Short filmTranscript
01:32Pájaro soñador.
01:39Sí, gracias. Hasta luego.
01:42Zanem, ¿averiguaste algo?
01:45No, el proyecto aún no está listo. Están en eso.
01:48Bueno, cuando esté listo, tráemelo.
01:50Está bien.
01:52Tenían que haber enviado el archivo hoy.
01:56Es que se está complicando.
01:59No puedo accesar a los datos. Esto es un caos. No está funcionando.
02:05¿Qué ocurre?
02:06Se cayó el sistema.
02:08¿Qué sucede? ¿Por qué no funcionan los ordenadores?
02:11Yeye, repórtalo.
02:12Ya voy.
02:13Y tú, la nueva.
02:15¿Cómo sea? No es momento para eso.
02:17Ve al archivo y tráeme los documentos antiguos que tengamos de la compañía aérea.
02:25Me llamo, Zanem.
02:26Lo sé.
02:28Claro, todos se conectan al sistema al mismo tiempo y se colapsa.
02:31¿Cuándo aprenderán a trabajar correctamente?
02:42Qué bueno verte por aquí.
02:52¿Qué? ¿No piensas hablarnos?
02:54Qué bárbaro.
02:58Sigue sin hablar, ¿no?
03:00Sí, no hay manera.
03:02Oye, papá, estuve revisando la contabilidad de la tienda.
03:05Está terrible.
03:06¿La contabilidad?
03:07Es una simple tienda de abarrotes.
03:09Simple o no, da lo mismo.
03:11Zanem hizo un desastre aquí, papá.
03:13Ese irresponsable le fiaba a todo mundo.
03:15Oye, ¿cómo que irresponsable?
03:17Zanem es tu hermana.
03:18Habla bien de ella.
03:20Pero, papá, escúchame.
03:22Todo está escrito en el cuaderno.
03:24Mira esto.
03:26¿Qué es eso?
03:28Oye, todo está escrito en el cuaderno.
03:31Mira esto.
03:33Le debes mucho dinero a los proveedores.
03:35Cuarenta mil y lo subrayaste.
03:37¿Qué hay con esa deuda?
03:39Esa deuda, bueno, quedó saldada.
03:42Ya la pagué.
03:43No le debemos nada a nadie.
03:45Quédate tranquila, hija.
03:47Ah, por cierto, tengo que salir un momento, Leila.
03:50Mientras arregla esos estantes.
03:52No tardaré.
03:53Nos vemos.
03:58Ahora ordenar los estantes.
04:01¿Yeyey, dónde está mi café?
04:03Aquí tienes.
04:04¿Y mi agenda semanal?
04:05También está lista.
04:07¿Y la nueva, Yeyey?
04:08La nueva también está aquí, mira.
04:10Señorita Deren, tengo los documentos que me solicitó.
04:16Ah, los diseños.
04:20¿Y esto?
04:22Están hechos a mano.
04:24Señorita Deren, dado que el sistema no funciona,
04:26los diseñadores tuvieron que trabajar a mano, y mire.
04:28Ay, qué lindo.
04:29Estamos en la edad de piedra.
04:32¿Qué diseños son estos?
04:34Parecen dibujos de bebé.
04:41Reúne al departamento creativo.
04:42Y tú, la nueva, deja los documentos en mi oficina.
04:45Y dale con lo mismo.
04:59¿Son estos?
05:01¿Qué pasa?
05:03Las computadoras no funcionan.
05:05¿Tratas de sabotear la empresa, eh?
05:08Las están examinando para saber si hay alguien que envía correos a Elin.
05:12Pronto volverán a funcionar.
05:14Justo a tiempo, ¿verdad?
05:16Tenemos que terminar el proyecto de la campaña aérea.
05:19Lo sabes, ¿verdad?
05:23Ocúpate de lo tuyo.
05:25Yo me encargo del resto.
05:29Buena suerte.
05:42Halil, alimentos al por mayor.
