• last year
Brett Favre just made a sad revelation on Capitol Hill ... the 54-year-old gunslinger announced he was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's.
00:00Shocking news, Mojo, concerning an NFL legend, Brett Favre today was testifying at a welfare
00:15reform hearing at the U.S. Capitol in D.C., Mojo, and he revealed that he has Parkinson's
00:24I don't think this is anything that fans expected, but today in front of the Congress people,
00:32Brett made the revelation and just an absolute gut punch to football fans out there, Mojo.
00:38Watch Brett a little bit earlier today.
00:40Sadly, I also lost an investment in a company that I believed was developing a breakthrough
00:45concussion drug I thought would help others.
00:47And I'm sure you'll understand why it's too late for me, because I've recently been diagnosed
00:52with Parkinson's.
00:54This is also a cause dear to my heart.
00:57Recently the doctor running the company pleaded guilty to taking TANF money for his own use.
01:02So there it was, Mojo, almost something said very matter of factly as part of another point
01:09Brett was making.
01:10But he does have Parkinson's and it's ultimately is a disease that does not have a cure.
01:18That is debilitating.
01:19We've seen the likes of Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox and others battle this awful, awful
01:27And it's something that now Brett is going through.
01:29Now, Mojo, we actually spoke with Brett a couple of weeks ago and we knew about this,
01:36but it's something that he made very clear that he did not want out.
01:41And this is his health and it's his life.
01:43And we respected that decision.
01:45Now that Brett has obviously made this announcement to the world, we can share some more information
01:51about what we do know.
01:52So Mojo, in January, early January, just a couple of days after the new year is when
01:58Brett officially got the diagnosis.
02:00He has gone to many, many specialists.
02:04And essentially what they've said to him, Mojo, is that with no history of Parkinson's
02:10in his family, not on his mother or his father's side, the next thing that the doctors look
02:15to is head trauma.
02:17And there's one thing we know about Brett Favre is that he played tough and he had a
02:22lot of head injuries and he may be paying the price right now in what ultimately is
02:29the ultimate price, his health.
02:30Mojo, he said he started having symptoms for about the last year.
02:36He noticed that his right arm slash hand was not working the way he was used to it
02:42working and he was having trouble working tools, using a screwdriver, for instance.
02:47And again, ultimately goes to the doctors.
02:50And Brett Favre has Parkinson's.
02:53Man, rough reveal today.
02:55I mean, obviously he was at that hearing for a reason.
02:59And there's a lot of people that feel a very specific way about that.
03:03That's neither here nor there.
03:05But revealing Parkinson's today, I mean, obviously a very scary thing for anybody to deal with.
03:12You know, oddly enough, it's concussion awareness month actually right now.
03:17And this is just something that players have to deal with on a daily basis.
03:21And you're talking about Brett Favre here, one of the most durable quarterbacks in NFL
03:28I mean, as far as starting quarterbacks go, he's got to have one of the longest careers
03:32out there.
03:33He's got tons of records for this guy.
03:36And you only accrue those by being out there and making plays and playing at the highest
03:41level of football.
03:42And, you know, this is a guy that took so many shots.
03:46And I mean, obviously now there's concussion protocols in place and they are forever changing
03:52the game and trying to make it safer for the players.
03:55I mean, so much so it's almost become polarizing because defensive players are wondering how
04:00to even play the game anymore with all the flags being thrown at any big hits.
04:05But they're doing that for a very specific reason.
04:09And Brett Favre is kind of the case in point here.
04:13You said it, no kind of family history here with Parkinson's.
04:17So you gotta think that this is more or less 100 percent caused by all the concussions
04:23that he sustained.
04:24And, you know, it's sad to see someone that, you know, gave his life for the game, for
04:29his teammates, for his city.
04:31And, you know, this is kind of what's waiting for you at the end of the line here.
04:35Already affecting him.
04:36You got to think it's only going to get worse and worse.
04:39You hate to see this happen to anybody and really rough stuff, terrible reveal today.
04:44Yeah, Mojo, this is a great point.
04:46Brett's only 54 years old.
04:48He should have a lot of life left to live.
04:50And this is obviously going to play a major role in the rest of his life.
04:55We talked about Tua earlier in the show, and this is a reality of playing football
05:01We've got a lot more information than we did when Brett was an NFL superstar, Mojo.
05:05And I don't envy Tua's position here and the decision that he ultimately is going to have
05:10to make.
