Wildebeest: Born To Run | Full episode | Nature documentary

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Discover a wildebeest's journey during his first migration.

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00:00Forward momentum. Chasing the rains. Fleeing from predators. Or battling the terrain.
00:15A never-ending journey to track the shifting promise of fresh grass.
00:21Build a beast on the migration. Live life in fast forward. It's an epic spectacle.
00:31Vast distances and uncountable numbers. But the big picture is deceptive.
00:40The real drama unfolds close up.
00:44This is Neo's first trip. So now it's personal.
00:54Neo with a thousand miles to cover. Facing enemies intent on killing him.
01:03Crossing treacherous waters.
01:06Neo is the one in a million. Who will either live or die to fulfill his destiny.
01:23The wildebeest migration in East Africa has no real beginning or end.
01:28It's not a set route. But a relentless nomadic wandering. Around an area roughly the size of Denmark.
01:39The impetus to move is food and water. And because rainfall is erratic, the movement pattern echoes this.
01:49Thirst steers them across many rivers.
01:51And during the dry winter, the herds head north, close to the Mara River.
01:55They're only permanent water when the rains stop.
02:00But right now, it's the rainy season. And the herds spread across the southern grass plains of the Serengeti.
02:09Today is Neo's birthday. Neo's birthday is a special day for the Serengeti.
02:17Today is Neo's birthday.
02:24He's not fully out, but the clock starts.
02:30Neo and mum will never be more vulnerable than in these precious first minutes.
02:37Survival as a newborn depends on Neo hitting developmental milestones.
02:42A strong neck is a promising start.
02:53With mum's encouragement, Neo finds his feet.
03:04Now his goal is coordination.
03:06Mum greets her baby son.
03:13As she cleans him, she learns his unique scent, as he learns hers.
03:18Smell is how they will recognize each other if they ever get separated.
03:26And Neo's eyes are open to the world.
03:28Smell is how they will recognize each other if they ever get separated.
03:36And Neo's survival right now depends on them sticking together.
03:40It's a race to stand, but this vital imprinting will save Neo's life more than once.
04:01Everything he needs to know about being a wildebeest, he'll learn from mum.
04:13She's his cheerleader, his defender, and his guide.
04:23Only three minutes old and he's up.
04:31Through determination and the evolutionary wizardry that makes
04:34wildebeest offspring the most precocious of any antelope.
04:42A newborn that walks with robust lungs and legs that have the same bone to muscle ratio as an adult.
04:55And now that he's vertical, his instinct is to nurse.
05:01But the herd is leaving and it's more important to keep up.
05:21Mum has a final target for her newborn.
05:26To run.
05:31Life as a wildebeest has started.
05:41Neo is born on the short green grass in the south,
05:45but he was conceived eight months earlier, many kilometers away.
05:50A place much more dry and loud.
05:54The air vibrates.
05:58It's the time of the rut and from horizon to horizon,
06:02territorial bulls recruit females onto their turf to graze and ultimately to mate.
06:15It's easy to spot the males.
06:18They exhibit a frantic urgency.
06:21Yet very little of this activity involves the actual mating.
06:26It's more about chasing and herding females and fighting off competing males.
06:34The humming chorus of excited bulls works its magic.
06:40Because it's this sound that stimulates the cows to mate.
06:45Because it's this sound that stimulates the cows and brings them into Easter simultaneously.
06:55The annual rut is the biggest mass mating event on the planet.
07:02Along with Neo's mum, 500,000 females conceive in this three week peak.
07:07But by comparison, the females seem quite disinterested in the whole affair.
07:15It's the males who do all the work.
07:19They remain vigilant to fight off intruders bent on stealing their prized possessions.
07:25Bulls are so pumped up with hormones during the rut,
07:29some of the females can't get enough of it.
07:34They're so pumped up with hormones during the rut,
07:36some give up resting and sleeping completely.
07:50A bull smells when a cow is in heat.
07:52And a moist nose improves his ability to sort through different odours.
07:58He also curls his lip back in the Flehmen position
08:02to take air onto a specialist scent organ that detects sex pheromones.
08:18Despite the energetic preamble, the mount is quite low key.
08:22And short.
08:25Probably because it's often done on the move.