05:46Te dejo a cargo del almacén y no haces nada, en lo absoluto.
05:50Siempre estás holgazaneando, muchacho.
05:52¡Ya me tienes harto! ¡Todo el almacén está desordenado!
05:56¡Mira! ¡Está así desde ayer! ¡Esas son las entregas nuevas y siguen ahí!
06:00¡Tienes que moverlas! ¡Eres un vago!
06:03¡Ya me tienes harto! ¡Primero el trabajo y luego la paga!
06:08Hola, buenos días.
06:10Buenos días, ¿qué tal?
06:11Bien, gracias. Estoy buscando al señor Halil.
06:13¿No está por aquí?
06:15Yo soy su socio. ¿Qué quiere?
06:16Ah, ¿en serio? Es que le debo dinero a Halil.
06:19El tendero. Quería pedirle más tiempo para devolvérselo.
06:23Un par de días. Estoy esperando una respuesta del banco.
06:26No podemos cambiar las fechas de pago.
06:29Ya le hemos dado mucho tiempo, señor.
06:32Pero si acepta, podría recomendarle a un prestamista que trabaja para nosotros.
06:38¿Un prestamista?
06:40Déjeme pensarlo. Yo le avisaré.
06:45Que tenga un buen día.
06:47Gracias. Igualmente.
06:57Ay, no podría explicártelo. Revisé la mesa y no tenía polvo.
07:01Y la mesa de café también estaba limpia.
07:04Luego sacó unos platos y estaban todos cubiertos de polvo.
07:07¿No es verdad?
07:08Y sacó directo del armario a la mesa y...
07:10Bueno, Melat, hablamos más tarde.
07:12Sí, claro.
07:19¿Qué tanto es lo que te decía esa mujer sobre mí?
07:22Tonterías. Nada serio. Solo son chismes de esa mujer.
07:26Ya sabes que a mí no me agradan los chismes. Te lo ruego, no me obligues, por favor.
07:30Melat, no me hagas enojar.
07:34Estaba hablando sobre ese tema que tanto te preocupa.
07:38Es algo delicado, pero tú nunca has dado de qué hablar y lo sabes.
07:43Algo así me dijo, pero no es importante, no prestes atención.
07:46Es mejor que lo olvides.
07:47¿Qué te dijo?
07:48No es nada, Mevkive.
07:49¿Qué te dijo?
07:50Bueno, sobre eso.
07:51¿Qué te dijo?
07:52Bueno, si insistes, te lo voy a contar, ¿está bien?
07:55Ahí te va.
07:56Dice que eres una mujer muy desordenada y dijo que tu hija es igual a ti.
08:01Que tienes la casa muy sucia.
08:03Me contó que la última vez que estuvo en tu casa,
08:05los platos que llevaste a la mesa estaban cubiertos de polvo.
08:08Dice que nunca limpiaste tu casa y se pregunta
08:10cómo es que tu esposo sigue contigo.
08:12Dice que no puede hablar de todo el desorden.
08:14Que no lo puede entender.
08:15Que parece que eres alérgica al agua y al jabón.
08:17Este tipo de cosas.
08:18Ya podrás imaginarlo.
08:21¿En serio?
08:24Yo que soy la mujer más limpia y ordenada y meticulosa de esta ciudad.
08:30Además, todo el mundo lo sabe.
08:32¿Cómo se atreve a decirlo?
08:34No prestes atención.
08:35No lo tomes en serio.
08:36Esa mujer no sabe de lo que habla.
08:38Te conozco desde hace años y vivimos en el mismo barrio.
08:41¿Qué intentas? Mejor ignórala.
08:50Ahora revisan todas las computadoras.
08:53Ya no sé qué hacer.
08:55Me volveré loco.
08:56Cálmate, mi amor.
08:58No hay rastro de nuestros correos.
09:00Aún no me envías nada sobre la campaña.
09:02Ya están trabajando en ella.
09:04¿Pero cómo te la voy a enviar? No estoy seguro.
09:06¿La chica a la que le diste dinero no te ayuda?
