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00:00My Outro For My 20th Birthday
00:30My Outro For My 20th Birthday
01:00My Outro For My 20th Birthday
01:14Being a country boy on Walton's Mountain and looking like one
01:18always seemed as natural and normal as anything to me.
01:22But a few days before my graduation from high school,
01:25I began to look at myself in quite a different way.
01:28Oh, got it! Oh, got it!
01:31Oh, got it!
01:33Okay, that's fine. Thank you very much.
01:37No, I mean, mine is good!
01:40Marcia, Marcia, excuse me.
01:43Marcia, you didn't write my autographed book yet.
01:45Oh, not now.
01:47Why not?
01:49It's a very personal experience for me to write in somebody's autographed book, John Roy.
01:55And I don't want to do it right now.
01:57Okay, I'm sorry.
01:59All right, judges, we're going to go through this once more.
02:02Mr. Brimmer, are you coming?
02:04No, no, no, no. Come on, please, miss. I can't do it.
02:06Take your places in line.
02:15Ben, will you watch where you're going?
02:19Marcia's tripped.
02:25Oh, no!
02:28Terri, no! Stop!
02:31She looks like she's going to the altar.
02:33Well, I wish I were.
02:35It'll happen soon enough.
02:37Oh, Grandpa?
02:39Chance is acting funny.
02:40Chance? Well, what do you mean, funny?
02:42Well, she's just kind of lying around. She won't eat or anything.
02:44I'll go have a look at her.
02:46He's coming! He's coming!
02:48Hey, everybody!
02:55Hey! Come on! Let me in!
02:58He's coming! He's coming! Everybody get ready!
03:00Turn around! Turn around! Turn around!
03:02Shh! Sit down.
03:07What's going on around here?
03:16Hurry up and change your clothes, John boy.
03:18What for?
03:19Ask us no questions and we will tell you no lies.
03:21Just get dressed or we'll be late.
03:23Are we going somewhere?
03:24Indeed we are.
03:26To surprise.
03:27That's how you're going to know.
03:29So go on up and get changed.
03:30I don't understand.
03:31Go on up and get changed.
03:33No, really.
03:34Go on!
03:35Go get changed!
03:46Come on.
03:47Shh! Shh!
04:11This family's gone crazy.
04:15John boy, come on!
04:16Hurry up!
04:20I won't!
04:22Come here.
04:23It's Chance. I think she's feeling real bad.
04:27See how she is when we get back.
04:29Come on! Here we go! Everybody in!
04:32Hey, Coach!
04:33Will somebody please tell me where we're going?
04:37We're going to New York City!
04:38To see the Yankees play!
04:39Okay! Okay!
04:40Oh, you spoil the surprise!
04:53All right! Now where are we going?
04:55Everybody out!
04:56Now where are we going?
04:57Here we are!
04:58What are we doing here?
04:59We're going on shopping spree.
05:01For your graduation.
05:02Oh, no!
05:03Oh, yeah!
05:04Oh, yeah!
05:05We all decided that you should have a brand new suit of clothes for college.
05:08You are going to be the first woman to wear a suit of clothes for college.
05:11Oh, yeah!
05:12Oh, yeah!
05:13Oh, yeah!
05:14Oh, yeah!
05:15Oh, yeah!
05:16Oh, yeah!
05:17Oh, yeah!
05:18Oh, yeah!
05:19Oh, yeah!
05:20Oh, yeah!
05:21You are going to be the living example of what the well-dressed college boy will wear.
05:25This family's going crazy!
05:27Graduation present from all of us.
05:29That is going to be you.
05:31Mama, we can't afford that kind of stuff.
05:34We can and we will.
05:36This means Ben gets John Boy's knickers.
05:38Why me?
05:39Well, because I'm too tall for them and Jim Bob's too short.
05:41And I'm just lucky, huh?
05:42What's wrong with my knickers?
05:45I can think of a thing or two to say about those knickers.
05:52It's stinging all day.
06:05Please, please.
06:06Go on.
06:07Looks just fine, don't you think, John?
06:09One hundred percent.
06:10Do you think the shoulders are all right?
06:12Perfect, Grandma.
06:13I've got it.
06:14All right.
06:15Excuse me.
06:25Those clothes sure make the difference, don't they?
06:28Sure don't look country.
