Arteta quizzed about 'streetwise' comments from last season

  • 8 hours ago
Arteta spoke about comments he made after playing Porto in the UCL last season about learning the 'dark arts'
00:00In February, you spoke very clearly and interestingly about wanting to make your players more streetwise.
00:09You said it wasn't in Arsenal's DNA and you were teaching them how to do it. Do you remember this?
00:17February? What day was it? Maybe you tell me the day and the hour, I'm going to get it.
00:23February the 8th.
00:25No, if you don't tell me the exact date, I cannot respond to your question, sorry.
00:30February the 23rd.
00:32February the 23rd.
00:33It was after Porto, yes.
00:37Okay, so it was in relation to Porto then.
00:42So my question is, has your squad now graduated with honours in the subject that you were teaching them?
00:49I haven't said I have. As I said, I think you have to prepare the team
00:59to any context and try to be able to handle that situation.