09:09Lo está intentando.
09:13Te devuelvo la llamada.
09:16Zanem, Jan comenzará una reunión pronto.
09:19Deren presentará el proyecto.
09:21Tú ve y presta atención.
09:22Después vienes y me cuentas todo al respecto, ¿te parece?
09:25Ah, está bien.
09:27Disculpe, ¿puedo hacerle una pregunta?
09:30¿Qué insinuaba cuando dijo que el señor Jan estaba saboteando la empresa?
09:35Ven, siéntate.
09:46Mi hermano...
09:48Mi hermano quiere vender la empresa e irse.
09:52Voy a dejar el negocio por un tiempo.
09:54Organicemos otros trabajos para los empleados.
09:56Resolveré el problema.
09:58Cualquier cosa, llámame.
10:01Pero tú puedes ayudarme.
10:04Mi padre no valora mis años de trabajo y nombró a mi hermano como jefe.
10:10En vez de a mí, confía en él, pero no conoce sus intenciones.
10:16Zanem, tienes que ayudarme.
10:19Debemos evitar que Jan consiga nuevos proyectos.
10:22Es por el bien de la empresa.
10:28Si el señor Jan vende la empresa, ¿por qué acepta nuevos proyectos?
10:33Porque quiere que suban las acciones de la empresa en el mercado de valores.
10:40Jan lo hará durante un par de meses para obtener ganancias en el negocio.
10:44¿Mercado de valores? No sé qué quiere decir.
10:50Te lo diré.
10:52Hay que mantenernos estables y evitar que mi hermano traiga nuevos proyectos a la agencia.
10:58Está bien. Lo haré.
11:01No tengo más remedio. Le debo mucho dinero.
11:07Tengo una pregunta más que hacerle.
11:11Y sobre mi hermana está desesperada.
11:15Yo también.
11:17Pero te lo prometo, ella volverá a la agencia.
11:23Muchas gracias.
11:25Zanem, ve a la reunión ahora y averigua todo lo que puedas.
11:30Está bien. No se preocupe.
12:02Disculpen, ¿me dejan pasar?
12:07¿Pueden dejarme pasar, por favor?
12:09Háganse a un lado, Mironas.
12:12No sé qué tanto están viendo.
12:13Si no compran nada, lo mío sí es importante.
12:16Hermano, ¿puede salir un momento?
12:19Ya voy. ¿Te encargas?
12:21Vamos a pasar, con permiso.
12:24Los clientes son lo primero, claro.
12:30¿Qué pasó?
12:33Caminemos un poco más.
12:40Hermano, ¿me prestas dinero?
12:43¿Para qué?
12:44Quiero crear una página en Internet.
12:46Es muy importante.
12:47Si todo sale bien, y sé que así será,
12:49te prometo que podrás dejar de trabajar.
12:51¿Es otra de tus locuras?
12:53Pues, ¿qué quieres que haga?
12:54Mira, he solicitado trabajos para redes sociales,
12:57pero por desgracia no valoran mi creatividad.
12:59Otra vez no tienes trabajo.
13:01No estoy desempleada.
13:02Solo tengo intereses diferentes en otros campos, ¿sabes?
13:05Por ejemplo, tener mi propio sitio de Internet.
13:07Tengo muchos seguidores y luego ganaré dinero, por supuesto,
13:11con los anuncios y todo eso.
13:13Hola, Osman.
13:14Hace mucho que no venías por aquí.
13:16Es que ya no consumo carne, ahora soy vegana.
13:20¿Vegana? ¿Por qué?
13:21A lo mejor vive todo el tiempo en estado vegetativo,
13:24querido hermano.
13:26Qué graciosa eres.
13:28Hasta luego, Osman.
13:34Yo carnicero y ella vegana.
13:37Qué pareja.
13:38Ay, mira nada más.
13:40Con lo apuesto que eres, hermano,
13:42y con ese cuerpo que tienes,
13:44puedes ligarte a cualquier chica
13:46y no fijarte en la flaca presumida esa.
