• last year
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02:00I was waiting for you.
02:03Oh, have you got the financials?
02:05I'll do some small changes.
02:07You can check if you like.
02:10Very well, I'll check the schedule.
02:12Ah, investments and passive ACTS.
02:16Exactly what I thought.
02:18If we manage he IRT Holding's selection campaign
02:21our interest will increase.
02:24IRT Holding?
02:26Shh, be quiet.
02:27Mr Hello, do you think it possible?
02:29Yes, but between us.
02:33What are you saying?
02:34Mr. Aziz tried for years to convince them.
02:37How did you do it?
02:39Well, I have my own methods, you know.
02:42I can't believe it, Mr. Emre.
02:45The possibility of getting them is crazy.
02:47It's a very prestigious company.
02:49Then they'll follow you many more.
02:51It's incredible.
02:52Okay, but keep it a secret.
02:54Yes, Mr. Emre.
02:57I'm sorry.
02:59There's something else that must stay between us.
03:02I think you deserve to run this company.
03:06Thank you, Leila.
03:08I promised you something and I didn't forget it.
03:10Are you coming to eat with me?
03:12What do you say?
03:13With pleasure.
03:15But now?
03:16Yes, I'll go get the car.
03:17I'll see you in front of the building.
03:19Very well, Mr. Emre.
03:22I'll see you there.
03:36She's so pretty.
03:42Nihat, go to the store.
03:44We have to continue with the plan.
03:46Thank you all very much.
03:48You did an excellent job.
03:49I have to go to the store.
03:50Very well.
03:51Take care and if you need anything,
03:54just let me know.
03:55Come here for a moment, dear.
03:57I can't, Mom.
03:58Come on, come here.
03:59Come on.
04:03We're proud of you, dear.
04:05Thank you, Mom.
04:06Take this and put it in your pocket.
04:08Shut up, dear.
04:09Don't do something like that again behind our backs.
04:10Take it.
04:11And don't talk to each other again.
04:15Oh, done.
04:16I found this dress in the store.
04:19You know about the budget.
04:20What do you think? Do you like it?
04:21Yes, I like it.
04:22Try to find some necklaces from the 80s.
04:24They can be a little exaggerated.
04:26We'll choose them when the actresses arrive.
04:28Okay, go ahead.
04:29I trust you.
04:31Sanem, the advertising industry is very animated.
04:35Yes, very colorful.
04:36And Mr. Chan is in that medium, right?
04:40In fact, it doesn't seem like he belongs in that world.
04:43He's more natural, Mom.
04:44More natural?
04:46I have my doubts.
04:47How about his girlfriend with long legs?
04:50He broke up with the girl with long legs.
04:53I think he likes more natural girls.
04:55That's what I think.
04:56I don't agree with you, daughter.
04:58I think he's a womanizer who can't be trusted.
05:01A man who likes exuberant girls
05:04to show off and give the impression of being powerful.
05:06No, Mr. Chan is not like that.
05:08He would give you the reason if you were talking about Mr. Emre.
05:10You can't trust him.
05:11But Mr. Chan is different.
05:13He wouldn't even look at four naked girls, I assure you.
05:16He loves nature. That's what he's looking for.
05:18So he wouldn't look at four girls with long legs?
05:20Wow, it seems that's exactly what they sent him to bring.
05:24What are you waiting for?
05:57She's Deren, our boss.
05:58It's not true.
05:59Good luck, daughter.
06:01What's going on?
06:02What happened?
06:03The truth is that we really want to work with you.
06:07I think your dream has come true.
06:09Deren, Mr. Chan, you can come. It's urgent.
06:11What's going on?
06:16And those girls are not suitable.
06:18We're going to start shooting. Don't be ridiculous.
06:21You said everything would be as I imagined it.
06:23And those girls are not good enough for the ad.
06:26Because they're too tall.
06:28It's obvious they're models.
06:30And very sophisticated.
06:31There are no girls like that in these neighborhoods.
06:33It's not possible.
06:34It's not possible.
06:36It's not possible.
06:37I'm the boss.
06:39Yes, I'm the boss.
06:41I'm JJ. Say my name.
06:43Say my name all together, JJ.
06:46You're pretty.
06:47And very tall.
06:49Ahan, can you come here?
