• last year
00:00I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
00:30Jesus heals broken hearts, mends the soul, gives fresh starts
00:43We cast out devils, heal the lame, there is power in His name, name
00:57Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus loves, His word reveals, Jesus delivers, He sets us free, hardcore Christianity
01:12Heal the sick, make them whole, Jesus' blood redeems the soul, in His name we break the chains, cast out devils and heal the lame
01:32Jesus, this very day, He will save you and lead the way, receive eternal life, don't delay
01:59Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus loves, His word reveals, Jesus delivers, He sets us free, hardcore Christianity
02:16Hardcore Christianity
02:26Hardcore Christianity
02:30All on Jesus, this very day, He will save you and lead the way, receive eternal life, don't delay
02:55Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus loves, His word reveals, Jesus delivers, He sets us free, hardcore Christianity
03:25Brother Mike, I'm back on the Sunday morning podcast for my shut-ins and my friends
03:33We like to get together on Sunday mornings, just a friendship thing
03:38Wanted to share some stuff with you today, got another good one for you
03:44Before that, I want you to remember, please
03:51We have two live services every week, Thursday and Friday nights at 7 o'clock
03:55Both of them broadcast on our YouTube teaching channel, plus other platforms
04:02We have three Zoom services every week, the ladies' Zoom is Monday nights at 6.30
04:09Wednesday and Saturday night is Zooms for Everybody, 6pm
04:15You wouldn't believe how annoying these services are, it's quite remarkable
04:20Men and women are invited to the Mental Illness Training Seminar, it's every Tuesday night at 6.30
04:27In the small sanctuary, and they'll be going over the book I wrote, The Root Cause and Cure of Mental Illness
04:36It's a book for Christians, how to get Christians cured of mental illness
04:41Not sinners, it's for born-again Christians who are mentally ill
04:46This is what God is wanting to train you to do, because as you know in our society
04:55Satan is taking command, he's in charge now
05:02He's destroying the country, it's all over
05:08It looks like Kamala Harris is going to win the next election
05:13And trust me friend, that will be the slide right into the rise of the Antichrist
05:21America will be destroyed, we will be bankrupt
05:25There will be no way to stop it, woke-ism will sweep the country
05:31And the destruction is going to be absolutely incredible
05:37So every Christian, every born-again Christian needs to prepare for the trauma ahead
05:43And in my opinion for the rapture and tribulation, which is from my view only a few years away now
05:50This thing is going to speed up rapidly and decline sharply
05:57It's really getting scary, I feel deep sickness and sadness and compassion for the church
06:05They are unprepared for the destruction that's coming
06:09Church people are very unprepared, very unversed in the word of God
06:14Very weak, most Christians are spineless and gutless
06:20And they are ripe for the pickings
06:23And the devil is going to put it on us
06:26And this thing, this isn't going to go well, at all
06:31If you're in the Phoenix area, we have a counseling center in our ministry
06:36Please give me a call, 602-636-5800
06:40602-636-5800, I'll put you on the counseling schedule
06:44If you are a born-again Christian, there's no charge
06:47Please remember I have a, once a month we have a deliverance training class
06:55On the fourth Saturday of the month at noon
06:57And if you're interested in the deliverance from any priest, please get me
07:01Please get my 18 classes, the training course that I offer
07:09It's 18 classes on healing and deliverance
07:13Let's go to John chapter 3, it's an extremely famous chapter
07:19One of the most famous chapters in the Bible
07:21Right near the top
07:23And you recall what happened
07:25Jesus is having a conversation with Nicodemus
07:31And it's not going well
07:33Nicodemus has an exceptionally high IQ
07:37And when it comes to spiritual things, healing and deliverance and other things
07:42Extremely intelligent people are at a real deficit
07:47As I've said many times over the years
07:49If you're extremely intelligent or if you're stupid
07:54Those two groups, dummies and geniuses
07:58They do very poorly with the gospel
08:02Dummies can't grasp the basics of it
08:07And people that are extremely intelligent
08:10Over process spiritual things
08:15And they think too much about them
08:17Which renders them useless or a waste
08:21It's better to be kind of in the middle
08:25Generally speaking, of course there's an exception
08:28Generally speaking, it's better to be in the middle
08:32You know, on the Stanford Binet intelligence test
08:35Or the Wechsler adult intelligence test
08:39On the Stanford Binet intelligence test
08:41Or the Wechsler adult intelligence scale
08:45You know, 100 is the statistical center point
08:50Or average if you will
08:52Or median of human intelligence
08:55Supposedly half the population in the country is above
08:59At or above 100 IQ
09:03And the rest of the country is at or below
09:07100 IQ
09:10It's better to be around the 100 IQ area
09:13A little bit below, a little above
09:15That's when the gospel tends to work its best
09:20Remember, it's the simplicity of Christ
09:23That brings in miracles
09:25Childlike faith, not intelligence, education or IQ
09:31Brings in miracles from God
09:33It's childlike faith
09:35That's difficult for people that are extremely intelligent
09:39So Nicodemus, as you see here
09:41He is really struggling with spiritual things
09:44And Jesus sums it up in verse 13
09:46He says
09:48Excuse me, verse 12
09:51He says, if I have told you of earthly things
09:55How will you believe me?
