The Plants Won't Grow! _ Kongsuni Compilation _ Kongsuni and Friends _ Kids Cartoon
00:00it's taking me too long I'm sorry what what's taking way too long my plan to
00:24grow you mean are you following instructions well I think I am I'm
00:30giving up lots of water and lots of sunshine good the only thing I need now
00:34is for you to make a magic plant growing machine could you you want me to help
00:40yeah I do please I guess I could try you wanted to grow faster this will be a
00:47challenge if anyone can make my berry tree get big faster I know you can I've
00:53got it covered I love it it's gonna be so happy
01:01come soon it's getting late you don't want to miss the bus okay hmm this
01:08growing machine is perfect you're safe and warm
01:23oh that comes the fruit I don't get it how does the flower turn into fruit it
01:30just does see look here's when they're still little after the flowers are
01:34finished these little things start growing I bet it doesn't even take very
01:38long oh my oh yeah are your berries ready yet they weren't this morning but
01:49I'm hoping they'll be finished by the time I get home no how did my plan get
02:12hurt why are you so droopy are you feeling sad say something I guess I
02:33shouldn't have left it running all day looks like we overdid it I'm trying to
02:38give it first aid think it'll get better you know plants are pretty tough
02:43most of the time then again this will look sad maybe I should try moving it
02:48or add some more dirt do plants get cold come tell me what you did at school oh
03:03that's okay accidents happen Oh cuddles make it all go away I got it all figured
03:23out I know how to make my plan grow big and strong this time just a second see I
03:28think I found what the problem was the water was coming out too fast hmm maybe
03:35but I just learned that I need to give it more love okay I'm all ears well and
03:40feathers hmm you see it's not just light and water that count it's letting it
03:46know that you care plants need lots of love just like babies do okay one more
03:54and then we can go oh man I'm so full hey dad need some help squishing down
04:10that food this is so boring don't you want to go oh yeah sure just give me a
04:15second it's the very last inning
04:19yes no way daddy he always tells me he has no time to play seems like I'm
04:44always waiting just to spend some time with him does he know what it means to
04:52me when we play together we could do anything he wants if he'd find the time
05:03it would mean so much to me if we could play all day pretty please dear daddy I
05:14have a few ideas for us we could go play catch in the park or spin on the
05:22merry-go-round we could go out walk together we can ride our bikes daddy can
05:32you please stop and play with me
05:46daddy how come you like baseball more than me that isn't true of course I
05:52don't you're my everything Kong Sunni well then how come we're not playing
05:57we're about to what's up first a bike ride yeah that's the way just don't
06:12stop pedaling help it's too hard I'm scared if you let go of me I know I'm
06:18gonna fall keep at it you're the strongest girl I know daddy I didn't
06:35break you did I no dear not quite how are you nothing hurt nope just a little
06:42wobbly man what a spill all right ready to go again just a sec hello Oh details
06:54yeah sure tomorrow daddy work again I'm with my daughter let me call you back in
07:02five minutes Oh Kong Sunni daddy has to make a call you keep practicing I'll
07:10have my eye on you the whole time I'm right there dad I can't believe in
07:17yourself hmm I know you can do this I'm just a step away yeah okay come on who's
07:31the bravest girl in the world if anyone can learn how to do this it's you little
07:37dragon slayer you're tough show that bike who's boss I'll be back in two
07:43minutes I promise okay Kong Sunni you can do anything you want to be brave
07:52mr. fluffy is that you nope just me do I look different huh yeah your shadow
08:09made you look so big huh let's go get her she might be scared yeah but it's so
08:16dark and her room's down the hall how will we get all the way over there we'll find a
08:23way she needs us make something with magic like a hamster tunnel or something
08:42you got it what do you think your very own car and in your favorite color it
09:00won't open maybe it's broken pull the handle still not working that's so weird
09:10let's see license please hmm not funny I'm so sorry don't know what's wrong it's never
09:20happened before hmm so I really like the car but maybe you have something else you're right
09:30on to plan B check it out all aboard okay here goes
09:47okay never mind what now any ideas huh wait I got it
10:18Oh so think you can glue some magic wheels on yeah you know it making things move is kind of
10:30my specialty it's perfect thanks
11:00around safely yo-yo say oh aren't you glad we're best friends always having
11:10lots of fun clap your hands clap your hands high five best friends yeah pick
11:15out the stars that light up in the night sky and lead our way across the sky so
11:23many stars for us to count we're not afraid we're feeling brave safely in our flying ten
11:34yo-yo say oh aren't you glad we're best friends always having lots of fun clap your hands clap your hands high five best of friends
11:42yeah yeah they might be happy now but they're gonna be in double trouble whose idea was this
11:58for your punishment sis can you help her with her homework okay if you think it looks good
12:12wait till you see how it tastes okay let's dig in yes I understand I'll see you soon
12:29what's going on well I have to go back to work tomorrow what seriously they want you to go back
12:37in already something urgent came up that I just can't miss I wouldn't trade the time I spent with
12:46you today for anything in the world I can give you a job you can stay here I'm gonna miss you
12:54I don't want her to go
13:15no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
13:45uh there are no monsters under the bed i'm not looking for monsters i'm just hiding auntie's shoes
13:55but why you're doing a treasure hunt if she can't find them then auntie can't leave tomorrow what all done
14:23woke up as early as a birdie auntie is she hiding kong sooni she already left what you're kidding
14:31right it was an emergency she wanted to say goodbye but you were still asleep
14:41huh but her high heels are here
14:47oh kong sooni you miss her huh
14:51oh no i know just a bit
14:58please don't cry your auntie wouldn't want that