06:30Oh, Daddy.
06:31Now, if you'll just slip off the trousers, we'll have the cuffs made and you can pick them up tomorrow.
06:37Not before noon.
06:39Mama, you think maybe you could do the cuffs yourself at home?
06:43That's what you like.
06:44Well, if you're not accustomed to making cuffs, it'd be a shame to have these trousers look...
06:50Well, improper.
06:52I can make cuffs and sleeves and shoulders and necks, too.
06:56There's no extra charge for cuffs.
06:58Just wrap them up, please.
07:01Thank you, Mama.
07:06Come on, come on.
07:07Come on.
07:08Now's our chance.
07:14Wait, over here.
07:15There's some handkerchiefs.
07:16Well, he doesn't need a cap.
07:19Here's a tie.
07:21He looks so old in those clothes.
07:24A little bit.
07:25Looks just right for college, though.
07:28Maybe he is, Oz.
07:32Hurry up, man.
07:34$3.98 on the shoes.
07:41$1.98 on the shirt.
07:48$0.98 for the suspenders.
07:51Everybody, put your money over here.
07:52$0.45 on the bow tie.
07:55One, two, three pair of Argyle socks.
08:00Is that it?
08:01That's it.
08:02Here's the money.
08:04Now, that'll be...
08:05Five, six, six, seven, eight, nine, and what?
08:15Yeah, forty.
08:18Forty cents, thank you.
08:19I'll take those.
08:20Thanks very much.
08:24Mama, I really appreciate this.
08:28Sure am proud of the way you look in those things.
08:30Cost a lot of money.
08:31Money well spent, son.
08:33Where is everybody?
08:34Been right here all the time.
08:35Yeah, sure.
08:42Sure won't be sorry to get out of these knickers.
08:46I suppose so.
09:02Can you go get your new clothes?
09:04Here's some Argyle socks!
09:05Argyle socks!
09:11Shirt for me.
09:12And it's blue, and it's broadcloth.
09:14And a new pair of rubber crepes.
09:16Crepe rubbers.
09:17Crepe rubbers, sports shoes for me.
09:20And here's a phone to go with your stupid grin.
09:23Gosh, what am I going to do with you?
09:27Well, all right, all right.
09:29Here's the shirt.
09:32Here you go.
09:36Look at this.
09:37Look at this.
09:39Not half bad, right?
09:41Really nice.
09:43Because they go with the jacket.
09:45Nice, beautiful.
09:46How about that, daddy?
09:47Right answer.
09:48Well, half the girls in college are playing away at your feet.
09:51I reckon so.
09:52It's going to college to learn.
09:54That too.
09:55All right, off to bed now, all of you.
09:57Good night, mama.
09:58Good night, mama.
09:59Good night, mama.
10:00Good night, mama.
10:01Good night, mama.
10:04Good night.
10:05Good night.
10:07Good night, grandpa.
10:10Good night, daddy.
10:11Good night, sweetie.
10:12Good night.
10:14Daddy, can we go out and see how Chance is feeling?
10:18I can tell you how she's feeling.
10:20She can't stand up and she won't eat.
10:23Can't we just see her?
10:26In the morning we'll go look at her first thing, all right?
10:30Come on, off to bed.
10:32Good night.
10:33Good night.
10:42Good night.
10:54What's taking so long?
10:56I don't know, Ben.
10:57I don't know.
11:00I got tired of watching them practice.
11:03How's Chance?
11:04Grandpa's in there with her now.
11:11Daddy said not to go in there.
11:15Don't worry, Jim Bob.
11:16They'll be out soon.
11:26Isn't there something we can do?
11:28She's not really in pain.
11:29Her life's just ebbing away.
11:31Poor old Chance.
11:42We can say well done.
11:44She's been a good, faithful servant.
12:12Good night.
12:34Don't read it now.
12:35Why not?
12:37Tonight, when you're alone.
12:45You know, it sure is going to seem funny not going to that old schoolhouse anymore.
12:49Or seeing Miss Hunter every day.
12:51That's right.
12:53Of course, you're going to be meeting lots of new people at college.
12:56I know.
12:57Everybody at college is going to be new people to me.
12:59Lots of new girls.
13:03I know.
13:05I was just thinking and feeling sort of blue.
13:07Marcia, we're always going to know each other.
