Jade Dynasty EP05 [Eng-Ind-Spa-Ara-Mal-Por-Tha-Vie Subs]

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Jade Dynasty EP05 [Eng-Ind-Spa-Ara-Mal-Por-Tha-Vie Subs]
01:00老誓言 荒謬纏繞緊握 烏雲釋放不測到殘破
01:09天地人 煞氣震騰連裂我
01:15心如零 焚盡我身滅災禍 所求不得如何抉擇
01:24把劍與刃牽 殘血心不念 何苦被我怒而惹恩怨
01:30看見是長裙是冷冰 能借教科聽劍 不懼恨劍我甘願
01:37以紅衣飛劍 白雀笑磨練 只求有火燒我又眷戀
01:43風聲霜遮無盡黑暗溫暖 隻手踏遍 大歸來 再如少年
01:54風聲霜遮無盡黑暗溫暖 隻手踏遍 大歸來 再如少年
02:24天師妹 你沒事吧 誰讓你多管閒事的 好大的威風 來大柱峰替我教訓徒弟嗎 沒事吧
02:47天師叔 蘇師叔 是龍首峰弟子冒犯 弟子在這裡向各位賠罪
02:52哼 師姐 天師妹 林師弟一時衝動出手 你沒有受傷吧 他還沒有那個本事 林師弟 還不快來賠禮道歉
03:05林瑾瑜 是我鄙視疏忽分神 不能全怪瑾瑜 怎麼不怪他 分明是他以大欺小 仗著自己修為高就 林兒 夠了
03:18多有冒犯 弟子在此賠罪 瑾瑜自小與我打鬧慣了 龍首峰弟子還真是性格鮮明 不易
03:27小凡 我們走 天師妹 還有什麼事 要不是天師叔和蘇師叔不與我們滿輩計較 恐怕此事難了 事情過了 不說了 天師妹請留步
03:44這盒中是我隨師父剿滅魔教得來的清涼珠 不是什麼寶物 但對女子養顏護膚有些好處 今日送給師妹 全當賠罪 我不要 我心裡實在過意不去 這清涼珠是我的一點小小賠罪心意 師妹一定要收下 也不是什麼大事 別在意了 那師妹不要嫌棄 收下吧
04:10那就多謝齊師兄了 還望您讓師妹喜歡 喂 喂 什麼 原來就擔心你師姐啊 我以為真擔心我呢 你們誰傷到了都不好 你這個師姐啊 脾氣真大 平時有沒有欺負你 去 師姐對我很好的 平時都是她照顧著我 吹牛吧 就她會照顧人 我不信
04:37你又發什麼呆啊 來大豬宮學一五年了 怎麼越學越呆了 還去你的 你站住 來啊 話說七脈會舞你會參加吧 我聽師父的安排 嗯 七脈會舞六十年才開一次 咱們入門五年就有幸遇上 到時候一定要好好觀摩 記錄下來
05:07鯨魚 我覺得你一定會取得好成績的 咱們都要加油 不要給草喵村丟臉 嗯 七脈會舞可不是小朋友玩耍的地方 消息已經送到 林師弟 我們回吧 是 大師兄 小凡 那我們就七脈會舞再見了 嗯 保重 鯨魚保重
05:37啊 師 師姐 噓 傻愣著做什麼 快讓我進來 哦 把門關上 叫你快把門關上了 啊 好 好 你怎麼讓那個林鯨魚欺負了 他沒有欺負我了 他有那麼厲害 你們是不是從小一起長大的 是啊 小時候我們就老比試 只不過 只不過從來沒有贏過
06:08哼 原來從小就欺負你 我看他就不是什麼善茬 這 這次他運氣好我放他一馬 哼 來 這個給你 拿好了 快拿好 這個是 太極玄清道 嘻嘻 第三層 啊 啊什麼啊 快撿起來 我特意抄下來給你的
06:34師姐 要是被師父師娘發現 會被重罰的 你要去告訴師父師娘嗎 不 不會 那難道我自己去說啊 那他們怎麼會發現 你告訴我 你說他們怎麼會發現 嗯 說好了 好好練習 以後不要再給人欺負了 我 師姐
06:57師姐 那個林鯨魚雖然討厭 但他那個師兄 嗯 跟他一點也不像 齊 齊昊師兄 上屆七脈會舞 他也就只輸給了掌門蕭師兄 那 那是很多年前的事了吧 就算這次比我 他也是奪冠大熱門啊 那可不一定 我們有大師兄 其他風的高手也多著呢
07:27你覺得這珠子我戴著好看嗎 你覺得這珠子我戴著好看嗎 齊昊師兄看似正經 其實還蠻體貼人的 哎呀 時候不早了 我走了 哦對了 啊 什麼 給你的髮絕收好了 一定要好好練習哦 我走了 哦
08:15哎 不行不行 違背門規
08:51This Yin Yang, how can it be so powerful?
