• last year
The Square Kilometer Array (SKA), the largest combined radio telescope in the world, is set to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos.
With international collaboration led by China's research institute, it's a project powered by human curiosity to answer fundamental questions about our place in the universe.
#science #astronomy #ska #darkmatter #physics #space #fyp #uap
00:00Look at these telescopes that are picking up signals that have traveled for hundreds of millions of years across the universe
00:08to be picked up and
00:10Captured and which will give us the clues we need to unravel the mysteries of the universe
00:16Because we're trying to detect such weak signals from almost the dawn of the universe
00:21We need a huge collecting area
00:23This guy is a very large international project to build the most sensitive radio telescope ever built
00:29The name comes from the idea of having one square kilometer of collecting area
00:34Chinese colleagues
00:36One of the big areas in which they're involved is the design and construction of the dishes. They have been incredibly innovative
00:45It's diplomacy pulling
00:47countries and governments together to develop an international project, but above all it's driven by
00:54insatiable curiosity of humans to understand our place in the universe