09:58And you don't believe
09:59How will you believe me if I tell you about heavenly things?
10:04Now in this verse
10:06Earthly things is the Greek word epigyous
10:10And it means terrestrial things
10:14Paul mentioned that to the Corinthians
10:17There is a celestial and a terrestrial world
10:23The terrestrial world, the earthly world
10:25Is the natural world
10:27You can see and experience with your five senses
10:32The celestial world is the heavenlies
10:36And that's what Jesus is talking about here
10:39Heavenly things
10:40Epiranius is the atmosphere around the earth
10:44Where angels and demons transverse
10:48And spiritual warfare occurs
10:51He's not talking about Uranus
10:53Heaven where God is
10:55Throne room, the river of life, the tree of life
10:59All that is heaven
11:01Jesus is not talking about that
11:03He's talking about the heavenlies
11:05Around the earth
11:07The spirit world that you and I live in
11:10And is amongst us
11:12Okay, for example, in your house right now
11:14When you're listening to me
11:16There's an angel in your house
11:19A guardian angel standing there
11:21You can't see him
11:22There are demons in your room watching you
11:25You can't see them
11:27That's the heavenlies
11:29The heavenlies, Epiranius
11:31The heavenly realm, so to speak
11:35Heaven is a separate place
11:38And Jesus is not talking about that
11:41That conversation ends with Nicodemus in verse 12
11:45Now John picks up the narrative
11:48Of his incredible gospel
11:51The greatest of all four of the gospels
11:54Is the gospel of John
11:56No man has ascended up to heaven
11:58But he that came down from heaven
12:00Even the Son of Man who is in heaven
12:02Now here you see
12:03Jesus was already in heaven
12:06And John wrote the gospel of John
12:08After the ascension
12:11Because he says here
12:13The Son of Man who is already in heaven
12:17Greek word en, en
12:19Which means to go into something
12:23Verse 14
12:25As Moses was lifted up the serpent
12:27In the wilderness even so much the Son of Man be lifted up
12:30That whoever believes in him should not perish
12:32But have everlasting life
12:34For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son
12:37That whosoever believes in him should not perish
12:39But have everlasting life
12:44Now check this out
12:47Verse 17
12:50Now it gets really interesting
12:55For God did not send his Son into the world
13:01That's not the planet Earth
13:03That's cosmos
13:05Cosmos is the human world, humanity
13:07God did not send his Son into the human world
13:11Into humanity
13:13To condemn the world
13:17To condemn humanity
13:19Greek word krino
13:23Now I've gone over this before
13:25And I apologize if you've already heard it
13:27But in the Bible translations
13:31Most of them actually
13:33Almost all of them
13:35They make the same mistake
13:37They use one English word to describe
13:39Other multiple Greek words
13:41Well the problem is
13:43That causes the text to be a little skewed
13:47So if you don't know what
13:51Condemn means
13:54And you don't know what
13:56The English word judge means
13:58You're going to get these verses all screwed up
14:01In this particular verse
14:04The word judge
14:06And condemn is the same
14:08And the three Greek words for judge are
14:10Crisis, krino, and katakrino
14:14Those three words have different meanings
14:17But they're all translated as
14:19Judge or condemn
14:22In the King James Bible
14:24And the New King James and some of the others
14:26Crisis means to judge something by evaluating it
14:31That's the Greek word used when
14:34The Bible says that we are to judge each other
14:38Prophets are to judge one another
14:42Crisis, to evaluate
14:45Without coming to a conclusion
14:49Of the judgment
14:51You just evaluate the situation
14:53Without condemning the person
14:55Krino is translated as judge or condemn
15:01And it's translated as condemn
15:03In this verse we're talking about
15:05Krino means to do crisis, evaluate
15:08And then come to a conclusion
15:10Or render a verdict
15:12You evaluate the situation
15:14And you come to this conclusion
15:17You looked at all the evidence
15:19And you concluded that this person was
15:21An adulterer, krino
15:26Jesus said God did not send his son
15:29Into humanity to judge
15:33Evaluate them and come to a conclusion
15:37He sent the son into humanity
15:42To judge them, crisis
15:45But not to condemn them, krino
15:50When you sin
15:53God is not judging you
15:56Evaluating your sin
15:58He finds it wrong
16:01And now you are condemned
16:03You're guilty
16:06You're going to die
16:09You're sentenced to death
16:12You're sentenced to have calamities hit you