08:55It can transform into a half-moon and conceal a half-moon.
08:59A half-moon and conceal a half-moon.
09:21The third layer of the True Qi has no resistance at all.
09:29It's the same as the Great Fan Bo.
09:31It's amazing.
09:45Ouch! It hurts!
09:47Sixth Senior?
09:51Oh my god!
09:53It's so big!
09:57Sixth Senior, where have you been for the past six years?
10:00It must have been hard.
10:01Of course.
10:02Then why are you in the woodshed?
10:04I knew you were in the woodshed, so I came to see you.
10:08Sixth Senior, you're so nice!
10:10Xiao Fan, let's go.
10:22You're not...
10:24That's right.
10:25This is the magic weapon I cultivated, the Shen Mutou.
10:27How is it?
10:28Isn't it amazing?
10:30If you bet like this, no one can beat you.
10:32Go away!
10:33I don't need to bet.
10:35This is made from the essence of a thousand-year-old three-leaf clover.
10:38It took me a lot of effort to get it in the south.
10:41This time, it's up to him.
10:43Sixth Senior, you will definitely be successful this time.
10:46It would be great if I could go too.
10:48Don't worry.
10:49We will definitely win this time.
10:51I heard that
10:52there are nine people in each branch of the Seven Meridians.
10:55We have seven people.
10:56If I don't let you go, will you let Da Huang go?
11:00Where's Master?
11:01I haven't gone to greet him yet.
11:03That's not right, Sixth Senior.
11:05How did you know?
11:07Didn't you say you came to see me as soon as you got back?
11:09Where are the other seniors?
11:11Who are you waiting for?
11:12Sixth Senior, don't change the subject.
11:19Dragon-slaying Spear!
11:25Dragon-slaying Spear?
11:27What is it?
11:28Master Jingde is really good.
11:29This move is so powerful.
11:31Dragon-slaying Spear is a nine-heaven soldier.
11:33I don't think Master's Cold Ice Spear can even compare to it.
11:39Not bad.
11:42It's been integrated so quickly.
11:44It's not in vain for my hard work on you.
11:46I don't think it's good enough.
11:48It's not a big deal now.
11:50If you want to get the first prize in the Seven Pulse Martial Arts Competition,
11:53you have to work harder.
11:55Yes, Master.
11:57It's been sixty years since I last saw it.
12:00Our Dragon-slaying Spear has always been well-known in the other realms.
12:04It's not inferior to other pulses.
12:06Don't embarrass me this time.
12:07Yes, Master.
12:10Dragon-slaying Spear
12:14Master, there's a secret letter.
12:17The righteous and the evil have been at war for thousands of years.
12:20The fire is burning.
12:22The way of the heavens is to fight without fighting.
12:25There is nothing to do without doing.
12:27Why do you seek power and self-interest?
12:30Fight without fighting?
12:33The Qingyun Sect has been established for thousands of years
12:35to sweep away the evil.
12:37To bring peace to the world.
12:40Since ancient times,
12:42the righteous and the evil have been fighting without fighting.
12:45The world will be in peace
12:48if you know the right and the wrong.
12:51The ancestral shrine has been here for a hundred years.
12:53But it has destroyed your integrity.
12:55The Qingyun sect has been here for generations.
12:57I can't let you mislead the way of the heavens.
12:59Everything has its cause and effect.
13:02The righteous and the evil follow each other.
13:04This is the way of the heavens.
13:06The way of the heavens?
13:07The way of the heavens is to fight without fighting.
