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Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Ancient Supremacy Episode 48 Subtitle Indonesia
00:00《The Legend of Qingyang》
00:08《The Legend of Qingyang》Episode 1
00:14《The Legend of Qingyang》Episode 1
00:17天下竟未棋局 The world is yet to be decided
00:20赤子黑白不明一如此局 Black and white, one and all, like a game of chess
00:23我当先行 I will go first
00:40世人惶惶 谈名数 The world is in a panic, talking about the fate
00:44不知谁人执掌 天不光 自当洒他 仗剑狂戈 No one knows who is in charge, the sky is not bright, so he should be scattered and cut off his sword
00:55无宗龙马 足踏凌霄豪情 八千战天凌绝 白梦之巅 The five-legged dragon-horse gallops on the mountain, the eight thousand battles in the sky, the white dream in the sky
01:02水渐万箭 竟与我手一笔 勾划水月 此卷书轻重 A thousand swords in the water, a pen in my hand, I will draw the water and the moon, and write a love letter
01:11这一句 解迷途 谁能明悟 乱世众世陌入 落子在何处 龙吟染雪 赏与我 月是一痕 却不能辜负 This sentence, who can understand the secret of the world, where is the one who is lost in the troubled world? The dragon's shadow is still on the snow, the moon is a regret, but I can't fail
01:26藏剑 不逢天 自决绝 问剑心 陷入天 一人斩赤焰 龙腾月满而上 这一句 我伴此生天 The sword is buried in the wind and the sky is cut off, and the heart of the soul is cut into the sky, one person standing on the wings
01:33龙腾月满而上 这一句 我伴此生天 这一句 我伴此生天
02:03丹药殿开店了 快走 咱们该特别去过了丹涂泽雪 Let's go to the Dan Yao Dian. Let's go. We should go there and have a look.
02:11丹药殿果然不凡 省座大殿竟是以丹炉为人形建造 有趣 The Dan Yao Dian is really impressive. The main hall of the province is built with the Dan Lu as its core. It's interesting.
02:20林兄 果然是你 听说你已经从草木峰下来了 不曾想今日能在丹药殿碰见 Brother Lin, it's you. I heard that you came down from the grass. I didn't expect to meet you here today.
02:26王府兄还惦记着我 王家这条船看来稳得很呢 Brother Huangfu, you still care about me. It seems that the Wang family's ship is very stable.
02:30你不会还想着给王宁报仇吧 Don't you still want to avenge Wang Ning?
02:33林兄 别挖苦我了 当日游岸森林确实是我不对 Brother Lin, don't blame me. It was my fault that day in the Dark Forest.
02:36九星峥傍后 我也并未加入王衍的君子盟 After the Nine-Star Formation, I didn't join Wang Yan's Junzi Alliance.
02:40君子盟 他也配叫君子 Junzi Alliance? He doesn't deserve to be called a gentleman.
02:43林兄 抱歉 虽说我黄府世家在这帝都也能排得上号 Brother Lin, I'm sorry. Although the Huangfu family can rank well in this capital,
02:48但王家作为大秦四大世家之一 势力之大我无法招惹 当日也是无奈之举 the Wang family is one of the four great families of Qin. I couldn't provoke it because of my power.
02:54你斩杀王宁后 王衍鼓动王家祖老向我问责 After you killed Wang Ning, Wang Yan encouraged the Wang family to blame me.
02:57我父亲付出极大的代价才保住我 My father paid a great price to keep me alive.
03:00所以 你是在怪我吗 So are you blaming me?
03:03我绝无此意 I didn't mean that.
03:05其实那时候我已明白 在王家的眼里 我始终是王宁的一条狗 Actually, at that time, I understood that I was still Wang Ning's dog in the eyes of the Wang family.
03:10我不愿继续受王家所制 才没有加入君子盟 I didn't want to continue to be ruled by the Wang family, so I didn't join the Junzi Alliance.
03:13反观林兄你孤身一人 却敢挑战王家权威 我黄府竟鲜佩服 However, Brother Lin, you are alone and dare to challenge the Wang family's authority. I admire you.
03:18林兄 能否原谅我之前的鲁莽 Brother Lin, can you forgive me for being reckless before?
03:20我真心想结交林兄这位朋友 I really want to make friends with Brother Lin.
03:24哼 过去的就让他过去吧 Let bygones be bygones.
03:28我已得罪王家 如果你不怕王家报复牵连 我不介意多为朋友 I have offended the Wang family. If you are not afraid of the Wang family's revenge, I don't mind making more friends.
03:35林兄手快 你是第一次来丹药坊吧 Brother Lin, your hands are fast. Is this your first time to Danyao?
03:38我可是在这儿已经当了好几个月的丹徒了 I have been a monk here for several months.
03:41来来来 我带你逛逛 Come on, let me show you around.
03:43这货原来是这种性子 可无用还挺大 This is the kind of temper he has. But it's quite useful.
03:54是他 It's him.
03:56原来是柳大小姐啊 难怪 It's Miss Liu. No wonder.
03:59红虎兄 你认识他 Brother Hongfu, do you know him?
04:01林兄你不认识他 他可是草木蜂执事 Brother Lin, you don't know him? He is the director of the Grass Moth.
04:04而且在这外门可称得上一霸 身世险恶 And he is very well-known in the outside world.
04:08神策营你知道吧 大清帝国第一军团 Do you know Shen Ceying? He is the No.1 army of the Qing Dynasty.
04:11他的父亲便是神策营统领 His father is the commander of Shen Ceying.
