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#football #footballhighlights #footballlive #footballskills #footballsongs #footballfusion2 #footballkhela #footballedits #footballgames #footballshorts #footballfights #footballhypesongs #footballlivenow #footballhits
00:003, 4, 5, positive, hook it, 7. Tashi, that's such a great touch lad.
00:118, 9, 10. Oh my god, that was sexy. Play.
00:23It's all about detail in this drill, but more importantly I want us to focus on quality of movement.
00:29So the first one, I'm going to keep it really easy. You're going to check in front of the two cones.
00:33You fired it, but I drop it soft. Check shoulder, fire, touch towards the ball.
00:37This touch, I want it in the pocket there. As I take that touch, you move.
00:42Can I play Yorksie's left foot? Positive touch. Move off the ball, Tashi.
00:46Follow your pass. Tashi, you then dribble back to the start.
00:50The next one should already be going. So we get the second ball going.
00:53My challenge to you on the first one is how fast can we get it to Tashi?
00:57All the play in here, movement and touch is going to play a factor in it.
01:00Play. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, good, 7, 8, 9, good, set.
01:09Start this one when he receives it. Now.
01:16Out your feet, eye contact. Good job. All the boys are zipping it.
01:20That's a great touch, son. Out your feet, Tashi.
01:23Good, set. Good, Hilda. Let's go, Yorksie. Fire.
01:29Good, Yorks. Fire. Positive touch. Let's go.
01:33Good, Jack. Out your feet, eye contact. Hook it, hook it.
01:37Recovered it well, Jack. Recovered bad passes well.
01:41Recovered bad passes, bad first touch. Recover them. Set.
01:45Check your shoulders. Check shoulders, guys.
01:48Shoulders as we're waiting. Checking shoulders as we play.
01:51Play, Tashi Ra. Shoulders, shoulders. Fire. Positive touch. Good.
01:56Great recovery. Let's go, play. Set. Fire. Set.
02:01Out your feet. Vamos. Good, Yorks. Good, Tashi.
02:05Play back foot if we can. Boys, you're cooking it on gas now.
02:09Get there, get there, get there, get there. Good.
02:121, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, good, 7, good.
02:18Guys, beautiful. Make your way across to the other side.
02:21Same drill, opposite side.
02:23Take your touch where you want it to go, guys.
02:26OK, let the ball do the work.
02:291, 2, 3, 4, 5, right foot, 6, 7.
02:34Go easy. Speed now. Go, go, go.
02:37Yes. Set. Play. Good. Tidy it up, tidy it up.
02:41Good. Play. Set. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
02:46Positive. Fuck it. 7. Tashi, that's such a great touch, lad.
02:50Good. 5 on this side. Good, don't slow it down, you.
02:53Nice and firm into the board.
02:56Firm into the board. Firm. Yes.
02:59Yes. Good, yes.
03:02Three more, three more. Three good ones, though.
03:05Think about what foot you need to receive it.
03:07Open up your hips here, Yorksy. Open it up.
03:10Good. Get it out your feet. Look at him, look at him.
03:12Positive. Try and receive back of the pole, Tashi.
03:15Drop deep there, Yorksy, to beat that pole.
03:18Beat the pole, beat the pole. Better.
03:20Play. 1. Open up your hips. 2, 3.
03:23Drop that softer, Hilda. Good.
03:26If you're taking extra touches in it, it's too slow.
03:29If you're taking extra touches, it's too slow.
03:32Last one. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
03:40So go slow. 1, 2, 3.
03:44Watch my movement as he takes the touch.
03:46Quick one-twos in here. Set.
03:48Tashi, you come on this side, like support.
03:50Get to the back, Tashi. Now take your touch beyond.
03:53And then we go. OK?
03:56Yari, yara, ya. Move off the ball, Hilda.
03:59Play. Touch. Yara, yara, ya.
04:02Ya, ya. Ya, ya.
04:05Oh, my God, what a start.
04:08Oh, my God, what a start, guys.
04:101, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
04:15Do it. 10. Do it. Gotta work your feet.
04:18Yeah. Play.
04:21Yari, yara. Play. Move. Turn your hips.
04:24Soft, bounce fast. Good, good, good.
04:27Work, Jomsie, work. Good, guys.
04:30Wow, that was a good set.
04:32Short and sharp. Play. Play. Short and sharp.
04:35Good. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
04:38That's probably the best one.
04:40Do it. Good. 1, 2.
04:42Fire it in there, Tashi. Don't slow it down.
