Falling Together (2024) Movie

  • 2 days ago
Falling Together (2024)

Always wanting to bring people together, Natalie Calder has just moved from Miami for the first time to start a new job at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, she having bought a condo only having done an online visual tour and on the recommendation of the university that it's a good building. While she will miss her friends in the condo building she lives in in Miami, those neighbors who she considers family, Natalie moves six weeks before the start of her job so that she can settle in and make a new circle of friends with the condo building's residents. However, she discovers that her new neighbors are, to use her words, a prickly lot, half who seem not to want to associate with anyone else, while the other half seem to have a beef at least with one other person in the building. The one person who seems to be a constant is the building's live-in super, Mark Wallace, who sees everything that is going on with the others, and falls into the former category arguably because he is their employee. With nothing better to do for six weeks until she starts her job, Natalie makes it her mission to make friends with her new neighbors. Being that constant presence, the first person whose standoffish veneer she breaks through is Mark, who offers her his own advice in her mission but who has had good reason for not wanting to get involved beyond that employee/ employer relationship. As Natalie and Mark start to fall for each other, what happens with the others is also within the situation of Natalie's volunteer work with a Walk for Alzheimer's event.


Release Date

September 21, 2024

Country of Origin

Canada, United States

Language Spoken


Official sites

Hallmark Channel

Also known as

Untitled Pittsburgh Fall Movie (United States)

Filming locations

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Production Companies

Hallmark Media

Lighthouse Pictures