• last year
Explain: Penghargaan Diri Sendiri Anggota DPR RI
00:00People's Representative Council of Kompak agreed when the Deputy Chair of the DPR, Lodowitz Paulus, asked for their consent on the DPR Regulation on the sign of respect for the DPR members in the 2020-2024 period on Thursday, September 19, 2024.
00:21The Regulation contains a gift of appreciation in the form of a token and pin to all members of the Council, staff and civil servants at the DPR General Secretariat.
00:30The implementation of this Regulation was held in the last Plenary Session of the DPR in the 2019-2024 period.
00:36They will end their shift in early October, along with the training of members of the Council in the 2024-2029 period.
00:46The DPR Regulation is a body of legislation.
00:49The Deputy Chair, Wili Aditya, said that all members of the DPR will receive a sign of respect.
00:55The politician of the Nasdemini Party argued that the sign of respect does not include giving facilities or grants.
01:02The pin of appreciation that will be given to the members of the Council is made of ordinary metal, not gold.
01:08Before the hearing, the Chair of the DPR Legislative Council, Lidia Suryani, said that the Regulation of the Council was not related to the law on the sign of service and sign of respect.
01:20She argued that it is an appreciation for the internal conditions of the DPR members, such as respect at the National Defense Agency.
01:28The pin of appreciation for the internal conditions of the DPR members in the 2019-2024 period was criticized by civil society.
01:37They said that the appreciation is an important form of conflict because the giver and receiver of appreciation are the same subject.
01:47The Chair of the Indonesian Legal Assistance Agency, Muhammad Isnur, said that giving a sign of respect by the DPR to the members of the Council is very subjective and unworthy.
01:57Isnur argued that the appreciation to the members of the Council at the end of its term should be based on the assessment of the people or other agencies.
02:05He actually assessed the DPR appreciation to the members of the Council, showing that the performance of the 2019-2024 legislative period was poor.
02:14They gave a sign of service and respect to themselves because there were no people who gave appreciation.
02:23A researcher from the Indonesian Parliamentary People's Forum, Lucius Karus, agreed with Isnur.
02:28Lucius argued that the DPR may have realized that the people would not give appreciation to them.
02:34Therefore, the DPR members chose to give appreciation to themselves.
02:38Lucius said that the DPR legislation product was also very minimal in terms of quantity and very low in terms of quality.
02:45He noted that Taiwan only approved 26 ROUs that were approved for five years.
02:50The number of ROUs approved was also very controversial, including the Labor Law.
02:57The Director of the Legislative Supervisory Committee, Jabodet Abeg, Anwar Rozak, added that in addition to the very small number of ROUs approved, the DPR legislation process was poor.
03:08Anwar cited a very short legislative review.
03:12The brief discussion showed the pragmatism of the DPR in arranging the legislative product.
03:19The Chairperson of the DPR, Puan Maharani, who was asked to confirm this through his staff member named Budiono, did not answer the question of timing.
03:28However, Ahmad Baydowi responded to various public criticisms of the DPR.
03:33He said that the DPR's task is not only legislation, but also supervision and budgeting.
03:39He said that the whole process has gone according to the target.
03:44Baydowi stated that the evaluation indicator has been reflected in the determination.
03:49The DPR members who were not given an evaluation, including those who have passed away, were acquitted by the court with a permanent power of attorney and were sentenced to death.
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