• letztes Jahr
Eine Frau ist felsenfest davon überzeugt, aus dem Schlafzimmer ihrer Wohnung in Manhattan heraus, von Aliens entführt worden zu sein. Mit ihrer Geschichte schafft sie einen der großen Mythen der Ufologie. Die Doku-Serie Die Alien-Entführung von Manhattan untersucht die mysteriöse Geschichte und versucht die Frage aller Fragen aufzuklären: Ist an der Geschichte etwas dran?


00:00They saw me hanging outside my window in a beam of light.
00:05There were 23 witnesses.
00:07I thought it was a movie, special effects.
00:10I don't know why they're keeping it from the public.
00:12But we're not alone.
00:14It would become the greatest abduction case ever seen.
00:20But was there any evidence that this thing had actually happened?
00:25I moved to Manhattan to make a film about alien abduction
00:29with my husband, Bud Hopkins.
00:31The existence of an extraordinary phenomenon
00:34demands an extraordinary investigation.
00:36Bud believed that she was very, very credible
00:39and the audience loved her.
00:41When people hear this, do they tell you you're nuts?
00:43I'll tell you, Jay, I wish I were psychotic.
00:45At least there's treatment for that.
00:47Linda is simply telling the truth. It's as easy as that.
00:50She was pulling the wool over Bud's eyes.
00:56How could she say the things she said
00:59after what my family and I went through?
01:02What do you want from me?
01:04One, we're going to end all this.
01:08Two, we're moving back now.
01:10You're not dying.
01:13Three, you'd have to be a sociopath or a genius
01:18to commit a hoax like this.
01:22To me, it began to seem almost too perfect.
01:25After a while, I started to get paranoid
01:28and not just about aliens.
01:31Keep coming.
01:33This is f***ing mind-blowing.
01:36How could Linda possibly be orchestrating this enormous hoax,
01:39if that's what it is?
01:41How do we know what's real?
01:43It's not easy to believe, let's face it.
01:46But these aliens, if they want you,
01:51they're going to get you.
01:55I will continue to ask questions, Linda.
01:59And I won't stop doing that.
02:01Bring it on.
