• last year
(Adnkronos) - La sede di Bper Banca a Milano ha ospitato la presentazione del settimo rapporto annuale ‘Noi doniamo’, realizzato dall’Istituto italiano della donazione (Iid) in occasione del Giorno del dono che si celebra per legge il 4 ottobre. Il Giorno del dono 2024 è sostenuto da Bper Banca che, oltre ad ospitare l’evento, ha affiancato l’Istituto nella realizzazione dell’Osservatorio sul dono, costituito nel 2018 con l’obiettivo di condividere dati, analisi e tendenze con le imprese, l'opinione pubblica, i media e il terzo settore. Tre le tipologie di dono prese in considerazione dal rapporto: la donazione economica, quella di tempo e quella biologica.


00:00The economic donation, the time donation and the biological donation are the types of donations taken into consideration by the 7th Annual Report, We Donate, made by the Italian Institute of Donation on the occasion of Donation Day, which is celebrated by law on October 4th and presented in the headquarters of Biperbanca in Milan.
00:24The report describes the predisposition of the Italians regarding the topic of donation, the donation in all its aspects, the economic donation, the offers, the money that is given to the organizations, especially to the third sector, the time donation, the volunteering experience, the provision of people in the organizations and the biological donation, which means the donation of tissues, organs, blood.
00:52Today we present some data regarding 2024, the donation is an experience of relationship, a donation is linked above all to a topic of trust and therefore it is clear that compared to the economic topic, the trust that the donors have towards the organization is a central element precisely because this can grow and spread more and more.
01:17The two main data from the 7th Annual Report are a drop in donors towards non-profit organizations, which goes from 12.8% to 11% and an increase in direct donations to beneficiaries that are not intercepted by non-profit organizations.
01:33This means that there is a different outlook, which is evolving, which must be paid attention to and must be followed for a long time, so today we do not feel that the drop in donors is an element that should worry us, but it should be paid attention to, because over time the third sector must give more and more timely answers to the requests of the donors,
01:56so in terms of transparency, direct communication, these are all elements that today more than ever are felt by the Italian donor.
02:04The day of the donation is important not only for BIPER, but also for the whole system.
02:09It looks at the social economy as an articulated system, evolving, and therefore the observatory presented today provides many ideas to work from many points of view precisely in the improvement of the activities and the planning of those who work every day in the field of donation.
