Blade 2012 Episode 5 – Claws and Blades Full Episode

  • 2 days ago
In Blade 2012 Episode 5, titled "Claws and Blades," the ultimate showdown begins as Blade takes on a deadly new foe armed with vicious claws and unmatched strength. As the vampire hunter faces a brutal battle against this savage opponent, the stakes are higher than ever. With intense combat and shocking twists, this episode promises non-stop action and thrilling moments. Can Blade outfight his powerful adversary, or will this be his toughest challenge yet? Watch now to find out!


00:00This hellhole is crawling with every form of lowlife. Human and vampire. Figures Deacon Frost's trail will lead me here.
00:12So this is Madripoor. Doesn't seem that bad. Kind of picturesque, really.
00:20I think someone just got shot.
00:22He's not the first and he won't be the last. That's how they settle arguments around here.
00:29Okay. You sure you want to be flashing all that hardware around for anyone to see?
00:36That's the whole point. There's no law here. No police. Nothing. It's kill or be killed.
00:54Same old, same old.
00:58I really hate this place.
01:01What the hell's going on here?
01:03Just another day in Madripoor.
01:05Well, sounds like someone means business.
01:08Yeah, but it's none of our business.
01:12You do take me to the nicest places.
01:21You're dead!
01:27I got him!
01:38Deacon Frost sent you?
01:40I never thought I'd find you working for A.I.M.
01:43What are you talking about?
01:47Hang on. The boss said nothing about the guy with the claws.
01:50Oh, what do we do now?
01:52Seems like they're after you.
01:54Seems like.
01:55Take them both out!
02:04Well, what do you think?
02:06Now they ain't worth it.
02:09Hey! Wait for us!
02:11Who are they?
02:13Local boys. Vipers gang, probably.
02:18So what brings you here, Blade?
02:20What brings me anywhere?
02:22Still hunting vampires, huh?
02:24I should have guessed.
02:26I'm on the trail of Deacon Frost.
02:29And what are you doing here, Logan?
02:31So I take it you two know each other?
02:33Yeah. Blade and me, we go way back.
02:36Hey, nice moves, by the way, toots.
02:39The name's Makoto, okay?
02:41Mine's Logan.
02:43So what's up, Blade? Starting to get old?
02:47You need a sidekick?
02:49You should try it.
02:52Anyone who would put up with me is no one I want to be around.
03:18There. Perfect, aren't they?
03:21Told you I'm the best there is.
03:23Wasn't easy. Silver's a real bitch to work with.
03:27Especially on this scale of production.
03:30You've got enough of these puppies to start a vampire civil war.
03:34Oh, I forgot. That's exactly what you're aiming to do, isn't it?
03:38Forget that. Why did they try to kill Blade?
03:41That was not the deal.
03:43Forget that. Why did they try to kill Blade?
03:46That was not the deal.
03:48Then it's lucky for us they missed, huh?
03:50Some of the boys got a little excited, don't worry.
03:53Tell your boss that next time they'll take him alive.
03:56Look, I know what our deal is, Sergei.
03:59I can't believe he's dealing with you at all.
04:02I told him from the beginning it was a mistake to do our business with a low-life human like you.
04:07Listen, you bloodsucking worm.
04:10Who cares what you think? You're just a flunky with fangs.
04:14This deal's between Deacon Frost and me.
04:17He promised to put me on top.
04:19By the time this is done, I'm gonna be running this whole damn island and you'll still be a lackey.
04:30I think you're forgetting what kind of ammo we just finished making.
04:36That's right, Tiger. You better holster those fangs.
04:39Because I don't think your dental plan covers silver fillings.
04:49No reason we can't get along.
04:52After all, we both play for the same team, right?
04:56Mr. Frost thought it might be useful to help you deal with a Daywalker.
05:02It's called a Polong.
05:04A vampire native to Malaysia.
05:07One little drop of your blood and you'll have yourself a very powerful weapon.
05:12One that will obey your every command.
05:14But remember, we want Blade alive.
05:17So no more mistakes.
05:21Roger, big guy.
05:25Creepy-looking thing.
05:27But who cares?
