La Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF) verse à deux millions de personnes une prime de Noël. Bénéficiaires du RSA, de l’ASS, de l’ACRE… Ils sont nombreux à être concernés. Les retraités pourront-ils la percevoir eux aussi ? Réponse.
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00:30I'm going to go ahead and put this in the oven for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
00:37And then I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven
00:41and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and
00:46I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm
00:51going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going
00:56to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take
01:00it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it
01:03out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of
01:07the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven
01:11and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm
01:15going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going
01:19to take it out of the oven and I'm going to take it out of the oven and I'm going to