• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:26It all comes down to this final toss
00:28for the young echidna from Angel Island.
00:30He'll need a score of four to take the championship.
00:36Can he do it?
00:38Can he score a four?
00:39The crowd is on their feet.
00:41Can you get on with it already?
00:48Three coconuts is not quite four.
01:01They've done it!
01:02They've achieved the impossible!
01:04The team of Knuckles and Sonic
01:06has bested the team of Sonic and Knuckles!
01:09Wait a minute.
01:11You were playing against yourselves?
01:13No. Weren't you listening?
01:15We beat Sonic and Knuckles.
01:17In your face, Sonic and Knuckles!
01:27Behold, rodents!
01:29Prepare to face the most fearsome destructive force
01:32ever to grace this or any other world!
01:41It'll be just a minute.
01:43Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.
01:49Your doom is coming, I assure you.
01:55Ah! Here it is now!
01:58This is...
02:09It's a cow.
02:11It's a cow-bot.
02:13What? What's so funny?
02:15Cow-Bot? That has to be the lamest thing you've ever come up with.
02:19Not true. There was Spoon-Bot, Cry-Bot, Math-Bot.
02:23Oh, and who can forget Lame-Bot?
02:25Wait, what am I saying?
02:28Forgot about that one.
02:29My breakfast is plotting to kill me.
02:33Oh, time to move my laundry to the dryer.
02:36I leave you in Cow-Bot's capable hooves.
02:40Okay, guys, let's destroy this thing
02:42so we can get back to Coconut Hurl.
02:44Oh, did I mention that Cow-Bot is filled with Mutonium,
02:47a pun-based radioactive compound?
02:49If you destroy him, he'll vaporize everything in a 20-mile radius.
03:01He's firing quake missiles!
03:13My record!
03:16If we can't smash that thing, what can we do?
03:19Looks like there's an access panel on top.
03:22If I can get to it, maybe I can reprogram Cow-Bot.
03:25Time to tip this cow.
03:27I'll distract him.
03:37Any day now, guys.
03:46I mean, three!
04:03That should do it.
04:07Or not.
04:21Uh, Tails? What's going on?
04:23Not sure. Its original program was to destroy Sonic.
04:27So, since I reversed it...
04:29It's going after Eggman! Classic!
04:32No, it's not classic. It's awful!
04:36That thing's a killing machine,
04:38and if it explodes, no more Eggman!
04:41And on laundry day? Not cool, Sonic.
04:44Ugh, fine. I'll go warn him.
04:47Tails, you come with me and bring your science stuff.
04:50You got it, Sonic.
04:51And while you're there, ask him how he gets out grass stains.
04:54His whites are always so white.
05:02Tails, wait here.
05:03Who knows what kind of crazy defenses Eggman has.
05:08Huh, nothing. You'd think you'd know a villain.
05:12Oh, I wasn't expecting company.
05:15Yeah, I figured that out.
05:17Uh, don't you have some kind of defense system? And pants?
05:21Funny story. I used parts from my defense system
05:24to make the cowbot I sent to destroy you.
05:26How'd that work out, by the way?
05:28Tails reprogrammed it.
05:29It's not working.
05:30It's not working.
05:31It's not working.
05:32It's not working.
05:33It's not working.
05:34It's not working.
05:35It's not working.
05:36It's not working.
05:37Anyway, Tails reprogrammed it and now it's on its way here
05:39to destroy you instead.
05:40So, good luck with all that. Toodles.
05:42But you can't just leave me here without my defenses.
05:44I'd be... eh... what's the word?
05:48Do you need us to bring your defense systems back online?
05:51Nah, I'm good.
05:52Unless you've activated Cowbot's Stage 2 directive,
05:54then my defenses would be useless.
05:56That's not that whole red-eyes thingy, is it?
05:58Yeah, how'd you know?
05:59Lucky guess.
06:00The only way to stop Cowbot
06:02is to upgrade Eggman's defense system.
06:04You do that for me? After all the terrible, yet totally justified, things I've tried to do to you?
06:10Good thing I told you to bring your science stuff, huh, Tails?
06:14You start working on Eggman's defenses. I'll gather up parts. And Eggman, put on some pants.
07:02Okay, when Cowbot comes in range, Eggman will lower the force field.
07:05I'll zap Cowbot with the freeze ray, and Tails, you fly over and disarm it.
07:11All right. Let's rock!
07:13Ha ha!
07:17Let's butcher this bovine!
07:27I think we have some time.
07:29You wanna go inside? I got cocoa!
07:33That is some interesting cocoa.
07:36Wanna guess my secret ingredient?
07:38If he says love, I'm outta here.
07:40Hmm. Is it nutmeg?
07:42Close! It's actually a tablespoon of garlic powder.
07:45That explains the texture.
07:48Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Coaster! What, were you raised in a barn?
07:57Wanna guess the secret ingredient?
07:59Nope. Love! Just kidding, it's garlic.
08:02And I thought he was annoying when he was just trying to destroy us.
08:07Don't go in there! It's a trap!
08:10Can you believe she went in there?
08:12Yeah, and after you warned her and everything.
08:16So what do you guys do for fun?
08:18Here we are at the Coconut Hurl Grand Championship.
08:21Sonic the Hedgehog will be tossing his arch rival, Dr. Eggman.
08:25Let's join the game. Already in progress.
08:30Ooh, that's going to be a penalty.
08:35Hey, I've got an idea!
08:41They've done it! A new record!
08:49We've been up forever. When is Cowbot gonna get here?
08:52You're so impatient, Sonic. Sometimes you gotta slow down and enjoy life.
08:57Here, have a roasted marshmallow.
09:01Sticky, but good.
09:03Really good.
09:04I never get to do stuff like this with Orbot and Cubot. Marshmallows always gunk up their circuitry.
09:09Yeah, that's the problem with having no real friends.
09:12Yeah. Hey, you know who I hate? That Dave the Intern, am I right?
09:16I never gave him that much thought.
09:18Are there any more marshmallows?
09:20Hey, Sonic, bro to bro, what's up with you and Amy?
09:28Wake up! Wake up!
09:32Engage all defense systems!
09:34Turning off the force field.
09:39I'm having some trouble here.
09:43This thing's all gunked up. My hands are sticky from the marshmallows.
09:46It's game over, man. Game over!
09:52If they gunk up our machinery, they'll gunk up Cowbot's, too.
09:55But how are we gonna reach the access panel?
09:57Ready, aim, fire!
10:06I said aim.
10:08Oh, was that meant for me?
10:10Ready, aim, fire!
10:15It worked!
10:16That's the beauty of teamwork.
10:18Not teamwork, my master plan!
10:21I tricked you into helping me upgrade my security system.
10:25Now you're gonna have to do it again.
10:27I'm not gonna do it again.
10:29I'm gonna do it again.
10:31That's right.
10:33I'm gonna do it again.
10:35I'm gonna do it again.
10:37I'm gonna do it again.
10:39I'm gonna do it again.
10:41I'm gonna do it again.
10:43I upgraded my security system. Now I can use your own tech against you.
10:47Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?
10:59I really need to stop doing that thing where I gloat and explain exactly what you need to do to stop me.
11:04Our work here is done. Come on, Tails.
11:09Dr. Eggman? May we come out now?
11:13Ooh, marshmallows!