13:10I know, but it'll be different.
13:13You know, almost everybody wrote in my autograph book that I was fickle.
13:17Oh, they's just teasing.
13:18They wrote Little Miss Fickle and they rhymed it with nickel and pickle.
13:22Oh, Marcia.
13:23And tickle.
13:24Horace Klinger, right?
13:25Horace Klinger?
13:27He's always writing stupid things all over the place.
13:30Tyler Crawford did it too.
13:32Well, Marcia, the truth is that you have been fickle from time to time.
13:37Wrong times with you.
13:39Now it's too late.
13:41Marcia, will you stop talking like that?
14:26Elizabeth, honey, what's the matter?
14:29I'm never going to love anybody again.
14:32What makes you say a thing like that?
14:35Because it hurts so when they die.
14:38Who died?
15:25What chance do I have?
15:28Old age.
15:33Look another cow, son.
15:59I see no reason whatever.
16:01We can't barter milk from them for the next few days.
16:04It's a good idea, Pa.
16:05Let's go over there and see if we can make ourselves a deal.
16:07We'll do that.
16:08Y'all got something to say about this fix we're in?
16:14The answer is no.
16:16I don't think so.
16:18I don't think so.
16:20I don't think so.
16:21I don't think so.
16:23I don't think so.
16:24I don't think so.
16:25I don't think so.
16:26I don't think so.
16:27The answer is no.
16:28Are you reading my mind?
16:30Appreciate the offer, son, but no deal.
16:33John boy, you are not to consider returning those things.
16:36We'll have none of that.
16:37You're going to college wearing long pants like the rest of them.
16:40Well, will you please tell me what else we're going to do?
16:42We'll save our money until we can buy a cow.
16:44You are not to take those things back to the store.
16:47Daddy, the way this family drinks milk and with what we need for cooking and making bread, what else can we do?
16:53We'll work it out.
16:54John boy, let us try to find another way, all right?
16:58John boy.
16:59Don't worry, I'm just going out to practice my speech.
17:01I'll be back.
17:07Exciting time to begin an enormous journey.
17:11We, the graduating class of 1934, begin this journey inspired by the words of our president.
17:37Hi, John boy.
17:39Can I do something for you?
17:40No, I'm just wandering around.
17:55And now, we find Ma Perkins just where we left her yesterday.
17:59She's had a quarrel with Evie and refused to help Evie's husband, Willie Fitz, in any way.
18:06John boy.
18:07What's happening?
18:08Where's Evie?
18:09I'd appreciate it if you would stop it, please.
18:11Could you turn the radio off?
18:14Ma, what did you say to her?
18:17What's the matter with you?
18:19I don't know.
18:20What did you say to her?
18:22What's the matter with you?
18:25Nothing at all.
18:27Guess I'll get over it in time.
18:30Get over what?
18:34Well, if you really want to know, I'll tell you the truth.
18:38I was kind of hurt that I didn't get an invitation to your graduation.
18:43Ike, you don't need an invitation. You're automatically invited.
18:47No one said anything and I...
18:49Ike Godsey is cordially invited to attend the 1934 graduating ceremonies of the Waltons Mountain School.
18:55Well, Ike Godsey, cordially accepted.
18:57All right, I'm good.
18:59What do you want for a present?
19:02Oh, don't you go doing anything like that.
19:04Oh, no, no, no. I mean, I gotta get you something.
19:07And after all, I've known you since you've been practically a baby.
19:09And I gotta get you something that you'll never forget.
19:12I wanna get you something that marks you down as special in my book.
19:15Oh, you know what? You gotta get yourself a suit.
19:17You know, you can't get graduated in a pair of blue denims or in your knickers.
19:21You gotta get yourself a suit so you'll look like John D. Rockefeller.
19:25It's taken care of, Ike.
19:27Mom and Daddy brought me into Charlottesville and bought me a whole bunch of stuff.
19:30It was a big surprise.
19:35Well, I'm... I'm happy for you.
19:39Even though they did buy it from strangers.
19:44What'd they buy for you?
19:47Beautiful blazer and slacks and...
19:50suspenders, tie, shirt.
20:01Bet you really look like a dude, huh?
20:11Yeah, that's me, all right. A real dude.
20:30Milk, please.
20:31There isn't any.