06:51Our average height is clear.
06:53This is the type of girl in our neighborhood.
06:55Look at her. Look at Ahan.
06:57And now look at those girls.
06:59We'll put it on that side.
07:01The difference is obvious.
07:04Tell me, Mr. Chan. Tell me.
07:06They're the girls you chose.
07:09Are you making fun of me?
07:12Tanem, you chose the delivery.
07:15And how were you going to see?
07:16Look at the photos.
07:17They look like normal girls.
07:18Those photos are misleading.
07:20How could I imagine that they're so different in person?
07:22How could you see it?
07:23Well, you had to make an effort and read all their data.
07:26There they have the height and weight of all the girls.
07:28Come on, we have to finish with these.
07:30You're doing this very long and heavy.
07:32We're tired and we want to finish soon.
07:35JJ, that's my girl.
07:37Ah, and yours.
07:39Ah, we're talking about work, Ahan.
07:41What are you doing in my area of work?
07:43We're talking about business.
07:45Tanem said to come.
07:46Then go with her.
07:47What are you doing here?
07:48This has nothing to do with my ideal.
07:50That's the point.
07:51If you think I'm jealous, you're wrong.
07:53Those girls don't even talk in the car.
07:55They don't work.
07:56Yes, you're capricious.
07:58Yes, what?
08:00Oh, sorry.
08:01I was talking to these girls and I hadn't heard you, Deren.
08:03Take them to makeup and hairstyle.
08:05Ahan, come with me.
08:06Of course.
08:08What happened?
08:09Can you find four girls from the neighborhood?
08:11Of course I can find them.
08:12Very good.
08:13I'll tell you my plan.
08:14Come on.
08:15¿Nos sentamos ahí?
08:16Sí, claro.
08:23Es muy amable.
08:24Señor Emre.
08:32Aquí tienen.
08:33Buenas tardes.
08:34Muchas gracias.
08:37Señor Emre, este lugar es muy elegante.
08:39¿Cuánto tiene?
08:40¿Cuánto tiene?
08:41¿Cuánto tiene?
08:42¿Cuánto tiene?
08:43¿Cuánto tiene?
08:44Es muy elegante.
08:45Cuando dijo que quería comer una ensalada,
08:47pensé que sería algo más simple.
08:49No, solo sirven ensaladas, pero son muy buenas.
08:51El otro día te envié una.
08:52¿No te gustó?
08:53Señor Emre, en realidad no pude probarla ese día.
08:56Cuando la trajeron, ya había comido.
08:58Se veía deliciosa, así que decidí guardarla para después.
09:02Señor Emre, no llamemos la atención.
09:04Bien, todo está listo.
09:07Es mejor que no nos vean juntos.
09:11Bien, estaré esperando noticias.
09:13Será lo antes posible.
09:15Que tenga un buen día, señorita.
09:17Gracias, adiós.
09:21Ya podemos ordenar.
09:24Sí, de acuerdo.
09:35Oye, Melat.
09:37Estas chicas me van a dar muchos problemas.
09:39Quiero que hagas lo que sea para que queden horribles.
09:43Lo que sea, pero que queden mal.
09:44No lo escuchaste de mí.
09:46No te preocupes.
09:47Es un juego de niños para mí.
09:49Este es tu anuncio y todo saldrá como tú lo quieres.
09:52El maquillaje es de los ochentas.
09:55Labios verdes y párpados azules.
09:57No te diré más.
09:58Tú ya sabes qué hacer, Melat.
09:59No te preocupes.
10:00Yo me encargo de todo.
10:01Verás que todo sale bien.
10:02Muy bien.
10:04Señor Dan.
10:05La ciudad es maravillosa.
10:06Tengo todo bajo control.
10:09¿Por dónde empiezo contigo, cariño?
10:11Memet, me gusta mucho esta maleta.
10:13¿Podemos colocarla por ahí?
10:15¿Por ahí?
10:16Sí, está bien.
10:18Pero, ¿qué diablos?
10:19¿De quién es este auto?
10:21¿No dejaron un número telefónico?
10:24Si no vas a comprarlo, no lo toques.
10:26No me gustaría que le hicieras un rayón por accidente.
10:28Es mejor que te alejes de él.
10:30Uy, ¿otra vez tú?
