Disney Pushes Marvel's Deadpool & Wolverine for Oscar Gold

  • 19 hours ago
We have some exciting news about the movie Deadpool & Wolverine and its Oscar campaigns. Disney is determined to push this Marvel Studios film into contention with major awards groups. Firstly, the film will be submitted for consideration at the Golden Globes in the comedy categories. Ryan Reynolds's performance as Deadpool, will be vying for one of the six spots in the actor, comedy or musical category. Then, in a surprising move, Hugh Jackman's return as Wolverine, will be positioned in the supporting actor races across all key awards shows, including the Oscars! Jackman's portrayal of the beloved mutant has always been a fan favorite, and it's great to see him getting recognition in the awards season. It's clear that Deadpool & Wolverine has set its sights on adding some awards gold to its already colossal box office haul. With strong performances, entertaining humor, and impressive technical achievements, the film has positioned itself as a serious contender in the upcoming awards season.