16:16You're sentenced to have an earthquake hit
16:20Or tornado, a meteor
16:23That's not what he's doing
16:25The son of God did not come here
16:28To evaluate you and condemn you
16:31Judge you
16:33Come to a conclusion
16:35You're a sinner
16:39It says he came here so that
16:41Humanity, cosmos
16:43Could be sozo saved or delivered
16:48That's why he came here
16:49God didn't send his son
16:51To evaluate you and condemn you
16:55Hey, you sinned
16:57You are a sinner
17:01Condemned to death, krino
17:04He sent him there to crisis
17:07To judge you
17:09And save you, deliver you
17:13Then it says, Jesus says
17:16This is how it all works
17:18Here's how it can happen
17:20He that believeth on him
17:22Is not condemned, krino
17:25Evaluated and judged
17:31He that believeth on him
17:34Is not condemned
17:38The Greek word for believers there
17:40Is a present continuous tense verb
17:44Meaning that a person that believes on him
17:47Takes action
17:50And actively believes and follows
17:57He that believes
17:59It's not the Greek word phreno
18:02Where you believe in your head
18:05Or logosmos
18:06Where you evaluated Christ
18:08And came to a conclusion
18:09He's a good guy
18:11That's head knowledge
18:13Head knowledge
18:14Like Nicodemus
18:15Head knowledge doesn't work
18:20It must be a spiritual experience
18:22As Jesus said in John chapter 3
18:24You must be born again
18:26Ganeo anathon means to be generated
18:28Or born from above
18:30It's a spiritual experience
18:31The person can actually sense and feel
18:34It's something that really happens to you
18:37Born again
18:39And he that believeth
18:41Activates his faith
18:43Does something
18:44Participates in
18:47Greek verb
18:49A verb is an action word
18:52Okay that
18:54It says they are not judged
18:57He that believeth
18:59The stool on him is not
19:01Crino judged
19:04But he that believes not
19:06The person that will not step out on their faith
19:09The stool they will not activate their faith
19:12They will not make a move toward God
19:15Beyond just
19:17I agree with that
19:20The person that believeth not
19:23Is judged already
19:27Because he has not believed
19:29His stool
19:31Activated his faith
19:34In the name of the only begotten Son of God
19:39I hope I explained that verse correctly
19:41I may not have it kind of sounded
19:43Confused when I did it
19:45What it what happens is
19:47When you sin
19:49When you sin
19:51God is not judging you
19:54He already judged you at Calvary
19:57The judgment of this world fell on Christ at Calvary
20:02And the punishment for sin
20:05Fell on Jesus when he was tortured
20:08And died a hideous death
20:11On the cross of Calvary
20:14That's where your judgment fell
20:18And to be so-so delivered
20:21From damnation and hell and judgment
20:24All you have to do is activate your faith and believe
20:33That's why there's so many Christians in the world
20:36That a preacher out in California
20:38His name is Ray Comfort
20:40He calls them false converts
20:44False converts
20:46People who intellectually come to Christ and they believe
20:49Yeah, I like his theories
20:51I like his teaching
20:52He's a good guy
20:53You see that in Hollywood
20:55Or among politicians all the time
20:57None of them were actually born again
20:59They're just all Jesus fans
21:03Jesus fans
21:06They haven't actually pissed stool
21:09Been born again
21:11And activated their faith to believe
21:17That's why you should never listen to a politician or a celebrity
21:20When they start talking about God
21:22God this, God that, God here, God there
21:28It means nothing
21:32It's ridiculous
21:34It's not real
21:36Born again
21:38It's a spiritual experience
21:40A person actually feels and senses
21:45You must be born again
21:47Nicodemus said, well, what do I
21:49Do I find my mother spread her legs and crawl up in her room
21:52And then come back out again
21:54Can you imagine a guy with like a hundred and sixty IQ
21:58Einstein level IQ
22:00All kinds of degrees
22:01Nicodemus was
22:02Nicodemus had so many degrees
22:04It was ridiculous
22:07He was a doctor of everything
22:09Can you imagine a guy with that kind of intellect
22:11Making a stupid statement like that
22:13How can you be that far out of it
22:16Well, we see it all the time
22:18It's not an uncommon thing at all
22:20Is it
22:22Not really
22:25Intellectual people are some of the dumbest people you've ever met in your life
22:30And I can prove it
22:33Extremely intelligent people with huge IQs
22:36Genius level IQs
22:38Came up with the theory of evolution
22:42Can you imagine that
22:44I mean on the face of it
22:46Evolution is ignorant and stupid
22:49Nobody with half a brain