10:31Vete de aquí.
10:32No estás haciendo más que molestarme.
10:34Sí, soy yo otra vez.
10:35Estamos rodando un anuncio para la ciudad.
10:38Sí, soy yo otra vez.
10:40Estamos rodando un anuncio.
10:41¿Acaso conoces al dueño de este auto?
10:43Pues se parece mucho al mío, pero no estoy seguro.
10:45Podemos probar.
10:46Tal vez es el mío.
10:48No estoy seguro.
10:49Lo siento mucho.
10:50Por lo que entendí en esta charla, este auto es tuyo.
10:54Por favor, llévatelo.
10:57Tienes muy mal carácter, hermana, ¿eh?
10:59Confías mucho en ti misma.
11:00¿De dónde sacas esa autoestima?
11:02Yo te lo dije antes.
11:03No me llames hermana.
11:04¿Lo ves?
11:05Estás haciéndome gritar otra vez.
11:06Habrá un rodaje en esta calle,
11:08y todo lo que hay por aquí tiene que parecer de los años 80.
11:12Así que súbete a este auto tan maravilloso y moderno,
11:16sácalo ahora mismo y llévatelo de aquí.
11:18Ya entiendo.
11:19Me contaste muy bien la historia.
11:20Harán una grabación sobre los años 80.
11:22Ya hay que mover este auto, pero ¿a quién le molesta el auto?
11:25A mí no me molesta.
11:26Si a ti te estorba, yo puedo ayudarte, pero no será fácil.
11:28No tiene gasolina.
11:29Necesitamos gente para poder moverlo.
11:31Y perderé el tiempo haciéndolo.
11:33Además, el tiempo que tarda en estacionarlo en otro sitio
11:35y todo eso hay que pagarlo.
11:37Un hombre tan grande como tú haciendo todo esto por dinero.
11:41Ay, me das tanta lástima.
11:43Aquí tienes.
11:45¿Por esta cantidad?
11:46Ni siquiera enciéndonos limpia para brisas.
11:49Pero lo acepto como un adelanto del pago.
11:51No te preocupes, yo te ayudaré.
11:5210,000 liras y te resuelvo el problema.
11:54¿10,000 liras?
11:56Me pregunto si alguna vez en tu vida has visto tanto dinero.
11:59Junto, devuélvelo.
12:02¿Sabes qué voy a hacer?
12:04Voy a llamar a la policía.
12:06Eres un sinvergüenza, oportunista y un charlatán.
12:10No podrás conmigo.
12:11Conozco a los de tu calaña.
12:13Cuidado con lo que dices.
12:15Si no me pagas el dinero, será mejor que te largues de aquí.
12:20Lárgate o de lo contrario te vas a arrepentir.
12:29No entiendes nada, Osman.
12:31¡Chacal, lárgate ya!
12:34Ese hombre no es de nuestro vecindario.
12:36Es un oportunista.
12:38Te agradezco la ayuda.
12:48Señor Emre, no me malinterprete, pero tengo que preguntarle algo.
12:52¿Qué había en ese sobre?
12:54Lo que estás pensando.
12:56La llave para acceder a YRT Holding.
13:00Estoy muy sorprendida.
13:02El soborno es algo que...
13:05No digas eso.
13:07Perdone, es que no puedo creerlo.
13:10El señor así se estaba en contra de esas cosas.
13:13Mi padre no está aquí, ¿no lo sabías?
13:16Hago todo lo necesario por este negocio.
13:18Si tengo que ocultártelo, quizá no debería ser mi asistente.
13:22¿El señor ya lo sabe?
13:25Solo hay tres personas que conocen nuestro secreto.
13:27Tú, yo y ese hombre.
13:28Y confío mucho en ti, Leyla.
13:30No traiciones mi confianza, ¿de acuerdo?
13:33Por supuesto.
13:38¿Por eso vinimos a este lugar, señor Emre?
13:41Claro que sí, Leyla. ¿Cuál es el problema?
13:43No pasa nada.
13:45No pasa nada.
13:48Confío en ti, solo no le digas a Can.
13:51Ya sabe que yo jamás he revelado su secreto, señor Emre.
13:55Por eso eres la única de la agencia en la que puedo confiar.
