Josh from Dream Body Clinic shares a tutorial on how to open old-school glass vials for medications like testosterone enanthate, injectable l-carnitine, and cerebrolysin. He demonstrates various techniques for breaking the vials safely and provides tips on handling potential concerns such as glass fragments. Josh also explains the process of filling a syringe and administering injections, offering insights for a smooth experience.
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00:00Hi, this is Josh at DreamBodyClinic, and today I'm going to show you how to open up one of
00:13these old school glass vials for medication.
00:17This is Bayeroprimointestin, it's testosterone enanthate.
00:20This is CardiSpam, this is injectable L-carnitine.
00:23We also have larger vials for the cerebroliacin.
00:26They all break the same way.
00:28There's a couple different ways to do it.
00:30I personally bought one of these on Amazon.
00:33This is my Dolphin bottle opener.
00:37And this edge, you can score it, then push it.
00:40And I'm going to show you how to do it if you don't have one of those.
00:42So let's start here with one of these.
00:45You'll see sometimes you get liquid stuck at the top there.
00:50So to get rid of that, boom, centrifugal force.
00:53Just kind of shake it down, or you can kind of tap it out.
00:58Sometimes you can make it worse.
00:59So I'm having a good day with this today.
01:03So that's kind of the problem when you get stuck in the top, because you're going to
01:05break the neck.
01:06So you don't necessarily want me there in the top.
01:09There we go.
01:10I let Tamir...
01:11There we go.
01:12See, now it broke.
01:13So we're good.
01:14So what we're going to do is, I always worry, oh, am I going to cut myself?
01:18Something like that.
01:19So you're going to grab it in your hand and then push the neck with your thumb.
01:23And you can do it just like that.
01:25I always feel like I'm going to cut myself.
01:27I always worry.
01:28So I wrap it in a piece of paper.
01:32Then I push and it snaps.
01:34No problem.
01:35Boom, there's the neck.
01:36Some people worry, oh, what if I'm going to get glass in there?
01:40Don't stress on that.
01:41I've been doing this for 11 years.
01:43Never had an issue.
01:44If you're that worried, you can buy online what are called filtered needles.
01:49But they always break real even.
01:51Never been an issue.
01:53So now for this one, we're going to use a five milliliter syringe to dry it out.
02:04And with that, take it and you dip in.
02:09And now, you just pull back and it's going to fill right up, no problem.
02:17Now this can dull the needle when you're doing this, so it's good to have extra tips available
02:22for after for the injection.
02:25So what I do is I'll put that back on there.
02:28Good to go.
02:30Get rid of the air.
02:32Don't stress the air thing.
02:34You would have to be in a vein and inject like gallons of air to create any sort of
02:39It's a big urban myth.
02:41So we've got that.
02:43And then I'm going to take my other tip here for the injection.
02:52And boom.
02:53I'm ready to go.
02:54So we're already filming this.
02:55So Equipit, let's just show you.
02:57I'm going to go into the glute.
02:59So I like to find an area by your hip, rotate back, think you're about in four quadrants,
03:05find that back section, sterilize the area.
03:10And then you just go in nice and slow and easy.
03:16No big deal.
03:17This is L-Carnitine.
03:18It can sting a little bit.
03:19It's not the most fun medication to inject, but testosterone doesn't sting at all.
03:25Cerebral Lyosin doesn't sting at all.
03:27With the Cerebral Lyosin, you're going to fill up two of these five milliliter syringes.
03:33And you're going to inject one just like this.
03:36And then the other one you're going to put in the refrigerator to use the next time.
03:39So that's how to use one of the old Classify Ampules.
03:42This is Josh.
03:43You can get a hold of me at www.DreamBody.Clinic.
03:47Happy to help.