• last year
It started as a satirical Facebook event, and ended with people actually showing up at Area 51 in alien costumes.

Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/rv6-4Ng1ug4

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00:00We will have much more from the tiny community of Rachel Maddick at the security.
00:04It's been five years since people tried to flash mob and Naruto run into the American
00:08military airbase Area 51. In 2019, three anonymous Facebook users with the most ridiculous usernames
00:14ever created the satirical Facebook event page, Storm Area 51 They Can't Stop All of Us. It seemed
00:20like an innocent joke. What could go wrong? No one would actually do that, right? Wrong. The goal was
00:25simple. Charge Area 51 and see aliens. What were they hiding in there? A bunch of little green men
00:30running around? Maybe a decommissioned UFO? Who knows? Within 72 hours of listing that Facebook
00:35event, the page suddenly took off. The event ended up with almost 2 million RSVPs. It was so big,
00:40Facebook tried to remove the event and silence it. People were worried it was actually going
00:44to happen. This probably made people want to do it more. Once the event day came around,
00:48people actually went. The news was there covering it. You could see people Naruto running,
00:52unfortunately, the mad lads actually did it. Did they find aliens? No,
00:55of course not. But maybe the aliens were the friends we made up, you know, that catchphrase.