13:59¿No comiste tu ensalada?
14:01No tengo mucho apetito, señor Emre.
14:04Si quiere, podemos irnos cuando usted termine.
14:07Está bien.
14:08Mejor no llamemos la atención de la gente.
14:10¿Me puede traer la cuenta?
14:18No estoy segura de hacer esto.
14:20No, solo concéntrate.
14:22No estás poniendo atención a los detalles, Anem.
14:24Zanem, dime, ¿te sirven estas maletas?
14:27De acuerdo, Yeye, me gustan.
14:30Ah, bien.
14:32Yeye, ¿por qué arrojas esas maletas?
14:34Es que me estaban pesando mucho y ya las recogí.
14:37Hay otras más antiguas y más bonitas por ahí.
14:39Iré a buscarlas, Yeye.
14:40Ahí viene el señor Can.
14:41Sí, vamos.
14:47¿Quieres que comamos en las rocas junto al mar?
14:57¿Lo ves, Nihat?
14:59Sí, ya lo veo, Mevkive.
15:01No te preocupes, ahora es mi turno.
15:03Déjamelo a mí.
15:10¡Ahora voy, papá!
15:12Ven un momento, hija.
15:20Estoy muy molesto.
15:22No me gusta lo que ya han hecho.
15:24Estoy muy molesto.
15:26No me gusta lo que Yan está haciendo en nuestro vecindario.
15:28Si quiere divertirse con esas chicas, puede irse a otra parte.
15:32No lo has entendido, papá.
15:34Las chicas no están aquí para divertirse.
15:36No sé qué decirte.
15:37Lo vi acercarse mucho a una de ellas.
15:39La estaba abrazando.
15:40¿El señor Yan?
15:41Sí, estoy completamente seguro que era él.
15:43Claro que sí.
15:45Disculpa, pero creo que te equivocas.
15:48No, no me he equivocado.
15:50Además, Yan ya no me queda tan bien.
15:53Es un barrio decente.
15:55Es mejor que mantengas tu distancia con él.
15:58Hablo en serio.
15:59Mantente alejada.
16:00Es mi jefe.
16:01Siempre mantengo mi distancia.
16:02Claro, así tiene que ser, hija.
16:04Debe haber una distancia entre una empleada y su jefe.
16:06¿No te parece?
16:09Te estoy hablando.
16:10¿Por qué te lo digo?
16:11Porque es tu vecindario donde naciste y creciste.
16:13Deberías actuar con un poco más de modestia.
16:16Papá, ni siquiera lo miro a la cara.
16:18Tampoco me acerco a él a menos que sea necesario.
16:21Ojalá no hubiera traído a esas chicas aquí.
16:24No te preocupes, papá.
16:26Pronto se irán.
16:27¿Qué pasa, chicas?
16:29No, no, no, no, no, no.
16:32¿Qué es esto?
16:33No, es lindo.
16:34No es la moda.
16:35No es la moda.
16:36No es la moda.
16:38Es de los 80.
16:40Todo el mundo se peinaba hacia atrás.
16:43Te vas a ver muy bien.
16:44Mira, ven.
16:45Te vas a ver bien.
16:46Chicas, por favor, no se vayan.
16:49Te vas a ver muy bien.
16:51Vengan acá.
16:53No se vayan.
16:54Se ven bien.
16:55¿Qué está ocurriendo?
16:56Vengan, chicas.
16:57¿Qué pasa?
16:58No se vayan.
17:00¿Qué pasa?
17:01¿Qué es eso?
17:03Oye, Melat.
17:04¿Qué pasa?
17:05¿Qué pasa?
17:07No se vayan.
17:08Tú me dijiste que las peinara y maquillara al estilo
17:09de los 80, y eso fue lo que hice.
17:10Ay, es todo un desastre.
17:11Me va a dar un infarto, Melat.
17:12¿Qué es lo que le has hecho?
17:13Solo cumplí a órdenes.
17:14Esto es un desastre.
17:15¿Y ahora qué hacemos?
17:16Mi intuición me dice que tuviste algo que ver.
17:17Señor Jan, ¿cómo puede decir que tuve algo que ver en esto?
17:18¿Vio el cabello de esas chicas?
17:19Cancelemos el rodaje.
17:20¡Las chicas se fueron!