13:50¿Me prestas el dinero?
14:08Pero es la última vez.
14:10Sí, gracias.
14:16Muchas gracias, hermanito.
14:18Eres el mejor de verdad.
14:49Eso dolió.
14:55¿Estás bien?
14:56Señor Can.
14:57¿Estás bien?
15:00Ah, sí, bien.
15:02A ver.
15:03No fue nada.
15:04Creo que estoy bien.
15:06Es que currí para no llegar tarde a la reunión, señor Can.
15:10No tienes que asistir.
15:11Es una reunión para la campaña.
15:14¿En serio?
15:16Ya veo.
15:17Entonces me voy.
15:19¿Segura que estás bien?
15:21Eso espero.
15:22Muchas gracias.
15:24¿Me puedo quedar con tu té?
15:29¿Quieres un poco?
15:30Pues quédeselo.
15:37No es nada.
15:38Podemos seguir.
15:39¿Dónde estábamos?
15:40De acuerdo.
15:41Yo empezaré.
15:44¿Y ahora qué hago?
15:59A ver.
16:08Ya te puedes ir.
16:10Por la salida 3.
16:13with eight emergency exits.
16:15Gullis, Gullis, understood.
16:17You can go now.
16:19For exit three.
16:32Let's see, guys.
16:33What was that?
16:35Do we sell security recording?
16:38Can you explain to me
16:39why we focus on security measures?
16:41Finally, what is the campaign about?
16:44Do our planes crash?
16:46The client asked for it.
16:48Deryn, we'll talk later.
16:50Is that all you could do last night with the team?
16:53It's no use to me at all.
16:56I need suggestions.
16:58Don't you have an idea?
17:06Mr. Yan.
17:12We'll combine more photographs for the campaign.
17:16Open a hand and on it,
17:18the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids,
17:20the London Bridge, and our plane.
17:22The slogan would be,
17:24the world is in our hands.
17:28Yes, work on that.
17:30But it's a general plan, Yan.
17:32We may not succeed.
17:34We need a model.
17:36Deryn, I'll take care of it.
17:38Don't show it to anyone.
17:39Send me the draft.
17:40Make it as soon as possible.
17:56Come in.
17:59What happened to your head?
18:00Oh, it's nothing.
18:02I couldn't make it to the meeting,
18:03so I don't have any information
18:04about the campaign for you.
18:06I told you to leave.
18:07Why didn't you come in?
18:08Mr. Emre,
18:09I'm just the messenger girl
18:10that I can understand
18:11in creative meetings.
18:12And besides,
18:13the gentleman didn't let me in.
18:17I'm going out.
18:18I'll go to the press.
18:19Brother, send someone
18:20to do it, okay?
18:21No, I can't trust anyone
18:22and we're late.
18:23It has to be tomorrow.
18:24And what are you going to do there
18:25until tomorrow?
18:27Take Sanem.
18:29What's up with you?
18:30She has photographic memory.
18:34You're coming with me.
18:38I don't know anything about that.
18:43Let's do it.
18:44I'll wait for you outside.
18:47What am I going to do there?
18:48I don't know anything about press.
18:50Hey, just go with Kan.
18:51Take pictures of the campaign
18:52and send them to me.
18:53It's simple.
18:54I don't know how I'll do it.
19:07Where are you going?
19:11I was going to...
19:16It's a motorcycle.
19:19Is there a problem?
19:23I'd open it.
19:24Get in.
19:28I'll get in.
20:02Hold on.
20:04Hold on tight.
20:11I'm scared!
20:35I'm scared!
21:07Are you scared?
21:08Not at all.
21:10Of course not.
21:11Why should I be?
21:37What's wrong?
21:38We're here.
21:40Let's go around again.
21:42No, no, no, no.
21:51Are you okay?
21:52Yes, I am.
21:54I thought I was going to die.
21:56What, you want to kill me?
21:58Last night was pretty scary,
22:00and you know what?