20:33Water's the next best thing.
20:35Well, we got plenty of that.
20:36Besides, your whole body's made of water anyway.
20:39Not mine.
20:42Mama, can I eat supper over at Loretta's tomorrow night?
20:45Her daddy promised to bring me home after.
20:47What about your homework?
20:48The only reason she wants to eat over there is because they have pictures and pictures of milk on the table.
20:52That's not true.
20:53May I, Mama?
20:56John Boy.
20:57Morning, John Boy.
20:59Well, I guess it's all right as long as you do your homework.
21:03Right, John Boy?
21:04Yes, please.
21:05John Boy, try these peach preserves your grandma's on your bread.
21:09Better than butter.
21:11All right.
21:12Listen, I have a request to make of everybody, okay?
21:14Go ahead.
21:15John Boy, Jim Bob says my body's made of mostly water.
21:18He's right.
21:20During the graduation ceremony, when we march in, I don't want you all to start laughing and giggling.
21:24I mean, it's not going to bother me, but it'll probably hurt Miss Hunter's feelings, all right?
21:29I'll try not to.
21:30Try hard.
21:31There's only one thing, we'll probably be the only ones who aren't laughing.
21:34I won't laugh unless Grandpa tickles me.
21:36But you look so funny.
21:39Anyhow, where are we going to laugh at?
21:41I'll explain later, darling.
21:43Don't you worry, John Boy.
21:44There'll be no giggling.
21:45I'll see to that.
21:46Thank you, Grandma.
21:53Well, last cow I sold brought $25.
21:59$25 is a lot of lumber.
22:01Well, she was a pretty good little milker.
22:08Give you that one for $22.
22:12It's not bad.
22:13Looks a little bit like Chance.
22:16I wasn't expecting to go over $18, though.
22:21Might let her go for $20.
22:24Is she about $4?
22:31Tell you what, Henry.
22:33I'll fix this roof for you.
22:34Past your fence, use my own lumber as a down payment.
22:37It's cash I need, not carpentry, John.
22:42Now, this roof...
22:43It's sadly needin'.
22:45I know.
22:47But I gotta have cash, John.
22:56Now, be careful, Tyler.
22:57Don't worry.
22:58Give me that white flour down there.
23:00Do you think we can do it?
23:01Give me that white flour down there.
23:03Do you think we could put paper from the...
23:06From the basketball room to the...
23:07Let's see how that...
23:08Wait a minute. How do you want me to finish it?
23:13Oh, it is beautiful.
23:15We've gotta put it right in the middle.
23:16Right in the middle of the flour.
23:17Up here?
23:18Oh, here.
23:19It'll look great right up here.
23:26Note you are, John Boy Walton.
23:28You're T-E-A-S-C.
23:29How's that?
23:31I just love what you wrote in my autograph book.
23:33But I'm dying to know how you like what I wrote in yours,
23:35and you're just ignoring me.
23:37Oh, Marcia.
23:39I'm sorry.
23:40I completely forgot, Marcia.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:42So much has been happening.
23:43Everything's turned upside down at the house.
23:44I feel...
23:49I thought for sure Henry Cottle would be willing to make a deal.
23:53Grandma and me will try some other places,
23:54see if anyone can use some extra eggs.
24:17You tell Daddy I'll be home as soon as I find out
24:19what it is the Baldwin sisters want, okay?
24:22All right, sure.
24:26Think of that.
24:27Oh, I like it so much better.
24:28Oh, that's very nice, certainly.
24:30The plaid is good.
24:31Goes good with the trousers, yes.
24:33Why don't you take the blue off and we'll...
24:35Excuse me, sir.
24:36Pardon me.
24:37Could you look around for...
24:38I'll be with you in just a moment.
24:41Yes, that's good.
24:42Yes, very good with the trousers.
24:48Excuse me just a moment.
24:49Yes, what is it?
24:51My name is Walton.
24:52Perhaps you remember me.
24:53My whole family came here a couple days ago
24:54and we bought a suit of clothes.
24:56UK, you want us to do the cuffs after all, huh?
25:01That's all right.
25:02I just have to make a return.
25:04I can't keep the clothes.
25:05What's the matter with it?
25:06Nothing, they're perfect.
25:07They're fine.
25:08I just have to have the money back.
25:09Oh, all sales are final.
