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00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're taking
00:14a look at hidden secrets, references, and activities to partake in while playing Star
00:19Wars Outlaws.
00:25Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo
00:29Plays and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:34The Lars Homestead
00:42Upon learning that Tatooine is one of the planets featured in Star Wars Outlaws, one
00:45might be quick to ask, ooh, can we visit Luke's house?
00:49Short answer is yes, long answer is, uh, sort of.
00:57If you expected to encounter a young Luke Skywalker before he became a Jedi, well, that's
01:02mighty optimistic of you.
01:03No, Luke's house has long been torched by the Empire, and by the time you arrive, a
01:09couple of scavengers will tell you the place has already been looted.
01:12What they fail to tell you is that one container remains, but the lock is pretty difficult
01:18to pick.
01:19Think you can claim the last possession of the Lars Homestead?
01:25Arcade Games
01:34In our video about 10 Things to Know Before Playing the Game, we mentioned that Star Wars
01:38Outlaws has two games that can win you some money, but if you want to chill out with a
01:41different side activity, well, you might have missed a video game within a video game.
01:46Outlaws hides a few arcade cabinets across the galaxy, and they are all designed in the
01:51style of games from the late 1970s, wireframes and all.
02:04Though you won't get any kind of reward to aid you in your jobs, earning a high score
02:07in any one of these games will net you a trophy or achievement.
02:16The Scarif Cover-Up
02:26While exploring the planet Akiva, Kae comes across a group of rebels being held in a prison
02:32and finds one of them recognizes her.
02:34The man, Asara, explains to Kae that he joined the rebels as a means to avenge his sister
02:40after she was killed during a mission on Scarif.
02:47Surprisingly, Kae admits to never even hearing about this event, to which Asara reveals that
02:52the events of the movie Rogue One were all covered up by the Empire.
03:00The only ones who really know about the events that took place on Scarif are the ones who
03:04were directly affected.
03:06Nyx, Play Dead
03:11You will find all sorts of activities to do with Nyx as you recruit the hands you need
03:15for your heist.
03:16Eat local food, assault guards, commit breaking and entering, and when you want a little target
03:22practice, Nyx might be a good way to practice assuming you won't actually pull the trigger
03:27on him.
03:28Please don't do that.
03:29He's adorable.
03:30We need to protect him.
03:35Hover your reticle over him long enough, though, and Nyx will pretend as if you shot him.
03:40And hey, if you didn't find four ways to make Nyx happy to unlock one of his early
03:44abilities, this will count towards that.
03:47You're welcome.
03:50Syndicate Vaults
03:58If you've been too focused on the main story and haven't done much for side missions
04:01and collectibles, you might want to take a break from the story and at least go for
04:07Syndicate Vaults.
04:08Each of the four syndicates have vaults to break into on various planets.
04:13Problem is that each vault will be heavily guarded.
04:16Assuming you have a good reputation with one syndicate, you might be able to walk around
04:19the outskirts of where the vault might be.
04:26However, you will most likely have to find your own way to break in without being seen,
04:34regardless of how well into the syndicate you are.
04:38And before you do that, you will have to hunt down a set of key cards to access them.
04:44Trust us, finding these can be worth your while.
04:53The Cursed Booth
04:54Okay, one more Tatooine-related reference.
05:01Back in Mos Eisley, head over to the cantina sometime after you run in with one of the
05:06key story characters.
05:08Close to the entrance, you might hear two characters arguing about a booth.
05:22One of them believes one particular booth to be cursed as anybody who has ever sat there
05:28has been shot.
05:29While that may be true, we can think of one smuggler who used the mystical powers of CGI
05:35to avoid certain death.
05:36So maybe the pilot is right and it's just another dumb superstition her friend made
05:42Who's to say?
05:51The Separatist War
06:02On Kijimi, K and ND5 can have an exchange while trying to break into an Amiga territory
06:08of the city.
06:09ND5 mentions how he fought in the Separatist War, which is a very, very specific thing
06:14to mention.
06:24In a previous video, we explained how the Separatist War was an event that took place
06:28in Star Wars The Old Republic on a planet called Ord Mantell after their government
06:33sided with the Empire.
06:41A few commenters pointed out how that may not be the case and how droids refer to the
06:45Clone Wars as the Separatist War.
06:48We'll let you decide on how to take ND5's comment, as it could really be either or.
07:02A Strange Visit from a Familiar Face
07:12Later on in the story, one troubling event leads you to infiltrating Jabba the Hutt's
07:17palace, and there are a ton of Gamorrean guards keeping the place on lockdown.
07:24But while crawling in one of the vents, you might catch a recognizable adversary in one
07:29of the rooms.
07:35Boba Fett?
07:36What in the world is he doing here?
07:38Well, it isn't long before you get your answer.
07:41Looks like he just got back from the Carbonite Chambers, and he's bagged himself a pretty
07:45big target.
07:50Was there a juicy secret you stumbled across while exploring the galaxy?
07:54Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great
07:58videos every day.