22:01If you want, I can throw myself on the floor
22:03and run over with your damn motorcycle.
22:06And we'll all be happy.
22:08How do I take this off?
22:09Leave it to me.
22:10No, I can.
22:11Come on, leave it to me.
22:21Stop acting like a little girl.
22:23Who, me?
22:25And what do you want?
22:26I can't do anything right.
22:27Is that insinuating?
22:28I'm useless.
22:29I didn't want to come here.
22:31My boss told me to.
22:34Then come in and do your job.
22:58What about the posters?
22:59We have 20 copies.
23:00The next ones will be ready in an hour.
23:02This way.
23:03Thank you, Smith.
23:04Wow, what a surprise.
23:06How are you, friend?
23:07Very well.
23:08And you, how are you?
23:09Very well.
23:10It's a pleasure.
23:11Hi, I'm Sanem.
23:12My name is Akira.
23:13Nice to meet you.
23:15Well, come on in.
23:16Would you like a drink?
23:17We'll have tea.
23:18I don't want to.
23:19You don't want to?
23:20She doesn't want to.
23:22Well, I'll have a cup of tea.
23:24Whatever you like.
23:25But come in.
23:28How's it going?
23:29Very well, thankfully.
23:30But tell me, when did you get here?
23:31Three cups of tea.
23:32A couple of days ago.
23:33And why didn't you call me?
23:34You should have.
23:36I just got here.
23:38Well, that's an excuse.
23:40This man was always the same.
23:42You have to be patient.
23:43I like the way he is.
23:49He and I were schoolmates.
23:51Didn't he tell you about me?
23:53Metin, Jan and I were inseparable.
23:55And he was the craziest student at Galatasaray University.
23:59It was a case in point.
24:01Tell him.
24:07I said I didn't want tea, but I really like it.
24:10Well, enjoy.
24:14Jan is crazy.
24:15But if it weren't for him,
24:17I'd be living miserably on the street right now.
24:21Okay, I won't say anything else.
24:23Well, what about you two?
24:26Do you have any wedding plans?
24:30Well, I don't have any plans.
24:32I don't like making long-term plans.
24:34Maybe next time.
24:37Oh, really?
24:39I saw the ring and I thought you two
24:42might already know that you'd be engaged.
24:45Zanem works at the company.
24:47In fact, we came to print a job.
24:49Of course.
24:50So you didn't come to see me just for work.
24:52I'll visit you another day.
24:54But I have the machines busy.
24:57We can't stop.
24:59And we close in an hour.
25:01You can't do it.
25:02I need it for tomorrow.
25:03We'll be here all night.
25:07Okay, fine.
25:08Wait here.
25:09I can't do it right now,
25:11but I promise I'll take care of it in an hour.
25:13We'll wait.
25:14Zanem, you know,
25:15all my life I've only envied one person.
25:18Because we've all sat down
25:20with their adventures.
25:21They've traveled all over the world.
25:23Asia, America, Africa.
25:25No one could stop them here.
25:27They live like birds.
25:29Like albatrosses.
25:35Are you okay?
25:37Let's go for a ride.
25:39You want to?
25:40Come with me.
25:41Okay, yes.
25:42Of course.
25:44Are you okay?
25:45Yes, I'm fine.
25:46I'll see you later.
25:48See you later.
25:49You know, daughter,
25:50I'm afraid of your mother's silence.
25:52I'm afraid too.
25:54Maybe she missed us,
25:55and when we get there,
25:56she'll talk to us again.
25:57I hope so, my daughter.
25:58I hope so.
26:08what happened here?
26:11I don't know, Dad.
26:12There's foam all over the house.
26:15The house is flooded!
26:31What happened to you, Mevkive?
26:34But Mom, what's wrong?
26:36I told you that obsession with cleaning
26:38would one day get us in trouble.
26:40Help me, daughter.
26:41Hurry up.
26:42Close the door.
26:43Come and hold your mother.
26:44Let's take her to the balcony.