25:11I'm sorry.
25:12Take them both, darling.
25:13You know, that's a good idea.
25:14Smart shopper again.
25:15Perhaps I could talk to somebody else about it.
25:18Look, they're in good shape.
25:20I just tried them on once.
25:21I swear, they're clean.
25:22Let me see.
25:23I haven't dirtied them up.
25:25I'll talk to the manager.
25:38No, thank you, ma'am.
25:39I really have to be getting home soon.
25:41The reason we invited you here this afternoon, John Boy,
25:44is because now you are about to graduate from high school.
25:48And go on to college.
25:51Of course, you know that some time ago,
25:53Emily was paid court to by a college man.
25:55Oh, Ashley Longworth.
25:57He was a student, don't you know?
25:59Over at the University of Virginia.
26:01Yes, and you remember that one day Papa saw Ashley kiss Emily.
26:05Under the maple tree.
26:07A swirl of autumn leaves came tumbling down,
26:10and Ashley just got carried away.
26:14And Papa sent him away, and he never came back.
26:16I know.
26:18I'm sorry.
26:20You're going to be a college student.
26:22Quoting poetry and courting the girls.
26:25Yes, ma'am.
26:26And getting carried away.
26:34You've always reminded me of Ashley, John Boy.
26:37His manners and dress were perfect.
26:41Well, almost perfect.
26:45Which brings us to why we invited you to court.
26:49Excuse me.
26:57This is the gift I bought for Ashley all those years ago.
27:01But I never had the chance to present it to him because of his hasty departure.
27:06Now that you're going to be a college man,
27:09I want you to have it, John Boy.
27:12Why, thank you, Miss Emily.
27:15If you wear that, your tie will always be neat and straight.
27:19And set off by the beauty of the pin.
27:22Oh, it is beautiful.
27:25Thank you very much. This is very kind of you.
27:28I really appreciate it. Thank you.
27:30You're very welcome, John Boy.
27:32You will pay careful attention to your appearance.
27:35It's so important when you're in college.
27:38First impressions mean so much.
27:40And they're lustering.
27:42Yes, ma'am.
27:43Oh, this is beautiful.
27:52Miss Mamie, I'll treasure this.
28:13Ah, that bread smells good.
28:15It did until you brought those fish into the house.
28:19I'll have you know that these fish are the tastiest trout ever come out of the Rockfish River.
28:25And one of these days I'm going to have to go fishing with you.
28:28You'll have to bait your own hook.
28:30I'm not afraid of worms.
28:34Won't you two ever stop working? It's getting late.
28:37John Boy, you're beginning to sound old before your time.
28:40I'm Miss Mamie and Miss Emily.
28:42Well, I truly love those old ladies, Mama.
28:46Daddy, this ought to help you buy that new cow.
28:51What did you do, rob Ike's store?
29:03John Boy, I told...
29:08I told you I didn't want you to do that.
29:18Scrimped and saved for John Boy to get through high school and college and...
29:22Well, it just doesn't seem fair.
29:25Well, it doesn't, Liv.
29:26It's wrong for him to have to go to his graduation and to college in those silly old knickers.
29:33Now, honey, what clothes he's wearing isn't really important, is it?
29:36Of course not, but I just wanted him to start everything new.
29:41So did I.
29:43Maybe getting him started was gonna have to be enough.
29:46No. I'll think of something.
29:51How about Zeb's old suit?
29:53Mama, he wanted to wear that suit to be buried in.
29:56Yeah, well, Zeb looks right handsome in that suit, but...
29:59Well, I've said all along it's not right to be wearing tweed when you go to meet your maker.
30:05Well, now, even if you do get his consent, you got time to alter it?
30:10We'll get the girls to do the housework and the cooking and Grandma and I'll do the tailoring.
30:14And knit him a pair of those socks and make a bow tie.
30:17Of course, it won't be perfect, but it'll be close to what they're wearing at college.
30:21Anything's better than those knickers, I'll tell you.
30:35What the devil are you looking at me like that for?
30:39Uh, Zeb, come on. Sit down.
30:45We've, uh, got something to say to you.
30:50Huh? Uh, it's about when you meet your maker.
30:56Young boy, have you seen the big scissors?
30:58Uh, yes, yes, I have. They're in my desk.