22:52Would believe evolution unless they had a PhD
22:56Then it makes sense
23:02Extremely intelligent people
23:04Genius level IQs
23:06Told everybody that we went to the moon
23:09In 1960
23:11We went to the moon in a tin can and landed on
23:14You know
23:15What's hilarious
23:18Jesus said I did not come into the world to Crino
23:22Evaluate and condemn
23:26Come to a conclusion about humanity
23:29You're a sinner
23:30And you're you're going to be judged and you're going to be thrown in hell
23:34I did not come here to do that
23:36I came here to
23:39Sozo deliver you from sin
23:43That's why he came
23:45Now check this out
23:46Do Christians get judged
23:48Now for their sin
23:50Yes they do
23:51But it's not God doing it
23:54First Timothy chapter one
23:58First Timothy chapter one
24:02What are the
24:09Elder and a bishop
24:12In the church
24:13Well Paul
24:14Outlines it
24:17And then in verse six he says
24:20The person can't be a novice
24:22If they're going to serve God at the church
24:24You don't put somebody who's a novice
24:31Is the Greek word that means
24:33A neophyte
24:38A rookie
24:40You don't put a rookie
24:42In a position of spiritual authority in your church
24:46This is less he be filled with pride
24:51And he fall
24:56Condemnation of the devil
25:00Greek word
25:04Not creases
25:08It's cream
25:12And come to a conclusion
25:16Moreover verse seven
25:18He must have a good report of those which are
25:20Or outside the church lest he fall
25:24Into the reproach
25:28On a dismisses the Greek word for
25:31Reproach or
25:33Verbal abuse
25:37And the snare
25:39A Pegasus a trap you didn't see
25:42You're walking along and boom you drop
25:45Unlike the coyote cartoon
25:48He was always fallen down trap doors
25:51Well that's what a Pegasus
25:53The roadrunner got around the trap and he fell down into it
25:58See here if when you sin
26:01Paul's words in Galatians come clear as
26:05You can imagine
26:07Whatever a man or woman sows
26:10That shall they also reap
26:15Because God's going to send
26:18Lightning bolt
26:20An earthquake
26:22He's going to blow up your country he's going to kill your kid
26:29The Son of Man came
26:31Not to Cranel judge you
26:35But to save you
26:38Well then who's judging me who's
26:41Who makes
26:43This verse in Galatians
26:45Whatever a man sows that shall he also who's who's fulfilling that
26:52The devil's doing it
26:55Preachers call them open doors right
26:57That's what some of them use open doors
27:00Hey you're sinning
27:02Is an open door
27:04Now why is sinning bad for a Christian of course we already know that
27:08It's worse for a Christian than a sinner because a Christian knows better
27:16To a person that received much receives much much is required
27:24If you know to do good and you don't do it to them that it's a sin for that person
27:31Knowing what's right
27:33Puts more responsibility on you
27:37Than if you're ignorant
27:40What am I talking about here well
27:43Outer Mongolia you know
27:45There are tribes out there
27:49That never heard Christ
27:53They never heard the gospel they don't they haven't heard anything
27:59They don't know anything about Jesus
28:02Jesus who salvation sinner what are you talking about
28:06They've never heard a word about it
28:10Well Paul explains in Romans of those people will be judged not by
28:14Our standard but by their conscience
28:17The judgment of their conscience which God gave to every man it's a seat of your morality
28:22And your conscience determines
28:24Your moral compass in life
28:27So the
28:29I don't know
28:30Pygmies in
28:33The deserts of New Guinea
28:35Or whatever
28:37They never heard
28:39They've never heard the name of Jesus Christ
28:42They will still be judged on judgment day at the great white throne judgment why because God gave them a conscience
28:49And if they violated it to them it is sin
28:53He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin that's what Paul said
29:01The point of the study today
29:04Is to encourage you that if you sin God is not going to drop the hammer on you
29:11He is not going to
29:14Crino judge you
29:19The devil is
29:21He's going to judge you
29:25Come on
29:37You hello
29:41Why am I saying that because people who think God is judging them
29:46And he's going to send them some bad event
29:50You're getting cancer your kids going to get killed
29:55You lose your house
29:57Because you said I'm judging you
29:59That's not happening
30:04God already judged you at Calvary
30:07Now he's trying to help you
30:11Overcome your sin
30:14Increase your anointing receive your gifts
30:19Fulfill your destiny
30:22That's what he wants to do fulfill your destiny
