00:00Sarrafi Niavaran in London.
00:04The most valuable and the best price transfer.
00:11There were two problems that led to the theft.
00:16Unfortunately, the management of the team...
00:19First, they wanted to manage our team.
00:23With the conditions that have been created for the management of the team...
00:29What do you know about the management's problems?
00:31First of all, before this important and sensitive game...
00:36The manager himself can come and talk.
00:41First of all, there was no time at that time.
00:44They didn't choose the right time.
00:46So that Mr. Haqdoustou could write a letter to him.
00:49They told him to talk to Rahim.
00:52I don't know.
00:54He's hosting a competition.
00:56It wasn't right at all.
00:58We saw the result.
01:00I don't want to say that it was the result.
01:02But it doesn't have no effect.
01:04Everything in football, especially in the game, has a direct effect.
01:08The management...
01:10There was no connection between the staff and the manager.
01:14Yesterday, Mr. Samimi said that we have a disagreement with Samurabi.
01:20This disagreement hurts the independence team.
01:25It hurts the fans.
01:27Those fans who cry after the game...
01:29You have to be responsible.
01:31These cries are not respectable.
01:34You can't make good decisions for the fans.
01:37On the one hand, you see Javad and Kunam under pressure.
01:42You go and talk to the coach.
01:44You go abroad to look for a coach.
01:49This makes Samurabi and I go abroad to look for a coach.
01:54He's in charge of everything.
01:57You get stressed out.
01:59You get stressed out.
02:01You lose focus.
02:03The coach's personality goes down.
02:06When the coach is working, you go and talk to someone else.
02:10This doesn't create the right conditions for the team.
02:13And you can't play from there.
02:15After this game, you say that nothing has happened.
02:20This is not true.
02:22The fans are crying.
02:25Yesterday, I had a message from one of the fans.
02:29He said that his son had a breathing problem
02:33because of the stress of the game.
02:36This is not good.
02:38The fans were very cold-blooded yesterday.
02:41The manager was very cold-blooded.
02:43He said that he would support the team.
02:46Now, they have to talk to the fans in a different way.
02:50They have to be more open to the fans.
02:54The manager didn't apologize.
02:58He didn't talk to the fans.
03:01I think that this is a right.
03:04It's not a right to take money from someone and not return it.
03:08This team is very open.
03:11There is a lot of hope for the fans.
03:15They live with this team.
03:17The manager shouldn't be angry with the fans.
03:22Even in life, there is a lot of responsibility.
03:31Don't be tired.
03:33Don't be tired.
03:35What's up?
03:36I think he's hungry.
03:41I think he might be a little bit peckish.
03:44Take him to a nice restaurant.
03:47Put two sheep next to him.
03:49He won't get cold for a while.
03:52Learn from him.
03:54Remember the ingredients for the next tea.