31:00Oh, good. Thank you.
31:17I sure have spent a lot of time sitting at this desk.
31:21It's gonna feel awful strange not being here anymore.
31:25Well, I'm sure gonna miss you.
31:30Well, I'll be able to come by and visit from time to time, won't I?
31:35Of course. I'd be delighted to have you call on me whenever you need any help with your college work.
31:40Not that I think you're gonna need any.
31:43Well, I'll always need help from you, Miss Hunter.
31:47Young boy, there is one thing that sort of disappoints me.
31:51Oh, yeah. Step, I'll get it right. I promise.
31:53No, it's not that.
31:56You know, you're the only senior that hasn't asked me to sign his autograph book.
32:01Oh, well, I thought you would think that was silly of me.
32:06Have you got it with you?
32:08Yes, I do.
32:10Right here.
33:00Here you are.
33:05Can I read it?
33:07Of course you can.
33:09And even though the lines aren't original, I want you to know that I truly believe them.
33:13And I hope you do, too.
33:23Heights of great men reached and kept
33:26Were not attained in sudden flight
33:27But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night
33:33You're a talented young man, John Walton
33:35And I will always remember you affectionately
33:38Rosemary Hunter
33:47Are you teacher?
33:50On the hall.
33:52The teacher's out. She'll be back in a minute.
33:55Come here.
33:57Come on. Come on.
34:03Sit here.
34:06I'll tell her.
34:10Her name's Miss Hunter. You'll like her.
34:27Watch out, Elizabeth. Do you want to get burned?
34:30But you promised I could help.
34:32Well, go set the table.
34:34I don't want to set the table.
34:36I just set the table when I was your age.
34:38The plates and the dishes are already out there.
34:40We'll set the table.
34:42Come here, honey.
34:46It sure smells like it.
34:48I can get to the machine as soon as she's asleep. We'll have just enough time.
34:51If you take the waistband off and unfold it, then you can make it wider.
34:54Seems like that's the fashion nowadays.
34:56It's big enough so I can use the extra to make wider lapels.
35:01Can I help, Grandma?
35:03Yes, darling.
35:05Grandpa seems to need some comfort nowadays.
35:13My suit.
35:15I never did like black.
35:17That'll look real good laid out in this tweed.
35:20Keep the vest.
35:21All the seniors are staying at school for an hour or more.
35:24To rehearse for tomorrow.
35:26Good. We'll move upstairs before John boy gets home.
35:28What's for dinner?
35:30You'll find out when you get it.
35:32Stay out of my way.
35:34And I'm not cleaning up after dinner.
35:36I've done my work for today for the whole week.
35:38I'm sorry, but your children are going to have to clean up.
35:40Grandma and I will never finish this if we have to worry about dishes and all.
35:43But, Mama.
35:45We'll be up half the night as it is.
35:47All right, but I want to see your boys disappearing after dinner.
35:49You heard Mama. We have to clean up.
35:51That's awful.
35:53So fatty.
35:55And I don't want to hear any junk about you having to do homework first.
35:57Everybody helps.
35:59Would you leave him alone?
36:49I'm sorry.
37:19Come on, Mama.
37:21That's better than the other one.
37:23Sure better on you than it did on me.
37:25All right, everybody.
37:27Isn't that beautiful?
37:29Look at all those fancy clothes.
37:31Come on.
37:35Wait a minute. Let's get upstairs.
37:37Hey, Rick.
37:49Looks real good on him.
37:53Well, it's just like Christmas this morning.
37:56You sure were surprised.
37:58I tell you, that suit of clothes looks every bit as good as the ones from the store.
38:03Mind you, Grandma did a real good job.
38:06Sure did.
38:10You did a good job in those college clothes.
38:13They'll still know you're a country boy, though.
38:17Yeah, that's true.
38:20You were a country boy at that, which is what you are.
38:25Daddy, I don't believe I've ever heard you talk like this.
38:30Is what I say strike you as being true?
38:34Yes, sir.
38:36You know, when I went in the Army,
38:39I took a lot of joshing about being a country boy on AC.
38:42Same thing will probably happen to you.
38:47I reckon so.
38:49As long as you remember who you are, you'll be all right.
38:53Who am I?
38:55You're the eldest of the Walden children, son.
38:59You're loved and respected by your whole family and by a lot of other people, too.
