• last year
"Would you quit your job for $100,000? In this wild episode, MrBeast surprises everyday workers with the ultimate question: Will they leave their job for a life-changing amount of money? Watch as people face the hardest decision of their lives—whether to walk away from their career or stay put. The reactions will shock you! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more epic challenges from MrBeast!"
#MrBeast #QuitYourJobChallenge #100kChallenge #LifeChangingMoney #EpicReactions #CrazyDecisions #TeamBeast #JobQuitChallenge #UnbelievableOffers #MrBeastChallenge


00:00I'm in front of a restaurant with a $100,000 check.
00:03Hey, how's it going?
00:04I'm curious if you would quit your job for $100,000.
00:08No, I don't think I would.
00:09Like, I have got bills to pay.
00:11You could get a different job and have $100,000.
00:14My boss would not be happy.
00:16Let's ask her.
00:17Would you be mad if she quit for $100,000?
00:19Not at all.
00:20Are you serious?
00:21I'm your favorite employee.
00:22I would quit.
00:23You hurt your boss.
00:24Okay, I'm putting my two-week notice right now.
00:25Mom, not two weeks.
00:27And if you don't believe the money is real,
00:29in this card is $100,000 in double tax.
00:32Mr. Beast, thanks to you, I can quit my job now.
00:35I'm so happy.
00:36We're just getting started.
00:37We have hundreds of thousands of more dollars we're giving away next bit.
00:40And now we're going to do it again at Walmart.
00:42Have either of you seen the channel Mr. Beast?
00:45I was curious.
00:46Would you quit your job for $10,000 in cash?
00:50I figured you'd say that.
00:51You don't actually have to quit your job.
00:52Do you want $10,000, though?
00:53Yes, I would love it.
00:54Here you go.
00:56We're not actually going to make her quit her job.
00:58Are you crying?
00:59We just found out my grandma has stage 1 cancer.
01:02I'm sorry.
01:03No, you're fine.
01:04It's just God's way of working things out.
01:06This is such a blessing.
01:07Now we're on a football field with two ex-quarterbacks.
01:10Now, can you throw that football to him?
01:12You guys just made $1.
01:15You just made another dollar.
01:16Every time you throw the football back and forth, you guys get a dollar.
01:20Now, here's the thing.
01:21If one of you drop it or it touches the ground, you lose all your money.
01:24They literally have all day to make as much money as they want.
01:27We're going to go to the next bit.
01:28This is an $800,000 mansion, and this is the key to the front door.
01:33Play dramatic music.
01:37That felt empowering.
01:38I feel like a man now.
01:41Nolan, if you pick the correct key out of this fishbowl that unlocks this door,
01:44you get to keep this mansion.
01:46Pick a key.
01:47Nolan, wait!
01:48Good luck.
01:49He's dumping the keys out.
01:50This could be an $800,000 decision.
01:52Nolan, you're taking forever.
01:53Pick a key.
01:54Three, four, three, two, one.
01:58Oh, that was a bad decision.
01:59If this key unlocks the house, he gets a mansion.
02:03Oh, thank God.
02:04It's way too big!
02:05Oh, my God!
02:07Oh, my gosh!
02:08Screw this key!
02:09We are now at an airport, and this is a pilot.
02:11I fly a plane.
02:12And I want you to take this piece of paper and make a paper airplane.
02:15And if it makes it past this line, he gets $1,000.
02:20And if it makes it all the way past this line, $20,000.
02:24If there was anyone who knew how to make a perfect paper airplane,
02:27it would be Wayne.
02:28That would be me.
02:29Do you think you're going to win the $20,000?
02:31I'm going to give it my best shot.
02:32$20,000 is on the line.
02:38That's not bad.
02:39Wait a minute, Chris.
02:40It only halfway made it.
02:41This is the halfway point of the airplane?
02:45You just won $10,000 in cash.
02:48I'll take it!
02:49Wait, can we just throw this money in your plane?
02:51Yes, sir.
02:52Put it right back here.
02:55Now that the money's in your plane,
02:57the only reasonable thing to do is fly off, right?
03:05All right, let's go give away more money.
03:07Now we're on the side of the road, and we have a flat tire.
03:10And whoever helps us change this flat tire first gets the car.
03:14Hey, we got a flat tire!
03:16Hey, what a jerk!
03:21Let's go!