08:33When the females don't stop, or even slow down,
08:37the poor males just have to do their best.
08:43The males may have the enthusiasm, but the females hold the power.
08:48So success depends entirely on the willingness of the females to be detained.
09:00This guy has a bit of work to do on his vocals.
09:10Their melodious mating ritual clearly works.
09:14Evidence of its success is overwhelming.
09:20Eight months later, like clockwork, along with Neo,
09:24a quarter of a million new tan-coloured flanks pepper the plains.
09:32Mums synchronise their birth to coincide with the rains
09:36and the green flush of fresh grass in the south.
09:41The most nutritious grazing on their entire journey.
09:45Perfect to provide rich milk for growing calves.
09:53At one week old, even the calves experiment with the lush carpet of greens.
10:03With their blunt muzzles, flexible lips and wide rows of incisors,
10:07wildebeests are designed to crop these short, map-forming grasses.
10:13There's plenty for everyone, because while the rain falls,
10:17there's constant new growth to compensate for heavy grazing.
10:25Neo's only a day old, and mum keeps him close.
10:31As a newborn, his instinct to follow is strong, but indiscriminate.
10:36So Neo is drawn to any large, moving object.
10:40While he's so tiny, mum must ensure that she's the first thing Neo sees.
10:48It's one of the wildebeest wonders that most of the calves
10:52are born within a three-week period.
10:56That's 500 newborns a day.
11:00It's a clever anti-predator strategy,
11:04keeping most of them safe.
11:10It's difficult for a predator to pick a single target among the thousands.
11:24Difficult, but not impossible.
11:29Alone, a calf has no chance against a cheetah.
11:47Straying from mum and the herd is a death sentence.
11:53A harsh, but vital lesson for Neo.
11:59Another first for Neo.
12:07Thunderstorms are an almost daily occurrence through the wet season,
12:11but they're deeply significant for the wildebeest,
12:15as the aerial beacons that trigger the entire migration.
12:20It's a strange sensation, getting wet,
12:24but the drops taste nice enough.
12:38Neo watches mum and the other calves
12:42as they move through the wet.
12:46Neo watches mum for her reaction.
12:50She's even more eager to graze.
12:58The short grasses in the south are special.
13:02New growth explodes after every shower.
13:06And it's this fresh flush, rich in protein,
13:10which the wildebeest crave, and why they chase every new rainstorm.
13:16The wildebeest themselves play a vital part
13:20in this grass bonanza.
13:24Their heavy grazing further stimulates growth,
13:28and with their trampling and depositing manure,
13:32they actively create and maintain their habitat.
13:40But rain is the critical cog in this food factory.
13:45Without water, shallow roots expose the southern grass's fickle nature.
13:53Green blades wither to dry husks almost overnight,
13:57devoid of nutrients,
14:01prompting the mass exodus away from the plains.
14:05Only rain keeps the grass green.
14:09While the living is easy,
14:13the herds make the most of it,
14:17even grazing through the night to bulk up.
14:29Neo's too tiny for grass,
14:33but the perfect fit for his umbrella.
14:39When Neo is five days old,
14:43he takes his first journey to the marsh.
14:47The rains keep these ephemeral pools brimming
14:51with fresh water.
14:55Adjacent to the plains,
14:59it's a convenient watering hole for the thirsty hordes.
15:04Neo's led to a shallow pan
15:08where it's safe for the calves to drink,
15:12wide open and easy for mums to spot oncoming danger.
15:18The adults navigate the deeper water.
15:22All wildebeest have to drink every two days,
15:26so this vital water right next to their food
15:30limits the distances the herds have to cover
15:34when the calves are so young.
15:39Five days has made a big difference to Neo.
15:43He brims with confidence and curiosity.
15:47With typical youthful energy,
15:51he's desperate to stretch his legs.
15:55He's not afraid of the cold,
15:59and he's not afraid of the rain.
16:03He's not afraid of the cold,
16:07and he's not afraid of the rain.
16:21It's time to claim his newfound independence,
16:25as long as it's okay with mum.
16:31With thousands of thirsty mouths to accommodate,
16:36as one group of wildebeest moves off,
16:40another pours in to take its place.
16:48There's an enemy in their midst.