30:26He wants to see
30:29Good things for you
30:33If you keep sinning
30:35You're worse than a sinner
30:38I've heard Christians criticize sinners
30:42Oh my God Joe Biden he's a psycho
30:45Oh my God Kamala Harris she's wicked
30:48Oh my God Donald Trump he's of the devil
30:51You're worse
30:59I'm not tuning into this podcast again
31:02Well you know there's no reason for you to leave the podcast just because I'm giving you some truth
31:07I mean you can be mad at me that's okay
31:10You're worse
31:13Why because you know better
31:16Trump Harris Biden
31:19All the other psychos running for offices all over the country
31:23They're all the same
31:26You're worse
31:32Because you knew the truth
31:35You see the more truth that God gives you
31:38Your responsibility for it goes up
31:42My ministry has been a plague
31:45In Christianity
31:47For 20 years
31:49I've been I've been a literal plague
31:53I'm the worst
31:56Christian on in the entire United States
31:59I'm the worst one
32:04What I teach
32:06Over the last 20 years
32:08Is the nastiest filthiest bluntest
32:16That can be spoken anywhere in the United States
32:22I mean I tell the truth no matter what
32:25And no matter who's listening
32:27Doesn't matter
32:29Well that's a problem because
32:31If you listen to brother Mike and he's giving you raw unadulterated truth
32:36You are now responsible for it since you heard it
32:46You're worse than Trump and Biden
32:49Because they don't know anything about what I'm teaching now
32:53They're not born-again Christians
32:55They're sinners
32:59And so he that receives much
33:03Much will be required of him
33:08You see how dangerous the gospel is if you preach it somewhere and somebody rejects it
33:13They're in worse condition
33:16Than if they'd never heard the gospel
33:19It would have been better to be a pygmy in Mongolia
33:25Then it would have been a Christian here in America
33:29A person who is a mental Christian who just accepts Christ
33:33That sounds good
33:34I like some of Buddhist stuff too
33:37That person is not born-again
33:40And they're in deep trouble
33:42But if you're born-again and you hear the word of God and you don't do it
33:48You're in worse condition than they are
33:55Oh God, I think I think the Lord's mad at me
33:58He's gonna he's gonna hit me with a lightning bolt right in my fanny
34:02No, he's not
34:04God is not
34:06Judging you the Son of God
34:09Did not come to judge you
34:14He came to save you
34:18First Timothy chapter 3
34:20The devil will judge you
34:23Verbally and verbally abuse you and trap you
34:30If you keep sinning
34:33Well brother Mike I've been doing these sins for a while been on porn for a bit and nothing's happened to me
34:40That's God's grace and Paul said do not frustrate the grace of God
34:45That grace on your porn issue
34:48Ends eventually
34:55Had a friend of mine
34:57Who came to the house of healing?
35:032006 or something and he
35:07He loved the ministry and he used to he came regularly for years, but never went through any deliverance
35:16He was a very intelligent guy and he was self-employed and
35:22Whenever he would meet a Christian woman usually met him at church
35:29They would date for a little while and then they'd start having sex
35:37Under the guise or the mental concept that we're falling in love and we're getting married. Well, the relationship would split
35:45Well, I knew of three or four different women over a
35:5217-year period that he had been dating and had slept with
36:03And God kept forgiving him he kept having mercy on him
36:10Until he got sick and died last year
36:15Do not frustrate the grace of God if you're doing something, you know, it's wrong
36:20God is not going to judge you. The devil is the devil killed my friend Gary. He's dead now. I
36:29Never got a chance to say goodbye to him. He was got sick and got in a coma in the hospital
36:35His girlfriend which was the fourth woman that he that I knew he was dating
36:41She wasn't even born again
36:43She wasn't even saved. I
36:45Talked to her after he died
36:50You imagine that
36:57It's something bad happened to you God didn't do it
37:02He likes you he loves you he wants to help you
37:04He's trying to help you. You have a call of God on your life. You have a destiny in Christ. It's right there
37:15The devil is gonna steal it from you
37:18You know what
37:20well first Timothy chapter 3
37:23verse 6 and 7
37:25Couldn't be any clearer
37:26You're gonna get judged
37:29You're gonna fall into the trap of the devil and you're gonna get
37:34Verbally humiliated degraded after it's all exposed. That's what he does the TV preachers
37:40They all can you met have you seen?
