESA from three months ago,
04:34where I was just foreseeing everything that the head of the cabinet announced two days ago,
04:41two days prior to that announcement, there was another from the director González,
04:47who was assigned in some way a sui generis in energy, denouncing,
04:53and now the energy secretary denouncing the head of the cabinet himself,
04:57which shows what we have been manifesting, right?
05:01That during these nine months, the energy sector of the government of President Milley
05:06has dedicated itself to direct an internal, in function of power relations,
05:13within that segment so desired, let's say, for any government,
05:19forgetting what was happening, what could happen precisely with the alerts
05:24that they themselves had concluded in the technical reports of CAMESA, right?
05:30In addition, the second of that body sends the president of the body a public report
05:37in a dispute that is not understood, but that has, let's say,
05:40the whisper of all users of the electricity service of Argentina with a view to the summer.
05:46Walter, Pablo Vinocur greets you. I want to ask you, because for people it is impossible to understand this,
05:52because there are four components that the bill has, that is, the generation, that is, the distribution, that is a mess.
05:59With the increase that there was in the last time, in the last year,
06:03how did we get to this situation in December?
06:06Because they did nothing more than increase.
06:08I mean, you notice that within the increase, in the resolution of February,
06:13where the increase is obtained, which today users are seeing in the ticket,
06:18they lowered the demand for investment from 37 to 25%.
06:23You ask yourself how? If it was not that we came from a process of disinvestment,
06:27why don't you increase the rate, why don't you increase the investment?
06:30Well, that's what Walter, in the middle, what the user does not understand.
06:33If it increased, and everyone increased, and suddenly ...
06:38I mean, where did that stop?
06:40Well, near the companies, clearly.
06:43Let's put, let's say, an absolutely clear example, which is the one of Edesur.
06:48Edesur was going to leave the country, you will remember that they announced that they were leaving
06:52because they did not have profitability here.
06:55Finally, they stayed because they had a 400% increase.
06:58Now, did they improve investment with summer views?
07:02No, clearly not.
07:04And what is going to happen, which I think the government is taking into account,
07:07is that the social friction of having the cuts that we have been having systematically
07:13for many years, as a result of that lack of investment,
07:16this time it will be aggravated by the very high level of the component that has
07:23what you pay in light, in your family income.
07:28I mean, you notice that it is determined that a family is in energy poverty
07:34when 10% of their income is dedicated to the payment of services.
07:38If you add light, gas and water, many of those families today are condemned to energy poverty.
07:43And that ends up being a very, very delicate social climate in the summer.
07:47Walter, but in general there was always an agreement,
07:49even the previous government also recognized that the rates were very late.
07:54So, what is the fair and correct rate?
07:59No, the rate, we in the government, the stage that I had,
08:03we increased the transport rate and the distribution rate.
08:08What happens is that we never did it above the salary variation coefficient.
08:13I mean, I didn't have frozen rates, that's a fictitious story.
08:18In the last 15 months, we increased almost 80%.
08:21And so everyone invested. I had very serious problems.
08:24In fact, I had to report Edesur in court.
08:27The fair rate, obviously, is the one that guarantees the correct service to companies.
08:34Now, two basic questions we have to ask about that.
08:38Companies have always had resources.
08:41There was already the rate, as I was going to say, which was delayed,
08:45but which was compensated for by subsidies.
08:47To them, the money, to call it in some way, was entered the same way,
08:51via state or user.
08:54The investments were not made.
08:57What you can't do is, in that rate update process,
09:04increase the rate by 400% and 50% of the salaries or income.
09:10There is the serious distortion.