05:29Whatever it takes to get me out of here and up there.
05:32Can't wait to see what the view's like from the Dragon Palace.
05:47What's wrong, Toots? Not hungry?
05:51Go on, eat something. You need your strength.
05:54What is it?
06:03Personally, I like a meal that puts up a fight.
06:08That's good.
06:10You sure you're not hungry?
06:12I wouldn't give this crap to my dog.
06:16So, what are you doing here?
06:19I'm on the trail of a group of scientists called AIM.
06:22Advanced Idea Mechanics.
06:24A fancy name for what's really just a bunch of murderous thugs.
06:28No wonder they're in Manderpore.
06:30They fit right in.
06:32Damn right.
06:34They fit right in.
06:36Damn right.
06:38Every shady outfit in the world is represented here.
06:41It's the world capital of crime.
06:44But of all of them, these guys are the worst.
06:47They want everything, and they'll stop at nothing.
06:51More to the point, they helped take someone very special away from me.
06:56For that, they're gonna pay.
07:00Find out anything?
07:04That gang's definitely working for Frost.
07:07I trailed them back to their hideout.
07:09Some kind of munitions plant.
07:11They're turning black market silver into ammo.
07:14A lot of ammo.
07:16It can mean only one thing.
07:18Existence is declaring open war on the High Council.
07:21So, what's the problem?
07:23I say, sit back and enjoy the show.
07:27Just one question, Blade.
07:29What's that?
07:31What's she really doing here?
07:36Hey, hold on, sideburns. What are you getting at?
07:41I just want to know the setup here.
07:44What's she to you?
07:46I don't know what you mean.
07:48Yeah, you do.
07:50He and I are a team. You got a problem with that?
07:53Yeah, I'm just not buying the whole sidekick thing.
07:57Would you just shut up?
07:59Come on, Blade.
08:01The two of you got something going on I should know about?
08:04We work together.
08:07It's nothing more than that.
08:13Looks like someone disagrees with you.
08:15Shut up!
08:17Listen, kid.
08:19If you got something you wanna say to us...
08:21That's enough, Bill.
08:22Leave the room.
08:23You have more important things to discuss.
08:24I'll leave the room.
08:26I'm just saying, you two might wanna figure out where this relationship's going.
08:29Don't make me...
08:30Shut up!
08:34Remember, leave Blade to me.
08:37You touch him, you die. Got it?
08:39Got it.
08:47I'm almost there.
08:49One more step and I'll be out of this hellhole,
08:52and way up there right where I belong.
08:55I'll have this whole stinkin' island dancin' to my tune for a change.
09:04Okay, ugly.
09:06Come on and show me what you can do.
09:19Come on.
09:35My God.
09:36I got myself an army.
09:48Man, that serum really puts his body through hell, doesn't it?
09:54Is it like this every time?
09:56More or less.
09:59Yep, I know what it's like to fight your own nature.
10:02Trust me, I've had plenty of experience.
10:05He didn't tell you I'm a mutant?
10:10Yeah, I usually get that kind of reaction.
10:13The price of being gifted.
10:15Still, there was a time, once...
10:20I didn't really mean all that crap I was giving you before.
10:24Stick with him.
10:25You're good for Blade.
10:26Even I can see that.
10:30I try to help.
10:32I... I do what I can.
10:38Spend your whole life alone?
10:41That's a terrible thing.
10:44He needs you, kid.
10:46More than he even knows.
10:54What's that smell?
10:56Don't move, kid.
10:57What's going on?
10:59Why'd the electricity just go off?
11:01Don't know.
11:02I doubt it was a coincidence.
11:04We've got ourselves a visitor.
11:18Well, what are they waiting for?
11:20A freaking invitation?
11:21Give me a break.
11:22Quiet, Makoto.
11:36Lucius Isaac.
11:37What's the High Council's lackey doing here?
11:40I got this, boss.
11:42This pure-blood fop must not know who I am.
11:46Or maybe he's forgotten about the Ubir clan and our special gift.
11:51How we can turn our bodies into organic steel.
11:55How no weapon on Earth or in Hell can hurt us.