37:43The TV preachers lately I do a radio show and every one of them that has a major fall
37:48I mean over the years. I've been on the radio for 21 years. I must have done
37:5445 of them
37:5740 of them just crashing and burning, you know, like Jimmy Swagger and Jim Baker
38:04Those two are pikers compared to the guys doing it now I
38:09Mean it's embarrassing
38:10But what's happening there the the grace of God ran out? Oh
38:14God gave them X amount of time to stop stealing money or having affairs or whatever it is
38:21molesting kids
38:23That's what the the minister is doing. He's molesting kids. He's having an affair. He's stealing money. You know, it's always
38:30Every scandal is always either sex or money
38:34But and the grace of God stayed with them this went on for years
38:39but then
38:41The judgment of Satan came in and their lives were destroyed I just did last week
38:47I just did another radio show on a pastor who committed suicide
38:52After he was arrested made bail
38:56Came home and shot him came home got got his gun
39:00Went to a hospital saw my radio program this week
39:05Went to a hospital went in the men's restroom pulled on a handgun and shot himself right through the heart right here. Well
39:14Shot himself and killed himself
39:18The demons told him hey you're finished their life's over you're going to prison you it's the gig is up
39:26Ha ha ha and they laughed all the way to the trigger went off and then they took his soul
39:31into the world of the damned
39:35Hey the grace of God ran out it goes for a while and then it stops
39:40my friend Gary is dead right now and
39:43He would not stop falling in love and sleeping with his
39:49Fiance's having sex with me, then they would break up. He didn't break up with this last one. He died on her
39:58This is how this system works in the heavenlies a piranhas, this is how spiritual warfare works in the heavenlies
40:09The point I'm trying to make here the bigger point I'm making several points, but the bigger one is
40:15Don't ever feel that God
40:17Hates you is judging you is pissed off at you
40:21It's about to pull his hair out because of what you're saying you're doing. He's not doing that
40:27He wants you to repent. He'll help you. He wants you to change. He'll help you
40:32You he likes you. He wants to help you
40:39If you keep doing it over a long period of time
40:44The grace thing stops and then the devil judges you
40:50And then bad things really happen bad things really happen suicide in his case
40:59Gary died in a coma at the hospital
41:03Never even got to talk to him or pray with him nothing
41:11It's not God he's not he's not he's on your side. He wants to help you he's going to help you
41:20God did not send his son into the world to judge you he sent me there to save you to deliver you
41:28This is what God's trying to do that's that's what he wants to do he likes you wants to help you
41:37But the devil is always telling you hey the Lord's really mad over what you said or did he's not going to help you anymore
41:44You're gonna get judged. You're gonna. Wow he's gonna send a meteor to your neighborhood and burn you up. He's gonna
41:50You see all these people they're getting judged by by God. Can you believe that?
41:55Fires out and half of California on fire. Oh
41:59That's the judgment of God oh
42:02My gosh look at all these illegal immigrants coming in tearing up the cities still using up all the resources
42:10God's doing that
42:12This is their sin. They're reaping what they sowed
42:15Well, that's true. They are reaping what they're so but the devil's the one sending it
42:21Christ did not come into this world to judge you he came here to sozo deliver you
42:31Check this out verse 19, and this is the condemnation create
42:36Creases now he switches over to evaluate judge by evaluating creases. This is the creases
42:43That light has come into the world
42:47cosmos humanity and
42:49men loved darkness
42:52Rather than light
42:56Because they're
42:59Ergon works were evil
43:03Now you see that Jesus and
43:06God is judging humanity how not creno
43:13Evaluating humanity, and that's the result of it. He evaluated humanity. He said
43:19People will not come to the light because they love darkness
43:24Check this out the Greek word for darkness. There is Scott us
43:28Scott this means shady
43:32Shady light has light in it. It's mixed. Have you ever met anybody who was 100% dark? No
43:43People are not a hundred percent dark
43:48They have a little bit of light mixed in with the dark it they're shady
43:53So and so is shady
43:56Oh, what does that mean? That means they don't lie a hundred percent of the time. They only lie part of the time. I
44:03Wouldn't trust that guy. He's a little shady. Oh
44:09I mean, he's a tool of the hunt. No, but he means a good guy, but
44:14He's a little shady
44:18Men loved
44:23They loved bad things, but they had a little good in them. They loved the bad, but they had a little good in them
44:32They loved darkness shadiness rather than light
44:37The light turns on and there's no darkness in there at all
44:42Representing the new birth and the new creation that you are in Christ in your spirit, man
44:48There's no darkness at all in your spirit, man
44:53Is it in your mind? Is it in your soul and your emotions? Is it in your body?
