تاريخ رومانوسكي .. القتل والدمار

  • last month


00:00Former Ambassador Romanovsky records in his book,
00:05the fate of the occupation and the failure of the American embassy in Iraq.
00:11He says that a delegation from the National Conference visited Washington in 1998
00:19and the delegation went to the Pentagon.
00:22He met with Bill Cohen, the Minister of Defense, for a while,
00:26and then with Elina Romanovsky, the Assistant Minister of Defense for Middle East Affairs.
00:31This meeting was bad, as the American official said during her explanation of her country's policy,
00:37that balanced content is an acceptable policy and the United States is satisfied with it.
00:43When I asked her about the acceptability of this policy,
00:48at a time when thousands of Iraqi children are dying,
00:52and at a time when nothing is clear about it, it affects the regime.
00:57She answered with all sincerity that this is an acceptable side effect.
01:03I began to feel very uncomfortable with the answer,
01:06and I started to complain at the time in Arabic to my colleagues in the delegation
01:11about the need to leave the meeting, which is a clear excuse for it and its answer.