26:45Help me.
26:46Wait, wait, woman.
26:50Don't slip.
26:51The poor thing will be exhausted.
26:53Slowly, Mevkive.
26:54Let's take her outside, daughter.
26:56Holy Mother.
26:57Very good, Mevkive.
26:58Look how much foam.
26:59How pretty she is.
27:00Be careful.
27:01Be careful.
27:04Walk slowly.
27:05Let's go.
27:15Since when do you drive a motorcycle?
27:17I've always done it.
27:22Are you hungry?
27:23Oh, yes. I'm starving.
27:27What are you laughing at?
27:29The women I know in Istanbul are never hungry.
27:31And they don't drink tea either.
27:32They don't drink tea?
27:34What kind of women are those?
27:38Come with me.
27:39Follow me.
28:02What a beautiful place.
28:05Yes, it is.
28:09Let's go.
28:39There are hundreds of birds in the sky
28:44Embrace your dreams
28:48Fly, come on, fly
28:53The pigeon on the wire
28:55The rag on the road
28:57The baygın on my shoulders
28:59Good morning to you
29:01The fiddler on the song
29:03The aunt on the window
29:05The sleepless lover
29:07Good morning to you
29:09La, la, la, la, la
29:11La, la, la, la, la
29:14La, la, la, la, la
29:16La, la, la, la, la
29:18La, la, la, la, la
29:20La, la, la, la, la
29:22La, la, la, la, la
29:24What's up? Did the power go out?
29:26Unfortunately, yes. We don't have electricity.
29:28What bad luck.
29:30We can't be late.
29:32Did you ask for the reason?
29:34Mrs. Kiv, there's a problem with the transformer.
29:37It'll be ready in an hour.
29:39What do we do? Find another printer?
29:41Where am I going at this hour?
29:44I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do.
29:47It's a shame.
29:59Do you have your father's recording machine?
30:01Yes, but I don't know if it works. It hasn't been used in years.
30:04I'll take care of it. Where is it?
30:06It's a useless and old machine.
30:07Maybe it'll be better than us.
30:09Where is it? Show me.
30:11It's in there. Let's go.
30:22Do you have enough candles, or should I ask for more?
30:24No, that's fine.
30:26Thank you. There are also the lamps.
30:28All right.
30:31Da, da, da, da.
30:37Da, da, da, da.
30:48Do you like it?
30:50A lot.
30:55What do you like?
30:57It looks old.
31:01Do you have copper sheets?
31:03Of course.
31:05You're a strange man.
31:08I don't think it'll work, but here.
31:10Yes, it will.
31:12Bring me ink and a clean rag.
31:25Hey, Mom, you've cooked a lot.
31:28Why did we prepare so much food today?
31:32It's okay. I'll put it all here.
31:36When will you talk to us again?
31:38I miss you.
31:44It can't be.
31:46Uh-oh, that woman has aged a lot.
31:49Nothing to do with what it was.
31:55Dad, Mom says that women clean the house, cook,
31:59and also work outside,
32:01and they also have to look charming.
32:02Well, no.
32:04What does that mean?
32:06Did I do something wrong?
32:08Is that what she's telling you?
32:10Let's see.
32:12Yes, I understood it perfectly.
32:14She also says that woman has sacrificed her entire life
32:18for that man.
32:20But, Mom, you don't understand.
32:22They're newlyweds.
32:24Uh, I'd better go to bed.
32:26Yes, go to bed, Nyat.
32:28Dad, Mom.
32:30But, Yablo, did you hear that?
32:32Welcome, Dad.
32:34What do you mean, welcome?
32:36No welcome, Nyat.
32:38Go to bed.
32:40And have sweet dreams.
32:42Maybe you dream of well-dressed women.
32:44I don't have much time to take care of myself.
32:46I've spent too much time taking care of this house
32:48and this family.
32:53I'm going to bed.
32:55Good night, Dad.
32:57I was just watching TV
32:59and now you're almost asking for a divorce, Mom.