16:56Hidden in the tall grass,
17:00the lioness settles right next to the herd.
17:06When she's still,
17:10she's invisible.
17:26She wants an easy target.
17:30An adult wildebeest is much heavier than she is,
17:35and she has claws that can pierce and even kill her.
17:43A calf is best,
17:47but difficult to spot tucked next to their mums.
17:51Panic scatters the herd.
17:59As one, the mothers gallop the calves back to the plains.
18:13The lioness seems uninterested in her kill.
18:18Another opportunity.
18:24It's Neo.
18:28He didn't leave with a rest,
18:32and he's too young to know he's in danger.
18:36Irresistible to the lioness.
18:40But Neo's not alone,
18:44and that changes everything.
18:48Mum will face this enemy for both of them.
18:58Neo's not alone,
19:02and that changes everything.
19:07Neo's not alone,
19:11and that changes everything.
19:23The route home takes them right past the lioness.
19:31But now Neo's prepared.
19:35With mum's guidance, he knows the lioness means danger.
19:41And when mum runs, he runs.
19:46And when mum runs, he runs.
20:04When wildebeest calves stand next to their mothers,
20:08it's easy to see why these bearded ladies of the savannah are so valuable.
20:16Calves disappear.
20:20They're undetectable to predators.
20:26This subtle vanishing act is why it's crucial that calves learn to shadow their mothers.
20:32Wildebeest youngsters aren't hidden away like other antelope babies,
20:36and their precociousness makes them conspicuous.
20:40But behind their hairy veils,
20:44mothers keep their offspring safe.
20:58Neo and mum practice following skills.
21:04He's improved a lot,
21:09keeping his distance at her side, and even stops in sync.
21:31The ambush comes out of nowhere.
21:36Two cheetahs.
21:46But mum is on the attack,
21:50and immediately in pursuit when the first cheetah keeps chasing Neo.
21:58For a second time, it looks as if it's all over.
22:02But 150 kilograms of maternal fury
22:06is the game changer.
22:14Mum's not letting her son die today.
22:24And now Neo knows what to do.
22:29And rejoin the herd.
22:53Childhood doesn't last forever.
22:57The seasons stop, and the herds begin the journey
23:01away from their southern pastures for another year.
23:09There's nothing left to sustain them here.
23:15Dead grass transforms the plains into a dust bowl,
23:19and the marsh pans degenerate to unpalatable soda lakes.
23:24Rain is now falling on the long grass further north, and they must follow.
23:36But the females anticipated this change,
23:40and the months on the plains prepared them and their calves for their trek.
23:48Neo is a sturdy three-month-old.
23:52He no longer has the sooty face of a baby calf
23:56and sports his darker adult coat and little devil horns.
24:06And they're off.
24:10Millions tuned into the same restless impulse to move.
24:15Now their awkward body shape makes sense,
24:19because it's their heavy-fronted design
24:23that allows them to cover such vast distances day after day
24:27in their easy, loping canter.
24:31A bull neck and tall shoulders aren't pretty,
24:35but they're key to the wildebeest's perseverance.
24:40Even marathon runners have to rest some time,
24:44and after two days on the trot,
24:48a river is a vital pit stop.
24:56There's always high energy at the first river crossing.
25:00Water, sand, and sandstone
25:04are the main sources of energy.
25:08Water offers relief from the sun,
25:12an opportunity to wash off the dust and pesky flies,
25:16and most of all, a drink.
25:22But a killer lives here.
25:28The most terrifying of all wildebeest enemies,
25:32because of his ability to disappear.
25:38First, eventually overcomes fear.
25:46They remain on high alert.
25:50It only takes a quarter of a second
25:54for a crocodile to launch right out of the water.
26:08They're lucky. This was just a recce.
26:12Death is a steep price to pay for a drink of water.
26:26But there's nowhere for the herd to escape to.
26:30It's backed up all the way up the bank.
26:35Thousands of wildebeest waiting to drink.
26:41Now the leaders are forced into enemy territory
26:45by the surge of bodies from behind.
26:49Third time unlucky.
26:57They lose a herd member.
27:05Mercifully, it's a quick death.
27:10But the brutal attack shocks the herd into action.
27:14The priority changes.