44:57Is it a sickness or illness? Is it demons? Yeah, that could be but you're not totally dark. You're shady
45:07Light mixed with darkness is shadiness
45:14Verse 20 everyone who does evil
45:20Now this force that this verse has to be
45:24Interpreted properly the Greek word proso
45:28Again is a
45:32active continuous Greek verb
45:36proso it means to consistently practice
45:42Sometimes a born-again Christian will do something evil, but that doesn't mean
45:47That they are totally evil
45:53Because it may not be practicing that
45:57People who practice on a consistent basis it says here everyone who does evil practices it consistently
46:09Everyone who practices it hates light
46:15Well, he says it here. They don't come to the light. Why because their works are gone their works will be
46:22Will be what?
46:26Reaper reproved
46:32Rebuked exposed
46:35So they want to hide it and that's what these fake TV preachers do
46:40They hide their sins until the scandal breaks and they try to do
46:45you know
46:49And it says and if the sin is too great they can't minimize it like that guy that shot himself in the bathroom
46:55He I mean he was
46:57He was arraigned on
47:00Child abuse charges
47:02Molesting a child that was under it was 12 years old a girl. He molested a girl was 12 years old
47:09And so he knew it was over and he knew the evidence was there and the witnesses were all lined up
47:15And he went and shot himself
47:18Gary didn't shoot himself. He just got sick and the devil killed him. Why because he wouldn't and he was consistently
47:27Falling in love sleeping with girls. Well committing adultery
47:35Verse 21 he that does
47:40proso practice it
47:42He that practices consistently practices truth
47:47comes to the light
47:49So his deeds his deeds will be noticed or seen
47:57Now notice that that's the people doing it God's not doing this they're doing it
48:04What's the point of the Bible study today
48:08Don't be condemned anymore over your sin by God
48:12You are not being judged by God Paul hid it in Romans didn't he there is therefore now no
48:20nation to those who are in
48:27You're not being judged
48:29But if you walk after the flesh
48:33Same verse and
48:36First Timothy first Timothy three kicks in click and the devil
48:43Sets a stopwatch on you
48:48That clocks ticking
48:51Because he knows he knows what grace is
48:56He receives zero grace
49:00He's not getting any grace, but he knows what grace is observed it
49:07Trillions of times in human beings
49:12Grace runs us runs its course and then it stops and then the devil makes his move
49:22Why because God is a loving God and he's fair
49:26Are you going to do that to your kids you're just going to let them keep doing that and let them
49:31Continue with the rest of their lives, so they drop dead
49:34Not if you have anything anything you're able to do about it. You're not going to you're not going to put up with that
49:40You know they're gonna make a mistake here, and then but then you're gonna step in and stop it
49:46And that's what grace does it runs to here, and then it quits
49:50And that's what grace does it runs to here, and then it quits
49:56Then the devil brings judgment, but God's not judging you God's not condemning you God is not causing a
50:04catastrophe to hit you
50:06Why did God give me this sickness? Why did God cause us to lose our house? Why did God no he didn't?
50:15He didn't God doesn't give people sicknesses. He wants to heal them from them
50:21God's a healer
50:23Not an infector
50:27Father likes healing he enjoys it
50:29How do you know that why I read Matthew Mark Luke and John it was couldn't have been any more apparent
50:36The rottenest people you ever met we're getting healed left and right why mercy love
50:43Mercy and love
50:47If you keep doing what you're doing
50:50Um guess who's going to come for you first Timothy chapter 3
50:55You're gonna get judged
50:59You're gonna get trapped a
51:02Pegasus a trap you do not see coming. What is a pegasus well?
51:08How do you think they how do you think they capture tigers?