39:04You're held in high regard by your teacher.
39:09As long as you remember all that, son, you don't have to worry about being called country.
39:16Come on.
39:20Hi, Ben.
39:22Ben, we just got here.
39:24Ben, have you seen where her father came from?
39:27Oh, the smorgasbord.
39:36Hello, ma'am.
39:38Hi, I'm here for you.
39:45It's a matter.
39:47It's a matter.
39:49It's a matter.
39:55Oh, yeah.
39:57Hurry up now, or you're all going to be late. You're going to be late.
40:05Come on, John boy, it's time.
40:08Did you ever think to yourself, this moment is never going to come again?
40:15After this, everything is going to be different for all our time on Earth.
40:19I don't like to think of things like that.
40:22It's happening.
40:26You look just like a college man already in those neat clothes.
40:32I wish you were coming with me.
40:36Did you read what I wrote in your autograph book?
40:39Yes, I did.
40:41Tell me how it went.
40:44How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
40:46You did read it.
40:48I'll never forget it.
40:52Promise you won't forget me?
41:05John boy.
41:09Your graduation present.
41:17That's beautiful, thank you.
41:22Right, good.
41:57Are you ready?
42:50On this commencement day, you are beginning a new life.
42:54And we encourage you and support you in whatever course you may take.
42:59Your teacher and your parents have brought you this far.
43:03And now it is with hope that we send you on your journey.
43:07And I know I speak for your teacher and your parents and friends.
43:10When I say that we are all very, very proud of you.
43:21Thank you, Reverend Ford.
43:23And now I'd like to call on the young man who is our class valedictorian.
43:28And who won the Dabney Scholarship to Boatwright College.
43:32John Walton, Jr.
43:52What an exciting time to be alive.
43:55To be venturing out into the world.
43:58To begin an enormous journey.
44:03We, the graduating class of 1934,
44:06begin this journey encouraged by the words of our president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
44:11who said when he was inaugurated a year ago,
44:15this great nation will endure as it has endured,
44:19will revive, and will prosper.
44:22The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
44:25This is a wonderful day.
44:27A day of hope and promise for me and my fellow students.
44:31A day without fear.
44:36New laws have just been passed to eliminate child labor in factories.
44:41Man's working hours have been shortened and no man can be paid less than the new minimum wage.
44:46It's been a long time since any banks closed down in this country.
44:50And truly, our land is a land of progress and opportunity.
44:54As high school graduates, we will be able to take full advantage of these opportunities.
45:01That we are high school graduates,
45:04we owe to some very special people.
45:07Our parents.
45:09Our fathers have put in hours of back-breaking labor to keep us in school.
45:14And I know that in my house, many winter coats,
45:17my mother went without in order that books could be bought for my schooling.
45:23But above these sacrifices, they have given us their support, their guidance, and their love.
45:29And we are deeply grateful.
45:34There is someone else to whom we owe so very much.
45:38She has given generously of her time and her intelligence.
45:43And of her love for learning.
45:46And it is with sadness that we leave Miss Rosemary Hunter.
45:50But with the promise that we will strive to maintain her high ideals
45:55as we come to this parting of our ways.
46:03This is a landmark that we will never forget.
46:06The day that we, the graduating class of 1934,
46:11set out on the great adventure of our lives.
46:25Everyone please rise.
46:33I know for you are a king.
46:38We could not have known then the great and momentous events
46:41that were to happen in the decades to follow.
46:44But that small school and those teachers like Miss Hunter had prepared us.
46:49And that preparation helped sustain us through those turbulent years,
46:53through war, the death of kings and presidents,
46:57and through those lesser day-to-day experiences
46:59which added together make up the fabric of our lives.
47:06We've been learning so many new things.
47:09Science, biology, foreign languages.
47:12That's what he's going to college for.
47:14Find out what the world's all about.
47:16If John boy learns all those foreign languages,
47:18will we still be able to talk to him?
47:20He probably won't want to talk to us.
47:22You're all talking about me as if I suddenly turned into a different person
47:25and you're making me very nervous.
47:27Don't be nervous.
47:29You're the smartest boy in that whole school.
47:31Mama, please.
47:33All right.
47:35Sleep tight.
47:37Night everyone.
47:41He will be the smartest, I just know it.