03:22We got some money!
03:23We don't know how to change a tire.
03:25We've literally been on the side of the road for over an hour
03:27just waiting for someone to help us.
03:29Are you serious?
03:30This happened to me, like, many years ago in accident form.
03:33I really like this guy.
03:34He said his car was falling apart.
03:35He's being very helpful, very kind.
03:37This is a perfect guy.
03:38Brian, thank you so much for helping us change this tire.
03:40Do you see that camera over there?
03:42Oh, yeah.
03:43We're actually a YouTube channel with 50 million subscribers.
03:45And since you helped us change the tire on this car,
03:48it's now yours.
03:50Tariq, come over here.
03:51After the car. Don't get run over.
03:52Basically, we purposely popped that tire
03:54and waited for over an hour to have someone come help fix it.
03:57Since you were the one who helped us fix it,
03:59here's the key to your brand new car.
04:01Are you kidding me?
04:02That's what you get for helping us, man.
04:03We appreciate it.
04:04I'm just glad I went to someone who actually, you know, could use the help.
04:07I have no words.
04:09This right here is Dave, and he's a professional golf player.
04:11Dave, if you can hit a hole-in-one,
04:13I will give you $1 million today.
04:15I think I can do it.
04:16Dude, actually.
04:17How many times have you hit on this?
04:18Too many to count.
04:19You ever hit a hole-in-one?
04:20No, but I don't want to talk about that right now.
04:22Carl's 151 yards away,
04:24so the wind's coming off a little left to right.
04:26It is a little wet and damp.
04:2860 degrees, which is a little bit cooler,
04:30so the ball's not going to want to fly as well.
04:31He's really calculating everything.
04:33I'm starting to get nervous for my million dollars.
04:38Dude, it's, like, actually going in that direction.
04:40Oh, my God.
04:41Oh, snap!
04:42Oh, my gosh!
04:44That is so close!
04:45Oh, my God.
04:46Dude, look how close he is.
04:47Oh, my goodness.
04:48You are less than one criss away from a million dollars.
04:52Dave, you didn't win a million dollars,
04:53but if you can hit it in on this next stroke,
04:55I'll give you $10,000.
04:59Get it in there.
05:02Thank you so much, guys, for this opportunity.
05:04It's unbelievable.
05:05That's the best way to put it.
05:06And speaking of winning $10,000,
05:08I wonder how the football players are doing.
05:10Gentlemen, what is up?
05:12Dude, it's almost dark out.
05:13Yeah, it's getting rough out here.
05:15This is how many times
05:16they've thrown it back and forth so far.
05:19Look at how full this case is getting
05:21of money that they've made.
05:22I have one challenge before we go.
05:24If you go ten yards back and do one throw,
05:26I'll add $5,000 to your total.
05:28This is a $5,000 throw.
05:30Actually, this is more.
05:31This is $5,000 plus all the money you've made,
05:33because if he drops it, they're done.
05:35You ready?
05:37Oh, boy.
05:38I'm nervous.
05:39He threw it.
05:42That's what we're talking about!
05:43That was a little scary.
05:45This trash bag has $5,000 in it.
05:47Our boy Chandler here is hungry.
05:49Chandler's gonna order a pizza from Papa John's,
05:51Chris is gonna order a pizza from Domino's,
05:53and Carl's gonna order a pizza from Pizza Hut.
05:55Whichever pizza is delivered first,
05:57we're gonna tip that pizza delivery driver $10,000.
06:01Whoever picks that driver that arrives first,
06:03we're gonna give your mom $10,000.
06:05Oh, yay, my mom!
06:06Gentlemen, the weather outside is very nice,
06:08and order your pizzas!
06:09Oh, my God, I'm so good at this.
06:11It'll be for delivery.
06:12I don't want anything.
06:13It'll be for delivery.
06:14Pick up.
06:15I said pick up, not delivery.
06:16It's delivery.
06:17I want a pizza.
06:18You're not looking for anything specific?
06:20It's a rush order if you can.
06:21Tell the driver that.
06:24Let's go!
06:2525 minutes and counting.
06:26This is for delivery.
06:30Why do you guys do this?
06:32Stop it.
06:33It's for delivery and the ad...
06:35I can't deal with this!
06:36I'm going to the Domino's app!
06:38Create new order.
06:40No tomato sauce.