27:20It's the perfect time to cross while the enemy is distracted.
27:26They'll return for a drink later.
27:30The blood sacrifice is paid for a safe passage.
27:38Neo can't wait.
27:42It's quite different from the gentleman he's used to.
27:46Waves make it difficult to breathe.
27:52But he's not alone.
27:57Mom wants to cross immediately while the sheer numbers keep them safe.
28:09It's a gentle, shallow river that still almost covers Neo.
28:13Swept along by the energy of his herd mates,
28:17Neo's first crossing is a success.
28:25Although separate groups of wildebeest
28:29reach the river's edge,
28:33it's still a long way to go.
28:38Although separate groups of wildebeest
28:42reach the rivers at different times,
28:46they use very specific crossing points,
28:50which is why there's excessive bottlenecking.
28:54They choose a narrow section and cross as fast as possible
28:58to limit the time they're exposed in the water.
29:02A tight formation has the same benefit in the water
29:07to make it difficult for a predator to separate one from the bunch.
29:15It lasts the morning,
29:19but Mom and Neo's herd crosses without further incident.
29:37Over the next few weeks,
29:41the movement pattern repeats itself
29:45as wave after wave of wildebeest push ever northwards.
29:51River crossings follow time drinking
29:55and grazing on the long grass plains.
30:01The yellow patches may look unappetizing,
30:05but this grass is drought-resistant and reliable through the dry season.
30:13They've done well.
30:17Neo and Mom are only two days away from their winter pastures
30:21and their ranks have swollen.
30:25Herds converge in their thousands for one final hurdle,
30:29the Mara River.
30:34The Mara River is the muscular body of a young adult.
30:38He's going to need it for his upcoming swim.
30:50And where the herds gather, predators wait.
31:04The lioness follows in plain sight.
31:08She wants the wildebeest to see her.
31:22She's at a massive disadvantage.
31:26The hordes are retreating.
31:30It's way too late for an ambush attack.
31:36This calls for something less subtle.
31:48A stampede.
31:52There's always profit to be made from panic.
31:57One cow bolts away from the herd.
32:03A fatal mistake.
32:07The rest of the herd rallies.
32:11They can't help the cow, but if they stick together,
32:15they limit the damage.
32:19In an emergency,
32:23the compulsion to herd
32:27is one of the wildebeest's greatest strengths.
32:31But accidents happen.
32:35Life changes in an instant.
32:39And without warning, there's a crisis.
32:44Neo is in pain.
32:48It's difficult to move.
32:56His leg twisted badly
33:00when he sprinted away from the lion.
33:04A wildebeest with a limp is a broken thing.
33:10Neo can barely walk, let alone run.
33:20Mom is worried.
33:25Mom has an impossible choice.
33:29Stay with Neo or catch up to the herd.
33:37Neo's injury turns them both into targets.
33:43But if she abandons him now,
33:47she's condemning him to death.
33:52Her best option is to keep moving them closer to the others.
33:56But every moment, they slip farther behind.
34:08If Neo can rest and heal, he may have a chance.
34:12But it means spending the night alone.
34:16Her encouragement spurs him,
34:20but he's finished.
34:25But it means spending the night alone.
34:29Her encouragement spurs him,
34:33but he's finished.
34:55But it means spending the night alone.
35:11She makes her decision.
35:15Now her son comes first.
35:25By morning, 10 kilometers ahead of Mom and Neo,
35:29the first of millions arrive at the Mara River.
35:35It takes days for everyone to cross.
35:39The Mara is a unique challenge.
35:43Deep water and steep banks distinguish it from every other crossing.
35:47So the herds gather to build their numbers and confidence.
35:55They get a running start at the shallow end,
35:59but the sand bank drops off sharply,
36:03and they hit the deep end.
36:07When they lose their footing, they lose their speed.
36:11Forced to swim for the opposite bank, the wildebeest are sitting ducks.
36:15These river monsters don't have to hide.
36:19They can target anyone.
36:23Water is their realm.
36:39But there's another challenge.
36:44A rip current drags the swimmers off course,
36:48tripling their time in the water
36:52and offering the worst possible exits.
37:06Panic drives them forward without thought.