04:44Good. Uno, dos, tres.
04:46Oh, boys, boys, we're on gas here.
04:48We're on gas here. Yeah.
04:50Yeah. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
04:53Adjust. 6. Oh, my God, I love it.
04:55I love the improvisation.
04:57I love the recovery. I love it.
04:59Oh, boys, that was so well recovered.
05:03Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:08Yeah. Oh, boys, quality.
05:10Shift it.
05:13Last one. Yorksie.
05:15Unos, dos. Check your shoulder.
05:18Firm pass. Move into it.
05:201, 2.
05:22Tashi Ra. Go away.
05:24Check back in. Drop it soft.
05:27Weetsie. Bang. 1, 2 with Tashi Ra now.
05:30Dribble around the pole. Set. Play.
05:32Dribble around the back of the board.
05:34Two things that's going to make this drill really well.
05:36Three things, three things.
05:38This part, don't pass and wait for the ball to come back to you.
05:41Pass and move forward. Bang. Bang.
05:44As I take that second touch,
05:46it's important that you're just making your way back in.
05:48Now, here's the key part.
05:50Don't bounce it in here. Bounce it underneath.
05:53So then I can absolutely Stephen Gerrard whip it in there.
05:57Now, make sure, Yorksie, this is the final thing,
05:59that you're not getting in there too early.
06:01So wait till the ball travels past you, Yorks,
06:03and then you get underneath it.
06:051, 2. Got it, guys?
06:081, 2, 3, 4,
06:105, 6, 7, 8,
06:129, 10,
06:1411, 12.
06:16Play. 1, 2, 3,
06:184, 5,
06:206, 7, 8.
06:22Johnsy, that is such a good touch.
06:24That bounce pass is so important.
06:27Your second touch, however.
06:29Good. Soft. Good. Firm. Soft.
06:32Johnsy, that is filthy again.
06:34Play. Play. Play. Play.
06:36Yaddy. Yadda.
06:38Done well, Wheatie.
06:39Good. Fire. Fire. Fire.
06:41Good, boys.
06:43That's a proper session, this, isn't it?
06:45It's a proper training session, this.
06:47Oh, Tashy.
06:49Lovely that, lad.
06:50Lovely little reverse pass.
06:52Tashy Gerrard. Tashy Gerrard, they call you around here.
06:55Soft. Firm. Soft.
06:59Soft. Firm. Firm.
07:03Soft. Firm.
07:06Oh, boys, you're all cooking on gas.
07:08You're cooking.
07:10YouTube. YouTube.
07:12Why are you not subscribing?
07:14I know that you're watching this.
07:16I know that you're stealing this drill.
07:19If you're stealing this drill,
07:21you need to hit the subscribe button.
07:23It's free.
07:2570% of you don't subscribe to the YouTube channel.
07:30If you're watching this, subscribe.
07:33It's free.
07:35Hit it. Fire. Body shape.
07:36Good. Set. Play.
07:38Good. Tidy that up, Jomsie.
07:39You need to get lower to the ground, son.
07:411, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
07:47Oh, my God. That was sexy.
07:49Play. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
07:54Don't be the player that's going to mess it up.
07:56Jomsie, that pass is delicious.
07:58Play. 1, 2, 3.
08:00Keep the ball on the ground, Weetzie.
08:02Honestly, we look like a young man sitting here.
08:07Dance. Tread. Absolute pep Guardiola.
08:10Set. Play.
08:12Oh, my days. Yeah. Yeah.
08:14Boys, this is sexy.
08:151, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
08:20Oh, my God. Someone clip this.
08:22Clip it. Get it on Instagram.
08:24Set. Play.
08:26Play. Play.
08:28Last one here, boys. Last one.
08:30Oh, Jomsie. Jomsie.
08:36Set. Set.
08:40Do you enjoy doing them drills?
08:42When you put five players in like that that enjoy doing it,
08:45it's so good, and guess what?
08:47When it comes to your games, the reason why we do all this stuff
08:49is so that you're good in your games.
08:51When it comes to your games, you need that same mindset and attitude in your games.
08:54Don't give the ball away.
08:56I will say it to your face.
08:58I'm only joking. I'm a nice guy, guys.
09:00You can subscribe if you want. I'm just saying.
09:02A lot of you don't subscribe, and I know that you're watching the videos,
09:05and I know that you're stealing the drills.
09:08So the least you can do is just unsubscribe.
09:38We'll see you next time.