17:21Este es uno de esos momentos en la vida que me pregunto
17:22por qué no dejo este trabajo.
17:23Cálmate, Deren.
17:24Seguro Zanem tiene una solución.
17:25¿Podemos utilizar algunas chicas de la oficina y del vecindario?
17:26Pero el cabello, el maquillaje, la maquillaje,
17:27la maquillaje, la maquillaje, la maquillaje,
17:28la maquillaje, la maquillaje, la maquillaje,
17:29la maquillaje, la maquillaje, la maquillaje,
17:30y la ropa deberían ser igual,
17:44colorido, llamativo, y exagerado.
17:48No se preocupe, yo me encargo.
17:53Between those girls from your neighborhood,
17:55pick the ones from our agency that you want to participate in.
17:58And if any of them say no,
17:59you tell them it's an order from Miss...
18:03Whomever I want?
18:04That's right.
18:13I hope you're well.
18:15Yes, we're fine, thank you.
18:17Do you need anything?
18:18No, thank you.
18:19You should be very proud of Sanem.
18:21Yes, of course, we are.
18:23We love Sanem very much.
18:25She's a truly unparalleled girl.
18:27Those who don't know how to appreciate her
18:29miss out on something very important.
18:31Yes, I know, Sanem is exceptional.
18:33She is to me, too.
18:35Can I have a bottle of water?
18:37Of course, go ahead.
18:40Do you think he loves her, too?
18:42But how am I going to know that, woman?
18:44I don't understand young people these days.
18:46Are we going to ask Sanem?
18:48What will you ask Sanem?
18:50How did she manage to get so far
18:52after being raised in a neighborhood
18:54as humble as ours?
18:56Now she writes scripts and things like that.
19:31Give the suitcases to our actresses.
19:33Come on, start rolling.
19:36Let's film!
19:46Three, two, one, action!
19:58She grew up so fast, didn't she?
21:09It was a good day, wasn't it?
21:10Yes, it was a good day.
21:19And Mr. Jan?
21:20How am I going to know?
21:22I'm not his boss.
21:23He's my boss.
21:24I can't know where he is.
21:26Why are you looking at me like that?
21:32Where is Mr. Jan?
21:44In the dock.
21:45No, not in the dock.
21:50In the park.
21:51In the escapade.
21:52In the furniture.
21:53In the morgue.
21:54In the...
21:55In the trial.
21:56In the dock.
21:58Yes, that's it.
21:59In the dock.
22:19Hey, slow down.
22:21Very good, Bravo.
22:24You know,
22:25everyone looked at me a little weird when I was walking this way.
22:28Maybe it's because of the hairstyle,
22:30the makeup,
22:31and the clothes.
22:32Yeah, maybe.
22:33You look great, you know?
22:34Yeah, I think so.
22:35Let's both dance.
22:37Let's see how you dance.
22:39Oh, I feel so happy.
22:41You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.
22:46Don't overdo it.
22:47Your parents treat me strangely.
22:49You should talk to them and maybe tell them, huh?
22:51For now...
22:52No, I can't tell them.
22:54It's true that there are some misunderstandings,
22:56but I'll talk to them.
22:58Are you happy with the shoot?
22:59Yes, very.
23:01I'm having a wonderful day,
23:03and it's all thanks to you.
23:10There they are, Meskiveh.
23:12Run, run, run.
23:13What's wrong?
23:14What's wrong with you?
23:16Mr. Jan!
23:18How is it possible?
23:19What a shame!
23:20What a scandal!
23:21It's my neighborhood.
23:22How could he bring those models and behave like that?
23:25Those tall, thin girls.
23:27I find it incredible.
23:28Very insulting.
23:29Hey, what's going on here?
23:31Are you okay?
23:32Oh, dad.
23:33What's wrong?
23:34Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
23:35I don't know. Very strange things.
23:36Like what?
23:37It's not easy to explain.
23:38And well?
23:39It's very complicated.
23:40What do you mean?
23:41Well, everything is upside down.
23:44I don't know what to say.
23:46Meskiveh, why are you looking at me like that?
23:51Your cheek, cheek, cheek.
23:53Right there.
24:03Mr. Jan.
24:04I can't believe it.
24:05I found him kissing one of the models.