33:01You stay out of our business.
33:03Where's Anem?
33:07How can she work more than you?
33:09I don't understand, no.
33:11Because the position she was given
33:13is far less than mine.
33:15That's why she has to work harder than me, Mom.
33:18What are you doing?
33:20Do it right.
33:24I don't want to be criticized.
33:26I don't want to be criticized.
33:56I don't want to be criticized.
34:27You look great, friend.
34:31I'll go get the folders ready.
34:33Good job.
34:39I want to ask you something.
34:41Are there invitation cards for the 40th anniversary?
34:44Yes, there are.
34:46I want to ask you something.
34:48Are there invitation cards for the 40th anniversary?
34:50Yes, there are.
34:52I want to ask you something.
34:54I want to ask you something.
34:56Are there invitation cards for the 40th anniversary?
35:00How did you notice?
35:02Of course you have one.
35:12That night with the famous Albatrozz.
35:17Thank you very much.
35:23You're always like that.
35:26Just like you.
35:28What do you mean?
35:32Do you really want to know who Albatros is?
35:35I don't know.
35:40Excuse me.
35:52Is there a problem?
35:56It's a message from my fiancé.
35:59He's worried. It's not important.
36:09It's late. You should go home. Call a cab.
36:12But I still have things to do. Can I stay?
36:15No need.
36:17Mr. Jan, did I do something wrong?
36:19Did I say something I shouldn't have?
36:21I don't understand.
36:23Come on. Go home.
36:25It's late. I don't need you.
36:27Don't you understand?
36:30Fine. As you wish.
36:33I'm going to check something inside. Good night.
36:36Good night.
36:53Good night.
37:13The pictures are here.
37:15Sanem did a great job. I'm surprised.
37:23You've been talking a lot about Sanem lately.
37:26I don't like that.
37:27Don't be silly. She's my employee.
37:29I was, too.
37:35Your brother's gone mad. He did a gray recording.
37:39But why?
37:41Don't copy the whole project, okay?
37:43Make changes. No problem.
37:46Don't worry. Besides...
37:48It's not a big campaign.
37:51It can't be Jan's idea.
37:53It's probably Deren's.
37:54You think you can finish it by tomorrow?
37:56Well, it won't be perfect, but I'll try to improve it.
38:00I'll present it before your brother.
38:04Let's expand the business.
38:06And we'll organize a team for you.
38:08If we could keep that campaign...
38:11They'd pay us a lot of money.
38:13We'd put together a team.
38:15And we wouldn't need Sanem.
38:17Are you jealous of her, honey?
38:46What are you doing ironing at this hour?
38:48That TV is synthetic.
38:50Well, I see it wrinkled.
38:52They're curtains.
38:53And they have to be ironed.
38:55Because they also wrinkle.
39:00You're talking.
39:02Were you mad at me?
39:04For saying nonsense?
39:06At this moment, I'm worried about other things, daughter.
39:09I can't be upset with you.
39:11I couldn't.
39:14You think I don't take care of myself?
39:16I have...
39:17A lot of wrinkles.
39:19Hangy skin.
39:21And all that.
39:22They say I'm crazy.
39:24If they saw you.
39:26Who says?
39:28Are you crazy?
39:30Don't worry.
39:31They're just friends.
39:32They make fun of me.
39:33Good night.
39:34Good night.
39:37I hope you don't get wrinkles.
39:39With how young I am.
39:42It's not fair.
39:47Good night.
40:17Good night.
40:41What happens to me?
40:47What happens to me?
40:49What happens to me?
41:16Are you looking for someone?
41:18I'm looking for someone.
41:20I'll ask you something.
41:21I was there that night.
41:23And I also have a beard.
41:25Why am I not on that list?
41:40Do you really want to know who Albatros is?
41:43I don't know.
41:48I don't know.
42:10I'm on my way.
42:11Cancel the project.
42:12I have a new idea.
42:18I'm on my way.
42:19Cancel the project.
42:20I have a new idea.