12:19What are they?
12:25They're not alone.
12:28You deal with the bloodsuckers.
12:30Leave the humans to me.
12:47Yo, Baldi!
12:50You're in Viper Gang territory.
12:52Know what that means?
12:54By all rights, you should end up sleeping face down in the harbor.
12:58But I guess this is your lucky day.
13:01Frost wants me to take you alive.
13:04But then come to think of it, maybe lucky's not the right word.
13:09Considering what he's got in mind for you.
13:14Why would a human be helping vampires?
13:17Why the hell not?
13:18He gets what he wants, I get what I want.
13:21I get control of Madripoor and for that I do business with the devil himself.
13:26And you believe him?
13:28Promises from vampires are worth less than nothing.
13:31Yeah, well, figures you'd say something like that.
13:34Anyway, you're a half-vampire yourself.
13:37Should I trust you?
13:56Well, well.
13:58Look at this.
14:00There's enough ammunition here to wipe out the High Council five times over.
14:04We can't have that, can we?
14:06Still, I admit there's part of me that would enjoy watching him try to pull it off.
14:24That's right, punks.
14:28Keep coming!
14:49Frost wants you alive.
14:51But I don't think he'd mind if I cut you up a little.
14:54You don't know what a fool you're being, little man.
14:57Shut the hell up.
14:59I've had enough out of you.
15:01When did you lose every shred of what it means to be human?
15:05Who would willingly betray his own kind and sell his soul to the darkness?
15:09You're looking at him.
15:11So you can save your breath, okay?
15:14I don't need some lecture from a half-breed freak!
15:19The plant!
15:29My whole weapons plant.
15:34It's gone.
15:35There's nothing left.
15:42You did this, didn't you?
15:49I don't give a damn what Deacon Frost wants. You're dead!
15:55I thought he'd never shut up.
16:02Humans really don't know when to stop talking.
16:05Sometimes they need help.
16:07Well then, don't I even get a thank you?
16:14What are you doing here?
16:16What are you doing here?
16:18Some bad news.
16:20Much as I would have personally enjoyed watching you and Frost have it out,
16:24the High Council, in its infinite wisdom,
16:28has decided that the party must come to an end.
16:32Frost needs your blood to accomplish his plan, so...
16:36I have been ordered to eliminate you,
16:39thereby killing two birds with one stone.
16:42Easier said than done.
16:47Come on.
16:49Don't make this harder than it needs to be!
16:54I promise I'll be fair.
16:56No! Don't make promises you can't keep.
17:02It's time to say goodbye.
17:09No, I don't think so, pretty boy.
17:12You filthy mutant swine!
17:47Defeat it!
17:49By a human and a half-breed!
17:51Guess we humans aren't as easy to kill as you thought, huh?
17:56You stinkin' bloodsucker!
17:59You idiots! You think by killing me you've won?
18:02All you've done is assure Deacon Frost victory.
18:06No one can stop him now!
18:08He'll destroy you all!
18:10Every one of you!
18:17So much for him.
18:22Now I'll do you.
18:24I don't think so. Don't be stupid.
18:29Damn you!
18:31Everything was fine until you freaks came along.
18:35I could have had it all.
18:37It's not fair.
18:39All I want is my shot.
18:41Everybody gets their shot, don't they?
18:43Just a chance. Is that too much to ask?
18:50Man, I bet the view's beautiful from up there.
19:07Well, here's where we part ways.
19:10I've still got those punks I aimed to deal with.
19:13Never thought I'd say this, but it was nice working with you.
19:17Likewise, kid.
19:19You keep an eye out, huh, Razor?
19:22Look, vampires aren't really my thing, but I got some intel that might be useful.
19:27Something's going down in Vietnam, and from the sound of it, it might be these Existence guys.
19:32Thanks. We'll check it out.
19:34Oh, yeah. There's one more thing.
19:37Word is, this group's got a mutant like me working for them.
19:41And if it's true, you better watch your back.
19:45Well, so long. Drop me a postcard when you get a chance.
19:49I don't do postcards.
19:51Of course you don't. You take care.
19:55You too, Wolverine.