06:41No cheese.
06:42No cheese.
06:43Just bread.
06:44Bread pizza!
06:45It said, hold up, this pizza doesn't look right.
06:48We're just wondering if we have an order from you
06:50that's small hand tossed pizza with no sauce and no cheese,
06:53and we're just calling to confirm that you just want a slab of dough.
06:56Bread pizza, yes.
07:00This is my local Domino's tied to my account.
07:04I'm not going to be able to get Domino's anymore after this.
07:07Omar just texted me.
07:08He's nine minutes away.
07:10He was wondering about the status of the delivery.
07:12I'm very hungry.
07:14Awesome, thank you.
07:15You can tell him never mind, I don't want it.
07:17I love you.
07:20Three minutes.
07:21Omar's three minutes away.
07:23Hey Jimmy.
07:24Omar has entered our neighborhood and will arrive shortly!
07:26Shortly, but not short enough.
07:28Is your guy here?
07:29I don't know.
07:30Omar's pulling up!
07:32No thanks!
07:33No thanks!
07:34Hey Omar!
07:36What's up?
07:37Mr. B!
07:38What's up?
07:39I love you guys' video!
07:40Oh, perfect!
07:41Well, guess what?
07:42We ordered a pizza from Papa John's, Pizza Hut, and Domino's at the same time.
07:45Since you were the first one to deliver the pizza, here's $10,000 in cash.
07:50Get out of here!
07:51Let's go bring pizza!
07:54Bring pizza!
07:55Oh my god, thank you guys so much.
07:57You're so welcome.
07:58Oh man.
07:59How's your pizza?
08:00Let's try it out.
08:01Pizza Hut's here.
08:03Hi, thank you so much.
08:07I'm from Domino's.
08:08I want to share my tip with you, $100.
08:09Oh my god, seriously?
08:10That's yours.
08:11Oh, thank you so much!
08:12You just can't make this stuff up.
08:14Taylor's driver still isn't here.
08:16Your luck is so bad, people think I script the videos.
08:19This guy, Omar, he just won you $10,000.
08:22Over the $10,000, Omar.
08:24Thanks, Jimmy.
08:25Thank you!
08:26We love you, mom.
08:28This next bit is a fun one.
08:30And this is Chad, a professional soccer player.
08:32Hey, what's up guys?
08:33Word on the street is you're really good.
08:35So if you kick that ball in that goal, I'll give you $1,000.
08:43Stand in the goal.
08:44Chad, do you want to risk your $1,000 for $5,000, but this time Chris is the goalie?
08:49I would do it, yes.
08:50Risk it, yes.
08:51Yes, of course.
08:52$5,000 says it is!
08:53Why didn't you stop the ball?
08:55I like spending your money, it's what I do!
08:57Carl, go get in the goal.
08:59Do you want to do double or nothing?
09:01Let's do it, man.
09:02Double or nothing.
09:03You're going to risk it for the biscuit?
09:04$5,000 on the line.
09:05And he's off.
09:08Wow, Carl, you hate Chad or something?
09:11I couldn't dodge it if I wanted to.
09:13I'm so sorry.
09:14That's not my fault.
09:16Play the replay.
09:17I don't see anyone else it ricocheted off of.
09:19I'm not really good at stuff like this.
09:21I'm going to go check on the football players.
09:23I love you, man.
09:24What is up, gentlemen?
09:25This is how much money they've made so far.
09:27I feel like we should end it in a fun way.
09:29I love how serious they are.
09:30It's like I'm not even here.
09:31Are you guys interested in doing a little bit of double or nothing?
09:36You don't even know what it is yet?
09:37This is $17,000.
09:38If you do one 30-yard pass, then you can each walk away with $17,000.
09:43Just your stereotypical touchdown pass.
09:45One pass, 30 yards to here, and he catches it.
09:48You both walk away with $17,000.
09:50You know what?
09:51I'll up it.
09:52You both walk away with $20,000 and can go to bed.
09:54What do you think, Griff?
09:55I mean, I'm up for it if you think you can do it.
09:57You say yes or no.
10:01All right!
10:02Moment of truth.
10:03Can he make this touchdown pass?
10:04This is the most important touchdown of your career.
10:18So you two just won $40,000.
10:21What do you have to say?
10:22I am shaking.
10:23I can't believe it.
10:24I'm done gambling after that.