37:14And the hordes keep on coming,
37:18cannon fodder for the enemy.
37:30The wildebeest's hardwired tenacity
37:34is both a blessing and a curse.
37:38Some individuals are crushed and trampled in the chaos,
37:42but the same stick-at-it-ness
37:46gets others out of impossible situations.
37:52Despite the hardship, most make it across.
37:57There's something infectious to overcoming adversity in a team,
38:01and wildebeest epitomize this.
38:15Eight kilometers back,
38:19the wildebeest make their way through the swamp.
38:24Eight kilometers back, far from the mayhem,
38:28Neo is making progress.
38:32A good night's rest and mum's slow pace has helped a lot.
38:42But someone has noticed their isolation.
38:46And the rocking pattern of Neo's limp
38:50is a green light to attack.
39:02Certainly worth investigating.
39:10One hyena isn't a serious threat.
39:15It shouldn't interfere with mum's plan to rejoin the herds in the next few days.
39:25Neo can run, but he can't maintain it.
39:39Mum makes it clear they don't want company.
39:45Back to the mission.
39:49Get Neo well and catch up to the herd.
39:53It takes three days,
39:57but mum and Neo join the final throne of wildebeest
40:01which is the wildebeest herd.
40:07It takes three days,
40:11but mum and Neo join the final throne of wildebeest
40:15which is the wildebeest herd.
40:20It takes three days, but mum and Neo join the final throne of wildebeest
40:24waiting to cross the Mara River.
40:28They're both frantic with thirst,
40:32so mum initiates the move to the water.
40:44But there's a problem.
40:50It's too dangerous to drink or cross now,
40:54and mum warns the others.
40:58She can only keep Neo safe in a crowd,
41:02so she'll wait for reinforcements to mob the crocodile.
41:12But Neo's desperate. His mouth burns.
41:16So mum rallies the herd around him to let him drink.
41:30With the herd at critical mass, they dive in.
41:34But the river is no different today.
41:38The current is still furious.
41:46Hampered by his weak leg,
41:50Neo battles to keep up.
41:56It's a cruel irony that such a narrow crossing
42:00is such an epic struggle.
42:04Programmed to follow like sheep,
42:08today's herds face exactly the same pitfalls.
42:13Exits are jammed in the panic to leave the water.
42:17With nowhere to go, wildebeest clamber over each other,
42:21injuring comrades that block the way.
42:29Still they press on, driven by a stubbornness
42:33that's unrelenting.
42:37Spindly legs that look ready to snap
42:41carry most safely to the grass.
42:45Five meters from shore,
42:49Neo loses his battle against the current.
42:53But mum doesn't give up on him.
42:57With no thought of her own safety,
43:01she turns against the herd.
43:06Swims back across the river
43:10to find her son.
43:16Crushed in the frenzy downstream,
43:18it doesn't look good for Neo.
43:28Mum's bravery goes unnoticed.
43:33All around her, individuals are wrapped up in their own survival.
43:43It's her final act as a mother.
43:47In the great scheme of things,
43:51it's just one more death,
43:55a mere statistic.
43:59But a precious bond of mother and son
44:03is broken forever.
44:08A precious bond of mother and son
44:12is broken forever.
44:16And life goes on, driving forward the only way they know.
44:43Only the tail-enders see the back of the river.
44:53There's no mourning for the dead.
44:55A few lives are sacrificed for the many.
44:59It's a survival strategy that's worked for millennia.
45:16This year's carcasses are abandoned at the river.
45:25But one heart still beats here.
45:33And perseverance is in Neo's very DNA.
46:00Water washes away more than dust and grime.
46:06It's a new start.
46:08And his focus is to find mom.
46:18He can't see her in the pile, and he doesn't pick up her scent.
46:30A wet nose won't change things.
46:33He will never smell her again.
46:50He has to rely on the strength within.
46:59Mom's lessons kept him out of danger and taught him to keep moving.
47:08She did her job well.
47:10Her determination and feistiness shine through her son.
47:18He knows what to do.
47:21Find the herd.
47:24He won't let her down.
47:49And so, when Neo rejoins the herd, it's not the end.
47:54Like the migration, his story and his journey continues.
47:59He can't predict his fate, but he can meet it at a gallop.