51:14Tigers and
51:17India they catch them you know how well they don't go out there and put a leash on them. I'll tell you that
51:24They dig a giant hole they cover it with foliage can't even tell there's a hole there
51:32They put some kind of dead carcass or something at one end of it
51:38Tigers have can smell something a mile away the Tigers come in
51:45They head for the carcass they step
51:50Wildly coyote
51:52They fall into a pit the Indian ranchers come by later, and they
51:59Caught tiger a
52:04That's what's gonna happen to you
52:07Okay, you're gonna keep going I
52:10Had a friend of mine from Tucson come up for a prayer and this guy was just wasn't ready to repent
52:17very intelligent person good-looking
52:20had a great body and
52:23You know kind of a ladies man type type person
52:27Born again. He knew he knew the Lord. He'd previously served God good guy basically had a good heart and
52:34At the end of the interview I had to tell the guy and listen dude, you're in big trouble
52:41You're used to committing these sins you're used to dating and sleeping with chicks I
52:48Said look the more you do that the more your conscience is going to get seared
52:56Paul used the word seared in first Timothy chapter 4
53:03Greek word is caught a Riazo it means to cauterize or harden
53:10Well if you keep sending a certain type of sin, okay, you've got
53:15Kind of a little stash of porn on the computer over here right like once a month. You'll knock off a bit of porn hub or something
53:23Well, you got that little stash hidden there, and you don't go there very often
53:28But every once in a while your sex drive goes from here to here and you
53:34Go over there, and so grace covers that
53:41Until it doesn't
53:45And I was telling this guy hey the hammers gonna fall on you sooner or later
53:49The devil's gonna bust you up and bust you up good
53:52He wouldn't listen to me
53:55He didn't listen to me
53:57And he's still in Tucson doing whatever he doing
54:01But I'll get a call one of these days. Oh my god something really bad happened to me. It's a car wreck. It's something else
54:08I'll get that call
54:10Hey, and I'll do my best to help again. You know I don't it's not my job to condemn people
54:17That's how it works grace runs its course in your life
54:21Until it doesn't and then the devil gets his turn and a Peggy's a trap
54:27You fell into
54:30That you didn't see coming. Oh my god. There's a trap there. No you didn't even see it
54:38And now it's time for the devil to judge you
54:41Krino oh
54:43Okay, you kept sinning. I kept telling you to do something and you kept doing it
54:48But you didn't have to pay for it because that
54:51That disgusting grace of God was on your life, that's how the devil sees it he sees grace is disgusting
54:58He hates it. He'd kill everybody on the planet literally he could kill eight million billion people tomorrow
55:06He has that kind of power the Holy Ghost won't let him do it the Spirit of God is
55:11holding back
55:14Satan's mighty power
55:17So the devil has to do it in dribs and drabs, and he has to have your cooperation to do it
55:24Then if you keep sending and you won't change
55:29Grace will cover you it's covered even you can repent right this second and get full forgiveness and full grace poured on you this
55:36very second
55:38right now
55:41Down the road oops
55:44It's the hammers gonna drop
55:48And the devil gets legal rights, that's what preachers called they call them legal rights
55:53the devil gets legal rights to butcher you and
56:01Sometimes you're gonna die like Gary and other times you're not
56:08How does that work exactly well it has to be handled on an individualized basis
56:12I don't know, but I do know this some people have died and other people
56:17Have been given one last chance to repent
56:22one last chance to repent grace
56:25extended it to you and
56:28Right now you are under grace. You are not under the law
56:32And you need to take advantage of it
56:34The love of God the grace of God. It's ridiculous. I mean it is absolutely absurd
56:40It's so powerful so overwhelming so incredulous that you need to just take advantage of it today
56:49Yeah, you do that at the store. No you walk down the aisles. Oh, I like that. Oh, it's on sale
56:57It's on sale so you took advantage of a sale right you can do the same thing today with the grace of God I
57:04Hope you'll do that
57:07Because at some point in time
57:15It stops
57:18And then
57:20Whatever a man or woman sows that shall they also reap
57:29And you don't want to reap I don't want to reap I
57:34Want mercy from God I don't want to reap
57:37Open doors for my sin. I want to get rid of this crap weed it out dump it trash it
57:45So that the devil down the road doesn't I don't reach that point where?
57:52It's time now
57:53You got a you know the old saying pay the piper
58:00Yeah as Rocky said you want to dance you got a you got to pay the man
58:04You got to pay the band if you want to dance you you want to borrow money you got to pay the man
58:09That's what Rocky said
58:12And that's what happens in the spirit world
58:15but I
58:16I'm gonna pretend. I'm a prophet today
58:19I'm brother Mike the Prophet. I'm prophesying that you are not going to do that
58:25You're gonna hear this message today and go hey, you know what this is a wake-up call
58:29I need to remove this and that and this out of my life, and I'm gonna do that right now
58:34While the grace is pouring over me. I've got grace
58:40Ridiculous crazy grace is
58:43Still mine you bought and paid for it Calvary, and I'm gonna take advantage of it today. I'm gonna win
58:50And I'm gonna go on and receive my call and fulfill my destiny
58:55in the Living Christ
58:58I'm not gonna die nothing on a nobody
59:01When I go to heaven, it's a reward city. It's not a
59:06time of tears
59:08Not for me
59:12Yeah, I love you, I'll see you next time see you next Sunday