24:07It's none of your business.
24:08He can do whatever he wants.
24:09And it's none of your business.
24:10Why are you yelling at him?
24:11I saw the model kissing Mr. Jan.
24:13And I'm from this neighborhood.
24:15And I wrote the script for the ad.
24:17I'm ashamed.
24:18What is all this madness?
24:19What are you making up?
24:22Let's go.
24:23Come on.
24:24You should be ashamed of him.
24:25Why did he do it, huh?
24:26This neighborhood is a decent place.
24:28The truth is that I can't understand it.
24:30Meskiveh, they get along like dogs and cats.
24:32These two are not in love.
24:35They were about to kill each other.
24:36Now I feel calmer.
24:38Sanem, come with us.
24:39I'm coming now.
24:40Give me a minute.
24:41Sanem, what was all that nonsense?
24:43You made a fool of me in front of your parents.
24:45I had to improvise.
24:46They'll probably punish me for being rude to my boss.
24:50But it's okay.
24:51See you tomorrow.
24:53I'm coming!
24:54Oh, my God.
24:55I've never seen anything like it.
24:57I'm very embarrassed.
24:59If you want to have fun like this,
25:01do it in another place, not in our neighborhood.
25:04This is a respectable place.
25:06Go to your neighborhood to do that filth.
25:09We're done.
25:11Listen, the shoot is over.
25:13Thank you all very much.
25:14And please leave the neighborhood as clean as you can.
25:17Yeye, take care of that.
25:18Yes, Mr. Yande.
25:24We haven't talked.
25:27I'd rather not talk to you, Ayhan.
25:31I don't know.
25:32I don't know.
25:33I don't know.
25:34I don't know.
25:35I don't know.
25:36I'd rather not talk to you, Ayhan.
25:39Are you running away from me?
25:40Let's just say something like that.
25:42Well, I'm sorry about you.
25:43I mean it.
25:44You can't escape what we have.
25:48Don't look at me like that.
25:49That way you look more comfortable.
25:51I'm leaving.
25:54I bring her dead.
25:59What are you doing?
26:01It's a wonderful day.
26:03Don't you think?
26:05You look very happy today.
26:07Yes, I am.
26:10Today I paid all my debts.
26:13The ring?
26:14Did you sell it?
26:16Emre gave me the money.
26:17The ring is here.
26:19I have other plans for him, you know?
26:23For example, compromise with Emre?
26:27Emre is not ready for that yet.
26:30I'm going to tell him a different plan I have for the ring.
26:33Thanks to my idea, I'm going to compromise with Emre.
26:37And I'll get rid of an obstacle in my path.
26:41What do you mean by an obstacle?
26:44Someone who interferes in my plan to take over Fikri Arikam.
26:47Aylin, you're a very dangerous woman.
26:50Lonely people always are.
26:52Because they don't really have anyone to trust.
26:56What do you mean you're alone?
26:57Aren't we friends?
26:58No, don't be silly.
26:59Of course we're friends.
27:01Can we go now?
27:04Excuse me.
27:06Can you bring us the bill?
27:12I forgot my wallet.
27:14I'll pay.
27:31Good evening.
27:42How are you, Osman?
27:43Fine, and you?
27:44You look tired.
27:45I had a bad day.
27:47What are you doing?
27:48Is it closing?
27:49Yes, I was picking up.
27:52I'll sit here to rest a little,
27:54and then we can go to the pier to have some tea and chat for a while.
28:00I promised Gülis I'd see her tonight, Leyla.
28:02If you had told me before.
28:06No problem, it will be another day.
28:08Say hello to Gülis, will you?
28:10Next time.
28:11Yes, good night.
28:19Say hello to your parents.
28:21Of course I will.
28:37Honey, that's enough. Stop worrying.
28:39Eat a little.
28:41The plan is very simple.
28:42You'll go with Can to Sanem's neighborhood,
28:44and there you'll talk to Melat.
28:46Maybe you'll ask Osman.
28:47That way, Can will find out about Sanem's lies.
28:50It's very easy.
28:51It's simple.
28:52Aylin, I understand.
28:55Let's not talk about it.
28:56And by the way, I forgot my purse at Polen's party.
28:59My wallet was inside.
29:01Can we go get it?
29:03Yes, of course.