15:02i can't this is the worst day ever do i see a princess it's you kong sooni
15:14i couldn't say bye i'm really sorry i thought you were gone forever
15:20what about your work they called back they told her that her family should come first
15:26so she can stay for a while listen i'm sorry i didn't say goodbye no i'm sorry that i hit your
15:34shoes that was you forget it i'm here now for how long you've got me five whole days and i'm not
15:44going anywhere promise yep pinky swear pinky swear
15:55here you go what still in one piece glad you took care of them do you think this calls for a dance
16:04yeah yeah
16:16goodbye i love you bye love you too and i love you three
16:24goodbye my princess are you sure you want to go just stay for five more minutes oh
16:31i really wish i could don't you worry though because i'll see you soon i'll miss you
17:08hurry no i'll stay who cares if talking owls or dragon bait not be you okay yes be you
17:21kong sooni i've got this promise go on
17:24oh hey what
17:33is it stuck let me try
17:38thanks i guess fake swords can be tricky and now back to the dragon this is for you kong sooni
17:46oh boy you're clumsy what you gonna do right
18:02kong sooni what's up didn't you hear me calling what are you up to in here
18:08hmm anyway i've been thinking about how you need some new dresses it's okay i don't need fancy
18:15costumes because sale never mind gee that's a shame so you don't want to see what i got you
18:21then sure i do what is it it's gonna look perfect on you thanks mom you're welcome although you look
18:32perfect anyway um mommy uh you can take it back i don't need it why cuz i have an idea that's way
18:47more exciting i can't keep up with you from one minute to the next what you have to guess mom
18:54first hint it's something way better than playing castle wait you mean
18:59nope no idea watch i'll show you
19:05muscles like steel almost nothing can stop her introducing the one and only super kong sooni
19:11oh you have special powers i can knock down dragons
19:20don't tell anyone you know what i'm so strong i can take down a dragon you can
19:29it's super kong sooni coming to the rescue helping little baby sisters all over the planet
19:35i'll save you hold on i'll get her
19:41whoa super kong sooni sure has lots of energy what are you doing no standing on furniture
19:49not even if you're a superhero but mom super me has super clean feet i've got this totally
19:55under control trust me all right just promise that you'll only use your powers for good
20:05huh mommy how come daddy's still not home because a sick doggy needs his help huh
20:15he'll come tuck you in when he's all done okay no i want to stay up instead
20:21please you've already had a long day right you fought dragons and you were a super girl
20:28oh how come i never get to wait up for him oh big girls need sleep super girl sleep tight
20:39super girl night night
20:46check it whoa this spy is fully equipped i've got a light and a rope in case we need to pull stuff
20:57hey wait what's the matter kong sooni uh i can't move my legs why not
21:05hmm uh i don't know am i stuck in cement or something
21:11not cement you're stuck on one of those heart stickers you always use
21:18funny stuck on a sticker like a bug yeah i was wondering where that went
21:26it feels really funny whoa check out all the cool stuff in here
21:35huh oh there it is
21:42yay found it well we'll need muscles yep you guys ready
21:59it's as heavy as it looks this is gonna take a while
22:03oh i know what to do hey sam did you say that thing has rope inside
22:14mm-hmm you want some uh-huh
22:18huh can you hook it up to that skate
22:22hmm we'll roll it
22:33uh keep going i think we're closer
22:40what's the matter what is that thing uh it's a blue worm uh at least it's not moving
22:54ew gross it looks squishy it looks a lot like some gummy worms i was eating
23:01well this one's so big it could eat you
23:07this isn't good a dinosaur and it looks like a new type that's no dinosaur it's way worse
23:17are you sure maybe you're right come on i don't think i want to find out
23:32oh faster it's getting closer keep going take off your ropes
23:49that was close
23:53where are we it's so shiny
23:55oh it's like we're standing on a mirror you're a spoonful of cute it's a spoon
24:05that's just how tiny we are right now am i dreaming where is sarah talking pink bird
24:12out there oh right he's real only special friends get to meet my sail
24:18huh let's go try
24:28i want to try what are you guys thinking it's work time not play time
24:36come sooni you and your friends having fun
25:00what's this huh
25:25what's wrong
25:26hmm kitty it's okay it's my friend who is
25:40hi there my name's kitty
25:45i'm rocco
25:52hello human nice to meet you i'm sure you figured out what we came here for
26:00happy birthday seo uh hold up it's not my birthday what wait a sec look here see this
26:09i wrote it down so it must be right oh no i got you mixed up with samo's birthday
26:15your writing is impossible to read hey nobody's perfect okay see you guys later
26:23we have to go visit samo all right we gotta go wait not so fast you can't leave without
26:30trying yummy treats huh come on
26:45we don't want to wake up chloe
26:46hey do you see that cool it's a glowing spaceship really it's not a spaceship look
27:01it's some kind of wormhole so am i right i hate to break it to you but you guys are both wrong
27:10hmm this is called ice cream there's one thing you gotta know before eating it
27:17once you taste it you'll always want more it's delicious now it's your turn
27:27oh are you allergic your nose turned pink that means she likes it i can't wait
27:54here you can take mine oh really oh my it tastes amazing
28:03um thanks so much but now we gotta go bye-bye
28:12bye-bye see ya come back soon so long we will take care we'll see you next time that was fun
28:21hmm what'd you think did you like my friends mm-hmm they were strange but
28:31see what i mean what's going on oh thank you i think we might need some help we're missing our
28:39space stones they're the only things with enough energy to power our ship oh well do you guys
28:45remember where you saw them last when i lose something i try to retrace my footsteps
28:55all right let's go from the top it was so scary after we landed it got really dark
29:04when all of a sudden we were attacked it was awful you should have seen it
29:12it was awful you should have seen it i'm glad it's over
29:31huh oh
29:35why is this cliff so slippery
29:45and then