13:09Moreover, the righteous and the evil have their cause and effect.
13:11What I want is to bring peace to the world.
13:20Today, we are going to participate in the Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition.
13:22Everyone must do their best.
13:23Yes, Senior Brother.
13:24Sixth Junior Brother, can you do this?
13:27How can I do it?
13:28Your pen is not strong enough.
13:30I will use my pen instead of my sword.
13:33Thank you, Da Zhu Palace.
13:36Why isn't Xiao Fan here yet?
13:38That's right.
13:39Where is Xiao Fan?
13:41Xiao Fan, what are you still doing?
13:43What is Xiao Fan doing?
13:45I'm coming.
13:48It's so hot.
13:49Xiao Fan, don't burn the house.
13:56We are leaving soon.
13:57Come with me.
13:59Don't worry, Senior Brother.
14:02Junior Brother.
14:03Thank you, Xiao Fan.
14:04You just finished eating.
14:05You will be hungry later.
14:06Take this with you.
14:07Thank you, Xiao Fan.
14:08Xiao Fan, why are you wearing a black stick?
14:11The Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition is a competition.
14:12You have to wear this.
14:14That's right.
14:15In a competition, do you have to use a sword?
14:17Of course not.
14:18There is a better way to use a sword.
14:22Take this.
14:24In a competition, of course, you have to use a sword.
14:26But Xiao Fan, don't be nervous.
14:28Everyone knows your ability.
14:30This time, you can use a sword.
14:32Let's go.
14:34Let's go.
14:35Xiao Fan, do you want to fly with my magic weapon?
14:38You can play by yourself.
14:40I want to go with Senior Sister.
14:43Is everyone here?
14:45Master, everyone is here.
14:46Da Ren, take Seven with you.
14:48Don't let him fall from the sky.
14:50Yes, Master.
14:51You two take one each.
14:54Yes, Master.
14:56Don't miss the auspicious time.
14:57You guys hurry up.
15:00Let's go.
15:06Are you ready?
15:07Let's go.
15:08Let's go.
15:09Junior Brother, let's go too.
15:13You can take her with you.
15:15Thank you, Senior Brother.
15:31Junior Brother, hurry up.
15:37Senior Brother, where is Xiao Fan?
15:39Where is he?
15:41Junior Brother.
15:48Senior Sister.
15:52Junior Brother.
15:53Junior Brother, are you all right?
15:55Senior Sister, are you all right?
15:57Are you all right?
15:59Where is Senior Sister?
16:00Get up.
16:01Let's see where we are.
16:11Everyone is here.
16:14Everyone's morale is very high this year.
16:16Xiao Fan, are you all right?
16:18Hurry up. Let's go to the front and take a look.
16:21Senior Sister, slow down.
16:22Hurry up.
16:23We will definitely meet today.
16:26Don't run around.
16:29Don't push me.
16:30I heard that Xiao Tong Feng's disciples are here.
16:32Where are they? Are they here?
16:34Hurry up.
16:35Senior Sister is here.
16:37Senior Sister is here.
16:38Senior Sister.
16:39Senior Sister.
16:40Don't push me.
16:42Don't push me.
16:43Look at my eyes.
16:44Senior Sister is so beautiful.
16:53Episode 1
17:24The cold night is scattered.
17:26The snowstorm is heavy.
17:28Where is the sound of laughter?
17:31I hear the sound of hatred.
17:33The clouds are red.
17:36The lonely soul is in a daze.
17:38I can't fall asleep.
17:47I always miss you.
17:51I hope to see you again some day.
17:57Our love prevails throughout the times.
18:07Our love prevails throughout the times.
18:17Our love prevails throughout the times.
18:29The wind and rain leave me.
18:34I have no words.
18:39I don't want to sleep.
18:42I have no words.
18:50It is hard to tell the truth from the lie.
18:54The moonlight is deep and the dream is long.
18:59Who can understand love?
19:04Only you know how I feel.
19:10Our love prevails throughout the times.
19:20Our love prevails throughout the times.
19:30Our love prevails throughout the times.
19:40Our love prevails throughout the times.
19:53Our love prevails throughout the times.
20:02Our love prevails throughout the times.
20:09Our love prevails throughout the times.