29:04We'll go at the end.
29:05If it doesn't rain.
29:47Hi, honey.
30:07Good morning.
30:08Good morning.
30:09I have an important quesion.
30:10I'll take a shower and I'll pick you up.
30:13It would be better if you didn't come back to the neighborhood.
30:16Then, I'll see you at my house.
30:19Right away.
30:20I'll be there for sure.
30:23See you later.
30:27What do you mean right away? You have to get ready!
30:31So now, in front of your parents, I've become a strange guy.
30:36A man who likes to go out with models and eat raw meat.
30:39A kind of playboy.
30:43Do you think it's funny?
30:44What can I do? I can't tell them the truth.
30:48I'll talk to your mother, because all that is nonsense.
30:51No, wait.
30:53I'll talk to her.
30:55Give me some time, will you?
31:00That girl...
31:01What am I going to do with you?
31:04I'm always causing you trouble, aren't I?
31:08Your crepes are delicious.
31:10Really? Enjoy.
31:16Good morning.
31:17Good morning.
31:18Enjoy. Thank you very much.
31:24The other night, I forgot my bag here and I came to pick it up.
31:29I found Emre at the door.
31:32We're going to have a meeting,
31:34but Mr. Yan said we couldn't work with an empty stomach,
31:37so he made breakfast.
31:41We have a lot of crepes. Sit down.
31:43No, we have to...
31:44Yes, yes, I love crepes.
31:48I'm going to sit here.
31:51Do you want me to make you a coffee?
31:54And I'll bring your bag.
31:55I appreciate it.
31:56Sanem, I loved the shoot we did yesterday.
32:00I became an actress in an instant.
32:03Thank you very much for agreeing to act, Miss Aylin.
32:06It was a pleasure.
32:07Hey, Yan, Sanem is a very talented girl.
32:10You have to value her.
32:11I could take her to my agency for a while.
32:15Sanem is free to work wherever she wants.
32:17Thank you, Miss Aylin.
32:29Your coffee and your bag.
32:31Emre, take my plate. I just ate. It's clean.
32:38Do you have a sugar substitute?
32:40I might have one in my bag.
32:47Oh, it can't be. My lipstick.
32:59I'm sorry.
33:29I'm sorry.
33:41This is not your engagement ring.
33:43I'm sorry.
33:57Wait a minute, Emre.
33:59Sanem, is this your ring?
34:06Yes, it's mine.
34:07What's in your bag?
34:10Sanem, I asked you a very simple question.
34:12Tell me, what's your ring doing in Aylin's bag?
34:15Explain it to me.
34:20Yan, we bought it.
34:26I saw Sanem in the camp and I liked it a lot.
34:29Emre found out where he had bought it.
34:31It's a very special design.
34:33And since Sanem is no longer with Osman...
34:36Why didn't you tell me?
34:38Why didn't you tell me anything about this?
34:41I have to go, Mr. Yan.
34:43Wait a minute. Where are you going, Sanem?
34:45Why did you sell the ring? Why did you buy it?
34:47It's just that we...
34:48Let me explain.
34:50Emre bought it from Osman to...
34:56ask me to marry him.
34:59We're engaged.
35:02Why didn't you tell me?
35:04We wanted it to be a surprise.
35:06We asked Sanem not to tell you anything.
35:12Are you engaged?
35:14Yes, that's right.
35:20Thank you very much.
35:22I hope you're not angry.
35:24We wanted it to be a surprise.
35:28Nobody knows yet.
35:30Don't worry. Here.
35:33Well, congratulations.
35:37I'm sorry. I have to go. Goodbye.
35:39Where are you going, Sanem?
35:41I forgot to tell my mother that I would help her. Goodbye.
35:44Wait, don't go. Sanem, wait, Sanem.
35:46Yan, wait.
35:48Yan, let me talk to her.
35:50The poor thing is very hurt.
35:52You were hard on her.
35:54Let's talk about...
35:56Let's talk about...
35:58woman to woman, okay?
36:02Hurry up, she's gone.
36:04I'm going.
36:06You're engaged.
36:08And you didn't tell me anything.
36:10I don't understand why so much secrecy.
36:13We haven't confirmed anything.
36:15We just talked about it yesterday.
36:17And Aylin got excited.