04:14好大的背景 难怪能当上草木蜂执事 可恶 He has a big background. No wonder he can be the director of the Grass Moth.
04:19这位大小姐脾气出了名的暴戾 稍不顺心便会直接出手 She has a very bad temper. If she doesn't like him, she will attack him directly.
04:24在外门可没人能压得住他 No one can suppress her outside.
04:26对了 她旁边那位你可得注意点 人榜第三十六 君子盟王炎的头号打手叶刘云 By the way, you have to pay attention to the one next to her. He is the No.36. He is the No.36. He is the No.36.
04:30最近一直跟狗皮膏药一样黏着柳云 看来是王炎打算拉拢柳云 He has been sticking to Liu Yun like a dog's skin recently. It seems that Wang Yan is going to win Liu Yun over.
04:39不好 快走 哟 我还想是谁呢 这不是林师弟吗 一个卑贱的贱奴 攀附上洛家山走后门败入剑阁的废人 哟 怎么不见你的相好心眼呢 哟 嘴巴放干净点 上次第三鞭没打下去 你这是想让我给你虚伤 Why don't you say it clearly? You didn't fall down the third time last time. You want me to give you a break.
04:56虚伤 林兄 还得是你 牛 柳师妹稍安勿躁 此人正巧与王炎师兄有过节 交给我吧 那就劳烦炎师兄了 你尽管放心出手 这里由我担着 敢不从命 红虎兄 你若出手便是同盟会之间的矛盾 你我刚解开恩怨 不必如此 更何况我师姐说了 看不惯 打就对了 没必要躲在人后
05:24还真是符合星爷的作风 打 你有这个实力吗 不过是个半步玄关 得罪了王炎师兄不够 还敢以下犯上招惹柳师妹 你凌云是有几条命 师兄过奖 我凌云就一条命 深吸得很 可不会轻易当别人的狗 师兄的话就难说了 找死
05:55哼 有些实力 这炼体功法勉强能入我眼 可惜 还不够 荡风剑 风雀藏剑 玄境三重 不好 雷炎战蹄 破不开
06:15可惜啊凌云 要是你的实力有你嘴上功夫一半厉害 也不至于落到如此地步 叶师兄 你贸然出手击杀同门 不怕长老殿和洛家山问责吗 可笑 一个小小的皇甫世家也敢威胁我 放心 我不会杀他 毕竟剑阁炎镜同门之间伤人性 毁人根基 这不过是稍作惩戒罢了
06:41皇甫兄 不必担心
06:44哼 居然还有力气说话 看来我倒是小瞧你了 继玄 给我压
06:51寒门之剑宁折不弯 如你这般攀附权贵之人的剑艺 不配让我认输
07:11哼 怎么可能 你的剑艺尚未成型 居然有如此威力 你这剑法绝对不知玄机
07:21剑法的等级高低可代表不了什么 我的武当历经生死朝夕修炼 你得了命
07:33怎么回事 敢在丹药殿私斗 不知道炼丹师们还在上层炼丹吗
07:38要是因为林渊波动破坏了丹药 你们该当何罪
07:44胡执事 我也是见林师弟年轻有为 才起了切磋之意
07:49今日之事多有得罪 还请胡执事莫怪 君子魔王炎师兄托我向胡执事问好
07:55王炎公子倒是有心了 不愧是剑阁才俊 此事便算了
08:03叶公子陪同柳大小姐来此参观 我就不多作打扰 其他人都散了吧
08:11至于你嘛 又是你们落家山这帮刺头 看在心绝的份上 我就不和你们计较了 滚滚滚
08:32那个谁 叫林云是吧
08:38听说你刚从草木疯下来 想来丹药峰学习炼丹之术
08:43是的 弟子对丹药峰的规矩不甚熟悉 还请胡执事解惑
08:47想学习炼丹术 必须先申请成为丹徒 拜入炼丹师门下
08:53算你走运 现在丹药峰刚好就剩一位炼丹师手底下 丹徒名额未满 走吧 随我来
09:02林兄 你还真是来巧了 丹药峰炼丹师龙宫就那么县 没想到还有丹徒名额
09:08胡执事平日里虽然势利 但现在看来他人还挺好的
09:12指使 敢问是哪位炼丹师 我初来乍到不知有什么需要注意的吗
09:17等到了你就知道了 一会儿有礼数些
09:21对了 那位大师名唤枯木
09:36桃花依旧 故人如昨 关注一世独尊 光威光博 与我一起 共赴江湖 续写传奇
09:46上纵横小说 看大神之作 下载纵横小说app 解锁援助 最新剧情
09:54休息个火力 开始吧
10:00今天这丹算废了 便宜你小子了
10:03大师 剩下的交给我吧
10:05哥 你想做什么
10:07这是 过云雾
10:09是不是这丹徒惹的祸 你一句话 我立马让他滚蛋
10:15即日起 我督你执事之位 逐出丹阳峰
10:18记住 我等炼丹师不可辱
10:21凌云 希望你能喜欢我的礼物
10:25病人是很痛苦的 而我学医 就是为了减轻这种痛苦
10:30武医门根本是传说中的东西 更不要说 这么年轻的传人
10:35我叫叶不凡 别人救不了的 我都可以试试
10:51十年一梦 掉落红尘之中
11:08谈明书问天空 分别里匆匆
11:16生死与共 书写至深情浓
11:25怎论为恩怀富永 怜似苦涌
11:42注定万相逢 我非你一种