36:20Besides, I think she's right.
36:23I think I should have told you, don't you think?
36:36Sanem, wait!
36:46What do you want?
36:49I wanted to apologize for what happened.
36:53Why do you always get me into your dirty games?
36:56Sanem, please calm down.
36:58I don't know if you knew, but that ring was mine.
37:00Emre gave it to me as a commitment.
37:02When I saw you with the ring in the camp,
37:04I thought there was something between Emre and you.
37:07We argued and he swore there was nothing between you.
37:09I didn't believe him.
37:11I asked him to give it back to me to prove it.
37:13That was all.
37:15Why didn't he tell the truth?
37:17Why did he say they bought it from Osman instead of saying it was his?
37:20Emre told me you'd never been engaged.
37:23And that he gave you the ring to help you.
37:26He told me no one knew it was all a lie.
37:29So I made up that story so Jan wouldn't know.
37:34Of course.
37:36I'm sorry to involve you in this lie,
37:38but I assure you I did it only to protect you.
37:41Are you still angry?
37:43Not at all.
37:45Just with myself.
37:47I'm trapped in a sea of lies.
37:50But why did you make up that story?
37:52How did you get that ring?
37:54Why did you tell everyone you were engaged and it wasn't true?
37:58Emre only told me it was your secret.
38:01I made a mistake and Mr. Jan took his folder.
38:06Yes, I told him.
38:07I'm no good for this.
38:08I ruined everything.
38:10Sanem, calm down.
38:11Go to my house.
38:12Your house?
38:21What are you doing here?
38:22Why are you at my house at this hour?
38:24Tell me everything.
38:25I threw Mr. Emre's coffee in his bag.
38:28So I took it to the...
38:29to the dye shop.
38:30But I forgot something in one of the pockets.
38:33And I thought they had already brought it home.
38:35So without thinking, I decided to come get it.
38:39You say there's something in your bag that belongs to you,
38:41isn't that right?
38:42Yes, exactly.
38:52Are you engaged?
38:55Yes, it's mine.
39:01I can't tell you.
39:04It's okay, it doesn't matter.
39:07So, you really don't want to tell me?
39:12So, are you really engaged?
39:15Emre still doesn't know, but yes.
39:19Well, congratulations, Aileen.
39:21And I thank you for wanting to protect me.
39:24It was nothing.
39:25Sanem, I like you a lot.
39:27I hope we can be friends.
39:29Please, don't be sad.
39:32Come on, let's go home.
39:35No, I'd rather be alone now.
39:37I'll walk.
39:39Very well.
39:41You know you can count on me for anything.
39:44Thank you very much.
39:46See you.
40:02Why haven't they come back?
40:03I'll go get them, okay?
40:05Brother, Sanem is not to blame, okay?
40:08Don't worry.
40:09No, it's my fault, I know.
40:11I don't deny it.
40:13When I'm a little calmer, I want to talk to her.
40:16Because when she's angry, she doesn't reason.
40:22And by the way, how's everything going?
40:25Well, good, very good.
40:28Seriously, I'm going to call her.
40:33She hung up.
40:35Well, maybe things don't go so well.
40:37I don't know.
40:38Sometimes it's hard for me to understand Sanem.
40:41I'm going to talk to her.
40:45Jan, I talked to Sanem.
40:50She prefers not to come back.
40:52Of course.
40:53She doesn't want to come back.
40:55She is quite stubborn.
40:57I'm going to change and I'm going to talk to her.
41:00See you later.
41:01She's like you.
41:05What a story you told them.
41:12You're lying about Sanem.
41:14And besides, we're engaged.
41:17What did you want me to do, Emre?
41:19I dropped the ring from my purse.
41:21Did you want me to tell her that Sanem was here on purpose to steal the documents?
41:25Shut up, Aylin.
41:27You understand me.
41:29I understand you perfectly.
41:31I know you better than you think.
41:33You feel trapped and you don't want to commit.
41:40You surprised me.
41:42And I wasn't ready.
41:44And I'm not ready to wear the same ring as Sanem.
41:47But sometimes you have to make sacrifices for love.
41:50Aylin, I'm sorry.
41:54We have to celebrate.
41:56An incredible engagement party.
41:58I agree.
41:59Come here.
